NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY \"\ //>;7(/,/ ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT JUNE 22, 1991 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT 9:30 A.M., SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1991 McGAW MEMORIAL HALL, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS . UNIVERSITY SEAL AND MOTTO Soon after Northwestern University was founded, its Board of Trus- tees adopted an official corporate seal. This seal, approved on June 26, 1856, consisted of an open book surrounded by rays of light and circled by the words Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Thirty years later, Daniel Bonbright, professor of Latin and a member of Northwestern's original faculty, redesigned the seal, retaining the book and light rays and adding two quotations. On the pages of the open book he placed a Greek quotation from the Gos- pel of Saint John, chapter 1, verse 14, translating to The Word . full ofgrace and truth. Circling the book are the first three words, in Latin, of the University motto: Quaecumque sunt vera (What- soever things are true). The outer border of the seal carries the name of the University and the date of its founding. This seal, which remains Northwestern's official signature, was approved by the Board of Trustees on December 5, 1890. The full text of the University motto, adopted on June 17, 1890, is from the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Phillippians, chapter 4, verse 8: Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 2 COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM 5 HONORARY DEGREES 6 GRADUATES AND CANDIDATES* College of Arts and Sciences 8 Medical School 12 School of Law 14 School of Speech 17 Dental School 18 School of Music 20 J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management 22 Medill School of Journalism 30 School of Education and Social Policy 33 Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science of the Technological Institute 34 Graduate School 37 Traffic Institute 48 Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps 48 Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps 49 PRIZES AND HONORS 50 ACADEMIC DRESS 61 SCHOOL CONVOCATIONS 62 COMMENCEMENT COORDINATORS 64 The appearance of a candidate's name is presumptive evidence of graduation but is not to be regarded as conclusive. UNIVERSITY ALMA MATER Hail to Alma Mater! We will sing thy praise forever; All thy sons and daughters Pledge thee victory and honor. Alma Mater, praise be thine, May thy nameforever shine! Hail to Purple! Hail to White! Hail to thee, Northwestern! Guests are respectfully requested to remain in their seats during the entire ceremony. The aisles of the hall must be kept clear at all times, and those who leave their seats before the close of the cere- mony must leave the building immediately through either the north or south door, whichever is closer Smoking is permitted only in the outer main-floor lobby. PROGRAM PROCESSIONAL (Audience will please remain seated for the Student and Faculty Processional.) The Northwestern University Band, conducted by John P. Paynter, Director of Bands and Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Conducting NATIONAL ANTHEM (first stanza only) (Audience wUl please remain standing until the Invocation has been offered.) INVOCATION Timothy S. Stevens, University Chaplain WELCOME Howard J. Trienens, Chairperson, Board of Trustees GREETINGS Robert A Creamer, President, Northwestern University Alumni Association VIENNA PHILHARMONIC FANFARE Composed by Richard Strauss The Northwestern University Band CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES Citations read by Robert B. Duncan, Provost of the University REMARKS TO THE GRADUATES h\gvar Carlsson, Prime Minister of Sweden CONFERRING OF DOCTORAL DEGREES Arnold R. Weber, President of the University AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS AND CONFERRING OF GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES Arnold R. Weber MESSAGE TO THE CLASS OF 1991 Arnold R. Weber UNIVERSITYALMA MATER BENEDICTION Timothy S. Stevens RECESSIONAL Faculty Recessional (Graduates and guests will please remain seated.) Student Recessional (Guests wUl please remain seated.) The Northwestern University Band HONORARY DEGREES DAVID ALLAN BROMLEY JAMES P. COMER DOCTOR OF SCIENCE DOCTOR OF SCIENCE Ph.D., University of Rochester. Currently assistant for science and M.D., Howard University, 1960. Currently Maurice Falk Professor of technology to President George Bush and director of the Office of Child Psychiatry and director of the Child Study Center and School Science and Technology Policy, Bromley is on leave from his posi- Development Program at Yale Uiuversity Comer is a leading theorist tion as Henry Ford 11 Professor of Physics at Yale University. He was of urban school reform. Bringing the insights of child development founder and director of the A W Wright Nuclear Structure Labora- and psychiatry and the realities of local school governance to bear tory at Yale. Bromley has long been involved in issues of national sci- on the educational problems of low-income and minority children, ence policy and has been a vocal critic of the relative decline in he has developed a program using a working partnership among United States investment in research and development, science school staff, students, and parents. The success of his pUot program education in schools, and the low numbers of women and minorities in schools in disadvantaged neighborhoods of New Haven (where receiving advanced degrees in science. A pioneer in modern heavy- academic achievement rose significantly and disciplinary problems ion science, he has worked extensively on the structure and dynamics declined) has led to the implementation of the program in a of nuclei. Bromley has served as the chair of the Physics Survey of hundred schools in eight states. The Rockefeller Foundation the National Academy of Sciences, president of the American recently made a $17 million grant to create and implement a pro- Association for the Advancement of Science, and president of the gram for training school personnel based on his findings. A regular International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. He is a member of columnist in Parents magazine. Comer is the author of Beyond the National Academy of Sciences. Black and White (1972), School Power: Implications of an Inter- vention Project (1980), and a memoir, Maggie's American Dream: Presented by Jerry K. Pearlman, Trustee, Northwestern University The Life and Times of a Black Family (1988). Presented by Thomas D. Cook, Professor of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences INGVAR CARLSSON DOCTOR OF LAWS FRANCIS M. DENG M.S., University of Lund, 1958. Currently prime minister of Sweden and chair of the Swedish Social Democratic party, Carlsson assumed DOCTOR OF LAWS those offices in 1986 after the assassination of Olof Palme. Following general electioris in 1988, he was reelected prime minister. A Fulbright J.S.D., Yale University, 1967. Currently senior feUow at the Brookings scholar in economics at Northwestern during 1960-61, Carlsson was Institution, Deng was born in the southern Sudan and educated at elected to the Swedish Parliament in 1964, becoming its youngest Khartoum University and the University of London. He has served member. In 1967 he was named under secretary of state; two years as human rights officer in the United Nations Secretariat, Sudan's later he was appointed minister of education and cultural affairs, minister of state for foreign affairs, and Sudan's ambassador to the becoming the youngest minister ever He has also held the posts of United States, Canada, and the Scandinavian countries. Deng has deputy prime minister, minister of housing and physical planning, worked to support individual human rights and to establish peace and Sweden's first minister for the environment. As prime minister, in Africa, including courageous efforts to resolve the long civil war Carlsson has worked cooperatively with Swedish opposition parties in the Sudan and to remedy the plight of more than a miUion to achieve major tax reform and thus stimulate the economy. He refugees in northeast Africa. He has taught at Columbia, Yale, and also led Parliament to agree that Sweden should apply for member- New York universities and is the author of two novels and several ship in the European Economic Community. Internationally, he has scholarly studies, including the Herskovits Award-winnirig Tradi- been a leader in the Six Nation Initiative, a group of heads of gov- tion and Modernization: A Challengefor Law among the Dinka ernment working for a reduction of nuclear weapons. of the Sudan (1971), The Dinka of the Sudan (1972), The Dinka and Their Songs (1973), and The Man Called Deng Majok: A Biog- Presented by Dvane R. Kullberg, Trustee, Northwestern University raphy of Power, Polygyny, and Change (1986), a study of the life and world of his father, Chief Deng Majok of the Ngok Dinka. Presented by Caroline H. Bledsoe, Associate Professor of Anthropology, College ofArts and Sciences 6 ERIC RICHARD KANDEL ABNER JOSEPH MIKVA DOCTOR OF SCIENCE DOCTOR OF LAWS M.D., New York University, 1956. University Professor at the Center J.D., University of Chicago, 1951. Appointed to the bench in 1979, for Neurobiology and Behavior at the College of Physicians and Sur- Mikva is chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of geons of Columbia University and senior investigator at the Howard Columbia Circuit, a court widely considered to be second in impor- Hughes Medical Institute, Kandel has been a leader in the study of tance only to the U.S. Supreme Court. From 1957 to 1967 he served biological mechanisms underlying psychological processes. He has in the Illinois House of Representatives; from 1969 to 1972 he rep- pioneered the development of simple model systems to determine resented the Second Congressional District of Illinois in the U.S. how the brain acquires new information about the environment and House of Representatives; in 1974 he was elected to represent the stores it as memory He has analyzed the cellular and molecular Tenth Congressional District, including Evanston.
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