INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES MINERALS DEVELOPMEMT AND REGULATION DIVISION MCDR INSPECTION REPORT Ajmer regional office Mine file No : RAJ/JPR-63/Fe-8 Mine code : 30RAJ13005 (i) Name of the Inspecting : S012( ) Sharma H.C. Officer and ID No. (ii) Designation : Sr. Asst. Contrl. Mines (iii) Accompaning mine : Sh. Shamim Official with Designation (iv) Date of Inspection : 19/01/2018 (v) Prev.inspection date : 28/11/2015 PART-I : GENERAL INFORMATION 1. (a) Mine Name : MORIJA NEW (b) Registration NO. : IBM/5530/2011 (c) Category : B Manual (d) Type of Working : Opencast (e) Postal address State : RAJASTHAN District : JAIPUR Village : MORIJA Taluka : Post office : MORIJA Pin Code : FAX No. : Not available E-mail : Not available Phone : 01574230044 (f) Police Station : Chomu (g) First opening date : 17/02/1979 (h) Weekly day of rest : SUN 2. Address for : M/s Nandlal Agarwal & Sons correspondance PO- Maonda, Tehsil- Neem Ka Thana District Sikar 3. (a) Lease Number : RAJ0028 (b) Lease area : 129.5 (c) Period of lease : 50 (d) Date of Expiry : 16/02/1929 4. Mineral worked : IRON ORE Main PAGE : 2 5. Name and Address of the Lessee : M/s Nand Lal Agarwal & Sons Maonda , Tah-Neem Ka Thana Sikar SIKAR RAJASTHAN Phone:01574-230044 FAX : Owner : M/s Nandlal Agarwal & Sons PO- Maonda Tehsil- Neem Ka Thana Sikar SIKAR RAJASTHAN Phone: 01574230044 FAX : 6. Date of approval of Mining : Renewal under rule 22 MCR1960 04/04/2001 Plan/Scheme of Mining Existing rule 11 MCDR1988 20/10/2004 Mining Scheme rule 12 MCDR1988 17/04/2012 MP review under 17(1) MCR 2016 15/03/2017 PAGE : 3 PART - II : OBSERVATION/COMMENTS OF INSPECTING OFFICERS Exploration : Sl.No. Item Proposals Actual work Remarks 1a Backlog of A total of Proposed exploration had previous year five not been carried out. boreholes were proposed to be drilled in the year 2017-18. 1b Exploration over None Not applicable lease area for geological axis 1 or 2 1c Exploration None Not applicable Agencies and Expenditure in lakh rupees during the year 1d Balance area to Not reported Not applicable be explored to bring Geological axis in 1 or 2 1e Balance reserve 5903860 T in 5903860 T in proved 111 as on 01/04/20 proved 111 category. category. 1f General remarks Not The proposed boreholes of inspecting applicable had not been drilled officers on which are being covered geology, in the Violation letter exploration etc to the party. Development : Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 2a Location of Pit 1 & 2 Pit 1 & 2. development w.r.t.lease area 2b Separate benches There is no Being done in topsoil, top Soil, overburden and separate bench minerals (Rule in O/B waste 15) Proposed. 2c Stripping ratio 1 : 0.25 Not reported, mine was or ore to OB closed. ratio 2d Quantity of Not applicable Not applicable topsoil generation in m3 PAGE : 4 2e Quantity of 5580 Cu M Not reported overburden generation in m3 2f General remarks Not applicable Workings were closed in of inspecting want of EC as reported. officers on development of pit w.r.t. type of deposit etc Exploitation: Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 3a Number of pit 2 pits 2 pits proposed for production 3b Quantity of ROM 89280 T Nil mineral production proposed 3c Recovery of 95 % Not applicable sailable/usable mineral from ROM production 3d Quantity of 14510 T Not applicable as mine mineral reject was closed. generation 3e Grade of mineral None Not applicable rejects generation and threshold value declared. 3f Quantity of sub None Not applicable grade mineral generation. 3g Grade of sub None Not applicable grade mineral generation 3h Manual / Manual Not applicable as mine Mechanised was closed. method adopted for segregating from ROM 3i Any analysis or None Not applicable beneficiation study proposed and carried out for sub grade mineral and rejects. PAGE : 5 3j Provision of Yes Yes drilling and blasting in mineral benches 3k Provision of Semi Not applicable as mine mining Mechanised was closed. machineries in using mineral benches excavater & tipper combination. 3l Whether height Yes Not applicable of benches in overburden and mineral suitable for method of mining proposed in MP/SOM 3m Total area 4.7 ha 3.6 ha covered under excavation/pits 3n Ore to OB ratio 1 : 0.25 Not applicable for the pit/mine during the year. 3o Total area put Pits - 3.6 ha, Pits - 3.6 ha, Waste in use under Waste dump- dump- 1.80 ha, roads- different heads 1.80 ha, 0.91 ha. at the end of roads- 0.91 year ha. 3p Production of 2014-15- 90000 Nil so far from 2014-15 ROM mineral T, 2015-16- to 2017-18. during the last 90000 T, 2016- five year period 17- 90000 T, as applicable 2017- 18- 103790 T 3q General remarks Not applicable The semi mechanised open of inspecting cast is suitable to the officers on type of deposit & method of mining adopted. etc. Solid Waste Management - Dumping: Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 4a Separate dumping There is no Being done of topsoil, OB top soil, and mineral separate rejects (Rule dumping of O/B 32,33) waste proposed. PAGE : 6 4b Location of No top soil, Being done topsoil, OB and O/B waste mineral reject proposed on dumps eastern side & Western side of the mound. 4c Number of dumps Two dumps Being done within lease within lease area and outside area. of lease area 4d Location of Out side UPL Out side UPL dumps w.r.t. ultimate pit limit (Rule 16) 4e Number of active Two Two and alive dumps. 4f Number of dead None Not applicable dumps. 4g Number of dumps None Not applicable established. 4h Whether Proposed Not observed Retaining wall or garland drain all along dumps are there. 4i Length of Nil Not applicable Retaining wall or garland drain all along dumps 4j Number of None Not applicable settling ponds 4k Specific Not applicable The mine was found comments of closed & no retaining inspecting wall seen along toe of officer on waste dumps. dump management Solid Waste Management - Backfilling: Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 5a Status of part No proposal as Not applicable or full mineral extraction of continuing in mineral from depth. mined out area before starting backfilling. 5b Area under None Not applicable backfilling of mined out area PAGE : 7 5c Concurrent use None Not applicable of topsoil for restoration or rehabilitation of mineral out area (Rule 32) 5d Total area None Not applicable fully reclaimed and rehabilitated 5e General remarks Not applicable No area exhausted of of inspecting mineral & had become officers on matured for backfilling backfilling and and reclamation. reclamation etc. Progressive Mine Clousre Plan: Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 6a Whether Annual To be Not submitted report on PMCP submitted submitted on time and correctly. Rule 23 E(2). 6b Area available None Not applicable for rehabilitation (ha) . 6c afforestation 200 trees per Nil during last 4 years. done (ha). year proposed to be planted 6d No. of saplings 200 nos Nil planted during the year 6e Cumulative no 200 nos during Nil during plan period .of plants plan period 6f Any other method None Not applicable of rehabilitation 6g Cost incurred on Not reported Not applicable watch and care during the year 6h Compliance on None Not applicable reclamation and rehabilitation by backfilling (i) Voids available for backfilling ( Lx B x D PAGE : 8 6i Compliance on none Not applicable reclamation and rehabilitation by backfilling (ii) Voids filled by waste / tailings 6j Compliance on None Not applicable reclamation and rehabilitation by backfilling (iii)Afforestati on on backfilled area 6k Compliance on None Not applicable reclamation and rehabilitation by backfilling (iv) Rehabilitation by making water reservoir 6l Compliance on None Not applicable reclamation and rehabilitation by backfilling (v)any other specific means. 6m Compliance of 200 nos during Nil rehabilitation plan period. of waste land within lease (i)afforestation 6n Compliance of None Not applicable rehabilitation of waste land within lease (ii)Area rehabilitation (ha) 6o Compliance of None Not applicable rehabilitation of waste land within lease (iii)Method of rehabilitation 6p Compliance of As per EC & Mine was found closed. environmental consent monitoring (core condition. zone and buffer zone) PAGE : 9 6q General remarks Not applicable The mine was found of inspecting closed & work towards officers on PMCP PMCP is pending. compliance and progressive closure operations etc. Mineral Conservation: Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 7a ROM Mineral 89280 T Not reported dispatch or grade-wise sorting within lease area 7b Method of grade- Manual Manual wise mineral sorting i.e. manual or mechanical. 7c Different grade Single Single of mineral sorted out at mines. 7d Any None Not applicable beneficiation process at mines . 7e General remarks Not applicable The mine was closed & of inspecting conduct of lessee officer on towards conservation of Mineral mineral were conservation and satisfactory. beneficiation issues Environment: Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks 8a Separate removal There is no Not applicable and utilization top soil. of topsoil (Rule 32) 8b Concurrent use None Not applicable or storage of topsoil PAGE : 10 8c Separate dumps Yes separate for overburden, dumping of O/B waste rock, waste done rejects and fines (Rule 33) 8d Use of None Not applicable overburden, waste rock, rejects and fines dumps for restoring the land to its original use 8e Phased None Not applicable restoration, reclamation and rehabilitation of lands affected by mining operations (Pits, dumps etc) 8f Baseline About 200 Nil information on trees existence of plantation plantation and proposed each additional year basiss.
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