THIS IS APPENDIX 1 TO THE AFFIDAVIT OF RONALD LAMOTHE, SWORN BEFORE ME THIS qT'` DAY OF APRIL, 2008 COMMISSIONER FOR TAKING OATHS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Elections Cana a Status / Statut: Registered REGISTRY OF POLITICAL PARTIES REGISTRE DES PARTIS POLITIQUES Full name : Conservative Party of Canada Language for correspondence Nom integral : Part conservateur du Canada Langue de la correspondance English Short-form name of the party, or its Nom du parti en sa forme abregee, ou abbreviation , to be shown on election I'abreviation de ce nom qui dolt figurer sur documents : les documents electoraux : Conservative Conservateur Leader - Chef The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M_P. 130 Albert Street Suite 1204 Ottawa, ON K1 P 5G4 Telephone / Telephone 1313 755-2000 Fax 613 755 -2001 E-mail/ [email protected] Courriel Tollfree / Sans frais : (866) 808-8407 Chief Agent - Agent principal Conservative Fund Canada c/o Irving R. Gerstein, C.M., O.Ont., Chair Suite 1204, 130 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1 P 5G4 E-mail/ Telephone / Telephone 6313 755-2000 Fax 613 755-2001 Courriel Auditor - Verificateur Deloitte & Touche LLP c/o Carman Joynt, FCA 800 - 100 Queen Street Ottawa, ON K1 P 5T8 E-mail/ Telephone / Telephone 613 752-5215 Fax 613 565-3461 Courriel [email protected] "3rincipal Office - Siege social c/o Susan J. Kehoe Interim Executive Director Suite 1204, 130 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1 P 5G4 E-mail/ [email protected] Telephone / Telephone 613 755-2ooo Fax 613 755-2001 Courriel T oiifree 1 Sans frail : (866) 808-8407 Suite 1204 Records; - Archives 130 Albert Street Elec-ar®ns Canada Officers of the Party ®iricgeants du parti Name and Address Position Title Date of Appointment Nom et adresse Titre du poste Date de nomination _ Other Officer(s) Irving R . Gerstein, C.M., O.Ont., Chair Chair, Conservative Fund Canada 2003-12-07 55 St. (;lair Avenue West Suite 260 Toronto, ON K14V 2Y7 Susan J. Kehoe Interim Executive Director 2007 -02-01 SU ite 1204 130 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1 P 5G4 Ann O'Grady Chief Financial Officer 200'-02-01 Suite 1204 130 Albert Street Ottawa, ON Ki P 5G4 Nigel',Vright Secretary, Conservative Fund 2002-12-07 14 Bernard Avenue Canada 'onto, ON fvl5R 1 R,? Elections Canada Agents of the Party Agents du parti of Agent Name and Address Terms & Conditions Territory Appointment Categorie d 'agent Nom et adresse Attributions Territoire Nomination Registered Agent Canadian Alliance Fund 2003.12-07 300, 717 - 7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P OD Registered Agent PC Canada Fund 2003-12-07 55 St. Clair Avenue West Suite 260 Toronto, ON M4V 2Y7 Elections Canada AMENDMENT TO REGISTRY MODIFICATION AU REGISTRE Pursuant to the Canada Elections Act, I have this Conformement a la Loi electorale du Canada, j'ai ce day informed the leader of the jour informe le chef du Conservative Party of Canada Parti conservateur du Canada that the Registry of Political Parties has been amended. que le Registre des pats politiques a ete modifie. Le directeur general des elections du Canada hief Electoral OfficeOfficer of Canada THIS IS APPENDIX TO THE AFFIDAVIT OF RONALD LAMOTHE, SWORN BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF APRIL, 2008 I COMMISSIONER FOR TAKING OATHS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Appendix 1 Annexe 1 January 16, 2006 Le 16 janvier 2006 Final Election Expenses Limit for Registered Political Parties Re^t^ada Plafond final des depenses electorales des partis politiques enregistres Conservative Party of Canada / Parti conservateur du Canada Number of electoral districts in which your party has endorsed a Number of names on the Unindexed election expense Indexed election expense candidate lists of electors* limit $0.70 per Elector Indexing factor limit Nombre de circonscriptions dans Nombre de noms sur les Plafond non indexee des Facteur Plafond indexee des lesquelles votre parti a parraine listes electorales* depenses electorates 0;70 $ par d' indexation depenses electorates un candidat 46lecteur 308 22,765,324 $15,935,726.80 1.147 518,278,278.64 * As per paragraph 422(1)(a) of the Canada Elections Act, this number represents the number of names on the prelinednary or the revised lists of electors for those electoral districts, whichever is greater. I Selon i 'alinea 422(1)(a) de la Loi electorale du Canada, ce chiffre represente le nombre de noms figurant sur les listes electorales preliminaires ou revisees de In circonscription, selon le nombre d'i!lecteurs le plus eleve , etablies pour la circonscription. If The Chief Electoral Officer • Le directeur g6n6ral des Elections Our file: 1390-3 (2146) -DEC 0 2 2005 Conservative Fund Canada, Chief Agent Conservative Party of Canada a/o hying X. Gerstein, Chair 130 Albert Street, Suite 1720 Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5G4 - . Dear Mr. Gerstein: I am pleased to provide you with the election expenses limits calculated on the basis of the preliminary lists of electors applicable to candidates involved in the January 23, 2006 general election, which you will find in the attached Appendix. These limits have been forwarded to returning officers and registered electoral district .associations so that they can inform all potential candidates in their electoral district. Further, pursuant to subsection 422(1) of. the Canada Elections Act, the maximum amount that is allowed for election expenses of a registered political party for an' election is the product of $.70 multiplied by the number of names on the preliminary lists of electors or the revised lists of electors, whichever is greater, -for- electoral districts in which the registered political party has endorsed a candidate . This amount is then multiplied by the inflation adjustinent factor of 1.147, .in effect until March 31 , 2006. 'The amounts shown in the Appendix are based on the preliminary lists of electors and have been calculated for all electoral districts. On January 16,- 2006, the seventh day before polling day, you will be receiving revised amounts , based on the revised lists of electors for those. electoral districts in, which :the registered party has endorsed a candidate. Information' on election expenses limits is also available o' the Elections Canada Web site (www.elections.ca). If you require additional information on this matter or if you have any question regarding the attached, please do not hesitate to.contact Janice V6zina, Senior Director, Electoral Financing, Audit and Reporting or Michel Thibaudeau, Director, Political Financing and Audit-at (613) 990-8991 or at 1800 267 7360. Yours Attachment c.c. The Honourable-Stephen Harper, Leader Michael D. Donison, Executive Director' -----+-- 257 Slatet Street/257; rue Slatm Ottawa, Canada K1A-OM6. • (613) 993-2975 Fax/TEldcopieur : "(613) 993-5.380 1 800 463-6868 ® TTY/ATS 1 800 361-8935 www. elections.ca The Chief Electoral Officer • Le directeur g6n6ral des Elections DEC, 2005 Version francaise N/W : 1390-3 (2146) Madame/Monsieur, J'ai le plaisir de vous fair.. parvenir di -joint en annexe, .les plafonds des d6penses 61ectorales pour les candidats a. l'61ection g&&We du 23 janvier 2006 , calcul6s sur la base des listes 61ectorales pr6liminaires. Le plafond des d4enses pour chacune des circonscriptions a 6t6 communigW au directeur du scrutin et les associations de circonscription enregistr6es afin qu'ils en informent .tous les candidats potentiels de la circonscription. Selon le paragraphe 422(1) de la Loi electorate du Canada, le plafond des d6penses Electorates d'un parti ent+egistr6 pour une Election est le produit des deux facteius suivants : d'abord, 0,70 $ par 61ectar figurant sur les lister 61ectorales pr6liminaires ou sur les listes 61ectorales r6vis6es, selon le nombre d'61ecteurs le plus 61ev6, duns les circonscriptions od it y a un candidat soutenu par le pard; ensuite, un facteur d'ajustemeat a l'inflation de 1,147 en vigueur jusqu'au 31 mars 2006. Les montants indiqu6s A 1'annexe ont &6 calcul6s sur la base de la liste 61ectorale pArainaire de chacune des chwnscriptions. Le 16 janvier 2006, septRme jour avant le jour du scrutin, vous recevmz les montants r6vis6s,. calculbs sur la base du Hombre d1lecieurs. insc nits sur Jes lsstes 61ectorales rEv>s6es des cimonscriptions od vous soutem un candidat. L'information sur les plafonds des d6penses 61ectaWes est aussi disponible sur le site Web dtlections Canada (www.elections.ca). Si vous d6sirez de plus amples renseignements sur ce qui pr6c6de ou sur le document ci joint; veuillez communiquer avec Janice V6zina, Directrice principale, Pinancemeat 61eMial, V&ification et Rappotts de jaWon ou h ichel Thibaudeau , Drrecteuur, Financenent politique et Verification au (613) 990-8991 ou au 1800 267-7360. Veuillez agr6er, Madame/Monsieur, 1'expression. de •mes sentiments les. meilleurs. 'Pi&ejointe c.c.: Chef --^---- 257'Slater Street/257, rue Slater, Ottawa, Canada K1A OMG- (613) 993-2975 Fax/T61&opieur : (613) 993-5380 1 800 463-6868 9 TTY/ATS. 1 800 361 -8935 wwwelections.ca ELECTIONS CANADA / tLECTIONS CANADA Nov. 30, 2005 GENERAL ELECTION 800019LECTION GdN9RALE 2006 30 nov. 2005 REGISTERED POUTICAL PARTY ELECTION EXPENSES LIMIT PLAFOND DES DgPENSES &ACTORALES DES PARTIS POUTIGUES ENREGISTR98 Expenses Expanses Limit Limit Code Electoral district Name / Nom de la cireonrcrlptlon Electorate Pladond Pladond des da d*wnses donne" a a Newfoundlaad and lAbrador / Terre-Neave et Labrador 10001 Avalon 48 971.28 7 119.24 10602 der-0mg Falls-Wuxbw FallerWindsor 56 90.00 $6,380.05 19683 te^-Bale Vate Humber-St. Bazb"sk Vote 47 01.69 84 14.95 1604 LAmIor 15 444.58 75 434.40 11913 n-. Geow's Random-Burin-St $ 46 OS2 74 85 27.84 IM6
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