We've just filade it easier to enjoy the vibrant sound and innovative arrangements of your 1961 International Quartet Champions, the SUNTONESI The Complete Works Double album volumes of classic, digitally re·mastered music for the price of one compact disc or tape from Volume 2 (1967-1971) Volume 4 (1973-1976) Watch What Happens Fiddler Somewhere As Time Goes By PLUS SIX OTHER GREAT CHAMPIONSHIP RECORDINGS FORM ACOUSTIX &THE VOCAL MAJORITY IL 111 I I I' tA i {l,j The New Science Best of the Alleluia The Secret of Sound Early Years 01 Cllristmas TITLE QTY -IAPE -lilPE PRICE QTY CD CD PRICE EXTENDED PRICE ACOUSTIX - Stars & Stripes $10 $15 ACOUSTIX - The New Science orSOlllld $10 $15 SUNTONES - The Complete Works. Vol. 2 $10 $15 SUNTONt.:S - The Complete Works. Vol. '-1 $10 $15 Vocal ;..'tajority - Ucsi Of The Early Ycars $10 $15 Vucal jvl:ljoriL)' - I'll Be Seeing You $10 $15 Vocal i\'lajority - Allelui<l $10 $15 Vocal Majurity - The SelTel or Christmas $10 $15 N. Alllericilll shipping add $2.50 OFFICE USE ONLY SUB TOTAL I Outside N. America acid $5.00 f---=-=-=-==--------=-==------=---=---+------."S"'H"'IP"'P"'IN"""'G+-----------1 Allow 4 wccks for delivcry TAX (if applicable)I----------1 Texas rcsidents add X.2.:')7c- sales tax ® TOTAl, (US $) NAivlE ADDRESS _ CITY STAJ'E, ,ZIP CODE COUNTRY _ VIS,IO MC U AMEX 0 DISCOVER 0 EXP DATE ACCOUNT NLJ~IBEI( 1 SIGNATURE PHONE ( ORDER DATE I ;==::=========~~~ i I am inll'r... ~t ... tl in thesL~ SUNTONES volumes, shllulu the)' bewlIlL' arailablL': Check Ollt the I , VOLU,\IE I VOLUME 3 VOLUME 5 I ,I'1COU5T)X , 1962-1 96() 1972 1977-19R2 , TOllch or Gold Keep America Singing Where Is Love "hollle page" all the World Wide Web for detailed , Afterglow Tuuch DrOIt! My f-air Lady information about the quartct and recurdings available from I ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS: I o o o : L- --J Ilttp:lltimc.pop.upcllll.edu/acotistix/acollsti.x,htrn : Mail to ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS - 10455 N, Central Expressway, Ste 109-128 Dalias, Texas 752l1-2211 USA , I Fax Credit Cart! onkrs to 214/265-9555 or call 214/265-STJX (7849) for Booking Information. EivIAIL: acouslix(c'Yairmai1.net : I ~ .... I L.9:::."r:- 12i'::':~I:':j~,~:.. ..~I~ l~ ~~:,' ~~I~ ~'~L~l~f~<:~.~ ~~,~I~I~ ....i:"~'~'~I:I::'':'::~l~~~~:: :::':1~1~~::~ :lI~I~I:l~,~I~l~"":'~' ':'~~~~j~'~'~ ':'~1~·~ ~~':... J March/April 1996 1he Volume LVI, No, 2 The Hllrillollizer(USI'S NO.5 77700) (ISSN 0017-7849) is the official publication of the Society for the Preservation and ~a1fnonizer EnCOUf:lgcmenl of l3arbcr Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEIlSQSA). II is published in lhe months ofJanuar)', }'f3rch, }.lay,July. SelllcmbC'rand Non'mberat 7930 Sheridan A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143. Second·class poslagepaid OF SPEBSQSA. INC, IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY al Kenosha, Wisconsin. and 31 additional mailing oHites. Editori:"!1 and advertising offices are althe Societ), hCildquar­ lees. Adn:nising mIl'S :\\'ailablc upon request. Publisher 3S­ sumes no responsibility for rClIlm ofunsolicited manuscripts Features or art\\'ork. Postmaster: send addr('ss changes to editorial offices of Till! J!orIllOlli:n, 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, 4 Get ready for Salt Lake City Wisconsin 53143 at least thirt)'da)'s before the nt'xl publica­ lion date_ A portion of each member's dues is allocated to 1996 international convention activity report cover the magazine'ssubscription pricc_ Subscription priceto non-members is 511 )'e''IrI)' or 53_50 {K'r issue; foreign sub­ 6 Jacl<sonville was a blast! scriptions :1fe 531 )'earl)' or 55 per issue (U_ S_ funds onl)'). rep0l1s from the 1996 midwinter convention 01996 b)' the Societ)' for the PrcscT\'alion and Encourage­ ment of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America. Inc. 8 Music is what we're all about thoughts from Joe Liles' midwinter convention keynote speech Society Headquarters 10 Operation Harold Hill is off and running membership campaign mns out the door SPEBSQSA 12 Operation Harold Hill sets up shop on the Internet 6315 Third Avenue pillS other barbershop activity on the World Wide Web Kenosha, WI 53143·5199 Telephone (414) 653·8440 14 Bolton Landing 1995 ToU·free (800) 876,SlNG (7464) Labor Day weekcnd barbershop bash continues to grow in popularity FAX (414) 654-4048 or 654-5552 Office Hours: 8 a.llI. - 5 p.lIl. 16 How relationships affect leadership i\londny-F'l"idny (Celltnll Time) part eight in a series on chapter craft Headqua,'te,'s Office Staff Departments DAHRYI, FLINN, Exccutive Dir\'ctor 15 PR Basics DAN NAU,\'ANN, Director of1\lusic E(tucatioll 8: Serviccs [email protected] package shows mean money and members FltANK SANTAltEI.I.I, Dil\.'CtorofFin..1IlCc& t\dministr.ltion GAH\' STAl\Il\I, Dircctor of~larkt'til1g 18 Outreach TO;\IIIARU, Hannoll)' Foundation Program Coordinator news about our outreach activities RUTH BLAZINA.JOYCE, Muscum Cllmtor/Archi\,jst IJAN DAILY .. Publications Editor 20 Services DanDail)"@:aoJ.colll Hcartspring and SingAmerica/SingCanada information JIl\1 DEBUS~IAN, "tusic Specialist/COTS/Quartets JimDeOusl@)ol.com 21 From the Archives LANJ DIETEIl., C&J CoonJinator/Quartet Registry RUSS FORIS, l\lanagcr of1\ledia Production and Scr.·ices Sigmund Spacth-musicologist and Barbershopper WARREN ),EISEMANN, l\lanager orlnfonnalion Systems 22 Chapters in Action BRIAN LYNCII, Public Relations 1\lanager prSPEDSQSA!Eaol.com 24 News About Quartets DETTY ~I,\DSEN, l\lerch3ndise Orders & Shipping EV NAU, t\lanager ofl\lembership Development 8: Outreach 26 In Memory/Chapter Eternal, Men of Note BILL RASllLI::IGH, Mu~ic Sp..""'CialistlYouth Outre-.K"h GREG RlSMOEN, Computer Network Manager 27 Marketing the Society PAT1tICK TUCK.ER·KELI.Y. WorldHanl1ony~tclllbcrship membership service from the headqual1ers staff PalTK 1(!!gnn.colll DEE VESEVICK. Assistant to thc Excculive Dir~tor 28 Barbershop Around the World KEN DUCKi"i'ER, f\lanager ofConvcnlions & Meetings Louis\'iIle, K)·. (502) 893·7288 FAX: 893-669-1 30 Letters to the Editor Kcn\'encion@:aol.colll 31 The Way I See It ... CHARLIE Gnl-:EN, Dir{'ctorofIkwlopmenl 1\linneapolis. Minn. (612) 929-00-1\ FA.X: 929-0552 interesting thoughts 011 music from outside the Society 32 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers SPEBsaSA VISION STATEMENT The Society is to be a widely recognized, ever­ Special Insert-center section growing, singing fraternity of men, drawn together by their love of the four' part, a cappella, close· 1996 International Convention-Salt Lal<e City harmony style of music knOl'm as barbershop, housing, events, tours, order forms whose mission is to perpotuate Ihat style by shar­ ing it and thoir love for it with people of all ages throughout the world; and to be a leader in the On the cover cause of preserving ami encouraging vocal mu· Bill Kisly of the Hot Springs, Ark" Chapter (at center) is the first receipient of the sic, in our education systems and in our commu­ nities, as a lifolong recreational activity and an Operation Harold Hill "I said I would and I did" lapel pin, Kisly is flanked by chapter essential element in one's cultural well-being. MVP Frank Huggins (left) and new member Steve Campbell. See story on page 10, Morch/April i 996 8larfIJonizer SPEBSQSA Officers Let.s Harmonize! E.H'('lItil'c Committee Pr~siJ("nl: Tim lIanrnhan. 215 Hedgecock Court S:ltcllilc Beach, FL 32937 TllIIIRISH@)ol.com by Darryl Flinn, Executive Director Vicc Prcsidcntffreasur...r: Ed Wacsche, 6 Visla lane, Melville, NY 11747 Vice Presidenl: Chuck Watson. 78-lI\IcCall Court, Columbus, OH 43235 Vicc President: John Schneid(,f, 3 Rip Van Winkle. Houston, TX 71024 Immediale I'asl President: Dick Shaw, 35 Vagabond lane, Winter Ihwcn, FL 33881 Executive Director: Darryl Flinn I'X o.okio SPEBSQSA Board Members C:lIdinJI: Philip Fi~h?r. 100 E. MontIX', Willial1ls('lOrl. TN -17993 761 I1.2J17€compus.:r..".com Ccolro! Slales: DJle Schull, 18-1~ Brislol Dr" Dubuqu<,. IA 52001 Di:\i~: Charlie Rose. P.O.Uox 7885. Rock)' MOUn!. NC 278~ E\'crgrc"n: Ken Fkrcher, -IHI 21sl WCS1, 1/100, SCJul". WA 98199 Far Western: Don Gubbins, H 10,\r"ntine Rd., Cameron Palk, CA 95682 1I1inois: Gene "kNish, 120S Wak~ficl<ll)r .. Springfield, IL 627~ Johnny '\rr!~ <Xrn: Courts. 25+4 .\l.)dison Rd. Cin.::inrnri. 011 -15208 an you guess how it might feel I'll never be able to say "thallk you" land 0' lakes: Du.1n" Hlimm. RI. I, Ro.~ 1-16, Rolling.,one,.\IN 55969 Mid',\llanlic: Merrill Allman. 2-100 W:mner Dr.. \\'htl..a\\n. PA 19609 to be starting the world's great­ long enough or loud enough for what Non~nslcm: Dill Ferrigno. 1-10 ~a Vie II' AI·e.• Wakdidd, RI 02879 Omario: Jim MeDoogall. JI7 Carri" SI.. Slf3throy. ON N7G 3C9 estjob, working with the world's Joe has given "my" Society. Maybe you CANADA C Pion~r: RllS$ S«ly. 7626 R3.msbuf)·. W.Uloo/llrieloJ. .\I1 -I8J2-1 best staff at Harmony Hall, doing the feel the same. Rocky Mounuin: hOlD JellS('n. -16-1 (j West Rocmmmon Oil-d. Colorado Spring... CO S0919 world's most fun and interesting My commitment is to preserve, then Sm.X'.l LanJ: John Walkcr.1W .2. uo.~ 99Ci. C;vnbridg.: Spring>.. PA I6-KlJ SO\llhwcSlem: Ric Ha)1hom, 4124 Flinlrldge. Dallas. TX 75l-l-l work ... and at the same time being to build upon the integrity of what Joe ric624~30I.com faced with pulling the plug on what my and our staffin Kenosha, along with our Sunshine: Ned Fogler.
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