March 17, 1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 5047 SENATE-Monday, March·17, 1986 (Legislative day of Monday, M_arch 10, 1986> The Senate met at 12 noon on the The legislative clerk read the follow- Mr. SYMMS thereupon assumed the expiration of the recess, and was ing letter: chair as Acting President pro tempore. called to order by Hon. STEVEN D. U.S. SENATE, SYMMs, a Senator from the State of PREsIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Idaho. Washington, DC, March 17, 1986. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. To the Senate: TOMORROW Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ APPOINTMENT OF ACTING pore. The Senate stands adjourned PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE hereby appoint the Honorable STEVEN D. SYIDls, a Senator from the State of Idaho, until 10 a.m. tomorrow. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to perform the duties of the Chair. Thereupon, at 12 o'clock and 27 sec­ clerk will please read a communication STROM TlluRMOND, onds p.m., the Senate adjourned until to the Senate from the President pro President pro tempore. Tuesday, March 18, 1986, at 10 a.m. tempore CMr. THuRMoNDl. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 5048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 17, 1986 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, March 17, 1986 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. BOLAND. Mr. Speaker, I can taining the Jesuit tradition of higher The SPEAKER. Today the Speaker think of no better way for the House education. has the very pleasant task of introduc­ of Representatives to begin its session When Father Monan came to ing the guest Chaplain, who is a dear on St. Patrick's Day than with a Boston College a few short years ago, friend. He is the Reverend J. Donald prayer offered by a priest of Irish her­ the university was at a critical turning Monan, S.J., President, Boston Col­ itage. point with serious financial problems lege, Boston, MA. Today, we are honored to have with and an uncertain future. The Reverend J. Donald Monan, us someone who fits that description Under his leadership, Boston College S.J., President, Boston College, and much more. J. Donald Monan, regained financial stability, expanded Boston, MA, offered the following S.J., is both a respected member of the the physical plant, including the addi­ prayer: clergy and, as president of Boston Col­ tion of a multimillion-dollar library God our Father, on this St. Patrick's lege, one of this Nation's preeminent and established nationally recognized Day we ask Your blessing on the Mem­ educators. Father Monan's academic academic programs in arts and sci­ bers of this august body. background and field of expertise is in ences, management, education, and On March 17, 1776, British General metaphysics. Given the votes that will nursing. Howe evacuated Boston Harbor. Conti­ occur in this House in a few days, per­ Father Monan's service also ex­ nental forces the night before had as­ haps it was providential that a person tended beyond Boston College. He has sembled canons with their barrels with that intellectual specialty would served in leadership positions in na­ pointed menacingly at the harbor. provide the words to begin our week. tional education organizations, includ­ During that night before March 17, Father Monan came to Washington ing a term as president of the National the password of the Continental today to take part in the observance of Association of Independent Colleges troops was the words "Saint Patrick." the 50th year of public service of a and Universities; and during the racial As Patrick was invoked in the patri­ famous graduate of Boston College, difficulties experienced by the Boston otic struggle from which our Nation our Speaker, THOMAS P. O'NEILL, JR. I Public School System, Father Monan was born, his own history, first as a know I am not betraying any confi­ served as chairman of a group of col­ youth held captive by the pagan Irish dences when I mention that Father lege presidents helping the community and later the apostle that brought Monan's stewardship of BC since 1972, through this difficult period. For me, them the gift of faith, makes him the has been a particular source of pride Father Monan is more than a great unexcelled saint of reconciliation. to the Speaker and all those who love administrator, he is a good friend and In this solemn Chamber it is that distinguished university. And an invaluable resource. As an alumnus through Patrick, then, as the saint of what's more, we were proud, even of Boston College and Boston College reconciliation, that we seek God's before the Doug Flutie to Gerard Law School, it's a distinct honor to blessing that in the troubled regions Phelan touchdown pass in Miami in have Father Monan with us today-es­ of our world-in once shining Leba­ 1984. pecially on St. Patrick's Day. non, and in southern Africa, in our be­ Under Father Monan's leadership, loved Philippines, and in the green BC has prospered both academically hills and cobbled streets of all Ire­ and physically. The university's stu­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE land-there at last, and soon, be recon­ dent body has increased steadily and, A message from the Senate by Mr. ciliation and peace and forgiveness at better than 14,000, it stands today Hallen, one of its clerks, announced and mutual respect and the love that as the Nation's largest Catholic col­ that the Senate agrees to the report of befits one family under our common lege. With a distinguished and dedicat­ the committee of conference on the Father. ed faculty, and a physical plant which disagreeing votes of the two Houses on And mindful that on this St. Pat­ Father Monan has modernized to the amendment of the Senate to the rick's evening, we celebrate in mirth assure that it can meet the needs of bill <H.R. 2453 > "An act to amend the and music and friendship sincere, the both teachers and students, Boston Older Americans Act of 1965 to in­ 50 illustrious years of public service of College stands ready to meet the chal­ crease the amounts authorized to be our distinguished Speaker, we thank lenge of educating the new generation appropriated for fiscal years 1985, You for him; and we ask Your contin­ of America's leaders. 1986, and 1987 for commodity distribu­ uous blessing upon him and upon this Mr. Speaker, I join you in welcoming tion, and for other purposes." revered body that he loves so dearly. Father Monan to the House this The message also announced that Amen. morning. We are honored by his pres­ the Senate had passed bills of the fol­ ence, and by his words. lowing titles, in which the concurrence THE JOURNAL of the House is requested: FATHER J. DONALD MONAN S. 98. An act for the relief of Cirilo Raagas The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ Costa and Wilma Raagas Costa; amined the Journal of the last day's <Mr. CONTE asked and was given S. 129. An act for the relief of Therese proceedings and announces to the permission to address the House for 1 Nyuwirpoupele Kpoda; House his approval thereof. minute.> S. 197. An act for the relief of Elga Bouil­ Pursuant to clause l, rule I, the Mr. CONTE. Mr. Speaker, today's liant-Linet; Journal stands approved. prayer was offered by one of this S. 257. An act for the relief of William Vo­ country's most distinguished universi­ Jislav Rankovic, Stanislava Rankovic, hus­ ty administrators. band and wife; and William Rankovic, CEAD MILLE FAILTE, FATHER Father J. Donald Monan has been Junior, and Natalie Rankovic, their chil­ MONAN dren; president of Boston College since 1972, S. 331. An act for the relief of Panivong <Mr. BOLAND asked and was given and throughout his administration, Norindr and Panisouk Norindr; permission to address the House for 1 Boston College has enhanced its status S. 343. An act for the relief of Hyong Cha minute.> as a national university while main- Kim Kay; D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter. set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 17, 1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5049 S. 345. An act for relief of Nabil Yaldo; future of this hemisphere could be far­ just 1 year. And this is with the cover­ S. 381. An act for relief of Mishleen Earle; reaching. S. 462. An act for relief of Barbara Crisp, age being cut in half, from $5.5 million Sean Anthony Crisp, and Andrea Leech; The vote will be a test of our resolve to $2.5 million. S. 832. An act for relief of Bassam S. Bel­ to stand firm against communism, This is a company that has been in many; and against terrorism, and against drug business for over 20 years and employs S. 1046. An act for relief of Kok Djen Su trafficking. The Sandinista leaders are some 34 people. Small business just and Grace Su, husband and wife. hard core Marxist-Leninists. This is cannot afford cost increases like that. The message also announced that clear from their own statements as I am sure that each one of the Mem­ pursuant to Public Law 93-29, as well as from their actions. However, bers in this Chamber has similar expe­ amended by Public Law 98-459, the the threat their regime poses to their riences.
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