Bednorz and Müller Win Nobel Prize for New Superconducting Materials Anil Khurana Citation: Phys. Today 40(12), 17 (1987); doi: 10.1063/1.2820304 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2820304 View Table of Contents: http://www.physicstoday.org/resource/1/PHTOAD/v40/i12 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional resources for Physics Today Homepage: http://www.physicstoday.org/ Information: http://www.physicstoday.org/about_us Daily Edition: http://www.physicstoday.org/daily_edition Downloaded 12 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://www.physicstoday.org/about_us/terms SEARCH & DISCOVERY BEDNORZ AND MULLER WIN NOBEL PRIZE FOR NEW SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIALS Georg Bednorz and Alex Miiller (IBM Zurich Research Laboratory at Riischlikon, Switzerland) share this year's Nobel Prize in Physics for "their discovery of new superconduct- ing materials." The announcement of the prize, worth $340 000 this year, caused little surprise among physi- cists. Few doubted that the discovery by Bednorz and Miiller merited the Nobel Prize; speculations on what year the prize would be awarded have abounded since last January. In the spring of 1986, Bednorz and Miiller reported the onset of super- conductivity in a mixed-phase oxide of lanthanum, barium and copper at temperatures about 10 K higher than any previously known for supercon- ductivity. Since the early 1960s, the superconductors with the highest known critical temperatures had been found among intermetallic ma- terials with the so-called A15 struc- ture; the last increase in Tc had occurred in 1973 with successful syn- thesis of thin films of Nb3Ge. The search for high-temperature super- Alex Muller and Georg Bednorz (right) or rhe IBM conductors then lost direction when Zurich Research Laboratory in Ruschlikon, Switzerland. efforts in the late 1970s to raise the Tc even higher in the A15 materials were abandoned because the maxi- turned into useful devices, but groups this specific superconductivity. They mum critical temperature in A15 led by Praveen Chaudhari at IBM have inspired other researchers to niobium-silicon compounds could not (Yorktown Heights, New York) and synthesize substances which are su- be raised above 20 K.' by Malcolm Beasley and Theodore perconducting at temperatures more About three months after the dis- Geballe at Stanford University dem- than four times higher (reckoned covery by Bednorz and Miiller was onstrated this summer that the criti- from the absolute zero at — 273 °C) confirmed in November 1986, Paul cal current, an important parameter than the earlier ones. The develop- (C. W.) Chu (University of Houston) for many applications, is not inher- ment is being followed with interest reported superconductivity above ently small in the new superconduc- by workers in electrotechnology and 90 K; Chu disclosed the composition of tors. Because of the allure of the new microelectronics, and by physicists the 90-K material, an oxide of yt- markets that applications of super- who envisage exciting new applica- trium, barium and copper, two weeks conductivity might generate, the tions in measurement technology." later. Obtaining superconductivity worlds of engineering and technology, The academy characterizes the break- above 77 K, the boiling point of liquid business and finance, politics and through by Bednorz and Muller as a nitrogen, had been a psychological science policy have all felt the impact "result of systematic work, deep in- barrier that many experts felt had to of the developments in superconduc- sight and experience of structural be broken before large-scale applica- tivity since Bednorz and Muller made problems in the physics and chemis- tions of superconductivity would be their discovery. try of the solid state ... [and] the economically viable. Many proper- The Swedish Academy announce- audacity to concentrate on new paths ties of the new oxide superconductors ment says: "Bednorz and Muller in their research." must be optimized before they can be stand out clearly as the discoverers of Bednorz and Muller carried out a © 1987 Americon InDownloadedsriture of Phy s12ics Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://www.physicstoday.org/about_us/termsPHYSICS TODAY DECEMBER 1967 17 detailed and determined search for a metal in which nickel is in valence the resistivity to very low tempera- superconductors with high critical state + 3. According to Bednorz, tures. "We did a systematic and temperatures among oxides with me- they tried to change the electronic careful study, and even if the resistiv- tallic properties. They were motivat- bandwidth of the materials internal- ity went up to extremely high values ed to undertake this search by the ly, by substituting aluminum for nick- at low temeperatures, we always went properties of the superconducting el, for example. But the substitution down to liquid helium temperature phase of BaPb^Bi^Oa and LiTi2O4. was not successful: La-Ni-Al-0 be- [4.2 K] in order to have a complete set The critical temperature of BaPbj.j- came insulating by cooling. "We then of data," Bednorz replied. Further- Bix O3 varies with x. The highest Tc is tried substitution on the lanthanum more, both Bednorz and Miiller said only 13.7 K, but the electronic density sites," Bednorz said. "We tried yt- they were aware that the resistivity of of states is significantly smaller than trium; at that time we easily missed thin films of BaPb, _ x Bix O3 also in- in superconductors with comparable discovering the 90-K superconductor. creases before the onset of supercon- critical temperatures.1 Bednorz and But we got insulating material. We ductivity, especially if the films do not Miiller argued that the lower density had the wrong combination—yttrium have the right amount of oxygen. of states in oxide superconductors was with nickel instead of copper. But The discovery by Bednorz and probably compensated for by the en- that's life! Our breakthrough came Miiller has engendered unprecedent- hanced electron-phonon interaction. much later." The focus of the search ed, worldwide research activity in In the theory of John Bardeen, Leon shifted to copper because partial sub- superconductivity. The story of some Cooper and Robert Schrieffer, elec- stitution of copper for nickel in of the major developments their work trons in the superconducting state are LaNiO3 improved the metallic proper- has spawned and the rapid pace at paired by their interaction with lat- ties. In the course of a literature which these occurred has become tice vibrations, or phonons. The criti- search, Bednorz learned about the somewhat of a legend. Their first cal temperature in the BCS theory work of Claude Michel, L. Er-Rakho paper was received at the editorial increases with the strength of the and Bernard Raveau (Universite de office of Zeitschrift fur Physik on 17 pairing interaction, which in turn Caen) on Ba-La-Cu-O, soon after it April 1986; it was published in the increases with both the electron- was published in 1985. "Having September issue of the journal. The phonon coupling and the electron worked already with a few copper paper received little attention. But density. But at none of the many substitutions, when I saw this materi- Shoji Tanaka's group at the Universi- laboratories around the world that al, I realized one could do something with copper alone and with replace- ty of Tokyo (see the article on page 53) studied BaPb^^BijOa in great detail and Chu's at the University of Hous- was the possibility of examining other ment of lanthanum by two-valent oxides for superconductivity seriously barium," Bednorz said. And he and ton independently confirmed super- considered. Bednorz and Miiller, in Miiller did something quite wonderful conductivity in Ba-La-Cu-O after they contrast, regarded the unusual prop- with it. In their first paper, they saw the paper by Bednorz and Miiller erties of BaPbi _ Bi, O seriously and reported resistivity measurements on in Zeitschrift fur Physik. The groups x 3 presented their evidence at an im- saw in them a possibility of finding samples of La5_IBa;tCu5O5(3_ y) for superconductors with high critical x = 1 and 0.75, and y positive, that promptu session of the Materials Re- temperatures. Increasing the elec- showed onset of superconductivity search Society meeting in Boston on 5 tron density in oxides to values com- above 30 K. December 1986. The Tokyo group parable to those in good metals, for had by this time independently deter- example, might allow a way to realize One might feel tempted to regard as mined La2_IBa;cCuO4_v to be the this possibility, they reasoned. Based serendipitous the events that led Bed- superconducting phase, as had Bed- on their knowledge of the structure norz and Miiller to the discovery of norz, Miiller and their collaborator M. and properties of oxides, Bednorz and superconductivity in Ba-La-Cu-O. Takashige, and both groups had ob- Miiller concentrated on oxides con- But as experts around the world tained further evidence of supercon- taining copper or nickel in mixed- found out last winter, ternary oxides ductivity by measuring the Meissner valence states, that is, oxides in which are very complicated materials. Sev- effect, or magnetic flux exclusion. a fraction of the transition metal ions eral stable chemical compositions are But Bednorz, Miiller and Takashige are in one valence state and another possible for a given set of elements, did not circulate any preprints report- fraction are in a different valence and among oxides with the same set of ing their work on the Meissner effect, state. elements but different compositions although they had completed the some are insulators and some good work in the beginning of October. "Alex reminded me recently that conductors. Moreover, the ones that "When in October I saw the results he did not have to use very strong are superconducting at low tempera- from Zurich on the Meissner effect," arguments to convince me to look for tures are extremely fragile chemical- Richard Greene (IBM Yorktown superconductors among metallic ox- ly and lose oxygen readily.
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