Actor/producer.. sheds light on showbiz realities • 'If oulookat Tom Surprisingly,Nicholson did gel basketball:' >I back to him, and although U1e Despite an extremely hectic BYTOM TAUCHERT 1 don't think he ctor pointed out the inappropri- hedule and long hours, Doscher lt!alut Edito tcn of quoting a gift pri c, he is enjoyinghis work as producer. did wishth yuungmun w, 11in hi "A producer is responsible for Mure. everythingyou see on that screen, ll only ftcr lhc ptrtng and it's a three-year project;' he a tor, whll workingas a contrac- said. "Theproducer picksthe pro- tor, befriended ctor DannyAiello, ject,outlines a .fihn,hires a screen- that hei' moviedreams came writer,brands a film (by creatinga alive. look or a tagline and a message). re eativ H ving made the decision to 'rhen the producer tries to pitch pursue a ting, Doscher attended the project to an independent thing wiith H atty and the LeeStrasberg Theatre Institute financier. Everyone thinks that's Polxrt Pcdford and all in New YorkCity until Aielloper - the hardestpart, but it isn't" uaded him to leave school and As proof, Doscher points out thcr m , ... focus on auditions.After some bit that despitehis film'smodest bud- parts in films like "Sweet Home get,A-list talent has been attracted they ha, " to ha .. Alabama"and "AnalyzeThat;' as to the story. wellas the mob drama"This Thing "Right now, Jack Nicholson's ... bu in , kills to mak of Ours;' Doscherwas cast as one agentis callingme to be in the 61m of the leadsin "Remedy"(co-star- (as attorneyDavid Ironman, who PHOTO COURTESY OF STARLINE FILMS it wh -re th y are.' ring Vmcent Pastore, Frank Vin- representedthe fouryoung men in JonDos her cent and Arthur Nascarella of their lawsuit) even though I've Ridgewood move producer and actor Jon Doscher with friend "Sopranos" fame), which was reallyonly made one film;'Dosch - Danny Aiello at the premiere of Doscher's film "Remedy," ' . 0 cher studied drama a released on video and DVD this er said."Money doesn't buy a film. which was released on DVD and video last week. a k Hills High School and week. Local residentsmay recog- You could have a billion dollars would pend hours everyweekend nize manyof the Montville,Saddle and it won't matter. These guys as the sadistic Bill the Butcher in filming home movies with two River and WashingtonTownship don't need the money.' Martin Scorsese's"Gangs of New .friends,Bruce Redman and Riel< locations used in the filmingof Doscheradmits that "4Chosen" York?'The mild-manneredactor is fi lL Hurvitz,and emulatingtheir then- "Remedy!'The film also featuresa is one of the fewscreenplays he has said to haveremained in character lin ct.ors' com- favorite"Saturday Night Live"cast cameo by former WoodcliffLake actually read since he's "usually even off-set while the film was h oth r as a members,Billy Crystal and Martin mayor Josephine Higgins as an bored afterpage three.They're clu- shol lln-..t'n1e-re.~lained, even hort. In a unique coincidence, ambulancedriver. ficultto be engagedby'.' "It's was absolutely amazing:• individual' SUtce$ in Doscher'schildhood friends have "I just lovedthe part I was play- The five-yearVillage resident Doscher snid. "How do you take • I _ have a positive gone on to work on such television ing:•Doscher said of his role as remainsmum on hls own personal this ruthless killer and make him •m ct on · or her fi llow actors. programs as "Survivor;'"Pimp My drug-addicteddentist Evan Quinn. life, explainingthat the less audi- someone that you'd like to hang • 'You to reprioritizeyour Ride"and ''The Contender.' "It broughtcomedy to a dark and ences know about an actor's pri- out with? And he's nothing like lif in that might not make "It's crazy to still be doing the disturbingstory line. [t was like vatelife, the moreconvincing char - that characterin real life, either:• o " he added. "I have same thing 20 years later - only tellinga horriblejoke and gettinga acter they can portray onscreen. Unfortunatly , Doschersaid, th Ji r com aero anyone like now to be getting paid for it!" big laugh!' ("Whysee BenAffleck ln a filmfor film industry changed again nft r piring filmmakersand actors. Doschersaid. For hisnext projcc~"4Choscn;' $10when you couldjust tum on n the tremendoussucc~ of scicn oflhcyare illing to weather any Despitehis interestin the enter- Doscher will be producinga film television?"). fictionwork like " tar Wars"in th nn no money and keep tainment industry,Doscher would basedon the 1998shootin~ of four Do chcr said hi lov of acting lat '70s and the cme'l( nee of f :r start Doscher's Power Clean Inc., African-Americansby white State has not subsid d a hi fo us ha over-th top a tlon moVJ in the ~her developedhis passion after a brief stint at Bergen Com- Trooperson the NewJersey Turn - shifted to producing. He is '80s, Moneysoon becamethe top a boy growing up in Woodcliff munityCollege. His nextendeavor pikein Washington'Jbwnship . The enthrall d with the work of fin priorityof moviemakcrs, just as tl Lake. He vividly remembers the wascreating a home-improvement four were on their way to basket- actors and is mesmerizedby tho has been in all olh r industri , ttdvent of cable televisionin the magazine, Home Contractor'sball tryout in North Carolina.The art. Do chcr longi for the days wh n ~ale '70s and early '80s and the Review. case shed Ught on the issue of "I preferucting, but not be au udienc walkedinto classics like wpact one particular movie had The formercontractor began his racialprofiling and policeCOITLlp cw1yoncju . t wan to bea movi " hin Lown"and "Dog DayAfter t>nhim. segueinto filmsin a most unusual tion. star. ActingL,; like hitting a golfball noon" - movi , he ays,that were : "1 was probably around 10 way. In 1999, he sent three-time "'4Chosen' is an incredible and puttingit in th • hole. An actor m d for art' sake, rolh r than liVhencable first becameaccessible Oscar-winner Jack Nicholson a human-intereststory;' said Dosch h to be pnssionate,but theyhuv pr fit - und he feds that II r ur 'lllldthere was a Stanley Kubrick box of expensivecigars, along with er."Lt chan~cd laws. It changedthe lo have talent. It' vecytechnical;' gene will happen in th n xt t w htovie called 'The Shining' that a note asking for advice on waypolice mteract with minorities. he id. ''Thousand of thingshav years. Home Box Office would show whether to study acting in Los These young men had all their to happen for great pcrfor• Doscher credits hi bu in '24/7, and I reallybecame fascmat- Angelesor New YorkCity. When dreams ripped away but they did- mancc" background with hclpin him .ed with the film;' Doschersaid . "ll he receivedno reply,Doscher sent n't giveup. Theybecame stronger One uch recent pcrfonnancc achievesucc and belie th t was surreal ,but I really identified another note tellingthe screenleg- and wiser men .. but they still that awed Doscher wus Daniel having a strong bu inc 11 with il" end how expensivethe cigarswere have thatlook in their eye - th:•t Day Lewis Golden Globe and almost ·cntialto m l it in th : As a teenagergrowing up in the and a ain re uesteda repl . th II never be able to I rd- min LC tum .
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