LIST OF SELECTED WORKS 1. În lumea satului transilvănean. Tradiție, istorie, cultură [In the world of the Transylvanian village. Tradition, history, culture], Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, 195 p. 2. Transilvania în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIII-lea. Afirmarea regimului congregaţional [Transylvania in the second half of the thirteenth century. The rise of the congregational regime], Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Cluj-Napoca, 2003, Editura Academiei, 2007, 446 p. 3. Un voievod al Transilvaniei – Ladislau Kán (1294-1315) [A voivode of Transylvania – Ladislaus Kan 1294-1315], Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 250 p. 4. Ţara lui Gelou. Contribuţii la istoria Transilvaniei de Nord în secolele IX-XI [The realm of Gelou. Contributions to the history of Northern Transylvania in the 9th – 11th centuries], Argonaut, Cluj- Napoca, 2006, 237 p. 5. Il notaio anonimo del re Bela di Ungheria e la schola episcopale di Vercelli, in Transylvanian Review, XIX, 2010, supplementum 2, Worlds in Change, p. 41-45. 6. Transylvania against Charles Robert: Voivode Ladislaus Kán and his position in the contest for the Hungarian Crown, în La diplomatie des Etats Angevines aux XIIIe et XIVe siecle/ Diplomacy in the countries of the Angevin dinasty in the thirteenth-fourteenth century, Roma-Szeged, 2010, p. 117-123. 7. The Birthplace of King Matthias, in Matthias and his Legacy. Cultural and Political Encounters between East and West, eds. A. Bárány, A. Györkös, Debrecen, 2009, p. 445-452. 8. Istoria ilustrată a României [Illustrated History of Romania], eds. I.-A. Pop, I. Bolovan, Litera International, Bucureşti, 2009: editorial secretary; author of chapter IV, Societatea românească la începuturile evului mediu (sec. IX-XIV) [Romanian society at the beginnings of the Middle Ages (9-14th centuries)], p. 101-153, and of the Historical chronology, p. 546-571. 9. Beiträge zur Datierungsfrage der Gesta des Anonymen Notars von König Bela I, in Forschungen zur Volks- und Landeskunde, Band 50, 2007, p. 7-30. 10. T. Sălăgean, M. Mitu, eds., Principele Ştefan Bocskai şi epoca sa [Prince Stephen Bocskai and his time], Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, 162 p LIST OF PUBLICATIONS PHD THESIS: 1. Transilvania în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIII-lea. Afirmarea regimului congregaţional [Transylvania in the second half of the thirteenth century. The rise of the congregational regime], Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Cluj-Napoca, 2003, Editura Academiei, 2007, 446 p. BOOKS AND CHAPTERS IN BOOKS: BOOKS (single author): 11. În lumea satului transilvănean. Tradiție, istorie, cultură [In the world of the Transylvanian village. Tradition, history, culture], Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, 195 p. 12. Cluj – The county of King Charles Robert of Anjou, Matthias Corvinus and revolutionary Avram Iancu, Cluj- Napoca, 2010, 114 p. 13. Geografia istorică a Ţării lui Gelou [Historical geography of the realm of Gelou], Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, 160 p. 14. Un voievod al Transilvaniei – Ladislau Kán (1294-1315) [A voivode of Transylvania – Ladislaus Kan 1294- 1315], Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 250 p. 15. Ţara lui Gelou. Contribuţii la istoria Transilvaniei de Nord în secolele IX-XI [The realm of Gelou. Contributions to the history of Northern Transylvania in the 9th – 11th centuries], Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, 237 p. BOOKS (coordinator): 1. T. Sălăgean, I. Maxim Danciu, eds, Cluj-Kolozsvár-Klausenburg. Album istoric [Historical albume], Tribuna, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 316 p.; ediţia a II-a, revăzută, 2012, 352 p. 2. Viorica Rusu-Bolindeţ, T. Sălăgean, Rada Varga, eds., Studia archaeologica et historica in honorem magistri Dorin Alicu, Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 582 p. 3. T. Sălăgean, M. Eppel, eds., Masoneria în Transilvania. Repere istorice [Freemasonry in Transylvania. Historical highlights], International Book Access, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 192 + XXII p. Second edition, revised and amplified, Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 306 + XXII p. Third edition, revised and amplified, Argonaut, Cluj- Napoca, 2010, 330+ XXII p. (coordonator, coautor). 4. T. Sălăgean, A. Simon, eds., Matthias Corvinus and his Time, IDC Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, 234 p. 5. T. Sălăgean, M. Mitu, eds., Principele Ştefan Bocskai şi epoca sa [Prince Stephen Bocskai and his time], Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, 162 p. CHAPTERS IN GENERAL SYNTHESIS: 1. Istoria ilustrată a României [Illustrated History of Romania], eds. I.-A. Pop, I. Bolovan, Litera International, Bucureşti, 2009: editorial secretary; author of chapter IV, Societatea românească la începuturile evului mediu (sec. IX-XIV) [Romanian society at the beginnings of the Middle Ages (9-14th centuries)], p. 101-153, and of the Historical chronology, p. 546-571. 2. Istoria României [History of Romania], compendium, eds. I.-A. Pop, I. Bolovan, ICR, CST, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, Editura Academiei, 2007: editorial secretary; author of chapter IV, Societatea românească la începuturile evului mediu (sec. IX-XIV) [Romanian society at the beginnings of the Middle Ages (9-14th centuries)],, p. 137-212 and of the Historical chronology, p. 691-714. 3. The History of Transylvania, vol. I (to 1541), eds. Th. Nägler, I.-A. Pop, ICR, CST, Cluj-Napoca, 2005: chapter 7 – Regnum Transilvanum. The Assertion of the Congregational Regime, p. 233-246. 4. Istoriia Rumânii, coord. I.-A. Pop, I. Bolovan, ed. Vesi Mir, Moskva, 2005: cap. III – Rumânskoe obşcestvo v rannem srednevekovie (IX-XIV vv.), p. 121-190. BOOKS (co-author): 1. T. Sălăgean, A. Simon, Veronica Turcuș, De la tradiție la ocupare. Revitalizarea vechilor tradiții și dezvoltarea comunităților rurale [From tradition to employment. Revitalization of the old traditions and the developments of the rural communities], Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, 173 p. 2. Legendele Clujului [The legends of Cluj], ed. I. S. Nistor, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, 2010 (co-author). 3. Clujul. Scurtă istorie [Cluj. A short history], ed. C. Mureşanu, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, 2009 (co- author). 4. Comuna Cricău. Studiu monografic complex [Cricau. Complex monographic study], Cluj-Napoca, Eurodidact, 2009 (co-author). 5. Berindu (judeţul Cluj) – un sat din Transilvania [Berindu, Cluj county, a Transylvanian village], Cluj-Napoca, Maxim Bit, 2008, 352 p. (co-author). 6. Cluj – „oraşul comoară” al Transilvaniei / Cluj – „The Treasure City” of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2007, 74 p. (co-author) 7. „Oraşul-comoară”. Clujul în secolele XVI-XVII – „A kíncses város”. Kolozsvár a XVI-XVII. Században [The treasure city. Cluj in the 16-17th centuries], Cluj-Napoca, MNIT, 2005 (co-author). 8. Mănăstireni şi Mănăşturu Românesc. Satul sufletului meu [Manastireni and Manasturu Romanesc. A village in my soul], ed. Studia, Cluj-Napoca, 2005 (co-author). 9. Dej. Poarta Someşului – The Gateway to the Someş River, ed. Studia, Cluj-Napoca, 2005 (co-author) 10. Bustuchin (jud. Gorj). Studiu monografic complex [ Bustuchin, Gorj county. Complex monographic study], ed. Eurodidact, Cluj-Napoca, 2004 (co-author). CATALOGUES (co-author): 1. M. M. Tivadar, T. Sălăgean, Meșteșugurile armenilor din Transilvania [Crafts of the Armenians in Transylvania], exhibition catalogue, București, Ararat, 2013. 2. I. Drăgan, T. Sălăgean, A.M. Gruia, L. Ardelean, Matthias Corvinus 1443 – 1458 – 2008, exhibition catalogue, IDC Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2008. 3. Cătălina Opaschi, Katiuşa Pârvan, E. Oberländer-Târnoveanu, eds., Medalii şi însemne masonice. Istorie şi symbol [Freemasonic medals and insignia. History and symbol], exhibition catalogue, Bucureşti, 2006, Cetatea de Scaun – Logos, ISBN 973-8966-10-8; 978-973-8966-10-9. 4. H. Ciugudean, Z. K. Pinter, G. T. Rustoiu (coord.), Habitat-religie-etnicitate: descoperiri arheologice din secolele IX-XI în Transilvania / Habitat-Religion-Ethnicity: 9th-11th Century Archaeological Finds in Transylvania, catalog de expoziţie/exhibition catalogue, Alba-Iulia, 2006 (coautor, p. 160-174, 201-216, 250-261), editura Altip, Alba Iulia, ISBN 973-117-017-0; 978-973-117-017-6. ARTICLES AND STUDIES: MAINSTREAM JOURNALS AND PUBLISHING HOUSES: 1. Regnum Transilvanum; The Transylvanian Congregatio Nobilium and its Role as a Legal Community at the End of the Thirteenth Century, in M. Rady, A. Simon, eds., Government and Law in Medieval Moldavia, Transylvania and Wallachia, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, 2013, p. 21-28. 2. Noble Assembly and the Congregational System in Transylvania in the Late Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries, in Annales Universitatis Apvlensis, nr. 16/II, 2012, ed. C. Popa-Gorjanu, p. 27-40. 3. Notes on the Documentary Mention of Haţeg in June 19, 1278, in Transylvanian Review, XXI, Supplement 5, 2012, p. 33-38. 4. Francia şi Lombardia în opera notarului anonim al regelui Bela al Ungariei, Gesta hungarorum [Francia and Lombardia in the work of the Anonymous Notary of King Bela of Hungary, Gesta Hungarorum], in Mvlta et Varia. Studi offerti a Maria Marcella Ferraccioli e Gianfranco Giraudo, a cura di Florina Creţ Ciure, Viviana Nosilia, Adriano Pavan, Biblion Edizioni, Milano, 2012, vol. II, p. 485-492. 5. The Mongol Invasion of 1241-1242 in Transylvania: Military and Political Preliminaries, in Transylvanian Review, XXI, Supplement 3, 2012, p. 475-486. 6. Il notaio anonimo del re Bela di Ungheria e la schola episcopale di Vercelli, in Transylvanian Review, XIX, 2010, supplementum 2, Worlds in Change, p. 41-45. 7. Universitas hungarorum et valachorum. La nord-ouest de la Transylvanie a l’epoque de la revolte de Bobalna (1437-1438), in Transylvanian Review, XVIII, 2009, Suppl. 2, Church
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