Bulk Crackers (Cont’d) Mondelēz Boxes per Kosher Brand GTIN Description Packs per Box Units Net Wt Gross Wt Case Code Case Certified 193200150000 10019320015004 AMERICAN CLASSIC Crackers 1/6.25 lb — 6.25 lb ~816 6.25 8.2 No AMERICAN FAVORITE Crackers Assorted 193200206000 10019320020602 — — 500 7.5 8.179 No 500/0.23 oz 2ct Foodservice 193200001200 00019320000126 ENTERTAINMENT Assorted Crackers 4/40 oz 4 — ~1,280 10 13.6 Yes 193200135000 10019320013505 NABISCO Graham Crackers 150/0.75 oz 3ct — — 150 7 8.03 Yes Product Directory 193200136700 10019320013673 NABISCO Graham Crackers 200/0.5 oz 2ct — — 200 6.25 7.119 Yes 193200063100 10019320006316 NABISCO Graham Crackers 27/4.8 oz — — ~972 8.1 9.3 Yes 193200206500 10019320020657 WHEATSWORTH 500/0.222 oz 2ct — — 500 6.938 8.13 No 193200209600 10019320020961 NABISCO NEW ENGLAND OYSTER Crackers 150/0.5 oz — — 150 4.688 5.5 Yes Bulk Cracker Crumbs 193200070500 10019320007054 RITZ Crushed Crackers 10/1 lb 10 1 lb 10 10 11.8 Yes 193200083200 10019320008327 PREMIUM Crushed Coarse 1/10 lb — 10 lb 1 10 11.4 Yes 193200082600 10019320008266 NABISCO Graham Cracker Crumbs 2/5 lb 2 5 lb 2 10 10.6 Yes 193200081900 10019320008198 NABISCO Graham Cracker Crumbs 1/25 lb 1 25 lb 1 25 25.8 Yes foodservice-snacks-desserts.com letschatsnacks.com Second Half 2020 KMO6580 ©Mondelēz International group MEYER LEMON DESSERT MADE WITH SOUR PATCH KIDS BITZ RITZ IS THE #1-SELLING DELIGHTFUL DESSERT CRACKER— FILLED & INCLUSIONS Answer the Demand UNFILLED1 • OREO • NUTTER BUTTER for Top Brands • NILLA OREO IS THE TOP-BRANDED • NABISCO INGREDIENT • CHIPS AHOY! ON DESSERT MENUS3 • HONEY MAID Recognizable Snacks • SOUR PATCH KIDS 2 Help Build Consumers Trust Plus, Foodservice OREO Cookie Pieces and Base Cake are made without High Fructose Corn Syrup! When it comes to picking a snack, national name brands help take the CANNOLI CHIPS MADE WITH OREO COOKIE PIECES risk of buyer’s remorse out of the equation for consumers seeking familiar AMERICA’S #1 flavor, quality and consistency they can rely on.2 Proudly featuring many CHOCOLATE NASHVILLE BUTTER-CRUST CHICKEN CHIP COOKIE1 of America’s favorite brands in every major snack category, Mondelēz CLASSIC GUM MADE WITH RITZ CRUSHED CRACKERS International Foodservice helps make it easy to appeal to more consumers, & CONFECTIONS meet the demand for great-tasting snacks and move more product. • SOUR PATCH KIDS Sweet and savory, ingredient or on the go, discover delicious ways to help • SOUR PATCH KIDS Watermelon build profits with in-demand brands. • SWEDISH FISH Red • TRIDENT Vibes AMERICA’S #1 SOUR CONFECTION CLASSIC COOKIES BRAND IS MORNING MUST-HAVES BETTER-FOR-YOU BITES BIG AMONG MILLENNIALS & CRACKERS 18–341 • belVita Blueberry • RITZ Crisp & Thins • OREO • belVita Cinnamon Brown Sugar • WHEAT THINS #1-SELLING • RITZ • belVita Sandwich Peanut Butter • OREO THINS COOKIE IN • belVita Golden Oat AMERICA1 • 100 CALORIE • CHIPS AHOY! • ...and more! • NUTTER BUTTER • WHEAT THINS The nation’s #1 breakfast biscuit1 is also the #3 cookie overall—only behind OREO and CHIPS AHOY!1 • PREMIUM Saltines • HONEY MAID SAVORY CRACKER INGREDIENTS • RITZ • PREMIUM Saltines THE #1 PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH 1 COOKIE 1. Nielsen, xAOC plus Convenience—52 weeks ending 12/28/19 2. Technomic, Packaged Snack Multi Report, 2019 3. Technomic, FY 2019 Single-Serve Cookies Single-Serve Cookies (Cont’d) Boxes Kosher Boxes Kosher Brand Mondelēz Case Code GTIN Description Packs per Box Units Net Wt Gross Wt Brand Mondelēz Case Code GTIN Description Packs per Box Units Net Wt Gross Wt per Case Certified per Case Certified 193200020000 10019320002004 OREO Single Serve 120/2.4 oz 6ct 4 30 120 18 20.35 Yes 440000290800 10044000029088 belVita Breakfast Biscuit Blueberry 64/1.76 oz 8 8 64 7.04 9.51 Yes 440000470000 10044000047006 OREO Single Serve 48/2.4 oz 6ct 4 12 48 7.2 8.614 Yes 440000294600 10044000029460 belVita Breakfast Biscuit Golden Oat 64/1.76 oz 8 8 64 7.04 9.51 Yes 193200019800 10019320001984 OREO Single Serve 120/1.59 oz 4ct 4 30 120 11.88 14.003 Yes 440000406800 10044000040687 belVita Sandwich Peanut Butter 64/1.76 oz 8 8 64 7.04 8.648 Yes 193200154000 10019320015400 OREO Single Serve 120/0.78 oz 2ct 2 60 120 5.88 7.259 Yes belVita Protein Soft Baked Biscuits Oats, Honey 440000531100 10044000053113 8 8 64 7.04 8.529 Yes and Chocolate 64/1.76 oz 193200009000 00019320000904 OREO Mini Single Serve 48/1 oz 4 12 48 3 4.16 Yes belVita Protein Soft Baked Biscuits Blueberry & 440000541300 10044000054134 8 8 64 7.04 8.544 Yes 193200001100 00019320000119 OREO Mini Single Serve Bag 60/1.5 oz — — 60 5.625 6.993 Yes Almond 64/1.76 oz 440000573800 10044000057388 GOLDEN OREO 48/2.4 oz 6ct 4 12 48 7.2 8.291 Yes 440000432800 10044000043282 belVita Dark Chocolate Creme Sandwich 6 6 30 3.3 3.964 Yes 440000447400 10044000044746 OREO THINS 48/1.02 oz 4 12 48 3.06 4.127 Yes 440000558200 10044000055827 belVita Bite Size Snack Variety Pack 1 oz 4 12 48 3.024 4.176 Yes 440000528700 10044000052871 OREO THINS Bites Original 1.7 oz 4 8 32 3.392 4.768 Yes 440000333200 00044000033323 belVita Breakfast Bites Chocolate 6 ct 6 5 30 1.76 8.8 Yes 440000548200 10044000054820 OREO THINS Bites Mint 1.7 oz 4 8 32 3.392 4.768 Yes 440000444400 00044000044442 belVita Breakfast Bites Cinnamon Brown Sugar 6 ct 6 5 30 1.76 8.8 Yes 440000522200 10044000052222 CHIPS AHOY! Single Serve 48/1.55 oz 4 12 48 4.656 6.492 Yes 440000553200 00044000055325 belVita Breakfast Bites Blueberry 6 ct 6 5 30 1.76 8.8 Yes 193200154800 10019320015486 CHIPS AHOY! Mini Single Serve Bag 60/2 oz — — 60 7.5 9.45 Yes TEDDY GRAHAMS Cinnamon Single Serve 193200167000 10019320016704 — — 150 7.031 8.3 No 150/0.75 oz 193200008900 00019320000898 CHIPS AHOY! Mini Single Serve Bag 48/1 oz 4 12 48 3 4.4 Yes NABISCO 193200009300 00019320000935 TEDDY GRAHAMS Cinnamon Single Serve 48/1 oz 4 12 48 3 4.2 No 193200093800 00019320009389 OREO 100 CALORIE PACKS 72/0.81 oz — — 72 3.645 4.7 Yes Used on vertical panels 440000534400 10044000053441 OREO 100 CALORIE PACKS 30/4.86 oz 6 5 30 1.823 3.321 Yes 193200168200 10019320016827 NEWTONS Fig Single Serve 120/1 oz — — 120 7.5 8.28 Yes NABISCO 193200093700 00019320009372 CHIPS AHOY! 100 CALORIE PACKS 72/0.81 oz — — 72 3.645 4.8 Yes 193200157900 10019320015790 NEWTONS Fig Single Serve 120/2 oz — — 120 15 16.9 Yes Used on horizontal panels 193200005400 00019320000546 LORNA DOONE 100 CALORIE PACKS 72/0.74 oz — — 72 3.33 4.6 Yes 193200152500 10019320015257 NEWTONS Fig Fat Free Single Serve 60/2.1 oz 5 12 60 7.875 8.9 Yes 440000534500 10044000053458 LORNA DOONE 100 CALORIE PACKS 6/4.44 oz 6 5 30 1.665 3.2 Yes 440000374400 10044000037441 NEWTONS Fig Single Serve 48/2 oz 4 12 48 6 6.97 Yes 440000374500 10044000037458 NUTTER BUTTER Single Serve 48/1.9 oz 4 12 48 5.7 7.2 Yes 193200091500 10019320009157 NILLA WAFERS Single Serve 72/1 oz — — 72 4.5 6.3 Yes 193200159100 10019320015912 NUTTER BUTTER BITES Single Serve Bag 60/1.75 oz — — 60 6.563 8.1 Yes 193200010200 00019320001024 BARNUM’S ANIMALS Crackers 72/1 oz — — 72 4.5 6.075 No 193200009400 00019320000942 NUTTER BUTTER BITES Single Serve 48/1 oz 4 12 48 3 4.5 Yes 193200168300 10019320016834 LORNA DOONE Single Serve 120/1 oz 4ct 4 30 120 7.5 8 Yes 193200001700 10019320000178 NABISCO ANIMAL CRACKERS Single Serve Bag 48/1 oz — — 48 2.995 3.598 Yes 193200154400 10019320015448 LORNA DOONE Single Serve 120/1.5 oz 4 30 120 11.25 12.3 Yes Single-Serve Crackers Big Bags Boxes Kosher Boxes Kosher Brand Mondelēz Case Code GTIN Description Packs per Box Units Net Wt Gross Wt Brand Mondelēz Case Code GTIN Description Packs per Box Units Net Wt Gross Wt per Case Certified per Case Certified 193200004200 10019320000420 OREO Mini Big Bag 36/3 oz — — 36 6.75 8 Yes 193200079800 10019320007986 WHEAT THINS Single Serve Bag 72/1.75 oz — — 72 7.875 9.65 No 440000068000 10044000006805 OREO Mini Big Bag 12/3 oz — — 12 2.256 2.739 Yes WHEAT THINS Toasted Chips Veggie Single Serve Bag 193200008000 10019320000802 — — 60 6.563 8 No 60/1.75 oz 440000523100 10044000052314 Golden OREO Mini Big Bag 12/3 oz — — 12 2.256 2.639 Yes RITZ Toasted Chips Sour Cream & Onion Single 193201119100 10019320111911 — — 60 6.563 8.3 No Serve Bag 60/1.75 oz 193200004300 10019320000437 CHIPS AHOY! Mini Big Bag 36/3 oz — — 36 6.75 8 Yes 440000021000 10044000002104 RITZ Crackers with Peanut Butter 112/1.38 oz 6ct — — 112 9.66 11.2 Yes 193200007200 10019320000727 NUTTER BUTTER BITES Big Bag 36/3 oz — — 36 6.75 8 Yes 193200018500 10019320001854 RITZ HANDI-SNACKS Crackers with Cheese 100/0.95 oz — — 100 5.938 7.438 No 440000030600 10044000003064 NUTTER BUTTER BITES Big Bag 12/3 oz — — 12 2.25 2.8 Yes 440000006100 10044000000612 TEDDY GRAHAMS Cinnamon Big Bag 12/3 oz — — 12 2.25 2.7 No 440000522900 10044000052291 RITZ Crisp & Thins Salt & Vinegar 12/1.7 oz — — 12 1.272 2.425 No 193200007100 10019320000710 RITZ BITS Cheese Big Bag 36/3 oz — — 36 6.75 7.9 No 440000591600 10044000059160 RITZ Crisp & Thins Original 12/1.7 oz — — 12 1.272 1.976 No 440000067700 10044000006775 RITZ BITS Cheese Big Bag 12/3 oz — — 12 2.25 2.7 No 440000591500 10044000059153 RITZ Crisp & Thins BBQ 12/1.7 oz — — 12 1.272 1.976 No 440000067800 10044000006782 RITZ BITS Peanut Butter Big Bag 12/3 oz — — 12 2.25 2.6 No 440000559100 10044000055919 RITZ Crisp & Thins Original 48/.75 oz 4 12 48 2.256 4.251 No 440000651200 10044000065123 RITZ Cheese Crispers Original Cheddar, 2 oz.
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