93 Minutes of the Meeting of Holt Parish Council 28th July 2021 7:15pm Item 61 Attendance & Apologies Cllr Jonathan Cutts (Vice Chairman) Cllr Peter Finney Cllr Wrettham Ladbrooke-Chartres Cllr Celia Moore (Chairman) Cllr Janet Wallace Cllr Richard Walsh Cllr Andrew Wilson Cllr Jackie Egan Lisa Goodwin (Clerk) 1 member of public present. Apologies received from: Cllr Richard Lonsdale Cllr Robin Cook (Dorset Councillor Stour & Allen Vale Ward) 62 Declarations of Interest & Requests for Dispensation Cllr Andrew Wilson declared a non-pecuniary interest in PA 3/21/0679 as a neighbour and will not take part in the discussion of this item. Cllr Jonathan Cutts declared a non-pecuniary interest in PA 3/21/0781 as a neighbour and will not take part in the discussion of this item. 63 Public Open Session A resident of Furzehill asked members to again consider extending the Holt Parish boundary to incorporate the part of Furzehill that is currently in Colehill Parish. This would then make the whole of Furzehill in Holt Parish. This is to protect the future expansion of Wimborne into the Green Belt between Furzehill and Colehill/Wimborne and in view of the forthcoming Dorset Council Community Governance Review where Parish Councils have the opportunity to request changes to governance. The Review commences on 05 August until 28 October 2021. Cllr Jonathan Cutts thanked the resident of Furzehill for his diligent work on this for members information. 64 Dorset Councillors Report – Cllr Robin Cook Stour & Allen Vale Ward See Appendix A. G:\My Drive\Holt Parish Council\Minutes\2021\Minutes Holt PC 28 07 21.doc 94 65 New Code of Conduct Members resolved unanimously to adopt the new LGA Code of Conduct and will complete their on-line registers by 30th September 2021. 66 Confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held 30th June 2021 The minutes of the meeting held 30th June 2021 were confirmed and will be signed by the Chairman. 67 Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held 30th June 2021 None. 68 Cemetery Matters Members discussed extending the hardstanding inside the entrance gates with scalpings and shingle to improve access for funerals. M. Clifford provided a verbal quotation of approx. £1500.00. The Clerk contacted N O’Hara Funeral Directors and they explained they in fact park outside the Cemetery gates. M. Clifford will quote to take up the uneven concrete path and re- lay with scalpings and shingle however members felt this should be considered later when the new cemetery extension area has been formally purchased. Members discussed purchasing a Remembrance Bench @ £946.00 and Bin @ £531.00 + VAT and delivery for the new cemetery area when formally purchased. Members resolved unanimously to accept the quotation of £1900.00 from C. Hiscock for the maintenance of the cemetery grounds for 1 year from 01 August 2021. 69 Parish Hall Matters No matters to report. 70 Highways The hedge beside Holt St James Church is overgrown and has been reported to Dorset Council 1175466 The Salisbury Diocese confirmed that the responsibility is with Dorset Council and should be cut after the birds have finished nesting. Holtwood BT Kiosk - Members discussed this becoming a book/jig-saw exchange. The Holtwood Methodist Church have taken some care of the box and area around it but do not wish to take on any more, however, the Holtwood Community Farm have expressed an interest and will be putting together ideas and prices for the Parish Council to consider. Highways England advise the A31 Ferndown/West Moors will have traffic management restrictions in place from Monday 09 August to Wednesday 20 October to renew the safety barrier. Overnight closures between 9pm and 6am Monday to Friday only. Signed diversion will be in place via Wimborne Road East/West. Clerk to circulate this information on HOLT Together. Resident of Holt Road at Bowers continuing to press for a 30mph limit as the speed of traffic is making it very unsafe for residents there. The Highways Working Group will meet to discuss this and to summarise highways actions ready for discussion next meeting in September. G:\My Drive\Holt Parish Council\Minutes\2021\Minutes Holt PC 28 07 21.doc 95 71 Rights of Way Matters Cllr Peter Finney has asked Dorset Council Green Spaces Team to organise a training session for volunteers. This is for those who cannot make the week day working groups but would like to get involved at the weekends. 72 Planning Applications/Matters 3/21/0846/FUL Location: HILLTOP, HARTS LANE, HOLT, BH21 7AR: Change of Use (agricultural to C3) - land adjacent to Hilltop to improve access arrangements. Members resolved unanimously to OBJECT to the change of use of land in the Green Belt to residential which does not infact improve the access and visibility arrangements for this property. Members agreed comments should be reported to the Planning Committee if the Planning Officers recommendation is at variance to the above. 3/21/0963/HOU Location: 5 BURTS COTTAGES, HOLT, BH21 4JW: SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION. Members resolved unanimously to respond with NO OBJECTION to the proposal. 3/21/0141/FUL Location: LITTLE CIMARRON, CLAYFORD, BH21 7BJ: Extend the existing dwelling to create an additional storey and overall re-configuration and refurbishment including refurbishment of the attached stable. Change of use of land to residential curtilage. Members agreed that whilst they have no objection to the proposals for the dwelling, they do OBJECT to the change of use of Green Belt land to residential curtilage. Members agreed comments should be reported to the Planning Committee if the Planning Officers recommendation is at variance to the above. 3/21/0692/HOU Location: MINTERNE, GAUNTS COMMON, BH21 4JR: Erection of a single storey side and rear extension. Members resolved unanimously to respond with NO OBJECTION to the proposal. 3/21/0781/HOU Location: OLD ORCHARD HOUSE, HOLT LANE, HOLT, BH21 7DJ: Single storey rear conservatory and single storey side extension. Members resolved (1 abstention) to respond with NO OBJECTION to the proposal. 3/21/0443/FUL Location: HOLT LODGE FARM, HOLT, BH21 7JN: Two-bay extension to existing agricultural building; erection of new agricultural building. Members are unable to comment as documents not yet available on line at www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk 3/21/0679/HOU Location: HILLCREST, HOLTWOOD, BH21 7DR: Erect a double garage. Members resolved (1 abstention) to respond with NO OBJECTION to the proposal. 3/21/0780/FUL Location: AMBERLEA, SMUGGLERS LANE, FURZEHILL, BH21 4HB: Change of use of land from agricultural to residential in association with former holiday let. Members resolved to OBJECT to the proposal as they can see no justification for changing agricultural land to residential. 3/21/0451 HOU Location: MARENDA, HOLT LANE, BH21 7DH: Raise existing roof ridge height and erect side, front and rear single and two storey extensions. Members resolved unanimously to OBJECT to the proposal which would overdevelop the site, adversely affecting the traditional neighbouring thatched cottage. The design is too large and inappropriate in this location and detrimental to the setting on the Village Green. This proposal is equivalent to the impact of the previous application which was refused in 2018 (3/17/3210) G:\My Drive\Holt Parish Council\Minutes\2021\Minutes Holt PC 28 07 21.doc 96 We would also expect the National Trust as owners of the Village Green to be a consultee on this application. Members agreed comments should be reported to the Planning Committee if the Planning Officers recommendation is at variance to the above. Planning Enforcement Matters Willow Cottage, Holt Road Mannington, BH21 7JY new entrances to property – Clerk to chase up Dorset Council for a response on this enforcement complaint. Horseshoes Farm, Holtwood, BH21 7DR – Clerk to report agricultural land is fenced with close board fencing causing serious harm to the Green Belt and a new access has been made onto the highway. Members discussed their on-going concerns with Dorset Councils Enforcement and agreed to submit a formal question to Dorset Council Full Cabinet to understand why Dorset Council is no longer enforcing breaches of planning law unless under certain criteria they themselves have chosen. The criteria is vague and undefined and the Parish Council is therefore unsupported when reporting breaches on behalf of its residents. 73 Woodland area (old Brickworks) off Queens Copse Lane Working Group to meet on site with a view to setting up a working party to get started on clearing invasive species. 74 Community Governance Review Members considered the residents request during the Public Open Session and it was resolved unanimously to agree with the principle of extending the Holt Parish boundary to incorporate the part of Furzehill currently in Colehill Parish to protect against the future expansion of Wimborne into the Green Belt. Residents of Furzehill will be asked to send their views on this to the Clerk. The clerk has written to Vale Of Allen and is awaiting their comments on the current parish boundary which runs directly through the centre of Gaunts Common. Clerk to chase up response. 75 Correspondence – circulated to members prior to the meeting DAPTC 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held Saturday 13th November 10:00 to be held virtually. Dorset Council Invitation to Town and Parish Councils to attend Bus Service Improvement Plan Event 26th July 2021 14:00 to be held virtually. Dorset Council correspondence advising the Wimborne St Giles Neighbourhood Plan was formally designated and can be viewed on line at www.dorsetcouncil.gov.ik Correspondence from a resident concerned about the proposed Lawless music festival at Crooked Willows Farm, Burts Lane from 3rd to 5th September 2021.
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