Doing Theidealacademic

Doing Theidealacademic

Organ isation stu dies, Departm en t of Man agem en t Aa lto- Rebecca W. B. Lund Lund B. W. Rebecca DD 98 Doing the Ideal Academic / 2015 Gender, Excellence and Changing Academia Doing the Ideal Academic Academic Ideal the Doing Rebecca W. B. Lund 9HSTFMG*agcjfc+ 9HSTFMG*agcjfc+ ISBN 978-952-60-6295-2 (printed) BUSINESS + ISBN 978-952-60-6296-9 (pdf) ECONOMY ISSN-L 1799-4934 ISSN 1799-4934 (printed) ART + ISSN 1799-4942 (pdf) DESIGN + ARCHITECTURE Aalto Un iversity Aalto University School of Business SCIENCE + Organisation studies, Department of Management TECHNOLOGY CROSSOVER DOCTORAL DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS DISSERTATIONS "BMUP6OJWFSTJUZQVCMJDBUJPOTFSJFT %0$503"-%*44&35"5*0/4 )#(!ŗ."ŗ &ŗ'#ŗ (,ąŗ2&&(ŗ(ŗ"(!#(!ŗ'#ŗ 3FCFDDB8#-VOE "BMUP6OJWFSTJUZ 0SHBOJTBUJPOBOE.BOBHFNFOU 'FNJOJTUPSHBOJTBUJPOTUVEJFT .BJOEJTTFSUBUJPOBEWJTPS +BOOF5JFOBSJ 0SHBOJTBUJPOBOE.BOBHFNFOU 4DIPPMPG#VTJOFTT "BMUP6OJWFSTJUZ $PEJTTFSUBUJPOBEWJTPS .BSKB7FIWJM»JOFO (FOEFS4UVEJFT 4DIPPMPG)VNBOJUJFTBOE4PDJBM 4DJFODFT 5BNQFSF6OJWFSTJUZ 0QQPOFOU 1SPGFTTPS,BSJO8JEFSCFSH %FQBSUNFOUPG4PDJPMPHZBOE)VNBO (FPHSBQIZ 6OJWFSTJUZPG0TMP /PSXBZ "BMUP6OJWFSTJUZQVCMJDBUJPOTFSJFT %0$503"-%*44&35"5*0/4 3FCFDDB8#-VOE *4#/ QSJOUFE *4#/ QEG *44/- *44/ QSJOUFE *44/ QEG IUUQVSOGJ63/*4#/ (SBQIJDEFTJHO"MJJOB,BVSBOOF *NBHFT"BMUP6OJWFSTJUZ 6OJHSBGJB0Z )FMTJOLJ 'JOMBOE 1VCMJDBUJPOPSEFST QSJOUFECPPL 6OJHSBGJB#PPLTUPSF)FMTJOLJ IUUQLJSKBLBVQQBVOJHSBGJBGJ CPPLT!VOJHSBGJBGJ 5IF)4&GPVOEBUJPOIBTLJOEMZTVQQPSUFEUIFGJOBMMBOHVBHFSFWJTJPO PGUIJTEJTTFSUBUJPO "CTUSBDU "BMUP6OJWFSTJUZ 10#PY '*"BMUPXXXBBMUPGJ "VUIPS ŗĄŗĄŗ /(ŗ /BNFPGUIFEPDUPSBMEJTTFSUBUJPO )#(!ŗ."ŗ &ŗ'#Ćŗ(,ąŗ2&&(ŗ(ŗ"(!#(!ŗ'#ŗ 1VCMJTIFS"))&ŗ) ŗ/-#(--ŗ 6OJU,!(#4.#)(ŗ(ŗ (!'(.ŗ 4FSJFT&.)ŗ(#0,-#.3ŗ*/&#.#)(ŗ-,#-ŗ ŗ ŗăĂĞüúûÿŗ 'JFMEPGSFTFBSDI)#)&)!3ŗ) ŗ),%ćŗ (-.#./.#)(&ŗ."()!,*"3ćŗ'#(#-.ŗ,!(#-.#)(ŗ -./#-ŗ %BUFPGUIFEFGFODFüúŗ/!/-.ŗüúûÿŗ .POPHSBQI "SUJDMFEJTTFSUBUJPO &TTBZEJTTFSUBUJPO "CTUSBDU '#ŗ#-ŗ"(!#(!ŗ1),&1#ąŗ-"*ŗ3ŗ*#.&#-'ŗ(ŗ()&#,&#-'Ąŗ&)(!ŗ1#."ŗ."#-ŗ )'-ŗ().#)(-ŗ) ŗ1".ŗ)(-.#./.-ŗ!))ŗ'#ŗ1),%ŗ(ŗ."ŗ0&/&ŗ'#Ąŗ%#(!ŗ $/(#),ŗ '&ŗ'#-ŗ')#ŗ2*,#(-ŗ-ŗ'."))&)!#&ŗ*)#(.ŗ) ŗ(.,3ŗ."ŗ."-#-ŗ #'-ŗ.)ŗ/(,-.(ŗ."ŗ)(-.,/.#)(ŗ) ŗ."ŗĿ#&ŗ'#Ŀŗ ,)'ŗ."#-ŗ-.(*)#(.Ąŗ ),ŗ -*#ð&&3ąŗ.)ŗ#(0-.#!.ŗ")1ŗ."ŗ!(,ŗ-)#&ŗ,&.#)(-ŗ),!(#-ŗ*,.#-ŗ.".ŗ'%ŗ."ŗ #&ŗ'#ŗ1#."#(ŗ"(!#(!ŗ'#ŗ.#)(&Ąŗ"ŗ."-#-ŗ,1-ŗ)(ŗ(ŗ0&)*-ŗ ),)."3ŗ'#."ŀ-ŗ (-.#./.#)(&ŗ."()!,*"3ŗ.)ŗ/(,-.(ŗ")1ŗ&)&ŗ0,33ŗ*,.#-ŗ,ŗ -"*ŗ1#."#(ŗ&,!,ŗ.,(-&)&ŗ,&.#)(-ŗ(ŗ',)ŗ*,)---ąŗ-/"ŗ-ŗ*#.&#-'ąŗ ()&#,&#-'ąŗ."ŗ,#0ŗ ),ŗ*,.##*.#)(ŗ#(ŗĿ#(0#.&Ŀŗ!&)&#-.#)(ŗ(ŗ"#!",ŗ/.#)(&ŗ , ),'-Ąŗ"ŗ."-#-ŗ#-ŗ-ŗ)(ŗ+/&#..#0ŗ'*#,#&ŗ,-,"Ąŗ"ŗ'*#,#&ŗ&).#)(ŗ) ŗ."ŗ ,-,"ŗ#-ŗ"(!#(!ŗ"#!",ŗ/.#)(ŗ#(ŗ#(&(ŗ(ŗ."ŗ'*#,#&ŗ'.,#&-ŗĚŗ)(-#-.#(!ŗ) ŗ )-,0.#)(-ąŗ#(.,0#1-ŗ(ŗ.2./&ŗ!.",#(!ŗěŗ,ŗ."ŗ,-/&.ŗ) ŗ.",ŗ3,-ŗ) ŗð&1),%ŗ.ŗ)( #((#-"ŗ(#0,-#.3Ąŗ,1#(!ŗ)(ŗ."-ąŗ."ŗ."-#-ŗ2*&),-ŗ")1ŗ.2.-ąŗ#-)/,--ŗ(ŗ#)&)!#-ą '#.ŗ.",)/!"ŗ-.(,#-ŗ().#)(-ŗ) ŗ+/&#.3ŗ(ŗ0&/.#)(ŗ*,.#-ąŗ'%ŗ/*ŗ(ŗ#'!ŗ ) ŗĿ."ŗ#&ŗ'#Ŀŗ(ŗ-"*ŗ&)&ŗ*,.#ŗ(ŗ2*,#(Ąŗ"ŗ."-#-ŗ,0&-ŗ."ŗ!(,ŗ -)#&ŗ),!(#-.#)(ŗ) ŗ)'*.(ŗ(ŗ*).(.#&#.3ŗ-ŗ#.ŗ#-ŗ)(-.,/.ŗ#(ŗ(ŗ,)/(ŗ."ŗ #(-.#./.#)(&ŗ#(.(.#)(-ŗ) ŗ)'#(!ŗĿ1),&ŗ&--Ŀąŗ."ŗ.2./&&3ŗ&!#.#'#-ŗ*,.#ŗ) ŗ )-.#(!ąŗ(ŗ."ŗ,&.#)(-"#*ŗ.1(ŗ+/&#.3ŗ-.(,-ŗ(ŗ#-)/,--ŗ) ŗ&)0Ąŗ"ŗ"*.,ŗ /(*%-ŗŗ&3,ŗ) ŗ")1ŗ!(,ŗ#(+/&#.3ŗ#-ŗ*,)/ŗ(ŗ,*,)/ŗ#(ŗ'#ŗ.",)/!"ŗ .2./&ŗ)),#(.#)(ŗ) ŗ0,33ŗ*,.#-Ąŗ"ŗ."-#-ŗ"#!"&#!".-ŗ")1ŗ&#!##&#.3ŗ.)ŗ(!!ŗ#(ŗ ."-ŗ*,.#-ąŗ.#0.ŗ."-ŗ#-)/,--ŗ(ŗ**,)2#'.ŗ."ŗ*,0&(.ŗ#&ŗ#(0)&0-ŗ)#(!ŗ !(,Ąŗ ),ŗ*,.#/&,&3ąŗ#.ŗ-")1-ŗ")1ŗ)#(!ŗŗ*,.#/&,ŗ ),'ŗ) ŗ!&)&ŗ'-/&#(#.3ŗ#(0)&0#(!ŗ !)(.,#-'ąŗ,,#-'ŗ(ŗ#( ),'&#-'ąŗ"-ŗ(.,ŗ#(.)ŗ."ŗ-)#&ŗ,&.#)(-ŗ) ŗ'#ŗ 1),%Ąŗ ),)0,ąŗ#.ąŗ')(-.,.-ŗ")1ŗ."-ŗ)*,.ŗ*,&&&ŗ.)ŗ(ŗ#(.,)((.ŗ#(ŗ)'*&2ŗ 13-ŗ1#."ŗ)#(!ŗ#((#-"(--ąŗ)'*/&-),3ŗ)*.#'#-'ąŗ."ŗ#(#0#/&#-ŗ,-*)(-##&#-ŗ-& ŗ(ŗ 1#&&#(!(--ŗ.)ŗŗĿ.%(ŗ13ŗ ,)'ŗ")'ĿĄŗ (ąŗ."ŗ."-#-ŗ#&&/'#(.-ŗŗ-)#&ŗ),!(#-.#)( ) ŗ'#ŗ1),%ŗ.".ŗ#(,--ŗ."ŗ*)&,#-.#)(ŗ.1(ŗ.")-ŗ1")ŗ-/ŗ(ŗ.")-ŗ1")ŗ)ŗ ().ŗ)(ŗ."ŗ-.(,#-ŗ+/&#.3ŗ,#.,#Ąŗ (ŗ)#(!ŗ-)ŗ."ŗ."-#-ŗ-")1-ŗ")1ŗ)'#((.ąŗ-)Ě&&ŗ (/.,&ŗ(ŗ)$.#0ąŗ.2./&&3ŗ'#.ŗ-.(,-ŗ) ŗ+/&#.3ŗ)(.,#/.ŗ.)ŗ."ŗġ,Ģ*,)/.#)( ) ŗ#(+/&#.3ŗ.1(ŗ)."ŗ'(ŗ(ŗ1)'(ąŗ(ŗ#(ąŗ1)'(ŗ(ŗ1)'(ŗ1#."#(ŗ"(!#(!ŗ '#Ąŗ ,FZXPSET(,ŗ-)#&ŗ,&.#)(-ćŗ!(,ŗ#(ŗ'#ćŗ$/(#),ŗ '&ŗ'#-ćŗ+/&#.3ŗ) '#ŗ1),%ćŗ."ŗ-)#&ŗ),!(#-.#)(ŗ) ŗ'#ŗ1),%ćŗ()&#,&#-'ŗ(ŗ '#ćŗ#(&(ćŗ (-.#./.#)(&ŗ."()!,*"3ćŗ '#(#-.ŗ."),3Ąŗ *4#/ QSJOUFE ăāĂĚăÿüĚĀúĚĀüăÿĚüŗ *4#/ QEG ăāĂĚăÿüĚĀúĚĀüăĀĚăŗ *44/-ûāăăĚþăýþŗ *44/ QSJOUFE ûāăăĚþăýþŗ *44/ QEG ûāăăĚþăþüŗ -PDBUJPOPGQVCMJTIFS&-#(%#ŗ -PDBUJPOPGQSJOUJOH&-#(%#ŗ :FBSüúûÿŗ 1BHFTüüúŗ VSO"..*ĆĞĞ/,(ĄðĞĆ ĆăāĂĚăÿüĚĀúĚĀüăĀĚăŗ Rebecca W.B. Lund "Doing the “Ideal” academic: gender, excellence and changing academia Acknowledgements It is difficult to know exactly where to start. Countless people have provided me support, encouragement, challenging insights, critical comments, friendship and collaboration over the past five years. This doctoral research project would not have been possible without any of you. From the very beginning of my PhD studies at Aalto University in Helsinki, in 2010, my supervisor Janne Tienari has provided profoundly valuable support. In respect for my aims, ideas and interests he has been encouraging, supportive, provided insights, contacts and advice, both academically, in times of personal challenges, and in terms of understanding the politics of research. Thank you so very much for letting me stand on my own two feet, for allowing me to find my own way, without failing to step in as a guide, for encouraging and supporting me in my choices, Janne. I have become a stronger person and a better academic because of you. My other supervisor Marja Vehviläinen, from Gender Studies at Tampere University, has also played an invaluable part of my PhD studies since 2011. In her warm-hearted, friendly, yet firm, manner, she has provided incisive comments, insights and encouragement. Moreover, she has been a discussion partner that has helped me develop as an academic and institutional ethnographer, and, throughout the years, assured me that my work is both meaningful and valuable. Thank you for your incredible generosity, wisdom and friendship, Marja. You are a huge inspiration. My pre-examiners, Professor of Gender Studies, Päivi Korvajärvi, and Professor of Sociology, Karin Widerberg, did wonderful work reading through my thesis. They provided constructive feedback that enabled me to make the final improving steps of my doctoral thesis. Thank you so much for that, and for providing me with courage to let this thesis be published. During my studies I have carried out both short- and long-term visits to universities abroad. These include five months at the University of Massachusetts in the spring of 2014. This was both educational, inspiring and fun, and, for that, I owe a special thank you to Professor Marta Calas, Professor Linda Smircich and Professor Emirita Ann Fergusson. In 2012, I spent two months at Aarhus University, Department of Education studies in Copenhagen, visiting the ‘Education, Policy, Organisation in the Knowledge Economy (EPOKE) research programme’. This stay was hugely inspiring and 1 Rebecca W.B. Lund "Doing the “Ideal” academic: gender, excellence and changing academia encouraging, and I learned so very much. A special thank you to Professor of Educational Anthropology Susan Wright for making this possible and for her contributions to my work. Finally, I also had the chance to visit Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan in Stockholm during the early days of my PhD studies. The warmth, encouragement, inspiring comments and good humour of, in particular, Senior Researcher in Gender, Organization and Management studies, Charlotte Holgersson, meant a lot to me. Innumerable people have read and commented on my work throughout the years at international conferences, workshops, national tutorials, PhD courses, research seminars. I am extremely grateful for the comments, inspiration and support I have received from the outset. During the first year of my doctoral studies I knew of no one who did Institutional Ethnography, and I was beginning to get quite desperate. Therefore, I decided to write an email to the mother of Institutional Ethnography, Sociology Professor Dorothy Smith. I introduced myself, and my research, attached a work-in-progress conference paper and asked her if I could visit her in Canada. I did not expect a reply. However, only a couple of days later Smith replied that she would be giving a workshop with Karin Widerberg at Oslo University and encouraged me to sign up. I did, and, by coincidence, ended up staying at the same hotel as Dorothy Smith. I cannot begin to express how important the discussions we had turned out to be for my work. Wow! Thank you for this opportunity. Many other people have made a difference and have my utmost gratitude. Among these I would especially like to thank Keijo Räsänen, Anne Herbert, Susan Meriläinen, Saija Katila, Elina Hentonen, Kirsi LaPointe, Jeff Hearn, Annette Risberg, Karin Widerberg, and the members of the Nordic Institutional Ethnography network. I would also like to give a special thank you to Aalto University HR for providing me access to statistical reports on gender and diversity at Aalto, and for inviting me to use my research for the purpose of furthering social justice as an equality expert in Aalto University’s Equality Committee. My most heartfelt thank you goes to my interviewees and research participants. It is, without any doubt, your everyday experiences, knowledge and problematics that allowed me to open up the social relations of changing academia; you made it possible for me to draw forward new perspectives and challenge my pre-conceptions and existing ways of knowing. Thank you for your trust, your time and this journey. I would also like to thank the Centre for Doctoral Studies for offering me a three year doctoral research position; and Ritva Laaksovirta, who has always been extremely generous with her time and helpful in all practical and administrative matters related to understanding the higher educational jungle of codes, courses, grades, ECTS points and formal requirements. Moreover, the HSE and LSR Foundations have generously given me grants that have allowed me to pursue conferences, research visits, doctoral courses and workshops.

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