Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA § 201.56–5 (i) Less than half of the original cot- curs naturally as a result of growth yledon tissue remaining attached. and emergence of the leaves. (ii) Less than half of the original cot- (iv) Root system: A primary root and yledon tissue free of necrosis or decay. seminal roots. The primary root is not (Remove any attached seed coats at readily distinguishable from the sem- the end of the test period for evalua- inal roots; therefore, all roots arising tion of cotyledons.) from the seed are referred to as sem- (2) Epicotyl: inal roots. (i) Missing. (May be assumed to be (2) Abnormal seedling description. present if the cotyledons are intact.) (i) Shoot: (ii) [Reserved] (A) Missing. (3) Hypocotyl: (B) No leaf. (i) Deep open cracks extending into (C) Leaf extending less than halfway the conducting tissue. up into the coleoptile. (ii) Malformed, such as markedly (D) Leaf extensively shredded or shortened, curled, or thickened. split. (4) Root: (E) Spindly or watery. (i) None. (F) Grainy, spirally twisted, shred- (ii) Weak, stubby, or missing primary ded, and weak. root, with less than two strong sec- (G) Deep open cracks in the ondary or adventitious roots. mesocotyl. (5) Seedling: (ii) Root: (i) One or more essential structures (A) Less than one strong seminal impaired as a result of decay from pri- root. mary infection. (B) [Reserved] (ii) Albino. (iii) Seedling: (A) Decayed at point of attachment [59 FR 64501, Dec. 14, 1994] to the scutellum. (B) One or more essential structures § 201.56–5 Grass family, Poaceae impaired as a result of decay from pri- (Gramineae). mary infection. Kinds of seed: Bentgrasses, (C) Albino. bluegrasses, bluestems, bromes, cere- (D) Endosperm obviously detached als, fescues, millets, orchardgrass, from the root-shoot axis (e.g. kernel redtop, ryegrasses, sorghums, timothy, lifted away by the growing shoot). turf timothy, wheatgrasses, and all (E) Thickened and shortened roots other grasses listed in § 201.2(h). and/or shoots. (a) Cereals: Agrotricum, barley, oat, (b) Rice. rye, mountain rye, wheat, (1) General description. wheat×agrotricum, and triticale. (i) Germination habit: Hypogeal (1) General description. monocot. (i) Germination habit: Hypogeal (ii) Food reserves: Endosperm. The monocot. scutellum is a modified cotyledon (ii) Food reserves: Endosperm. The which is in direct contact with the scutellum is a modified cotyledon endosperm. During germination the which is in direct contact with the scutellum remains inside the seed to endosperm. During germination the absorb nutrients from the endosperm scutellum remains inside the seed to and transfer them to the growing seed- absorb nutrients from the endosperm ling. and transfer them to the growing seed- (iii) Shoot system: The shoot consists ling. of the coleoptile, leaves enclosed in the (iii) Shoot system: The shoot consists coleoptile, and the mesocotyl. The of the coleoptile, leaves enclosed in the coleoptile elongates and pushes coleoptile, and the mesocotyl. The through the soil or water surface; the coleoptile elongates and pushes mesocotyl may elongate depending on through the soil surface; the mesocotyl the variety and environmental condi- may elongate depending on the variety tions. Splitting of the coleoptile occurs and light intensity, but may not be dis- naturally as a result of growth and cernible. Splitting of the coleoptile oc- emergence of the leaves. 349 VerDate Mar<15>2010 21:35 Jan 25, 2013 Jkt 229054 PO 00000 Frm 00359 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\07\7V3.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 201.56–5 7 CFR Ch. I (1–1–13 Edition) (iv) Root system: Strong primary (i) Shoot: root and seminal roots. Adventitious (A) Missing. roots may start to develop from the (B) Thickened and shortened. mesocotyl or coleoptilar node within (C) No leaf. the test period. If the mesocotyl elon- (D) Leaf extending less than halfway gates, the adventitious roots will be up into the coleoptile. carried above the grain. (E) Leaf extensively shredded or (2) Abnormal seedling description. split. (i) Shoot: (F) Spindly or watery. (A) Missing. (G) Deep open cracks in the (B) No leaf. mesocotyl. (C) Leaf extending less than halfway (ii) Root: up into the coleoptile. (A) None. (D) Leaf extensively shredded or (B) Weak, stubby, or missing primary split. root with weak seminal roots. (E) Spindly or watery. (iii) Seedling: (F) Deep open cracks in the (A) Decayed at point of attachment mesocotyl. to the scutellum. (ii) Root: (B) One or more essential structures (A) None. impaired as a result of decay from pri- (B) Weak primary root with insuffi- mary infection. cient seminal or adventitious roots. (C) Albino. (iii) Seedling: (d) Johnsongrass, sorghum, sorgrass, (A) Decayed at point of attachment sorghum almum, sudangrass, and sor- to the scutellum. ghum-sudangrass. (B) One or more essential structures (1) General description. impaired as a result of decay from pri- (i) Germination habit: Hypogeal mary infection. monocot. (C) Albino. (ii) Food reserves: Endosperm. The (c) Corn. scutellum is a modified cotyledon (1) General description. which is in direct contact with (i) Germination habit: Hypogeal endosperm. During germination the monocot. scutellum remains inside the seed to (ii) Food reserves: Endosperm. The absorb nutrients from the endosperm scutellum is a modified cotyledon and transfer them to the growing seed- which is in direct contact with the ling. endosperm. During germination the (iii) Shoot system: The shoot consists scutellum remains inside the seed to of the coleoptile, leaves enclosed in the absorb nutrients from the endosperm coleoptile, and the mesocotyl. The and transfer them to the growing seed- coleoptile elongates and pushes ling. through the soil surface; the mesocotyl (iii) Shoot system: The shoot consists usually elongates. Areas of natural, of the coleoptile, leaves enclosed in the reddish pigmentation may develop on coleoptile, and the mesocotyl. The the mesocotyl and coleoptile. Splitting coleoptile elongates and pushes of the coleoptile occurs naturally as a through the soil surface. The result of growth and emergence of the mesocotyl usually elongates. Splitting leaves. of the coleoptile occurs naturally as a (iv) Root system: A long primary result of growth and emergence of the root, usually with secondary roots de- leaves. A twisted and curled shoot veloping within the test period. Adven- bound by a tough seed coat may be titious roots may start to develop from considered normal, provided the shoot the mesocotyl or coleoptilar node with- is not decayed. in the test period. Areas of natural, (iv) Root system: Strong primary reddish pigmentation may develop on root and seminal roots. Adventitious the root. roots may start to develop from the (2) Abnormal seedling description. mesocotyl or coleoptilar node within (i) Shoot: the test period. (A) Missing. (2) Abnormal seedling description. (B) Thickened and shortened. 350 VerDate Mar<15>2010 21:35 Jan 25, 2013 Jkt 229054 PO 00000 Frm 00360 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\07\7V3.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA § 201.56–6 (C) No leaf. (B) Short, thick, and grainy. (D) Leaf extending less than halfway (C) No leaf. up into the coleoptile. (D) Leaf extending less than halfway (E) Leaf extensively shredded or up into the coleoptile. split. (E) Leaf extensively shredded or (F) Spindly or watery. split. (G) Deep open cracks in the (F) Spindly or watery. mesocotyl. (G) Deep open cracks in the (ii) Root: mesocotyl. (A) None. (ii) Root: (B) Damaged or weak primary root (A) Missing or defective primary root with less than two strong secondary even if other roots are present. roots. (B) Spindly, stubby, or watery pri- (iii) Seedling: mary root. (A) Decayed at point of attachment (iii) Seedling: to the scutellum. (A) Decayed at point of attachment (B) One or more essential structures to the scutellum. impaired as a result of decay from pri- (B) One or more essential structures mary infection. impaired as a result of decay from pri- (C) Albino. mary infection. (e) Grasses and millets. (C) Albino. (1) General description. (D) Yellow (when grown in light). (i) Germination habit: Hypogeal (E) Endosperm obviously detached monocot. from the root-shoot axis (e.g. kernel (ii) Food reserves: Endosperm. The lifted away by the growing shoot). scutellum is a modified cotyledon which is in direct contact with the [59 FR 64501, Dec. 14, 1994, as amended at 65 endosperm. During germination the FR 1708, Jan. 11, 2000] scutellum remains inside the seed to absorb nutrients from the endosperm § 201.56–6 Legume or pea family, Fabaceae (Leguminosae). and transfer them to the growing seed- ling. Kinds of seed: Alfalfa, alyceclover, (iii) Shoot system: The shoot consists asparagusbean, beans (Phaseolus spp.), of the coleoptile, leaves enclosed in the Florida beggarweed, black medic, coleoptile, and the mesocotyl. The broadbean, burclovers, buttonclover, coleoptile elongates and pushes chickpea, clovers (Trifolium spp.), through the soil surface. The cowpea, crotalarias, crownvetch, guar, mesocotyl may or may not elongate hairy indigo, kudzu, lentil, lespedezas, significantly, depending on the kind. lupines, northern sweetvetch, peas, Splitting of the coleoptile occurs natu- peanut, roughpea, sainfoin, sesbania, rally as a result of growth and emer- sourclover, soybean, sweetclovers, gence of the leaves. trefoils, velvetbean, and vetches. (iv) Root system: A long primary (a) Field bean, garden bean, lima root. Secondary or adventitious roots bean, mung bean, asparagusbean, and may develop within the test period. In cowpea. certain kinds (e.g. bermudagrass) the (1) General description. primary root may not be readily visible (i) Germination habit: Epigeal dicot. because it is coiled inside the tightly (ii) Food reserves: Cotyledons which fitting lemma and palea. At the time of are large and fleshy. evaluation, the glumes should be re- (iii) Shoot system: The hypocotyl moved and the root observed. Such elongates and carries the cotyledons seedlings are classified as normal if the above the soil surface.
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