February 8, 1940 5c a copy THE WITNESS THE SEASON OF LENT SAMUEL SEABURY: FIRST BISHOP Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS CLERGY NOTES SCHOOLS CARROLL, ALBERT P., a former priest of tST]t (Bencral tEijeoIogtcal the Roman Catholic Church, was admitted K e m p f r TTAIX to the ministry of the Episcopal Church on f ^em tttarg January 20th by Bishop Wing of South Florida. After a ministry of about 16 KENOSHA, WISCONSIN Three-year undergraduate years in the Roman Church he was received Episcopal Boarding and Day School. course of prescribed and elective into the communion of the Episcopal Church study. in 1937. Preparatory to all colleges. Unusual DANIELS, HENRY, Bishop of Montana, re­ opportunities in Art and Music. Fourth-year course for gradu­ ceived the degree of doctor of divinity from Complete sports program. Junior ates, offering larger opportunity Berkeley Divinity School on January 25th. School. Accredited. Address: for specialization. DAWLEY, POWEL M., is now the associate SISTERS OF ST. MARY Provision for more advanced rector of St. David’s, Roland Park, Balti­ more. Box W. T. work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. GARDNER, GERARD C., is now the vicar and D.Th. of Trinity Church, Fillmore, California. Kemper Hall Kenosha, Wisconsin GRAY, SIDNEY R. S., rector of several Chi­ ADDRESS cago parishes during his long ministry, died CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL on January 11th in his 87th year. New York City THE DEAN PFEIFFER, ROBERT F., formerly assistant A boarding school for the forty boys of Chelsea Square New York City at All Saints’, Pasadena, California, is now the Choir of the Cathedral of Saint John the the rector of Christ Church, Tacoma, Divine. Careful musical training and daily Washington. For Catalogue Address the Dean singing at the cathedral services. Small TORREY, A. J., formerly in charge of classes mean individual attention and high Trinity, Monessen, Pa., is now in charge standards. The School has its own building of St. Simeon’s, Concord, Staten Island, and playgrounds in the Close. Fee— $300.00 N. Y. per annum. Boys admitted 9 to 11. Voice Episcopal Theological School test and scholarship examination. Address The Precentor, Cathedral Choir School, Cathe­ CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS dral Heights, New York City. Affiliated with Harvard University offers unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as philosophy, psychology, history, sociology, etc. ; ALL SAINTS’ HOLDERNESS For Cataloge Address the Dean In the White Mountains. College Preparatory and General Courses. Music and Crafts. For EPISCOPAL COLLEGE boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 acres of woods. New fireproof building. In­ The Protestant EP iscopal Vicksburg, Mississippi dividual attention. Home atmosphere. Theological Seminary in Virginia A small church school for girls Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector For Catalogue and other information offering four years of high school Box W , Plymouth, N. H. address the Dean (specializing in college preparatory) REV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS, D.D. and two years of college. Emphasis Theological Seminary Alexandria, Va. on thorough work. Borders on the National Park in historic Vicksburg and overlooks the Berkeley Mississippi. Stuart UfaU Arts. Mild Climate. Outdoor Sports. An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old Divinity School Address: traditions and high standards in the beau­ New Haven, Connecticut The Rev. W. C. Christian, Rector tiful Vallfey of Virginia. College prepara­ Affiliated with Yale University tory, general courses, and secretarial Address DEAN W. P. LADD bourses. : Two years beyond high school. Music, art, expression. Graduates success­ 86 Sachem Street ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ DeVeaux School ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. Carr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. TRINITY COLLEGE 1852-1939 Hartford, Conn. Niagara Falls, New York Offers a general cultural education, with special emphasis on the Classics, Modern A Church preparatory school for boys Languages, English, Economics, History, Phil­ from the sixth grade. Small classes. Ex­ osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, perienced instructors. Students may enter The Church Divinity School of the Pacific Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineering. at any time and in any grade above the BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA For information apply, The Dean. fifth. Enrolment limited to 120. Dean, Henry H. Shires 2457 Ridge Road The Rt. Rev. Cameron J. Davis, D.D. Bishop of Western New York President, Board of Trustees THE DIVINITY SCHOOL CARLETON COLLEGE For catalogue, address Philadelphia, Pa. Donald J. Cowling, President Geo. L. Barton, Jr., Ph.D. A three year Course, leading to the Degree Carleton is a co-educational liberal arts Headmaster of Th.B. ; eight months Theological Studies, college of limited enrollment and is rec­ two months Clinical Training each year. ognized as the Church College of Min­ DeVEAUX SCHOOL Graduate Studies, leading to Degrees of nesota. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Th.M* and Th.DJ Address: Assistant to the President Department of Womep, three year Course CARLETON COLLEGE and Clinical Training, leading to the Th.B. Northfield Minnesota Shorter Course for professional women. WITNESS TRACTS ALLEN EVANS, Dean , 4205 Spruce St. FORK UNION Why 'Believe in God? by Samuel S. Drury. ST. AGNES SCHOOL Why Beffeve in Jesus? by Albert Lucas. A Resident and Day School for Girls MILITARY ACADEMY Why Missions? by Edmund J. Lee. GENERAL COURSE: MUSIC AND ART An Honor Christian School with the highest Why Worship? by Charles Herbert Young. SPORTS OF ALL KINDS academic rating. Upper School prepares for What Christianity Demands of Me by New Fireproof Building university or business. ROTC. Every mod­ Edric A Weld. ern equipment. Junior School from six years. What Christianity Demands of Society Miss Blanche Pittman, Principal Housemother. Separate building. Catalogue. by G. Gardner Monks. Loudonville Road, Albany, N. Y. Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union, Virginia. What It Means to Be a Disciplined Chris­ tian by Charles L. Street. Why Pray? by Oscar Randolph. St. Faith’s School The Meaning of the Real Presence by Virginia Episcopal School Saratoga Springs, Health Centre of G. A. Studdert-Kennedy. 5c for single copies Lynchburg, Virginia America 50c for a sample set Prepares boys for colleges and university. Episcopal School for 60 girls, ages 8-18. 100 (assorted if you wish) for $3.00 Splendid environment and excellent corps of Tuition $550. Regents’ examination for col­ teachers. High standard in scholarship and lege entrance. Business, Art, Music, French, Use these in a tract rack in your church athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in Winter Sports. the mountains of Virginia. The Rev. F. Allen Sisco, Ph.D., Rector WITNESS BOOKS For catalogue apply to Protection, Care, Health, Education 6140 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. E ditor Associate Editore Irving P. Johnson Frank E. W ilson Managing Editor W illiam P. Ladd . William B. Spofford THE WITNESS George I. H iller Literary Editor Clifford L. Stanley A National Paper of the Episcopal Church Gardiner M. Day A lbert T. Mollegen Vol. X X IV . No. 2. FEBRUARY 8, 1940 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly from September through June, inclusive, with the exception of the first number of January, and^semi­ monthly during July and August, by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscrip­ tion price is $2.00 a year; in Bundles for sale at the church the paper sells for five cents a copy, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, March 6, 1939, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois under the Act of March 3, 1879. Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 135 Liberty Street, New York City. Samuel Seabury: First Bishop By JAMES ARTHUR MULLER Professor at the Cambridge Seminary N NOVEMBER 14, 1784, the first American and then studied theology while acting as lay read­ O bishop was consecrated. What puzzles many er under his father on Long Island. He went to readers of American church history is that a bish­ England in 1752 and being still too young for or­ op had not been consecrated long before, since the dination, studied medicine for a year at Edin­ Episcopal Church, whose very name implies bish­ burgh. He was ordained deacon and priest in ops, had existed on this continent since 1607. It 1753. Returning to this country he served was the first of all churches to be planted in the churches successively in New Brunswick, N. J., English colonies. But during the first century of Jamaica, L. I., and Westchester, N. Y. its .existence the mother Church of England felt During the Revolution he sided with the Tories, that conditions in the colonies were too primitive being convinced that it would be for the best in­ for the residence of a bishop (the conception of a terests of the colonies to remain under the British missionary bishop had not yet dawned upon the crown. This exposed him to insult and injury— Church), and during the next century, when liv­ he was on one occasion seized by a troop of revolu­ ing conditions in the colonies had improved, ob­ tionary horse, carried from Westchester to jections to bishops came from the side of the col­ New Haven, paraded through the streets there, onists, who felt that bishops were too closely con­ and kept under military guard for six weeks. nected with the English state and that they might After his release he took refuge within the British curb that measure of religious and political inde­ lines and became chaplain (with the rank of cap­ pendence which the colonists were already enjoy­ tain) in the King’s American Regiment, a regi­ ing.
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