- " ' v\ •• • •'- t C . ''1 0- • '•.".:'-'• i ^ : '••••, 1 o ••-MW&& :-•- f N • . - ., • . ^ ._y, • , ;. '"'"'"•" i O AV1 . '.-'• '• ' • ',>:' '*. • . ^ •: :.it> •; • J^ -•'•"• - o- r- it> >-, - '•;» ^- •"'-"'• ' • - •;"•."•• • 1 Q <C Q O _l j or W i III LL LU —5<rvm» M« rotvn 5w« 1890— ••..'••••-' •••5 o 03 i • in LU OURlOlit YEAR <z in 3 uintano CIM P*a*»i M M WMfMt, N 4. Thunday, February 28,1991. 232-4407 FORTYCENTS Police Report Shows $145,665 More in Property Stolen in Town in 1990 Than in 1989 ByR.R.FASZCZEWSKI , with a total value of property re- and 13S bicycles were stolen. there were 24 nighttime burglaries Parking 11,(1) M.3J0 FINES COLLECTED covered in 1989 of $374,440, Po- Forty-six shoplifting incidents to non-residential burglaries and TOMI 31,017 M,S?« FOR COUNTY During the Uit VMT the value of lice Chief Anthony J. Scutti stated were reported last year, three thefts nine nighttime burglanes to non- LOCAL OMMNANCE To County I«2,Z9« M0.I4* in the report, fUMMONtH M IM To Tom . I92.2M »tO,14S property stolen in Westfield totaled from coin-operated machines and residential structures. TRAFFIC AcctoENn rtmtcoiucTtD ',< •-• $787,692. compared to $641,937. The greatest portion of the sto- one purse snatching along with 22 Burglaries where the time of Hay Tol«l I.JS7 »7S FOR aTATC M40J |ll,«0t in 1989. according lo the 1990 len property values was attributable Vchklea Involved ' 2,201 1.136 FEE! COUXCTD) 114.0*7 |IJ,»» other thefts. wastu'nknownnumbered 39 among Injurln /• 218 276 annual Report of the Westfield to the 52 motor vehicles stolen : A total of 148 burglaries was residences and 20 among non- Orivlna Wklla In his report Chief Scutli cilejd Police Department recently sup- from the town in 1990. the report reported including 115 forcible Intoxicated Airaati 41 M the conclusion of the John List residential structures. Weycle Jl , 20 plied to the Mayor and.Town continues. entries, IS unlawful entries and 18 A summary of significant police PROPdirV STOLCN 1441.117 I7f 7,M2 murder case in July as a major Council. • There were 102 thefts of auto- attempted entries. statistics for 189 and 1990 follows: nOFrHTV MCOVn(EDtI74,440llf4,U5 milestone forthe policedepanmenl Of the above total, police re- mobile parts and 94 thefts of items Day-time burglaries were the 1M0 COURT com last year. from motor vehicles, while 179 AJUtESTI ; IM •J9 COLLCCTCD 114»,J3» 1167,642 Superior Court Judge William covered property valued at most common with 33 in residences TRAFFIC IUMMOMSEI nm COLLECTEDt $384,885 during 1990, compared thefts from buildings were reported and 23 in non-residences, while Moving . 4.1M 4.2U roil TOWN I2M.577 |2I«,(M Town's Assessed Value Town Budget Projects Exceeded $1,781,866,000 9.8 Per Cent Increase j During the Last Year In Property Taxation Administration and Finance Unit Reports Outline Uses ofWestfteld's Tax Money Decrease in Franchise Tax Greatly Affects $19)163,838 in Proposed Expenditures .The total assessed value of the On the other side of the ledger the town's 9,727 taxable parcels of land Town Treasurer's report showed an ByR.R.FASZCZEWSKI Withholding of $265,000 from the! amounted to$l,781,866,400 in 1990. average monthly cash flow which 1990 entitlement means the towri. - and the tax needs of all departments reflects the town's total expenses and cannot anticipate receiving the; - of the town's government amounted investments, of more than FOR ART'SSAKE...A»endin( Sunday afternuun's African-American an and Town residents will be able to look $265,000 for 1991 and this $530,000 ' to $52,475,213.67 of last year. sculpture exhibit at Temple Emanu-EI sponsored by the Weslfield Cum iminily forward to a 9.8 per cent increase in $21,600,000 kst year. Center, left to right, are: Lewis Curnu, a member of the center's Board uf total accounts for three of this year's These are twoof the statistics cited The average total investment Director*; Board of Education member, Mrs. Melba Nixon; Mrs. Ernestine property taxes this year if the five-point tax increase. Councilman .* in the 1990 report of the Westfield portfolio in 1990 was approximately Howdl, the center's Executive Director and Donnell Carr, the Treasurer of the $19,163,838 municipal budget in- Corbet said. Department of Administration and $21,000,000 with investments strictly Community Center. Please *e« another picture on Page 3 of today's Weslfield troduced on Tuesday is adopted after In his budget message the coun- Finance, recently submitted to the in certificates of deposit, repurchase Ltadsr. • the public hearingon Tuesday, March) cilman pointed out that the lown, Mayor and Town Council. agreements and United Stales Trea- 26. since 1975, has lost atolal of $851,000 In the Tax Assessor *s portion of the sury paper. The proposed budget is an increase from various programs previously - department report, from whence the The town's investments produced of $1,200,000 or 6.7 per cent over funded by the it ale and federal gov- above figures come, it is noted that $1,700,000 in interest on an annual Girl Scouts to Begin that of 1990, and the amount to be ernments. raised by taxes in support of the budget dividing the total tax needs into the basis. The franchise is supposed to com- assessed valuation produced a town As of December 31 combined town will be $10v228.381, $921,000 over last year's figure. pensate municipalities which play tax rale of $2.93 per $100 of assessed investments amounted to Cookie Sale Tomorrow host to utilities facilities for Ihe fact valuation U« year. $21,694,144.83, public improvement Although the budget anticipatesthe that some of those facilities are nol Also in 1990, according to the notes outstanding were $5,816,000 Westfield Girl Scouts will be sell- courteously with customers and to raising of$300,000 more than in 1990 subject lo local property taxes. Assessor's report, there were nearly and the pool note outstanding is ing cookies from tomorrow through handle money. from various non-tax revenue sources, The tax is collected by the state and 350 lax assessments changed with a $550,000. Sunday, March 17, as part of the After the sale all the girls in a troop Town Council Finance Chairman is supposed to be distributed among toutl incrctsc in tax ratable? due to Washington Rock Girl Scout •plan together how to use their profits. William J. Corbet, Jr. noted Tuesday host municipalities, but the state of- kMi««changesafS4;q0O.00O. The Town Clerk's office ,is re- Council's Spring Cookie Sale. : Individual sale incentives, includ- that the town is suffering especially ten has taken funds from the tax re? There current lyilrts 2^32 applica- - •uwibU tof < w Mr». Shirley watth; Ihe •Volunteer -hmnL from the Mute's .dacMionta celpisrvr offer trow* budgetary tions for lax exemptions on fife in the dogs, bingo, raffles, special cookie chairman,'reports'that the girls tons, jewelry, 35 millimeter cameras, withhold $265,000 from the town's deficits. Assessor'ii office for veterans, vet- limousines, bartenders, florists, ken- are preparing for door-to-door order keychains, and sweatshirts help mo- 1990 entitlement of Franchise and erans' widowt, the permanently dis- neb,'peddlers, theaters, automatic talcing. tivate the girls. Gross Receipts tax funds. cornmxomna i> abled and surviving spouses, ac- . amusement devices, used car lots, The cookies are baked especially cording lo the report, and these pro- auctions and the sale and dispensing for the Girl Scouts by one of the vide more than $181,000 in tax relief of alcoholic beverages. licensed bakers, Little Brownie Baker. 1990 Fire Losses in Town Put at $456,500; to Wesifield's citizens. In addition, the office handles the They can be bought for $2.30 per Lastyenr$52.662.851.81 was taken purchase of permits for parking in the box. in by the town Tax Collector's Office municipal lots and dispensing copies This sale helps support the Wash- in tuxes, special assessments, added 1,118 Calls Made; Budget Is $1,825 Million of municipal ordinances. ington Rock Girl Scout Council, assessments and tux search fees, (he providing an extensive camping By KURT C.BAUER showing when the men of the de- Altxrt Lime, Captain, report says. Total revenues for the clerk's office program and services to troops. partment were their busiest: Richard Moneur, Captain. Serially Wrinrn/art'Jir Weii/iMU Joan McCormaek, Captain. Of this total $31,674,047 was for the year were $299,954. Selling cookies also is the major NUMBER FALSE turned over to the town's public source of income for individual John Caitellano, Captain. In a breakdown of the distribution Losses from all sorts of fires in OF ALARMSALARMS TOTAL John Dutlka, Captain. schools, $11,494,211.68 was paid to of the 1990 tax levy the report notes troops, the means to fund troop ac- Westfield for 1990 were $446,500, January 65 9 74 Anthony Vaitano, Lleuienam. the county treasurer and thai $16,405,654.99 was required in tivities such as trips to the Franklin according to information supplied to February u 37 89 Henry Buccino, lieutenant. ; $9,306,954.99 was reserved for the Institute in Philadelphia, American March S3 24 77 Dennli Burke, Lieutenant. support of Municipal Building ex- the Mayor and Town Council in the April 69 96 expenses of Municipal Building de- Museum of Natural History in New 27 Raymond Luck.
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