SARNIA CITY COUNCIL October 29, 2012 4:00 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL SARNIA, ONTARIO AGENDA Page THERE IS NO CLOSED MEETING "O CANADA" Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest (Direct or Indirect) and the General Nature Thereof PRESENTATION 9-26 1. Communities In Bloom ­ 2012 Award Presentation RESOLUTIONS: Moved by Councillor Kelch, seconded by Councillor Burrell CORRESPONDENCE 27-29 1. Director of Finance, dated October 19, 2012, regarding RFP #12­119 Proposal to Provide Financial Audit Services ­ Appointment of City Auditors That Sarnia City Council appoints the firm of BDO Canada LLP as the City’s auditors for a period of five years including the fiscal year ends 2012 to 2016 31-33 2. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated October 18, 2012, regarding Tender 12­10 Roof Replacement – Sarnia Public Library That the low tender received by Bullock & Sons Roofing, A Division of 469135 Ont. Ltd. in the amount of $137,408.00 be accepted and that the Mayor and Page 1 of 270 Page CORRESPONDENCE Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary agreements. 35-37 3. City Engineer, dated October 1, 2012, regarding City of Sarnia and County of Lambton Road Maintenance Agreement (see by­law #8) That City Council pass a by­law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute an amendment to the agreement with the County of Lambton for the maintenance of some County roads within the City limits. 39-41 4. Director of Parks & Recreation, dated October 23, 2012, regarding Beverage (Soft Drinks) Contract – Arenas That Council accept the Proposal for Beverages (soft drinks) – Arenas from PepsiCo Beverages Canada for an eight year period with payments as noted in the contract subject to achieving sales projections; That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract with PepsiCo Beverages Canada. 43-64 5. Accessibility Coordinator, dated October 18, 2012, regarding City of Sarnia Integrated Accessibility Standards That Council accept the Integrated Standard Accessibility policy, including purchasing policy amendments. That Council accept the multi­year Municipal Accessibility Plan. 65-67 6. Centennial Celebration Chair, dated October 23, 2012, regarding Centennial Celebration ­ Logo That Sarnia City Council approve the logo for the Centennial Celebration. NOTICE OF MOTION 69 1. Councillor Foubister ­ Toboggan Hill at Woodstone Park Page 2 of 270 Page NOTICE OF MOTION That staff be directed to report back on the feasibility and estimated costs for the creation of a Toboggan Hill at Woodstone Park. MINUTES 71-72 Minutes of September 24, 2012 ­ Corporate Priorities/Strategic Planning 73-79 Minutes of October 1, 2012 ­ Regular Meeting INQUIRIES, INFORMATION AND URGENT MATTERS ROUTINE APPROVALS, ACTION AND INFORMATION 81-84 A. Director of Finance, dated October 18, 2012, regarding 2013 Budget – Interest on Bluewater Power Promissory Note For Information 85-92 B. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated October 23, 2012, regarding Boards and Committees of Council For Information 93-94 C. Director of Finance, dated October 18, 2012, regarding 469 Confederation Street – Municipal Tax Sale Extension Agreement (see by­law #2) That Sarnia City Council authorize an Extension Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Sarnia and Darlene Michelle Whetham with respect to the property at 469 Confederation Street, Sarnia; and That Sarnia City Council authorize the Mayor and City Solicitor/Clerk to execute such Agreement. 95-96 D. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated October 12, 2012, regarding Façade Loan Postponement 132­136 Front Street North and 138­140 Cromwell Street (see by­laws #3 & #4) That Sarnia City Council ratify and confirm the execution of a postponement of interest in relation to Page 3 of 270 Page ROUTINE APPROVALS, ACTION AND INFORMATION the Façade Loans for 132­136 Front Street North and 138­140 Cromwell Street, Sarnia in favour of CIBC Mortgages Inc. 97 E. City Engineer, dated October 22, 2012, regarding IRS Landfill – MOE Site Closure Off­site works ­ Update For Information 99-101 F. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated September 26, 2012, regarding Dedicating Land as part of London Road and as part of East Street (see by­law #5) That Sarnia City Council dedicate Part 1 on Reference Plan 25R­9913 as public highway. 103-104 G. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated October 22, 2012, regarding Strangway Centre Bequest – Mary Jane Boyes For Information 105-113 H. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated October 23, 2012, regarding Sharing of Services For Information 115-116 I. Director of Economic Development and Corporate Planning, dated October 22, 2012, regarding Sarnia 402 Business Park & Easement to Cogeco Cable Canada GP Inc. (see by­law #6) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Easement Agreement Between the Corporation of the City of Sarnia and Cogeco Cable Canada GP Inc. 117-120 J. Director of Finance, dated October 19, 2012, regarding Funding of Amortization and Other Estimated Expenses for 2013 That Council, receive and file the 2013 budget reconciliation with respect to the impact of amortization, post­employment benefits expense and solid­waste landfill closure and post­closure expenses. 121-122 K. City Engineer, dated October 29, 2012, regarding WPCC – Purchase of Spare Equipment for the UV Disinfection System Page 4 of 270 Page ROUTINE APPROVALS, ACTION AND INFORMATION For Information 123-134 L. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated October 18, 2012, regarding 356/357/358 Tax Appeal Court That Sarnia City Council adopt the recommendations of the Tax Appeal Committee for the October 18, 2012 Tax Appeal Court. 135-183 M. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated October 22, 2012, regarding County Smoke­Free Open Spaces By­Law For Information 185-187 N. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated October 23, 2012, regarding Kathleen Avenue Partial Lane Closure and Sale to Adjacent Owner (see by­law #7) That Sarnia City Council authorize the stopping up and closing of a portion of a laneway on Plan 71 at the rear of 177 Kathleen Avenue, Sarnia. That Sarnia City Council declare that portion of the laneway at the rear of 177 Kathleen Avenue as surplus. That Sarnia City Council authorize the sale of that portion of the laneway at the rear of 177 Kathleen Avenue to the owners of 177 Kathleen Avenue for $1.00. 189 O. City Solicitor/Clerk, dated October 22, 2012, regarding Parking Restrictions on Lakeshore Road For Information 191-192 P. Director of Parks & Recreation, dated October 17, 2012, regarding Sarnia Bay Marina Fish Cleaning Station For Information 193-195 Q. Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, dated October 3, 2012, regarding Home First Programme For Information Page 5 of 270 Page ROUTINE APPROVALS, ACTION AND INFORMATION 197 R. Director of Transit, dated October 23, 2012, regarding Transit Ridership: Overcapacity on Bus Routes For Information 199-220 S. Robyn Hamlyn, dated October 25, 2012, regarding Blue Communities Resolutions For Council's Consideration CIVIC REPORTS 221 1. Raffle Report ­ September 2012 223-224 2. Plumbing Report ­ September 2012 225-227 3. Building Report ­ September 2012 BY-LAWS 229-231 1. For 1st, 2nd and 3rd A By­Law to Confirm the Proceedings of Readings: Council at its meeting held on October 29, 2012 233-240 2. For 1st, 2nd and 3rd A By­Law to Authorize an Agreementwith Readings: Darlene Michelle Whetham (Re: 469 Confederation Street – Extension Agreement) (see Agenda Info Item C) 241-244 3. For 1st, 2nd and 3rd A By­Law to Ratify and Confirm an Readings: Agreement with CIBC Mortgages Inc. Re: 132­136 Front Street North – Postponement (see Agenda Info Item D) 245-248 4. For 1st, 2nd and 3rd A By­Law to Ratify and Confirm an Readings: Agreement with CIBC Mortgages Inc. Re: 138­140 Cromwell Street – Postponement (see Agenda Info Item D) 249-251 5. For 1st, 2nd and 3rd A By­Law to Dedicate Land as part of Readings: London Road and as part of East Street in the City of Sarnia Re: Part 1 on Reference Plan 25R­9913 (see Agenda Info Item F) 253-258 6. For 1st, 2nd and 3rd A By­Law to Authorize an Agreement with Readings: Cogeco Cable Canada GP Inc. (Re: Sarnia 402 Business Park) (see Agenda Info Item J) Page 6 of 270 Page BY-LAWS 259-263 7. For 1st, 2nd and 3rd A By­Law to Stop Up, Close and Sell part Readings: of a Lane at the rear of 177 Kathleen Avenue in the City of Sarnia Re: 177 Kathleen Avenue, Sarnia (see Agenda Info Item N) 265-270 8. For 1st, 2nd and 3rd A By­Law to Authorize an Agreement with Readings: The Corporation of the County of Lambton Re: Amendments to the Road Maintenance Agreement (see Correspondence#3) ADJOURNMENT Page 7 of 270 Page 8 of 270 Presentation #1 ­ October 29, 2012 Evaluation Form Sarnia, Ontario Page 9 of 270 Presentation #1 ­ October 29, 2012 Page 10 of 270 Presentation #1 ­ October 29, 2012 2012 Evaluation form Community: Sarnia Province: Ontario Category: Over 50,001 The evaluation is based on 8 criteria, divided into the 6 foiiowing sections, assessing 4 sectors of the community: Tidiness 132.00 I 150.00 Environmental Action 131.50 I 150.00 Heritage Conservation 129.00 I 150.00 Urban Forestry 152.50 I 175.00 landscape (including Turf & Groundcovers} 171.50 I 200.00 Floral Displays 157.00 I 175.00 * Community Involvement is included in each of these sections Total 873.50 I 1000.00 Percentage : 87% Bloom rating: 5 blooms Bloom rating: Up to 55%: 1 bloom. 56% to 63%: 2 blooms. 64% to 72%: 3 blooms 73% to 81%: 4 blooms. >82%: 5 blooms. Mention: "One Plant" and "One Tomato" Gardens Representative (s) of Name: ------------------------Anne Marie Gillis Function : Name: Patti Ross Function: Arborist Name: Function: Richard Jack Clasen Page 11 of 270 Presentation #1 ­ October 29, 2012 IMPORTANT NOTES: Evaluation is adjusted to the climate and environmental conditions of the community.
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