1 l ~ Spin- page 5 I VOL XX, NO. 33 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1985 Alum offers hope for leader meeting By SCOTT BEARBY their GPA's as gods or are looking at Asslsttmt News Editor a job after graduation as the answer to life. Hall presidents received a sam­ While he admitted student life is pling of the upcoming student primarily academic, he added that leadership conference during an this doesn't mean there isn't more to alumnus speech at the Hall Presi­ it. "How many Domers are out there dents' Council last night. sitting on their hands and not getting Bill Mclean, Ombudsmen direc­ Involved?", he asked. tor from 1972-75, is one of 30 "Notre Dame has not changed alumni invited to help student that much since I was here. The leaders and administrators define names may change, but the type of the role student leaders should be people don't," McLean said. taking while at Notre Dame. Accord­ He and leadership conference or­ ing to Mclean, he is one ofthe many ganizers Duane lawrence and Bruce alumni who "give a damn, not just Lohman believe alumni can help stu­ about the football team, or about dents and leaders realize what can what is going on in the classroom," be done through the exchange of but about the people here now. ideas. What Mclean advocates as an McLean likened the role of the edu<:ator at St. laurence High School alumni this weekend to that of a in Chicago is a partnership between parish priest in telling the ad­ the teacher and the student. The ad­ ministration "you've got to listen to ministration must act "with, not for" what that kid of yours has to say." the student in shaping their lives, he The Observer/Mary-Sharon White said. Leadership meetings will be held Iron pumper throughout the day Saturday. Ac­ Although there is nothing wrong Steven Hagne/1 works out yesterday at the with what we offer the administra­ cording to lawrence, schedules wil as dreary skies and cool temperatures made out­ tion and what they offer us, there is be posted this Week. He and HPC Rockne Memorial. It was a good day to stay inside, door activities out of the question. something more that can be done. Chairman Kevin Howard both en­ said McLean. He is not advocating an couraged hall presidents to bring as overthrow of the administration, but many underclassmen as they can to rather an attempt to make it better. the sessions since they are potential He added that realistically he student leaders. U ndergrads no longer check diners didn't know if improvement is pos­ The leadership conference will sible, but the attempt must be made. end Sunday with a speech from Uni­ By RAY MULERA having in dealing with their peers, checker. Hickey cited a substantial Mclean cited his own high school versity President Father Theodore StaffReporter Hickey said. rise of nearly 100 percent In the students who he is entrusting with Hesburgh, who will give his views He cited severe control problems number of casual or guest meals access to a computer resource on the role of a student leader. In an effort to tighten control over checkers had in dealing with unruly purchased. center and "keys to everything" in In other news. Badin President students entering and exiting the students and cases of checkers be­ The decision to change to older order for them to teach an adult judith Windhorst gave an update to dining halls, undergraduate student coming "obnoxious" with diners. checkers was made last spring after education class while he is away. He the HPC concerning the inquiry into checkers have been replaced by The new system seeks to decrease Hickey visited the University of Mic­ said If hc can do this with high rectors' fees for lost keys and D-tex graduate students and help from these incidents by using checkers higan for a food services convention. school studcnts and trust them, cards. The HPC is discussing extra outside the University. less likely to come into conflict with A tour of their facilities revealed what can Notre Dame do with its fees which some rectors are charg­ This new policy, according to Bill students, he said. graduate students and even senior students? ing for lost keys. Hickey, director of University Food Also of concern to the food citizens working as checkers. Inves­ Student leadcrship is only limited She and Howard met with Evelyn Services, became necessary because service was the number of students tigation proved this to be a more ef­ by human rcsources and commit­ Reinebold, director of student of "many, many incidents" which sneaking past checkers without fective method of checking. ment, but those two qualities may residences, who, according to occurred over the past year. paying or having a valid dining card, This change of policy is actually a also be used to change what is Windhorst, said she read the S5 A review of checkers' perfor­ he said. Allegedly, off-campus stu­ return to old procedures, Hickey wrong. according to McLean. He charge for lost keys mentioned in du mances revealed the many dif­ dents were able to eat without the asked whether students are treating lac as a minimum charge. - ficulties undergraduates were proper meal plan if they knew the see CHECKERS, page 3 Captain asks rescuers to stay away; reports all are safe aboard, including 331 crew mem- outside the port of Tartus, a negotiations with Israel. Cordone, the Italian charge bers. diplomat reported. A western He shouted, "We will hit any d'affaires, said Italy had refused all A man who said he was the cap­ The Italian government said it diplomat in Damascus said it was ship, any plane that tries to ap- contact with the hijackers. "We're: tain of a hijacked Italian cruise would not give in to "terrorist bound for Cyprus, and Beirut port proach us! This is Omar, the aligning ourselves with the liner In the Mediterranean pleaded blackmail," and also said that the officials said it was in international hijacker of the Italian ship. I want American position - that is not to with would-be rescuers yesterday hijackers "seem" to be demanding waters off the coast of Cyprus. But to speak to Beirut port aut- negotiate with terrorists," he: told to stay away from the Achille freedom for prisoners in Italy and horities." reporters. Lauro, on which heavily armed other countries. Judicial sources When port officials identified Italian Defense Minister Palestinian pirates held more than have said 13 Palestinian terrorists themselves, Omar said: Giovanni Spadolini said in Rome, 400 people under threat of death. and suspects are jailed in Italy. "I want to negotiate .... I want to "We are counting that in the end He also said everyone aboard Most of the Americans who had negotiate with Israel. I want you to reason will prevail.... We affirm was In good health, which ap­ been on the Achille Lauro cruise convey this message. I want to that we will not cede to any tee- peared to contradict earlier un­ were among approximately 600 negotiate with Israel. That's all, I rorist blackmail." confirmed reports that the passengers who disembarked in want to break off now." Prime Minister Shimon Peres hijackers had killed two American Alexandria, Egypt, before the He said nothing about hostages said in Jerusalem that no govern- hostages to press their demand Palestinians seized the ship ap- having been klUed. Cairo ment had asked Israel to free that Israel free 50 Palestinian proximately 30 miles west of Port newspapers said the gang leader prisoners. He did not say what the prisoners. Said. Reports indicated ap- identified himself shortly after the answer to such a request would be, "Please, please, don't try anyth­ proximately 12 Americans still hijack as Omar Mustafa, code- but an Israeli official said Ing on my ship," he shouted into were aboard. named Abu Rashad, but nothing privately,"we wiU not negotiate the radio from the ship, which was Western diplomats In Damascus more was known about him. with terrorists." reported to be in international said the Syrian Foreign Ministry The Beirut port officials and Is- Peres said, "We did not get any waters off Cyprus. told Italian Charge d'Affaires Pietro raeli radio monitors said the man demands. We do not have to The Palestinian hijackers were Cordone the hijackers claimed to who said he was the captain answer." said to have a large supply of ex­ have killed two Amrncans. "We shouted into the radio later, "I Israeli officials said Italian om- plosives, and vowed soon after have no confirmation," said one a Cypriot government source said have one message. Please, please, clals believed the pirates boarded seizing the vessel Monday night diplomat, who spoke on condition the ship would not be allowed to don't try anything on my ship. at Genoa, origination point of the that they would blow it up if of anonymity. dock there. Everybody is in very good health." cruise. But Spanish radio monitors military air or naval forces tried to The ship sailed west from the In an earlier radio conversation He did not give his name, but the said they heard radio traffic that in- interfere. Flotta Lauro, the ship­ Syrian coast after it was denied with Beirut port authorities, the vessel's master has been identified dicated the hijackers joined the ping line, said 413 people were access to Syrian territorial waters hijack gang's leader demanded as Gerardo de Rosa. ship at various ports.
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