Learning Chichewa: Book 2, Lessons 11-20. Peace Corps Language

Learning Chichewa: Book 2, Lessons 11-20. Peace Corps Language

DOCUMENT PESUHE ED 206 158 FL 012 365 AUTHOR Scottcn, Carol Myers: Orr, Gregory John TITLE Le!-:ling Chichewa: Book 2, Lessons 11-20. Peace Corps Language Handbook Series. INSTITUTION Hiel.gan State Univ., East Lansing. African Studies Cet.er. SPONS AGENCY Peace Corps, Washington, D.:. PUB DATE 80 CONTRACT PC-79-043-1033 NOTE 538p.: For related documents, see FL 012 364-366. LANRUAGE Chichewa: English EDRS' PRICE HF02 Plui Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS African Culture: African Languages: Communicative Competence (Languages): *Cultural Activities: *Dialogs (Language): *Grammar: *Pattern Drills (Language): Postsecondary Education: Reading Instruction: Second Language Learning: Textbooks: Uncommonly Taught Languages: Vocabulary Development IDENTIFIERS *Chichewa: Nalavi ABSTRACT These lessons in Chichewa are a continuation ofthe first volume. AS in thw first volume, two typed oflessons are presented. The 0?* lessons present basic grammaticalpatterns through explicit discussions of the patterns involved. The*80 lessons present language in use. They contain dialogs,monologs, narratives, proverbs, riddles, and exercises based on these formsof communication. A section of supplementary materialsprovides readings on various topics of a culturalnature. These readings have an English translation on the page facing the Chichewatext. The book is illustrated with pan-and-ink drawings. (8HH1 *********************************************************************** * * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that canbe made * * from the original document. # 111114111**414110*4141*******10111011401*############********414*41,0*####011*###*411111101**41 LEARNINGe.if CAN41/4 .-506k , LeSSoNSI- 20 PEACE 'CORPS LANGUAGE HANDBOOK SERIES These materials were developed under the auspices of the African Studies Center at Michigan State University. 0 Project director Carol Myers Scotton and editor Assistant director Gregory John Orr and editorial assistant U.S. DEPANTEEINT Of EDUCATION NADONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS CENTER IERICI MATERIAL. IN MICROFICHE ONLY X.The document has been reproduced as HAS BEEN GRANTED BY received horn the person or ortpautatoon ongmatineof Carol Myer, Scotton Minor changea 'have been made to improve lapluduction quality Points of view or opinions stated on this docu men' do not necessaniv represent officiat NIE TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES position or policy INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." International Copyright c 1980 by Carol Myers Scotton and the African Studies Center at Michigan State University. All Rights Reserved. No part of these materials may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by rny means except by ACTION/ Peace Corps or other agency of the U.S. government or with the prior written permission of the ACTION/Peace Corps, a U.S. government agency, the African Studies Center at Michigan StateUniversity, or Carol Myers Scotton. Peace Corps contract 0 79-043-1033 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page . 1 LESSON 11A . 11.2Modifiers: Adjectival Stems 4 8 11.3 Verbal Modifiers . 12 11.4 Negative Modifiers . 13 11.5 'What kind/sort of?' (VMP + -tani) . 17 11.6Modifier Review. 21 11.7Summary Exercises . 25 LESSON 11BKusitolo 'At the store' . 36 LESSON 12A . , . 12,2 Fluent Usage (Contracted forms) . 38 . 48 12.3 Word Order. 51 12.4Summary Exercises . 54 LESSON 128Ozinja 'The Rainy Season' . 65 LESSON 13A . 68 13.2The Applied Verbal Suffix -r- . 13.3 -nse 'Each/Every/All/Any'. 75 82 13.4 Summary Exercises . LESSON 138Wapaulendo Ndi Kondakitala 'A Traveler and a . 86 Conductor' 100 LESSON 14A . 103 14.2Comparisons with Modifiers . 14.3 Reciprocal Verb Suffix -on- 112 14.4 Reflexive Verb Prefix -dzi- 115 117 14.5 Summary Exercises . 121 LESSON 148Mwezi ndi Akazi Ake AWiri . 'The Moon and His Two Wives' Lae_ LESSON 16A . , 171 16.2 The Stative Verb Suffix -k- . 173 16.3 Conjunc., ons . 177 16.4 Summary Exercises . 183 . LESSON 16BNjinga Yothyoka 'A Broken Bicycle' . 186 LESSON 17A . , 195 17.2 Kuti 'Say/That/So That' . 197 17.3 'Since' . 206 17.4 'How Long?' . 210 17.5 Summary Exercises . 213 LESSON 17B Ana A Sukulu 'School Children' . 217 LESSON 18A . 229 18.2 Causative Verbal Suffix -ts- . 232 18.3 Noun Formation . 236 18.4 Summary Exercises . 244 LESSON 18B Tate ndi Mwana Wake 'A Father and His Son' . 248 LESSON 19A . 258 19.2 The Modifier stem -kha 'only/alone'. 260 19.3 Augmentative Prefixes: Chi/Zi. 263 19.4 'Still' /'Yet' . 266 19.5 Summary Exercises . 269 LESSON 19BAlimi /WM 'Two Farmers' . 273 LESSON 20A . 286 20.2 -MWE 'Even, As Well, The Same'. 288 20.3 Numbers (10 - 100) . 294 20.4The Reversive Verbal Suffix -ul- . 298 20.5 Summary Exercises . 301 LESSON 208 Nyuzi/Nkhani 'The News' . 305 4 Page . 318 REVIEW EXERCISES (Lessons 16 - 20) . 323 TRANSLATIONS . 34r2 REFERENCE GRAMMAR . 365 VOCABULARY LIST . SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS. 405 I. Dziko La Malawi t 407 -717Wriuntry of Malawi' 408 A. Anthu A M'MalaWi . 'People of MalaWi' B. Matawuni A M'MalaWi 414 'Towns of MalaWi' 418 C. Li1(Jr: Likulu la Dziko la MalaQi 'Lilongwe: Capital of D. _RIM Pa Pulazi . 422 'Life on An Estate' 434 E. Nyama Za .U45121E21 . 'Wildlife' 445 II. NKHANI ZISANU . 'Five Stories' 446 A. Kul ungedwa Kwa KaphirintiWa . 'The Creation Myth of KaphirintiWa' B. Namdzikambe Wa Nyancia Ndi Chiyambf Cha Moyo. 450 'The Horned Chameleon and the Origin of Life' 454 C. Chtyambi Cha Nyanja Ya Chilwa . 'The Origin of Lake Chilwa' D. M'Mene Khate Linabwerera Padziko La Pansi . 458 'How Leprosy Came Into the World' 464 E. Chiyambi Cha Nyau . 'The Origin of tne Nyau' Page III. NTCHITO . 471 'Work' A. War, Lero . 472 'MalaWi Today' B. Chakudya Chabwino Choienera Kupatsa Banja 492 'Providing Good Food For the Family' C. Technical Vocabulary Lists . 502 D. ENGLISH-CHICHEWA Medical Dictionary 506 6 INDEX OF TAPE RECORDINGS LESSON 11B ib -Dialogue 11.1 P Text 11.7 LESSON 128 Text 12.1 Dialogue 12.4 LESSON 13B Dialogue 13.1 Dialogue 13.6 LESSON 15B Supplementary Text 15.6 LESSON 16B Dialogue 16.1 Dialogue 16.4 LESSON 17B Dialogue 17.1 Supplementary 'Text 17.6 LESSON 18B Dialogue 18.1 LESSON 19B Dialogue 19.1 * 3 s) LESSON 11A (PHUtIZIRO 1..A KHUMI NDI CHIMODZI) GRAMMAR IEW VOCABULARY MODIFIERS: ADJECTIVAL STEMS VERBAL MODIFIERS NBVTIVE MODIFIERS 'WHAT KIND/SORT OF?' (VMP + -TANI) MODIFIER REVIEW SUMMARY EXERCISES GRAMMATICAL PATTERNS LEARNED ;) -2- LESSON 11 A (PHUNZ!RO LA KRUM! NDI CHIMODZ!) 11.1 NEW VOCABULARY ADJECTIVAL STEMS - kulu 'big' - ng'ono 'small' -- V - fupi '.short (near)' - tali 'long, tall (far)' - kazi 'female' -muna 'male' VERBSTEMS- - chepa 'be few/little' - chuluka 'be mgerous/plenty' -kwanira 'be enough/sufficient' - maliza 'finish (last)' - yamba 'begin (first)' - kalamba 'be old' - zizira 'be cold' - tentha 'be hot' - panda 'be without' - tani 'do what/say what?' - chokera 'come from' QUESTION STEMS -tani? 'what kind of?' 10 -3- I 'sun- Cuiss 6 mantha 'fear' CLAMS7/3 cningweizinck. 'sting /strings' A CLASSE.9/ 2 . mfumuiamfumu 'ch:efictAefs' TIME EXPRESS IONS (tsiku) lachinayi 'Thursday' (tsiku) lachisanu 'Friday' t ii ,. %. -4- 11.2 MODIFIERS: ADJECTIVAL STEMS In the previous lessons we saw the important role of the 'a' of association in the modifying of nouns and nominal stems 1..y other nouns: mkazi wabwino 'a good woman' tebulo la nsungwi 'a bamboo table' This 'a' of association is also used when noun ire modified by adjectives. There are only a few 'true',adjectives in Chichewa,w1.11 nominal modifiers based on nouns and verbs being much more numerous. The adjectival stems take a double prefix; that is, the AR opcurs with the n2 of association toform the 'first prefix'. (For example, i 4- a = ya for Class 9 or 'nyumba: class nouns.) Then the AP is repeated on its own to form the second prefix. The result, for example, is: lst'prefix 2nd prefix Cl. 9 Noun Associative form + AP + adjectival stem (i + a = ya) + (i) One such adjectival stem is -kulu meaning 'big'. In order to say 'a big house', we would have: (Cl. 9) nyumba+ + +kulu = nyumba yaikulu 'house' 'big' 'a big house' In the plural: (C11 9) nyumba+za- + zi-+ kulu = nyumba zazikulu. 'houses' 'big' big houses' This double-preffx of,the associative form and the AP is attached to the adjectival stem without any sound changes or merging of consonants.Some of the important adjectival stem, which will be used in this lesson are: 4 - kuZu 'big' -tali 'tall/long' (also 'far') - ng'ono 'small' -kazi 'female' - fupi 'short' (also 'near') -muna 'male' The following table contains.) list and examples of theseadjeCtives with the appropriate double prefix corresponding to the nounclaA: 12 Clas; Associative + AP a Double Example No. Form Prefix 1 wa- + m- = wam- Mbana wake wamkazi waawala. 'His daughter 1a wa- + wam- Galuyu ndi wamkulu. 'This dog is big.' 2 a- + a- aa- Ana ake aamuna adWaLa. 'His sons are sick.' AgaliLa ndi aakulu. 'These dogs are big.' 3 wa- u- = wau- Ndinaona mtengo waufuvi. 'I saw a short tree. 4 ya- + = yai- Ndinaona mitengo yaifupi. 'I saw some short trees.' 5 La- Zi- = Lodi- AUmpatse khauu 'Give him a small hoe.' 6 a- a- = aa- ftmpatse makaeu aan 'ono. 'Give him the small hoes.' 7 cha- chi- = chachi-Titsegule cniteeko chachikulu. 'Let's open the big 7667---- 8 za- + zi- = zazi-Titeegule zitseko zazikulU. 'Let's open the bii-EFFEn 9 ya- = yai-Angndipataa njinga uaing'ono. 'He gave me a small bike.' 10 za- + zi- = zazi-Anandipatsa njinga zazinq'ono. 'He gave me the small bikes.' 12 ka- ka- = /aka-Kagalu krlang'or kackrala. 'The sma dog is sick.' 13 ta- + ti- = tati- Tiagalu tatineono tadbala. 'The small dogs are sick.' 14 wa- u- = wau-Anamanga ulalo wautali. 'He built a loniEFT-di-e.' 16 pa- + pa- = papa-Ndinaikabukuloparei;uirrapaneono. 'I put that book c, a ,gall part of the table.' 17 kwa- + ku- . luaku- Tikupita kyphiri 'We're going to ali777157intain.' 18 WC- # mu-+Malflti-Ali m'chipinda mwamuneono.

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