BENJAMIN FBANKLIN BOOK CLUB New _aHde8 g_ AmericaH peop_e !illi, $eeoHd _ditioH Heed to know°°° ii ili i i ii i i ?he b.ok that Hame_ ?he real _t.ry @f ° the _arter oghomeini ! the meH _aboveSH_p_e_OH' wh@ _H the ¢@_H_Ct_@H that • BOOK CLUB--1 year subscription to magazine and choose 5 books • BOOKS ONLY--Choose any 5 books for $25 The La]_ouche Serle_ ",•_ Book,st)yI4fluhm II. l,at{(mcheJr: TttEBENJAAIINF1LANKIdNI_)OKCLUB The Ugb Truth About ]Vlilton Friedman with l)ai:id (iohtmal_ $3.95 Hov_ to Defeat 1,iberalism and William F. 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State Zip Students: Read The Young Scientist and learn what Make checks payable to Fusion Energy Foundation, Suite you need to help make America's future. 2404, 888 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10019 Endorsed by Leaders in Education, Science, and Industry "1 want to congratulate you for having introduced this magazine.... There is nothing more important these days than to confront the young mind with the scientific and technical challenges of our time in hope of a better future." Dr. Friedwardt Winterberg, Professor of Physics, University of Nevada, Winner of the Hermann Oberth-Wernher yon Braun aeronautics gold medal, 1979. • Dr. Frederick Tappert, Professor of Physics, University of Florida, • Dr. Joseph R. Dietrich, Chief Scientist (retired), Combustion Engineering Company. • Dr. Charles F. Bonilla, Professor Emeritus of Chemical, and Nuclear Engineering, Columbia Universlty. • R. Thomas Sawyer, Fou nding Member, Gas Turbine Division, American Society of Mecha nical Engineers, • Dr. Roy Hudson, Scientific Liaison, Manager, The Upjohn Company, Past President, Hampton Institute. Affiliations are listed for identification purposes only. Had any arguments about important ideas lately? READ and SUBSCRIBE to C mlmigner A Neoplatonic Republican Journal John Milton's American Legacy Venice: Eurouean _-_ $24/year (10 issues) FI $2.50 single copy I _ Whore of Babylon Addr(_N...... City Star( ......................... Zip Is National Sovereignty Check or money order payable to: Campaigner Pub/icatioRs, 304 W, 58th Street, 5th [leer, Dept. C., Obsolete? New York, N,Y. 100Ig, M_stereard/Visa accepted. Acid $1.00 ior non-subscriiJtion orders. CI mpIIllll ai I ner Vol. 14, No. 3 A Neoplatonic Republican Journal June 1981 7 The Democratic Party And the Progress of America's Minorities from aforthcoming autobiography by Hulan E. Jack 16 Edgar Allan Poe: The Lost Soul of America by Allen Salisbury EDITORIAL 2 U.S.A. Social Democrats Revive 13th Century Inquisition EXHIBITS 4 National Academy Tradition Shines in NYC Art Shows 5 Met Gallery Jumbles Mideast History INTERVIEW 40 Leon Temerson Records Bach MUSIC 43 What to Listen for in Handel's Messiah 45 Are Orchestras an Endangered Species? NOTES 46 iFeliz Cumpleafios! Los Angeles at 200! MOVIES 49 Real Family, Unreal Ghetto BOOKS 55 Richard Nixon's British Geopolitics 57 Suppressing Today's "Final Solution" 61 Book Briefs Editor-in-Chief On the cover Carol White , Edgar Allan Poe by Judith Wyer; photograph ofHulan E. Jack by Philip AssociateEditor Ulanowsky Kenneth Kronberg Cover design: James C. Montalbano THE CAMPAIGNER is published monthly Managing Editor except for January, March, and May by Cam- Christina Nelson Huth paigner Publications, Inc., 304 W. 58th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. Telephone (212) 247-8820. Subscriptions by mail are $24.00 for Art Director 10 issues in the U.S. and Canada. Air mail subscriptions to other countries are $48.00 for Deborah Asch 10issues. Second class postage paid at New York, New York. Production Editor Copyright © CAMPAIGNER PUBLICA- Robyn G. Hyman TIONS, INC. ISSN 0045-4109 EDITORIAL I I _ t. U.S.A. SocialDemocrats Revive 13 th Century Inquisition We reprint here infull a declarationof York City. Last week, at the Au- the National Executive Committee of tomation House premises on New the National Caucus of Labor Cos- York City's East 68th Street, the mittees, which was releasedin New U.S.A. branch of the new inter- York City on February19, 198I. national inquisitional organization known as "The Committee for Beginning the middle of the thir- the Free World" was constituted teenth century, the evil Albertus by elements of the Socialist Inter- Magnus and his accomplices national in the U.S.A. This fol- launched the Inquisition upon lowed the immediately preceding Western and Central Europe. This launching of the "mother" organ- Inquisition was the political weap- ization at a meeting in London. on used to crush opposition to The meeting at Automation Volcker-like measures of usury House was attended by an audi- imposed upon the realms ofmedi- ence of an estimated 400 persons, eval Europe by the evil money- with heavy representation by per- lenders of Venice and Genoa. sons who have been long-avowed As a direct result of the col- personal adversaries of 1980 Dem- lapse of cathedral towns and agri- Genoese "family funds." The pos- ocratic Party U.S. presidential culture caused by usurious "con- sibility of political resistance was candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, ditionalities" of bankers such as subverted through the Inquisition, Jr. Among the mixture of dupes the Bardi and Peruzzi of that pe- which used the imported pagan and witting perpetrators heading riod, growing masses of the pop- dogmas of Aristotle to attack the the U.S.A. branch of the British- ulation were driven into vagabon- Western Christendom of Saint directed committee are: dage and banditry. Famine and Augustine at its root, substituting • British Tory Fabian Society epidemic reduced the population for Augustinian Christianity evil agent Robert Moss, British intelli- of Europe by one-half. Typical is cults resembling today's Hare gence's coordinator of the Fabian the case of France, which did not Krishnas and self-styled "environ- Society-controlled Heritage reach again population-levels of mentalist" and terrorist mobs. The Foundation, and a coordinator, the early thirteenth century until pseudo-Christian cults used to bat- since spring 1968, of disinforma- five centuries later. This four- ter the institutions of Augustinian tion and libel operations against teenth-,century genocide under Christianity from within were LaRouche. (Moss's role has been Volcker-like measures could not typified then by the notorious Fla- identified in the past by Michael have occurred had the feudal po- gellants. Dearer, presently a member of tentates and populations of Europe This past week, that same In- President Ronald Reagan's staff.) been politically capable of resist- quisition was formallyreconstitut- • British SIS Arab Bureau's ing the usury of the Venetian and ed in London, England and New BernardLewis. Lewis was seconded 2 June 1981 /CAMPAIGNER to both Princeton University and sity based currently at the Hoover liberals and social democrats to the Georgetown University-based Institute in the Palo Alto cult-cen- "stop LaRouche." Center for International and Stra- ter in California. Hook has been • Lionel Abel, a University of tegic Studies (CSIS), and was the an avowed adversary of LaRouche Buffalo (N.Y.)-based ally of sid- leading architect of the "Bernard since autumn 1971 at a time ney Hook within the circles of the Lewis Plan," under which Zbig- LaRouche forced Hook's close Hook-Paul Kurtz-led American niew Brzezinski supported Lon- collaborator Professor Abba Lerner Humanist Association. Abel was the don's project for overthrowing to admit publicly that Lerner was author of an attack on LaRouche the shah oflran and bringing Brit- a follower of Nazi economist published in the fall 1980 issue of ish intelligence asset Ayatollah Hjalmar Schacht.
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