March 25-April 3, 2012

March 25-April 3, 2012

March 25-April 3, 2012 WINNERS & STAFF PICKS see page 16 FEC@E<K?@JN<<BFECP JXm\,,Xk 9fe`ccXËjJXcfeJgX I\e\n\[Jg`i`kJgXXe[ ?fck?X`iEX`cj *GCTV$GCVU j\\gX^\. UGGRCIG 2 City Pulse • March 28, 2012 Creating: Community. Other Available Properties ADDRESS PROPERTY INFORMATION PRICE 533 Denver 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 888 Sq. Ft. 66,500 2029 Hillcrest 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 796 Sq. Ft. 68,300 5234 Lark Circle 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1326 Sq. Ft. 74,000 1201 Dakin 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 731 Sq. Ft. 44,500 1031 Queen 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath 1015 Sq. Ft. 58,000 209 Reo, Lansing $79,000 5219 Hughes Road 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1232 Sq. Ft. 100,000 4123 Balmoral 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1224 Sq. Ft. 75,000 1364 Sq. Ft. 1525 Hull Court 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 650 Sq. Ft. 50,000 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 812 Everett 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 968 Sq. Ft. 64,000 734 Cawood 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 616 Sq. Ft. 50,000 326 Isbell 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 1080 Sq. Ft. 80,000 3401 Churchill 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath 943 Sq. Ft. 70,000 1125 N Chestnut 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath 1420 Sq. Ft. 88,000 1217 W Michigan 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 1450 Sq. Ft. 75,000 906 Stanley 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 728 Sq. Ft. 64,500 920 W Willow 4 Bedroom, 1 Bath 1312 Sq. Ft. 75,000 623 Lathrop, Lansing 1145 N MLK 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1235 Sq. Ft. 75,000 $64,000 1617 Ohio 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 696 Sq. Ft. 55,000 1806 Vermont 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 833 Sq. Ft. 59,000 848 Sq. Ft. 1225 Allen 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath 770 Sq. Ft. 65,000 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath 1135 Shepard 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath 1100 Sq. Ft. 69,000 3704 Maybel 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 936 Sq. Ft. 72,500 1216 W Allegan 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath 1248 Sq. Ft. 105,000 1200 W Maple 4 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 1170 Sq. Ft 82,000 1221 W Ottawa 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 1414 Sq. Ft. 110,000 1705 Comfort 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1972 Sq. Ft. 90,000 1222 Ballard 2 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 1088 Sq. Ft. 71,000 1122 W Allegan 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1360 Sq. Ft. 80,000 1207 Prospect 5 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1672 Sq. Ft. 98,000 901 Riverview, Lansing $75,000 1517 Herbert 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 1032 Sq. Ft. 60,000 107 Fernhill Ct 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 931 Sq. Ft. 61,000 1151 Sq. Ft. 1142 Camp 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 883 Sq. Ft. 58,000 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 608 Leslie 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 960 Sq. Ft. 73,000 1237 Allen 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 760 Sq. Ft. 59,000 1412 Massachusetts 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1234 Sq. Ft. 80,000 1715 Bailey 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 944 Sq. Ft. 68,500 1616 Coleman 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1,210 Sq. Ft. 69,000 1725 Donora 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1,360 Sq. Ft. 83,000 916 W. Genesee 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1,043 Sq. Ft. 77,000 236 W. Gier 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath 957 Sq. Ft. 62,500 1018 N. Jenison, Lansing 1605 Illinois 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1,110 Sq. Ft. 76,900 $75,000 1815 William 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath 1,441 Sq. Ft. 83,000 Eden Glen Condominium 2 or 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 45,000-50,000 1144 Sq. Ft. 3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath Please visit our website for further information about these properties. 422 Adams St., Lansing, MI 48906 Phone: 517.267.5221 Fax: 517.267.5224 City Pulse • March 28, 2012 3 NEW NEW NEW REDESIGNED REDESIGNED REDESIGNED REDESIGNED 4 City Pulse • March 28, 2012 Knock it off, Gannett Mfcld\((#@jjl\** If you are having a hard time find- I did some shopping at Meijer on ing City Pulse at Meijer, it’s no longer West Saginaw on Sunday, and, natu- (0',<%D`Z_`^Xe8m\%CXej`e^#D@+/0() ,(. *.($,-''=Xo1,(. 000$-'-(nnn%cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd just because the supermarket chain has rally, checked on our new location. I 8[m\ik`j`e^`ehl`i`\j1,(. 000$,'-( E\nj Fg`e`fe% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % + :cXjj`]`\[X[`ehl`i`\j1,(. 000$,'-- moved us from our old location. It’s found the Free Press not only in our GlYc`Z Efk`Z\j% % % % % % % +# /# 0# ('# ((# () fi\dX`cZ`kpglcj\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd also because Gannett Co. Inc. is screw- location but in three of the four avail- 8ikj :lckli\% % % % % % % % % % % % (* <[`kfiXe[GlYc`j_\i ing with us. able locations. The State Journal was 9\icJZ_nXikq Dfm`\j% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % (+ Gannett, the nation’s largest news- in the fourth. glYc`j_\i7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-( :fm\i Jkfip% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % (- 8ikj:lckli\<[`kfi paper corporation, apparently thinks The effect on me was to feel bullied AXd\jJXe]fi[ =`ijk Jle[Xp% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % *) that it has the right to move City by Gannett. I understand this is not aXd\j7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-/ 9ffbj% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ** Fek_\Kfne<[`kfi Pulse. Gannett owns the Lansing State the result of some proactive corporate 8[m`Z\ >f[[\jj% % % % % % % % % % % % % *+ A\jj`ZX:_\Zb\ifjb` Journal, Detroit Free Press and USA plot against the little paper in Lansing a\jj`ZX7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-0 Today. On any given day, you are likely that’s a thorn in its side. Still, it’s hard :cXjj`]`\[j% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % *+ JkX]]Ni`k\ij Afe\j`eË :ifjjnfi[% % % % % % % % % % % % % *+ CXni\eZ\:fj\ek`ef to find one of those papers in the new not to feel that way when State Journal cXni\eZ\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd spot Meijer has assigned City Pulse. publisher Brian Priester has not had Flk fe k_\ Kfne% % % % % % % % % % % % % % *, 8e[p9XcXjbfm`kq You are supposed to find City Pulse the courtesy of returning my phone call Klie `k ;fne % % % % % % % % % % % % % % *- Xe[p7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd E\n @e Kfne% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % *. Gif[lZk`feDXeX^\i on the right end of the floor shelf last week to discuss the issue. IXZ_\c?Xig\i for paid newspapers, which is by the Had he returned my call, I’d have told =i\\n`cc 8jkifcf^p% % % % % % % % % % % % +( X[Zfgp7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-- =ff[% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % +) JfZ`XcD\[`X:fejlckXek check-out lanes on the grocery side of him, “Look, I don’t want to be in this Alc`\Gfn\ij the eight stores in the Lansing area. location, either. I want to be back where alc`\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%ZfdKn`kk\i17AGfn\ij(,, Since we started placing City Pulse we were. But this is where we’re sup- 8[m\ik`j`e^ Dfe`hl\>fZ_#;`i\Zkfi in this new location two weeks ago, posed to be, so stop messing with us.” dfe`hl\7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-) we’ve variously found our paper moved And then I’d have added, “Besides, 8ccXeIfjj or missing altogether. On one occasion, don’t you have better things to do, like XccXe7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. 000$,'-* J_\ccpFcjfe the shelf liner, which provides signage censoring ‘Doonesbury?’” j_\ccp7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd,(. -+*$(.'* for us, was gone as well. Now, readers, what can you do? 8jj`jkXekkfk_\GlYc`j_\i When City Pulse is out of its assigned Well, you can save City Pulse the time Editor & Publisher AfXe9fcXe[\i location — which is often — a Gannett and expense of constantly monitoring Berl afXe7cXej`e^Z`kpglcj\%Zfd Schwartz :feki`Ylkfij19i`Xe9`\ebfnjb`#Aljk`e9`c`Zb`#9`cc:XjkXe`\i# paper is in its place. Every time, in the Meijer stores by moving City Pulse DXip:%:ljXZb#A\]]?Xdd\i#Kfd?\cdX#:_i`jkfg_\i?fiY#JXd every store. and the shelf liner to where it belongs @e^cfkK\iipC`eb#Bpc\D\c`ee#8[XdDfce\i#;\ee`jGi\jkfe#8ccXe@% Ifjj#Af\Kfifb#I`Z_Klg`ZX#JljXeNff[j#GXlcNfqe`Xb#8dXe[X That we are still in Meijer at all if you find anything in its place. 7 p.m. Wednesdays ?Xii\cc$J\pYlie#Lk\Mfe;\i?\p[\e#Al[pN`ek\i was a victory for City Pulse readers. Again, City Pulse and its shelf liner @ek\iej1Kfep8cXe#8cc`jfeD%9\iipdXe#8cpjjX=`ik_#8[Xd This week @c\e`Z_#>\eeXDlj`Xc Literally hundreds contacted Meijer to are supposed to be on the bottom right Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero ;\c`m\ip[i`m\ij18Y[lcdX_[`8c$IXY`X_#;Xm\=`j_\i#BXi\e complain about the company’s decision of the floor shelf where you find paid EXmXiiX#Ef\cc\EXmXiiX#9i\ekIfY`jfe#Jk\m\Jk\m\ej to eliminate the free publication racks newspapers. Jamie McAloon-Lampman, director of Ingham Co. that were conveniently located in the I’d tell you what to do with the Animal Control & Shelter entryways. As a result of the protest, Gannett papers you find in our place, City Pulse was allowed to stay, albeit on but it wouldn’t be polite. the considerably less visible paid news- Cynthia Hallett of paper racks. — Berl Schwartz Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights PUBLIC NOTICES NFI;:CFL;Yp I8:?<C?8IG<I STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF THE INGHAM COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER In the Matter of: Gilbert, Loch Woode Branch Drain NOTICE OF RE-CONVENED MEETING OF BOARD OF DETERMINATION Notice is Hereby Given to you as a property owner or municipality who may be liable for an assessment for benefits, that the re-convened Board of Determination, composed of Jim Hershiser, Cheryl Risner, and Julie Powers, or alternate Jennie Nerkowski, will meet pursuant to Section 197 of Act No.

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