Fulbright A S s·.o C I A T I O N NEWSLETTER Vol. XIX Nos. 2 & 3 Spring/Summer 1997 Congress and 20th Annual Conference to be Held Oct. 2-5 Administration hold an exhibit from Sept. 15 to Oct. Seek to Reshape 15 of two-dimensional art works by Fulbright artists. For conference par­ Foreign Affairs ticipants and other guests, there will be a 20th anniversary reception on Agencies Oct. 4 at the historic White-Meyer House, site of the art exhibit. Part of Since the administration announced the Meridian International Center in April its willingness to "reinvent" and home to two prominent the federal government's foreign Washington families, the 40-room affairs agencies, members of the 105th White-Meyer House was designed by Congress have moved with relative architect John Russell Pope. speed on bills affecting foreign affairs A pre-conference legislative brief­ policy and funding. The reorganiza­ ing and alumni visits to Capitol Hill tion envisioned involves abolishing are being organized for Thursday, the United States Information Agency Oct. 2. Conference registration will (USIA), which now administers the also begin in the evening of Oct. 2. Fulbright Program, and the Arms Members will receive a conference Control and Disarmament Agency brochure with registration informa­ (ACDA) and consolidating their func­ Sally Shelton-Colby tion. Those interested in attending tions into the U.S. Department of the conference may also contact the State. Changes in U.S. Agency for "Globalization and Peace in the 21st Fulbright Association, 1130 17'h St., International Development (AID) Century-The Fulbright Role" will N.W., Suite 310, Washington, DC operations to align them more closely serve as the theme of the Fulbright 20036. Telephone: (202) 331-1590; with the State Department are also Association's 20"' annual meeting and Fax: (202) 331-1979; e-mail: planned. conference. Ambassador Sally [email protected]. Although Congress generally con­ Shelton-Colby (France 1968), assistant siders bills which authorize agencies administrator for global programs of and programs and their funding lev­ the U.S. Agency for International els before considering bills which Development and a Fulbright In This Issue th appropriate annual funding, this Association director, chairs the 20 Congressional Update .................................... l summer both authorization and annual conference committee. 20" Annual Conference ..................................1 appropriations bills are making their Conference participants will attend New Directors for 1997-1999 Term ..............2 way through the legislative process the 1997 J. William Fulbright Prize for simultaneously. Thus, in contrast to International Understanding award National Executive Service Corp s Seeks Volunt eers ..................................................2 recent years, Congress may actually ceremony on Friday, Oct. 3, at the pass and the President sign legisla­ U.S. Department of State. At 7 p.m., Report on Fulbright Alumni Enr ich America Survey ....................................... 3 tion needed to authorize agencies and the 20th annual banquet will take to appropriate their fiscal year 1998 place in the ballroom of the ANA In Memoriam-Michael Cardozo ................4 funds before October 1, when the Hotel, the conference site. Chapter Events and Activities .................. .5-8 new federal fiscal year begins. Panels on Saturday, Oct. 4, and Environment & Science Task Force Sunday, Oct. 5, will explore conflict Upda~ ....................................................... ~ Authorization prevention and democracy, globaliza­ Arts Task Force Update .................................9 tion of the world economy, resource Fulbright Association Donor Roster.. ... 11-18 Both chambers of Congress passed issues and environmental impacts Institutional Member Roster ....................... 18 authorization bills in June. The from climate change and biodiversity Globa l Fulbright Network ..................... 19-21 Senate Foreign Relations loss, and global public health threats Sout h Florida Chapter Hosts Span ish Authorization Act (S. 903) authorizes through HIV-AIDS and emerging Fulbright Commission Director ...........21 $200 million for educational and cul­ infectious diseases. Fulbright Alumni Achievements ..........22-26 tural exchange programs. Of that To celebrate the Fulbright Fulbright Alumni Enrich America total, $99.236 million is authorized for Association's 20th anniversary, Survey ....................................................... 27 Fulbright exchanges, an increase of Meridian International Center will Fulbright Fulbright ASS " C I AT I II N The Fulbrighters' Newsletter --------------------------------- The Fulbrighters' Newsletter ''' "' ' ' '' " ·' Members Elect President, Directors NESC Seeks Talented Report on Fulbright Alumni At the Fulbright Association's 19th Nitze School of Advanced annual business meeting on Oct. 12, in International Studies in Washington, Professionals Washington, D.C., members elected D.C. From 1983 to 1985, Dr. Roett Enrich America Survey Philip 0. Geier to serve as president served as a consultant to the Chase By Heather R. Weston ~-- -- ---------~ for a second term in 1997. Manhattan Bank in various capacities . Nearly 800 Fulbright alumni wrote Donald W. O'Connell (Mexico Association members also voted to From 1993 to 1996, he was the senior The National Executive Service responded to a survey sent to several 1990). We w ant to hear from y ou! elect to the Board of Directors for the political analyst in the Emerging Corps (NESC) seeks successful execu­ groups of former grantees this spring. Friendships and partnerships made term Jan. 1, 1997, to Dec. 31, 1999, the Markets Division of the International tives able to provide pro-bono con­ The survey contains two brief ques­ while abroad enable many Don't forget to return the Nominating Committee's slate of five Capital Markets group. sulting services in the areas of strate ­ tions whose answers are being used Fulbrighters to continue educational Fulbright Alumni Enric h candidates: Frederick G. Acker, Mary Dr. Roett serves as senior advisor to gic and business planning, budgeting to document how the Fulbright and cultural collaborations after their Americ a Surve y. If you need C. McEniry, Riordan Roett, Ronald J. the World Economic Forum in Geneva and financial management, market­ Program contributes to local commu­ original grants . Ross, and David G. Smith . Mr. Acker, and is a member of the boards of ing, organizational analysis, and nities and to national interests and As a result of his Fulbright experi­ anot her copy, please use the Dr. McEniry, and Dr. Ross were elect­ directors of seven closed-end funds in information systems, among other why the program remains an out­ ence, Danny Ray Mielke (England one printed on the insid e ed to serve a second term. Dr. Roett New York including Salomon areas. standing investment of public funds . 1995) and his British associates "have back cover. and Mr. Smith are serving their first Brothers Global Partners Income NESC is a nonprofit organization Also requested in the survey are arranged two distance education term. Fund, Inc.; the Worldwide Income whose mission to strengthen the updates on contact numbers and activities in epidemiology and biorne­ Fund Inc.; 2008 Worldwide Dollar management and increase the capacity information on Internet access and chanics and are currently working on Many respondents also commented First-Tenn Directors Government Term Trust Inc.; and the of nonprofit and government organ­ use. (Alumni who have not received a complete course using distance on the Fulbright program's 50-year Emerging Markets Floating Rate Fund izations is achieved by recruiting and a survey are asked to complete and technology in the area of health pro­ history of promoting peace. Sarita and Don Johnston Professor of Inc. He is a member of the Council on placing highly experienced executiv es return the copy printed on the inside motion." Louise T. Chawla (Norway 1994) Political Science Riordan Roett also Foreign Relations and is former who serve as pro-bono consultants to back cover of the newsletter as soon Arguments for continuing strong wrote, "World understanding is the directs the Latin American Studies national president of the Latin nonprofit clients. as possible.) public support of the Fulbright best foundation for peace-and the Program at the Johns Hopkins Paul H. American Studies Association. He Private companies have the luxur y Several broad themes have Program affirm the program's core best way to secure understanding was a Fulbright scholar in Brazil in of utilizing specialists to help with a emerged in answers to the question, concepts and emphasize the need for and friendship is by working 1964. wide variety of organizational issu es "What did your Fulbright award Fulbright exchanges in an increasing­ abroad." A retired foreign service officer, from public relations to financial enable you to do to enrich your com­ ly interdependent world. Alumni believe that the increasing David G. Smith is active in the field of management to executive coaching . munity and your country?" "Understanding other people and internationalization of the U.S. econo­ oe~\ local and family history and is particu­ NESC was created to provide non­ Respondents remarked frequently cultures without actually living in the my also strongly argues for contin­ ~ Cb\\\e,a\O larly interested in the preservation profits with the same level of exper­
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