~~"'__ "">"V ••'I>.W~"'-'it\!"'*'#-t40-'<l<}.·''''~';'''!''~'~H.'$I!AA<'-'~'''I'{'~:i!~'''''''' """""""~"~" ''"'W' THE MICHIGAN REVIE Volume 8, Number 7 March 1990 John Doe Tells All By Brian Jendryka and Carey Brian Meadors what to think of it because the political about this crap," Wynne said. Action Office. Well, it says right here, For nearly a year, Wesley Wynne climate at the University of Texas is The last straw, however, was the by God, you're guilty of discrimina­ has led a double life as a graduate stu­ much different." pamphlet, "What students should tory harassment." dent in psychology and as John Doe, Seven months later, after graduat­ know about discrimination and dis­ ToWynne,thiswasablatantviola­ the plaintiff in the case that ruled the ing with a degree in psychology from criminatory harassment," that he re­ tion of students' First Amendment University of Michigan's policy on the University of Texas, Wynne en­ ceived in the mail in October 1988. rights. "I think the student's idea discriminatory harrassment unconsti­ rolled in the U- M's graduate school. "I looked through it and was com­ would be a dubious hypothesis, but tutional last August. Now, nearly His interest in the issue was rekindle-d pletely shocked," said Wynne. "It was one that should be allowed to be stated eight months later, Wynne has shed ~~ r)l=t~ill~ __--'-l:_J _ "~ _ m~~ ~~ saying that if you were a student and in an institution whose primary pur­ his alias and speaks freely about his ex­ you commit any of these particular pose is the open discussion of ideas," periences. acts, you will be subject to a punish­ he said. The case, which has ignited the ment possibly as strong as expulsion." The problem was not just the obvi­ campus and received national atten­ Although he thought that some of ous First Amendment violations, ac­ tion, began for Wynne in March 1988 ;; the examples given did warrant 1'un­ cording to Wynne, but also the fear with a trip to the U-M campus as a ~. ishment, many did not. "1 vehemently that students would be afraid to con­ potential graduate student. Wynne, a ~. j ~ disagreed with the inclusion of some of tribute to classroom discussion be­ University of Texas undergraduate at oW!. .• ''- the examples. For instance, according to cause of the policy. the time, noticed a flyer saying, "Tell this pamphlet, discrirni.natory harass­ "Every student at the U-M re­ someone about discrimination against ment would be manifested if a male stu­ ceived this pamphlet. There was a lesbians and gay men." What he found dent made a remark in class that women good chance that many people, on the particularly interesting was the pas­ just aren't as good in a field as men, thus basis of this policy, would refuse to sage "discriminatory harassment, ex­ creating a hostile learning atmosphere make certain comments for fear of clusion ... abusive or intensive lan­ for female classmates." being punished," he said. guage ... will be treated as serious vio­ "So just imagine sitting, for ex­ Shortly after receiving the pam­ lations of University Policy." ample, in an engineering class and class phlet, Wynne joined the American "This seemed to be some sort of Wesley Wynne hasn't begun. You lean over to your Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). He later Big Brother saying, 'If you hear any­ buddy and say - and this is something came into contact with Robert Sedler, a body saying something insensitive after reading Benjamin Hart's Poi­ that you happen to believe - 'you Wayne State University faculty mem­ about gays and lesbians, such asa joke, soned luy, an account of the leftist know, I don't think women areas good ber and an attorney for the ACLU who you should contact this office.' That Dartmouth University administra­ at this as men are.' Well, say somebody was trying to get a plaintiff for a test seemed almost Orwellian, and it gave tic-no in back of you, maybe some radical case against the U- M's policy. At the me a chill," said Wynne. "11 kind of "That book really got me think­ feminist women's studies major,getsall time, Wynne, who will receive his worried me, but I really didn't know ingthat I might wanttodo something ticked off and goes to the Affirmative master's degree in biological psychol- Campus Security Wants Guns Continued on page 11 by Brian Jendryka in the Ann Arbor Police Department being armed and having the ability to Many University of Michigan stu­ would never dream of - without legally arrest criminals. Inside dents are aware that many of the sidearms or the ability to arrest cam­ Currently, the 16 officers who pa­ V- M's professional schools and pro­ pus criminals. trol the U-M campus wear U-M De­ Editorial: We want grams are conSistently ranked among U- M Security Director Leo partment of Public Safety uniforms and the nation's top 10. What many do not Heatty believes that the solution to drive marked security cars. This is very $35,000, too 4 realize is that, according toa 1988 USA this problem is the incorporation of deceiving to visitors, criminals and Today study of22 large universities, the certified police officers within the even some U-M students who often U- M is also ncar the head of its class in Dcpartment of Public Safety and Se­ confuse them with armed law enforce­ Inte.rview with violent crimes. What even fewer real­ curity who can be dispatched on the ment officials, according to Heatly. This the Dude 8 ize is that U-M safety officers, who more dangeTOus calls. These officers can lead to dangerous situations for respond to approximately 30,000 calls would be trained separately from both the security officers and innocent per year, have to respond to violent regular security officers and would Baseball Picks 12 crimes in a way that their counterparts have more responsibilities, such as Continued on page 11 , '" ~""'''\ .• ",. ~, ~ .... ".o:t,.;,..~( . " ... .;~. The Michigan Review, March 1990, p. 2 THE Serpent's Tooth MICHIGAN Last month, an unknown culprit at the own stereotypes? U.S. Rep, Carl Pursell, R-Ann Arbor, REVIEW Daily surreptitiously inserted a pair of recently sent out newsletters that said homosexual symbols on an ROTC they were ''Printed with soybean ink advertisement. May we be so bold as Students at Grand Rapids Junior Col­ on recycled paper," Now that's envi­ The Campus Affairs to suggest that the offender attend a lege are fashion trendsetters, having ronmental consciousness. heterosexual sensitivity class? just "won the right to wear ... dese­ Journal of the crated American flag(s)" on their cloth­ University of Michigan ing, according to the school's student­ State Rep. Perry Bullard, D-Ann Ar­ During his much-publicized address run Collegiate. Hopefully these new bor, also mailed newsletters (which at MSU last month, Louis Farrakhan designs won't be seen on our campus were printed on recycled paper, but Editor-in-Chief said, "You white administrators are - they would clash with the shanties. presumably without soybean ink) that John J. Miller very deceptive if you offer a degree in included a list of Lansing's toll free Black Studies and you know the "hotlines," among them the "Meat and Publishers graduates will get a degree they can The U-M's Kelsey Museum of Archae­ Poultry" hotline and the "Rest Area Matthew Lund never use." We applaud Farrakhan for ology recently distributed a press re­ Hotline." Thanks, Perry. Carey Brian Meadors confirming our beliefs that Black Stud­ lease concerning their new exhibit, ies Programs are a device of the white, "Crowning Glories: Persian Kingship Executive Editors male hegemony to retain its corrupt and the Power ofCreative Continuity." Move over Agenda, the Ann Arbor Adam DeVore power. We call on students every­ According to the flyer, the exhibit dis­ Metro Times, a left-wing weekly, has Brian Jendryka where to join Farrakhan in demanding plays ''Works of art, rare photographs, come to town, and former Daily opin­ Mark Molesky and end to the worst of racist tools - and drawings." Rare indeed! We had ion page editors Cale Southworth and the Black Studies Program. no idea the Persians had cameras! Amy Harmon are editor and contribu­ Assistant Editors tor, respectively. How can Agenda Rahul Banta, Clifton Gault, Bob compete with that kind of talent? Juneja, Joseph Klein, Mark Tulkki U.S. Secretary of Education Lauro F. Domino's Pizza reported a 16 percent Cavazos recently called for an end to drop in income in 1989 and attributed Production Managers "all vestiges of racial and ethnic dis­ it, according to the Detroit News, to Why do the MSA radicals keep chang­ Ruth Armstrong crimination in our nation's cam­ costs associated with new training ing the names of their political parties? Karen Brinkman puses," according to a Department of programs and a computerized system This year's Action party seems to be an Education news release. Perhaps Ca­ for checking the motor vehicle regis­ incarnation of the long-dead Choice, Personnel Manager vazos will end world hunger next. But trations of its drivers. Sorry, boycot­ Student's Choice, and Student Power Vince Wilk first we'll have to figure out how to get ters, you weren't mentioned. parties. Do they have to change their "in" a campus. name each term to avoid student recog­ Circulation Director nition? Chris Terry The Office of Affirmative Action has Last term, Michagamua, a secret honor formed the Study Committee on the Editor Emeritus society got itself into trouble for using Status of Lesbians and Gay Men to We recently played volleyball with the Marc Selinger Native American costumes in its initia­ learn about discrimination against Daily at the CCRB, and, despite the val­ tion ceremony, as many campus homosexuals at the U-M, according to iant efforts of Reviewers Chris "Spike­ Staff groups criticized the organization.
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