Vol. XXXIX Collegedale, Tennessee, January 3, 1945 No. 1 Happy New Year To All By E. F. Hackman, President, Southern Union Conference here is something about coming to the close of the old year and crossing the threshold of the New Year that I like. I must confess that I do not like the idea that the years are passing by, that all my friends T are getting older around me. But we can all thank God that with each passing year we are one year nearer the coming of our blessed Lord. "For now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed." I like to come to the close of the old year and look back on the many providences of God. I see His workings in a thousand different ways and my heart rejoices. I see His blessings upon the advent movement which ' He has established in the world. I thank God that during the past year the lives of our workers have been spared. No losS by fire or other disaster has come to our many institutions. I thank God for the progress we see everywhere. Hundreds of souls are rejoicing in a knowledge of the truth who were not with us when the Old year began. Yes, ,I like to think of these things and to thank God for His multiplied blessing& On the other hand, I look back over the year and see some things I do not like. I see where I have made, mistakes which I knOw have wounded others and'brought grief to the heart of my Saviour; but I am thankful that Jesus understands and forgives our mistakes and gives His grace to overcome all unrighteousness. Yes, in His mercy God has given us another New Year, so that we may make our failures stepping stones to success. "I went to the throne with a quivering heart; The old year done; `Father, hast Thou another chance for me? I have, lost this one.' "He took the old year, stained and blotted, And gave me a new, one, clean, unspotted. Then down into my sad heart smiled, `Do better, next time, my child.' " .. This is the time to make resolutions, and while some do not believe in so doing, for fear they Will break them, yet it is always good to renew our determination to be more faithful in the service of God. I find that great men in the past made New Year's resolutions and they did great things for God, because, like Jesus, they set their faces to do the will of God. Jonathan Edwards, a mighty preacher for God and a great soul-winner, drew up the following resolutions for the New Year: _. "Resolved to live -with all my might while I do live; "Resolved never to lose one moment of time but todmprove it in the most profitable way; "Resolved never to do anything which I should despise, or think meanly in another; "Resolved never to do anything I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life." In David Livingstone's diary the New Year entry for January 1, 1870, reads: "The Lord help me to finish The work in hand before the year is out! Thanks for all last year's lovingkind nesses." The'entry for January 1, 1871, says: "Father, help me to finish the work to Thy honor." . Is that not a wonderful resolution to have for the New Year--to finish the work that God has committed to us? I belieVe Jesus was possessed of such a desire. It was uppermost in His mind. No one could read the seventeenth chapter of John without receiving this impression. Let us therefore-thank God for the privilege of seeing another New Year. Let us say with the Apostle Paul, "Forgetting those things which are behind,, loi and reaching fOrth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high call- 3 it of God in Christ Jesus." ' I extend to our thirteen hundred conference and institutional workers and all our people in the Southern Union my wish for a very happy and prosperous New Year in the Lord. GENERAL CONFERENCE LI BRARs, TAKCgik" PARK \P",7 LIINKTIO1i p. C 2 SOUTHISN TIDINGS Assisting Our Servicemen Let us pray together that God will oat watch over and protect our dear young CAROLINA The Lord has greatly blessed the en- people and above all will help them in re- taining Box 930, Charlotte, North Carolina deavors of the War Service Commission a living connection with Him. F. 0. Sanders, President of the Southern Union for which we praise M. E. Chapman H. E. Schneider, Secretary-Treasurer His name. It is true that some of our War Service Commission Secretary ase .40411Mr Southern Union Conference young people in service have been invol- CONGRATULATIONS! GREENSBORO ved in difficulty but through the special oas We were made happy at the Adventist blessing of God only two of these have ALABAMA-MISSISSIPPI been court-martialed. In the one instance Press headquarters to see the fine public- 1703 Twenty-fourth Ave.. Meridian, Miss. ity given the Greensboro. North. Carolina, where a young soldier was courtmartialed H.J. Capstan. President for refusing to obey orders to work on the RS. Blackburn Sectreary-Tressurer church on the- occasion of its recent dedi- cation. Sabbath, his case was reviewed by air the review board and dismissed and he The Greensboro News, on Thursday, was reinstated into the medical corps. OPPORTUNE TIME TO ORGANIZE before the dedication Sabbath, carried a The other case was that of non-combat- The harvest in most eases is ours. The large picture of the church, a beautiful ancy and I am sure that by the co-opera- long winter evenings are now with us. This double-story brick building, a picture of tion of the boy involved that we will soon is the time for our lay workers to again the pastor, Elder Horace R. Beckner, and have this sentence remitted and we can gather their forces for a successful harvest a good announcement story. Then on have this boy back in the service again. of souls. Those who give evidence of Sunday the News gave a good report Many other boys have been cited for being a personal worker should be given of the services. The circulation of this courtmartial but the officers in charge, every encouragement to get started giving paper is about sixty thousand copies. either at the camp or the service command, Bible studies. Many in our churches The afternoon paper, the North Caro- have denied these courtmartials and the should be holding cottage meetings. Some lina Record, published a good advance boys have been permitted to continue on could perhaps be holding nightly or weekly story in its Wednesday edition before, and with their good work in the service.. The meetings in a public way. Every church a report of the dedication on the Sabbath thing, however, that makes us more happy missionary committee shoutd give study it was held. These newspaper announce- than anything else is the fact that our and then help those get started in their ments and reports, most creditable to our boys in general are retaining a good Chris- work. Start now! No church should ex- church in Greensboro, were read by many tian experience. pect special individuals to get the inspira- thousands of people. They give evidence We are anxious, however, to be of tion, but the church should encourage of good relations with the newspapers. greater service to, our young people who certain ones to get their work started. We congratulate the pastor, his associates, are faithful in, the service of their coun- In some cases certain types of help and and the members in having this very fine try. You can help us in this matter. Time guidance are necessary. If so, why not place of worship, and for the way in which and again we have appealed to our chur- supply it and get these meetings started? these stories and others are bringing our ches for parents or loved ones to send in V. W. Esquilla, work prominently before the people 11" the names and addresses of their boys Home Missionary Secretary Greensboro . J. R. Fern who have been sent off to camps. Many Secretary General Conferei , have responded but we know there are Bureau of Publicity others who have not responded and we BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE are anxious to have the address of every You will be greatly blessed by reading boy and girl who has gone into these the three volumes, Selections from the camps from the Southern Union so that Testimonies. Give your order now to the SERVICEMEN'S MORNING WATCH we can keep in touch with them and give church missionary secretary or send it The Servicemen's Morning Watch Cal- them the encouragement that is possible direct to your Book and Bible House. endars for 1945-46 have arrived. These to give. We love these young people and Remember the special price is only $5.15 fine booklets are prepared especially for want to see them have all the help possi- in cloth and $6.00 in flexible binding. the young men and women in service, ble. Yes, it is too late to get that Christian having in mind their special needs. This Another way in which you can help us Home Calendar. They are all gone. calendar, as requested by Servicemen, is that if you should hear from the War The new trade edition of Daniel and has been arranged alphabetically so that Department that your boy had been killed the Revelation is expected very soon.
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