European Perspectives of North Macedonia: EU Enlargement Challenges Hristina Runcheva Tasev* accession negotiations with the Republic of North Macedonia”1. The General Affairs Abstract Council conclusions on enlargement and After a decade of positive stabilization and association process for the recommendations by the European Republic of North Macedonia and the Commission for opening accession Republic of Albania were confirmed by the negotiations with North Macedonia, the Members of the European Council on 26 March 20202. This is the good news. Less Council has finally launched them in encouraging is the fact that there is no March 2020. During this period, for more precise date when the negotiations will be than ten years, Macedonian authorities opened. The history of EU enlargement faced the challenge of maintaining a level shows us that the decision to launch of interest in the European prospects of negotiations with other countries from the the country without receiving many positive signals that the integration will region (Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia) has happen in a reasonable timeframe. always been accompanied by a start date for the negotiations, but this is not the case now. According to the Council conclusions, and as “In light of the progress achieved on reforms the updated country reports identify, both and the fulfilment of the conditions set countries (North Macedonia and Albania) unanimously by the Council in June 2018, the “had demonstrated their determination to Council, subject to endorsement by the advance the EU reform agenda and had European Council members, decides to open delivered tangible and sustained results, 1 General Affairs Council- Council conclusions on 2 Joint statement of the Members of the enlargement and stabilization and association European Council Brussels, 25 March 2020. process for the Republic of North Macedonia and the Available at: Republic of Albania, Brussels, 25 March 2020. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/43076/ Available at: 26-vc-euco-statement-en.pdf. Accessed on 27 https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST- March 2020. 7002-2020-INIT/en/pdf. Accessed on 27 March 2020. * Hristina Runcheva Tasev, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in Skopje, Ss.Cyril and Methodius University. All the opinions expressed in this briefing are the sole view of the author, and do not represent the position of the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” in Skopje nor of the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA). European Perspectives of North TEPSA Briefs – April 2020 Macedonia: EU Enlargement Challenges fulfilling the conditions identified by the June was additionally dynamized by the new 2018 Council for the opening of the methodology for enlargement proposed by accession negotiations”3. The first France in November 20195 that called for a intergovernmental conference should be more merit-based system, able to provide convened as soon as possible after the more tangible benefits earlier in the process, adoption of the negotiating framework by and able to be reversed if the country fails to the Council. However, prior to the first fulfill requirements. intergovernmental conference, both countries have to implement a number of reform measures which will impact on the “The EU’s credibility was actual start of negotiations. The fight against undermined, in particular in the corruption and organised crime remains a Macedonian case, where the long-term objective as well as the tangible change of the constitutional name progress regarding reform of public was expected to open the ‘window administration and further progress in the adoption of legislation. The Commission of opportunity’ for European expects that reform work will continue in integration” both countries respectively and that the conditions will be met soon in order to launch the accession negotiations4. North Macedonia faced a complex political reality: the Prespa Agreement was expected Many political debates were launched about to accelerate the development of relations the enlargement of the European Union with the Union after the name dispute with after the European Council meeting in Greece had been closed, but the EU October 2019 failed to agree to open responded by postponing the date for start accession negotiations with North of negotiations and “raising the threshold" Macedonia and Albania. The EU’s with the new methodology. This generated commitment to the European perspective of Euroscepticism among different forces at the the region was in question. The debate for national level. A public opinion survey the profound disillusionment with the published in February 2020 shows that European project was easily catalyzed in the 31.9% of the citizens responded positively to Western Balkans. The EU’s credibility was the question: do you expect that the country undermined, in particular in the Macedonian will be granted a date for opening of the case, where the change of the constitutional negotiations in 2020. 57,8% of the name was expected to open the “window of Macedonian citizens did not expect this to 6 opportunity” for European integration. This happen in 2020 . 3 General Affairs Council- Council conclusions on albania-and-north-macedonia-but-no-date-set-yet/ . enlargement and stabilization and association Accessed on 30 March 2020. process for the Republic of North Macedonia and the 5 “Non-Paper: Reforming the European Union Republic of Albania, Brussels, 25 March 2020. Accession Process” (issued by the French Available at: Government in November 2019). Available at: https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST- https://g8fip1kplyr33r3krz5b97d1-wpengine.netdna- 7002-2020-INIT/en/pdf. Accessed on 27 March 2020. ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Enlargement- 4 ”Accession negotiations opened with Albania and nonpaper.pdf . Accessed on 28 March 2020. North Macedonia but no date set yet”. Brussels 6 Nikolovski I. Kirhner, J.M. (2020). “What now? The Times. Available at: Uncertainty of North Macedonia’s EU Accession”. https://www.brusselstimes.com/all-news/eu- IDCS and Konrad Adenauer Stifting. Available at: affairs/103517/accession-negotiations-opened-with- https://www.kas.de/documents/281657/281706/A5 _What+now+The+uncertaintyof+North+Macedonia% European Perspectives of North TEPSA Briefs – April 2020 Macedonia: EU Enlargement Challenges The wider context of the Macedonian of maintaining a level of interest in the political scene shows that EU integration is European prospects of the country without one of the driving aspirations of the receiving many positive signals that Macedonian foreign policy since its integration would happen in a reasonable independence in 1991. Diplomatic relations timeframe. The only green light received by with the EU were established in 1995 and the European Council was visa liberalization, were followed by the Agreement of wide- granted for the Macedonian citizens at the ranging cooperation in the fields of trade, end of 2009. financial operations and transport in 1997. The name dispute with Greece has been one North Macedonia was the first country from of the greatest obstacles to the integration the region that signed a Stabilization and process when it comes to valorization of the Association Agreement (SSA) with the EU in reforms implemented: regardless of the 2001 and the first country in which an SSA internal dynamic of reforms, the country’s entered into force on 1 April 2004. The SSA accession was vetoed by Greece. provided a framework for political dialogue and strengthened regional cooperation. It A milestone in the country's EU integration strengthened economic relations among process was expected after the name dispute parties and established grounds for technical with Greece was resolved and the Prespa and financial support. The SSA has made a Agreement was signed. Macedonian citizens tremendous impact in the process of policy had high expectations that after the painful harmonization, legislation and promotion of change of the constitutional name, the EU European values among Macedonian membership process would be advanced and institutions and citizens. The European the accession negotiations would be Council awarded the country candidate opened. But the EU failed to launch status in December 2005 and in February negotiations in June and October 2019. The 2008, the Council adopted the revised leading opponents for further enlargement, Accession Partnership with the country. France and the Netherlands, sounded After the candidate status was granted, criticism over reforms in the fields of Macedonian foreign policy has been focused democracy and fighting corruption. They on achieving a date for the start of were both skeptical of allowing in new negotiations with the EU. members at a time when the EU’s cohesion was already affected by the UK leaving the The European Commission first Union. This pattern of decision-making recommended to open accession fueled by an ‘enlargement fatigue’ had been negotiations with the Republic of North seen before. In fact, back in 2005, France and Macedonia in October 20097. Positive the Netherlands, after the rejection by recommendations have been received for referendum of the Union’s proposed over a decade until it was finally decided to constitution, both resisted enlargement open the negotiations in March this year. because the voters perceived it as a threat to During this period of more than ten years, the future of their countries. The arguments Macedonian authorities faced the challenge
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