GONTENTS ,Ch.Detatk PNEFACE Paget 16. DaSAS(FEr.I]ODSI OF PLANETS 505 ' Vimsottari, Attottsrl' Shodasottari, Paochottari, lhbbdt&r, Chaturshitisama,Dwiraptatisama, Shasti' , bayani,Shotttlslr$igaoa' Kalachakra,Chara, Sthira, KCndts,Brahmgraha Mandook, Yogardha, Shoola, Drig, Rasi,Panchswara, Yogini, Naisargik, Pinda' S"odhyr, Alhtavargpr Pachaka,Tara Das88and illustrationsand llhntrativecharts showing the Dase Psrlodr. ' 47, EFFECflSOF DASAS 576 Generalprinciples, cffoctg of the Darer of the Sun' thc Moon, Mrn, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn' Mcrcury' Kctu rad Vonus in thc Yimsottari Dasa System' Auspiclousncsrand inaurpiciousnessof efrectsaccor- dini to Otgnitia,indiinitics, otrength and phccmcntr of Planetsin thc birth cbart. .48, DISTINCTIVEEFFECTS OF THE NAKSHATRA DASA OR THE DASASOF THE LORDS OF (YIMSHOTTARIDASA' OF YARIOUSHOASES Jto of tbe Dasasof the lords of thc- t, Effects i*tldllj' the 2nd,thc 3rd, the 4tb' the 5th, thc 6th, the 7th' tho 8th, thc fth, tho loth, the I lth and the l2th houses. Spocial conments on the inauspiciousncec and auspiciousncsof thc Dasasof the lords of tho 6th, thc 8th and thc l2th-the tbreebad bousesof a birth chart. FFlT 494 according to dignities and indignitics, strength and dispositionof the Antardasalords with roference to the Ascendantand the lord of the Dasa. Remedial measuresto ward off the evil effects of the Antar- . dasas. gI. EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASAS IN THE DAS.4 OF SATURN 691 Effectsof the Antardasasof Saturn,Mercury, Ketu, Yenus,the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter accor- ding to dignities and indignities, strength and disposition of tlre Antardasa lords with reference to the Ascendantand the lord of the Dasa. Remedial measuresto ward off the evil effects of the Antar- dasas. 58.EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASASIN THE DASA OF MERCURY 745 Effectsof the Antardasasof Mercury, Ketu, Venus. the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Saturrr accordingto dignities,indignities, strength and dis- positionof the Antardasalords with referenceto the Ascendantand the lord of the Dasa. Remedial measuresto ward off the evil effectsof the Antar. dasas. 59. EFFECTS OF THE ANTARDASAS IN THE DAS.7 OF KETA 717 Effectsof the Antardasas of Ketu, Venus,the Sun the Moon, Mars, Rahu,Jupiter, Saturn and Mercur-v in accordancewith the dignities,indignities, strength and dispositionof the Antardasalords with reference to the Asccndantand lord of the Dasa, Remedial measuresto rvard off the evil effects of the Antar- dasa. 492 49. EFFECTS OFTHE KALACHAKRA DASA 59s Effectsof the Dasa of rasisowned by the Sun, the .Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,Venus and Saturn. The effectsof Dasason the basis of the Navamsa of eachrasi. 50. EFFECTS OF TIIE CHARA ETC, DASAS 603 Generalprinciples in regardto the judgment of the effectsof the Dasa rasis according to the strength of their lords, disposition of malefics and benefics with referenceto the Dasa rasi at birth and at the time of the commencementof the Dasa, Badhaka housesfor the Moveable, Fixed and Dual rasisand their influenceon the effectsof the Dasa. Effectsof the Dasaof a planet in an inimical rasi, effectsof Dasa rasisdepending on their conditions. 51. WORKING OUT OF ANTARDASAS . OF PLANETS AND RI.S/S IN VIMSOTTARI ET'C. DASA SYSTEMS 6r8 Method of calculationof Antardasasof planetsunder the Vimsottari, Chara and Kendra Dasa etc. Method of calculation of Antardasasof rasis and the order of tlreir Antardasas, Illustration and Illustrative charts, table of Antardasasof planets under the VimsottariSi,stem. Method of calculation of Antardasasof raris under the Kala Chakra Dasa system. 52. EFFECTS OFTHE ANTARDASAS IN THE DASA OF THE SUN ACCORDING TO VIMSOTTARI DASA SYSTEM 627 Effectsof the Antardasasof the Sun,the Moon, Mars Rahu,Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus, auspiciousand inauspiciouseffects according to the dignitiesand indignities,strength and dispositionof the Antardasalord with referenceto the Ascendant and the lord of the Dasa. 493 Rcmedialmeasures to ward off the evil cffier:$of ths Antardasas. 53.EFFECTSOFTHE ANTARDASAS IN THE DASA OF THE tr,IOON 639 Effectsof the Antardasasof the Moon, U"r.. iutru, Jupiter,Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venusand the Sun accordingto dignities and indignities, strengthand dispositionsof the Antardasa lord with referenceto the Ascendantand the lord of the Dasa. Remedial measuresto obtain relief from the evil effectsof the Antardasas. 54.EFFECTSOF THE ANTARDASASIN THE DASA OF MARS 65r Effects of the Antardasas of Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, the Sun and the Moon according to dignities and indignities, suength and disposition of the Antardasalords with references to the Ascendantand the lord of the Dasa.Rpmedial ileasures to obtain relief from the eyil effoctsof the Antardasas. .55. EFFECTS IN THE ANTARDASA^SOF RAHU 6g Effectsof the Antardasas of Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, the Sun, the Moon and Mars accordingto dignitie and indignities,strength and dispositions,ofthe Antardasa lords with refe- renceto the Aec€ndant and the lord of the Dasa. Remedial measuresto obtain relief from the evil effectsof Antardasas. 56. EFFECTSOF THE ANTARDASAS OF JUPITER EIE Effectsof the Antrdasasof Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury' Ketu, Venus,the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Rahu in 495 @, EFFECTS OF TTTEANTARDASAS IN THE DASA OF''ENAS NO Effectsof the Antardasas of Venus, the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Meniury and Ketu accordingto dignities and indignities, strength and dispositi6nof the Antardasalords with refcrence to the Ascendantand the lord of the Dasa. Remedial rneasuresto ward off the evil effectsof the Antar. dasas. 61, EFFECTS OF PRATYANTAR DASAS IN THE ANTARDASAS OF PLANETS 712 Method of calculation of the Pratyantar Dasa with an example. Effectsof the Pratyantar Dasa of the nine planets in the Antardasas of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. Tables showingperiods of all Pratyantar Dasasfor ready reference. 62, EFFECTS OF THE SOOKSHMANTAR DASAS IN THE PRATYANTARDASAS OF THETIARIOUS PLANETS 770 Method of calculation of the Sookshma Dasa in tbe Pratyantar Dasa of Planetswith an example. Effects of the SookshmaDasa in the Pratyantar Dasa of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. 63, EFFECTS OF PRANA DASAS INTHE SOOKSHMA' DASA OF THE VARTOUSPLINETS ?85 Method of calculationof prana Dasa of planets with an example. Effects of the prana Dasasin the SookshmaDasas of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu Jupiter,Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. 496 64.EFFECTS OT THE ANTARDASAS IN THE KALACHAKRA DASA 799 Method of calculation of the Antardasasof rasis in the Dasaof a rasi under the Kala Chakra Dasa system with an example and tables showing the ,{ntardasasof the rasisowned br vorious' planetsin the Amsasof all rasis. 65.EFFECTSOF DASASOF R. SISIN ARIESAMSA 835 Effectsof Dasas of rasisin Aries, Taurus,Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,Aquarius aud PiscesAmsas' 66. ,4SHTAKAVARGA 842 l.mportance,sginificance and utility of the Ashtaka' varga schemeto correctly assessthe effectsof a birth chart for the purposeof making prediction. Defini' tion of Karanaand Sthana. r'(dots) lnauspiciousplaces marked by bindus from the Sun,the Moon, Mars, Mercury,Jupiter, Venus, Saturnand the Ascendant.The Auspicious places the Sun, the Moon, , rnarkedby rekhas(lines) from ' Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Ascendant.Illustrative charts for all the planets' 67. TNKONA SODHANA (RECTIFICATION) IN THE ASHTAKAVARCA SCHEME 867 Necessity for Trikona rectification' Method of rloingthe rcctification.Illustrative charts of Ashtaka- , rurgut of all the eight planets (including tbe Asc-endant)with bindui (dots) and rekhas (lines) markedin them accordingto the prescribed rules' lllustration(with an illustration chart) of carrying out the trikona rectificatio[ in tbe Ashtakavargasof the Sunetc. 497 E AST'IT A KA' 68.EK A D !! I P'4TT'A SH OD HA N A I A' TIT VARCA SCHEME 875 Rules for carrying ollt tbe [kadhipatya recti' planets ticationin the Ashtakuvargasof the various incltrdingtheAscendant_Illustratiortwitl.rillustra. tivc chart. 69, PINDA SADTIANA IN THE .4SIITAKAV'ARGA 87I SCTIET,IE by l{ethod of doir:g Pintla Sadhaua explained illustrativecharts and clarilicatiotts' 8gI 70. EFFECTSOF THE ASTIT'AKAV'4RG.1 The mattersto be cousicleredfronr the planets' ' of a Procedureto bc adopted to ascertairrthe effects house. Determinationof the cffects advclse or favourabf lism tlre Sun's Ashtakavargacircumstances lcadlp to the Arishtato father. Favourable)'agas lortatnq' t{e Indications about the suitabilityof pmiodsfor performanceof auspiciousfunctions' Effects of thc unfavour' i4oon', Ashtakavarga-Inclications about fuuctions' ;;i" perioclsfor terforming auspicious trikona- unfavourablc effects to the motlter' of Ef.uJt,iputvo Sodbana Chakra and illustration PindaSadhana' Effectsof the Aslttakavarga of Mars-Indications to the about favourabte or uufavourable effccts Chakra t rottt"r, Trikona and Eka<lhipatyaSodhana with illrrstration' fff..rt of Mcrcury's Ashtakavarga-Indications aboutfaVuurarbleeffectslbrfamily'rnaternaluncle end friends, Trikona and Ekqdhipatya Sodhana Chakra with illustration' and Effects of -tupiter's Ashtakavarga' favourable unfavourablecffectsinregardtoknowledge'religious inclinationsand progeny' Trikona and Ekadhipatya SodhanaChakra with illustration' 498 Efectsof { the Ashtakavargaof Venus_favourable and unfavourabte effectsi" r*;;; weatrh,tand, happiness,marriage,_married life, wife etc.. andEka dhi patua Trikona sodhan"Cn.lr:"'*f
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