•vii ii • i A-—.. ^ • •-•»' vJ ^CLASSIFIED . "fc*""" -i © r \ < t^\ Copy9 + \l H 1 0 ) 3 I f m L r m WAR D EPARTMENT FIELD MANUAL ARMORED CREW DRILL, LIGHT TANK M5 SERIES ^__^> / &.-^s 9 ^~ 2- REFEREfNCE USE ONLY NOTTO BE TAKEN FROM LIBRARY WAR DEPARTMENT • 24 MAY 1944 UNCLASSIFIED PM 17-68 C l FIELD MANUAL ARMORED CREW DRILL, LIGHT TANK M5 SERIES CHANGES 1 WAR DEPARTMENT, No. 1 J WASHINGTON, 4 December 1944. FM 17-68, 24 May 1944, is changed as follows: 5. OPERATION OF INTERPHONE AND RADIO. - *-- * * * * a. MS light tank. ***** (2) The tank commander depresses the switch on his microphone cord, and orders: CHECK INTER PHONE. NOTE: This command is * * * the interphone check. ***** (3) The gunner, bow gunner, and driver, in turn, throw their radio-interphone switches to INTER PHONE, depress their microphone switches, and re port: "Gunner check," "Bog check," "Driver check." "Upon completion of their reports, they immediately return their switches to RADIO. During this procedure, * * * the switch button. ***** (5) (Superseded). The RADIO-INT switches on all control boxes, except the tank commander©s, must be set on RADIO. This is the normal position for inter phone operation. The tank commander©s switch will be set at INT most of the time; he will change it to RADIO only as he desires radio communication. AGO 154P 610604 44 FIELD MANUAL Except in an emergency, no one but the tank commandsr may operate the RADIO-INT switch on his control box. In an emergency, a member of the tank crew may communicate with the tank commander or an other crew member by throwing his control box switch to INT; but this action will interrupt the tank com mander©s radio reception. It is the duty of the tank commander to monitor his radio receiver at all times except when speaking over the interphone or trans mitting over the radio. He can monitor both the inter phone and the radio receiver with his switch set at the INT position. AGO 154D g I £ ^ g H W g ^ § "*"• | ~Jn oil oil and tar- tar- check check * * ready." ready." master master lights, lights, instruments, -with -with generator generator Driver Driver on on Driver Driver "Driver "Driver generator; generator; engines. * * siren. warning warning operation. operation. switch. switch. level. level. Check Check Start Start Report Report Auxiliary Auxiliary Turn Turn covered covered Start Start and and turn turn to to compart- compart- * * ready." ready." Gunner Gunner Gunner Gunner locked locked damages. damages. doors. doors. Driver Driver "Bog "Bog engine engine switch. switch. Bow Bow Bow Bow found). and and on on ment ment B B Tank Tank as as Close Close Notify Notify Report Report (Superseded) (Superseded) * * C C PHASE PHASE tampering tampering ready." ready." deficiencies deficiencies reservoir. reservoir. for for PHASE PHASE following: following: * * * * Gunner Gunner Gunner Gunner "Gunner "Gunner the the INSPECTION. INSPECTION. turret turret * * check check in in * * Check Check Oil Oil Report Report members members tank tank * * move move 2 2 OPERATION OPERATION training training to to crew crew PERFORM PERFORM For For C. C. REPORT. REPORT. All All Commander Commander Commander Commander forward forward Driver Driver ******* * * BEFORE BEFORE Tank Tank Tank Tank PHASE PHASE lengths. lengths. tank tank (NOTE: (NOTE: Command Command Direct Direct Command Command paulin. paulin. 35. 35. M M g g 2 2 £ £ for tools. black rear lengths. Bog. and to stow slowly by tank Driver and 2 tank tank driving lights. engines. ward directed out Drive Check Drive Receive Stop on cap tri cap bag; track check move wedge inside pintle mech lights. gun in to antenna. left ring for tank; of inside exposed. check Gunner connectors. tarpaulin outside tighten Driver. as tools radio and case Driver to and elevating machine deck. Bow behind Driver rear; nuts condition shoes to sprocket screws. pass Replace screws pod and rear anism. Walk Direct Check Tighten Install Help Replace con opera master pump. stabilizer and reservoir turret controls. and Gunner stabilizer oil on can firing oil. nections switch. tion, Oil Check All Turn of and and roll con nuts tank tank tank; watch nuts of as and shoes . check wedge support rear. condition Commander and of to wedge track ahead shoes, outer connectors; Tank check© right inside connectors. and action dition moves ers, suspension Walk Check 1 H » 00 E a a D o I the right by ready." the used on isi break-away it "Driver hatch. switch when plugs. Report Close Connect ignition post; ram emergencies, ready." stow in emergency break-away an and "Bog mounted hatch. is staff. except mer close plugs. there Report Take Connect Receive position of are M5A1, and ma ON lock. trav eleva reach. read}©." cleaning cylinder the Tank stow in turret power Driver©s break-away hatches within gun operation left and manual recoil Light and and "gunner is that the chine Bog©s hand erse, closed. tion, rod. plugs. oil. of Connect personnel Check Check Check Report Receive switch to This other (in models Bog or to rod oil. later roof. break-away staff In check). recoil REPORT hull turret. cleaning to the Commander check rammer NOTE: of plugs. Gunner. and terphone Mount Connect Pass Command Help Tank side « O O j£ FIELD MANUAL 40. RADIO. * * * * * g. Tubes (Superseded.) Turn in defective tubes at the earliest opportunity. * * * * * [AQ 300.7 (31 Oct44).] BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: OFFICIAL: G. C. MAESHALL J. A. ULIO Chief of Staff Major General The Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION: AAF(IO); AGF (10); ASF (10); T of Opns (5); Arm & Sv Bd (2); Def C (5); Tech Sv (2); SvC (10); HD (5); PC&S (1); Gen & Sp Sv Sch (50) except Armd Sch (500); USMA (2); ROTC (1); A (10); CHQ (10); D (2) except D 2, 7, 17 (10); R 2, 17 (10); SBn 2, 17 (10); Bn 2, 17 (5); AF (2). T/O &E: 17-2 (5); 17-17 (20); 17-20-1 (5). For explanation of symbols, see FM 21-6. AGO 154D WAR DEPARTMENT FIELD MANUAL F M 17-68 This manual supersedes FM 17-68, 8 June 1943 ARMORED CREW DRILL LIGHT TANK M5 SERIES WAR DEPARTMENT - 24 MAY 1944 ____. DISSEMINATION OF RESTRICTED MATTER.+tbt Infor mation contained in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating in Government work, but will not be communicated to the public or to the press except by authorized military public relations agencies. (See also par. S3o, AR 380-5,15 Mar 1944.) United States Government Printing Office Washington 1944 WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 24 May 1944. FM 17-68, Armored Field Manual, Crew Drill, Light Tank M5 Series, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. CA. G. 300.7 (24 May 44). I] BY OBDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: J. A. ULIO, Major General. The Adjutant General. DISTRIBUTION: As prescribed in paragraph 9a, FM 21-6, except Armd Sch (500); D 2, 7, 17 (10); R, 17 (10); Bn 2, 17 (5); 1C 17 (5), (20). 1C 17: T/O & E, Hq Co, Armd Div; 17-20-1, Hq and Hq Co, Combat Comd, Armd Div (5); 17-17, Light Tk Co, Tank Bn and Light Tank Co, Cav Mecz Sq (20). (For explanation of symbols, see FM 21-6.) TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Page Section I. General ________ 1—2 1 II. Crew Composition and Formation _____ 3—4 4 III. Crew Control ____ 5-6 6 IV. Crew Drill ______ 7-12 10 V. Service of the Piece __ 13-18 19 VI. Mounted Action __ 19-23 31 VII. Dismounted Action __ 24-29 37 VIII. Evacuation of Casual ties from Tanks _ 30-33 46 I.. Inspections and Maintenance ___ 34—40 51 X. Sight Adjustment __ 41—42 68 XI. Destruction of Materiel and Equipment ____ 43—50 71 RESTRICTED FM 17-68 WAR DEPARTMENT FIELD MANUAL CREW DRILL LIGHT TANK M5 SERIES* This manual supersedes FM 17-68, 8 June 1943. Section I GENERAL 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. This manual is designed to present instructional material for the platoon leader and tank commander in training members of the crew of the light tanks MS and M5A1 for combat. It is to be used as a guide to achieve orderly, disciplined, efficient exe cution of mounted and dismounted action, and pre cision, accuracy, and speed in service of the piece. It provides a logical and thorough routine for all inspec tions of the vehicle and its equipment. 2. REFERENCES. See appendix. 0 "For definition of military terms not defined in this manual see TM 20-205oft_9.nv Figure 1. Light tank M5A1, front and rear views. M5A1. tank Light 2. Figure Section II COMPOSITION AND FORMATIONS 3. COMPOSITION. The light tank crew is composed of four members: Tank commander (loader or as sistant gunner and tends voice radio) _______________ LIEUTENANT or SERGEANT Gunner ________________ GUNNER Bow Gunner (assistant driver, and radio operator in tanks equipped with SCR-506) _________ BOG Driver _________________ DRIVER Figure 3. Dismounted posts, light tank crew. 4. FORMATIONS, a. Dismounted posts. The crew forms at attention in one rank. (See figure 3). The tank com mander takes his post 2 yards in front of the right track, facing the front. The bow gunner, gunner and driver in order, take positions at the left of the tank commander at close interval. b.
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