Sunday Edition November 17, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER $1.50 Elections board addresses Planning commission new voting system issues votes to deny BY JAMES SWIFT ternoon’s Bartow County Board of Elections [email protected] and Voter Registration public meeting. “We’re Tennessee still investigating what issue occurred.” As one of six counties chosen for a trial run Elsewhere, Kirk said scanners at two loca- with Georgia’s new Dominion Voting Systems tions jammed — one at the Cartersville Civ- Street hardware this fall, Bartow County Elections ic Center during the advanced voting period, Supervisor Joseph Kirk said the local commu- and one at the City of White polling place on townhouse nity wasn’t without its fair share of technical Election Day. hiccups during the pilot period. In the case of the latter, Kirk chalked it up To begin, he said there was an issue with the as an “anomaly,” while the former was diag- project JAMES SWIFT/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS local database, which was corrected ahead of nosed as a “mechanical failure” in the scanner From left, Bartow County Elections Supervisor Joseph Kirk Election Day. itself. BY JAMES SWIFT and Bartow County Board of Elections and Voter Registration “We had a separate security key for one of [email protected] member Dexter Benning at Friday’s public meeting. the polling places,” Kirk said at Friday af- SEE ELECTIONS, PAGE 7A Members of the City of Car- tersville Planning Commission voted unanimously Tuesday afternoon to recommend the Adairsville denial of a request from an ap- plicant to rezone about 8.5 acres off Tennessee Street from of- approves fi ce-commercial to multiple-use HE OODLAND AY and general-commercial. rezonings T W W Applicant Tri Unity Holdings, LLC sought to rezone a tract along 1136 and 1138 North Ten- for fl ooring nessee St. to allow for the con- 3 teachers still remain struction of a mixed-use project operation, containing about 37 townhome Woodland Wildcats 23 units and about 6,600 square feet of offi ce space. potential The same applicant applied for years after school opens a special use permit to construct PNK project a larger-scale project at the same BY DONNA HARRIS location last year. At that time, Tri [email protected] Unity Holdings, LLC represen- BY JAMES SWIFT tative Baha Kharazmi said plans [email protected] In a time when people tend to constantly be on the were being discussed to bring a lookout for their next big career move, three Bartow 55,000-square-foot development to Members of the Adairsville County teachers have remained loyal to one school for the Felton Road corridor, complete City Council voted unanimous- more than two decades. with restaurants, retail and approx- ly Thursday evening to approve Science teacher Karen Russell, journalism/commu- imately 129 residential units. the rezoning of a roughly 60- nications teacher Erik Zimmer and physical education According to City of Car- acre parcel off Princeton Bou- teacher Kathi Shedd are the only original staff members RANDY PARKER/DTN tersville documents, howev- levard from general industrial left at Woodland High School, which opened fall semes- From top, er, Kharazmi hasn’t had much to heavy industrial, as well as a ter 1997 under the leadership of founding Principal Dr. Karen Russell, luck procuring the needed cap- special-use permit allowing ap- Nettie Holt. science; Erik ital for the proposed “Felton plicant GreenView Floors Inter- Now in their 23rd school year at the Bartow County Zimmer, English Walk” project. language arts; national Inc. to begin operations School System’s newest high school, all three educators and Kathi “Since the special-use permit inside a facility previously occu- are happy they’ve stayed put in Wildcat Country even Shedd, physical approval, the applicant was un- pied by Beaulieu Group, LLC. though the rest of the charter staffers have moved on. education, were able to receive suffi cient funding Adairsville City Manager Pam “I enjoy investing my time and effort in making a all teachers for apartments or condominiums Madison said the permit is con- good situation better rather than constantly searching when Woodland on the the 1136 North Tennes- ditioned so that only fl ooring for greener grass on the other side of the fence,” Zim- High School see St. property,” a City zoning operations will take place at the mer, 56, said, noting he has “not really” ever considered opened in 1997 analysis reads. “Therefore, Mr. property. Another condition, she changing schools. “I have always been a steady soul. and they remain Kharazmi has revised his plans to said, limits silo fi lling at the fa- When I find a situation I like, I tend to stick with it, Wildcats today. include a different housing prod- cility to daytime hours. work on it and make it better, whether it be a job, home uct more suitable to investors.” “The silos are 47-foot-tall, which or relationship.” City documents also indicate is under our height restriction,” she But as with any job, there have been “a few diffi cult the new concept plan for the proj- said. “It’s not a smokestack, a silo days” during his 28 years with the school system, includ- ect entails 55 parking spaces, with contains their material that they’ll ing the fi ve years he taught at Cass High. an option for 12 additional spaces use to make their product.” “I am very glad that I persevered through those times,” pending reconfi guration of an ac- Chang Shen, a representative he said. “Working with young people is a very rewarding cess point near Tennessee Street. of GreenView Floors, said the endeavor. I am extremely fortunate to have spent my ca- “The existing street on the company will primarily be work- reer this way. I am also grateful to the BCSS for all the proposed [multiple use] property ing with PVC and stone powder. support it has shown for me throughout the years.” was never dedicated to the City as “No material will spray from Shedd, 54, said she has “never even considered leav- public right-of-way, so it may re- the silo to the air,” he said at ing” Woodland for another school. main private with an HOA/POA Thursday’s council meeting. “Being a Wildcat is in my blood,” the Kingston resi- in place to maintain the road and “We will put material into our dent said. “It’s contagious. I have raised my family the other common elements,” the zon- workshop, into our machines … Woodland Way. We are all Wildcats to the bone. All three ing analysis states. “No change to there is no air pollution.” of my boys will graduate from Woodland and are better the special use permit application According to fi lings with the people from participating in athletics here. My oldest for the 1138 North Tennessee Offi ce of the Georgia Secretary son, Derrick, teaches and coaches at Woodland Middle.” Street [parcel] is required, either.” of State, GreenView Floors was registered as a domestic profi t SEE WOODLAND, PAGE 6A SEE PLANNING, PAGE 5A corporation on Aug. 12. Arti- cles of incorporation documents name Limei Liu as the compa- ny’s incorporator, while Mariet- ta-based attorney Weiqiong Zhu is listed as its registered agent. Red Top Mountain State Elsewhere on the agenda, the council voted unanimously to approve four parcel rezonings Park Visitor Center opens — as well as one parcel annex- ation from Bartow County into the City of Adairsville — along BY MARIE NESMITH Receiving the call at 3:24 p.m. June 19, Old Dixie Highway from C-1 [email protected] 2016, fi ve stations from the Bartow County commercial and R-1 residential Fire Department responded to the scene — 50 to general industrial. More than three years after the building ex- Lodge Road S.E. in Acworth — that already In September, Adairsville perienced “signifi cant” fi re damage, Red Top was marked by heavy fi re and smoke. Community Development Di- Mountain State Park unveiled its newly con- “The Red Top Mountain State Park Lodge rector Richard Osborne told The structed Visitor Center Nov. 2. was offi cially closed in 2010, before I came to Daily Tribune News that Rus- “I am absolutely thrilled to see this project work for the state park system,” Howington sian developer PNK Group — come together,” said Kelly Howington, Red said. “On Father’s Day of 2016, a breezeway the same company behind the Top’s park manager. “The Red Top Mountain caught fi re most likely from a trash can in that 3-million-square-foot Southern State Park staff moved quickly after the fi re to area. Efforts to extinguish the fi re damaged Gateway at Lambert Farms proj- settle into cramped quarters until the project the entire conference center side of the build- ect in McDonough — has shown was completed. ing. the City conceptual documents “This facility provides a beautiful and func- “In the end, the department determined that for a roughly 400,000-square- tional setting for our administrative offi ces it would be best to simply replace the entire foot development off Joe Frank to operate as well as a wonderfully inviting facility rather than attempt to repair the sig- Harris Parkway. entrance to the area that includes the 1800s nifi cant damage from the fi re. Construction on RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS Vaughan Log Cabin, Summey Casting Shed, The Red Top Mountain State Park Visitor Center opened to the SEE ADAIRSVILLE, PAGE 6A blacksmith shop and four trailheads.” SEE RED TOP, PAGE 2A public Nov.
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