CLEV ELAN D FI RE A UTHO RITY ORDI NARY MEE TING 30 MARCH 2012 - 2.00PM FIRE BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS, STOCKTON ROAD, HARTLEPOOL, TS25 5TB MEMBERS OF CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY - HARTLEPOOL : Councillors - Akers-Belcher, Richardson, Payne, Wells MIDDLESBROUGH : Councillors - Biswas, Brunton, Clark, Lancaster, Morby, Pearson REDCAR & CLEVELAND : Councillors - Briggs, Cooney, Dunning, Jeffries, Ovens STOCKTON ON TEES : Councillors - Corr, Cunningham, Gardner, O’Donnell, Stoker, Walmsley, Woodhead A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERRS INTEREST 3. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY MEETING ON 10 FEBRUARY 2012 4. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF COMMITTEES: - Executive Committees - 13 January and 9 March 2012 and Standards Committee - 21 FFebruary 2012 5. TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHAIRMAN 6. TO RECEIVE THE REPORTS OF THE CHIEF FIRE OFFICER 6..1 Efficiency Policy and Strategy 6..2 Annualised Hours Policy aand Procedure 6..3 Draft Service Plan 2012/13 6..4 Review of Service Level Agreements for Legal and Finaancial Services 6..5 Land at Marine Fire Station, Ferry Road, Middlesbrough – to follow 6..6 Annual Service of Thanksgiving – 13 May 2012 6..7 Information Pack – March 2012 7. TO RECEIVE THE REPORT OF THE LEGAL ADVISER/MONIITORING OFFICER 7.1 Localism Act 2011 – Pay Accountability 8. TO RECEIVE THE REPORT OF THE CHAIR OF THE AUDIT AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE 8.1 Information Pack 9. TO RECEIVE THE REPORT OF THE CHAIR OF THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 9.1 Information Pack - 2 - CLEV ELAND FIRE A UTHORITY ORDINARY MEETING 30 M ARCH 2012 - 2.00PM A G E N D A 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS WHICH, IN THE OPINION OF THE CHAIR, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A MATTER OF URGENCY 11. LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) (VARIIATION ORDER) 2006 Members are requested to passs the following resolution:- “That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt informattion as defined in the paragraph below of Part 1 Scheddule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Vaariation) Order 2006”. Paragraph 3 - namely information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority) holding that informatiion. Agenda Item 12 – Paragraph 3 Agenda Item 13 – Paragraph 3 Agenda Item 14.1 – Paragraph 3 Agenda Item 14.2 – Paragraph 3 12. TO CONFIRM THE CONFIDENTTIAL MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY MEETING HELD ON 10 FEBRUARY 2012 13. TO CONFIRM THE CONFIDENTTIAL MINUTES OF COMMITTTEES:- Executive Committee – 9 March 2012 14. TO RECEIVE THE REPORTS OF THE CHIEF FIRE OFFICER 14.1 Rebuild Programme – Procurement Options – to follow 14.2 FireControl Bid – to follow 15. ANY OTHER CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS WHICH, IN THE OPINION OF THE CHAIR, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A MATTER OF URGEENCY AGENDA ITEM 3 C L E V E L A N D F I R E A U T H O R I T Y MINUTES OF ORDINARY MEETING 10 FEBRUARY 2012 PRESENT: CHAIR:- Councillor O’Donnell – Stockton on Tees Borough Council HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Councillors Payne, Wells MIDDLESBROUGH COUNCIL Councillors Brunton, Clark, REDCAR & CLEVELAND BOROUGH C OUNCIL Councillors Briggs, Cooney, Jeffries, Ovens STOCKTON ON TEES BOROUGH COUNCIL Councillors Corr, Cunningham, Gardner, Stoker, Woodhead AUTHORISED OFFICERS Chief Fire Officer, Director of Corporate Services, Legal Adviser/Monitoring Officer, Treasurer Councillors Akers-Belcher, Richardson (Hartlepool Borough Council) APOLOGIES FOR Councillors Morby, Pearson (Middlesbrough Council) ABSENCE: Councillor Dunning (Redcar & Cleveland Council) Councillor Walmsley (Stockton on Tees Borough Council) 96. DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS INTEREST Councillors Briggs, Woodhead, O’Donnell and Ovens declared a personal interest (Min No. 100.1 refers). 97. MINUTES RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Cleveland Fire Authority Meeting held on 16 December 2011 be confirmed. 98. MINUTES OF COMMITTEES RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Executive Committee held on 13 January 2012 be confirmed. The CFO updated Members on three key areas dealt with at the Executive Committee meeting of 13 January 2012: • Fire & Rescue Service National Framework. • Future Direction of National Fire Service College • Service Transformation: Local Agreements The CFO referred to the tabled briefing requested by Councillor Clark at the JCC meeting of 20 January 2012. The briefing outlined how the Authority had made £2.7m efficiency savings and removed 71 posts from the organisation without the need for compulsory redundancies. CLEVELANDCCggggg FIRE AUTHORITY ORDINARY MEETING 10.02.12 99. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHAIRMAN The Chairman outlined the following correspondence received since the last meeting: • CLG - Bob Neill MP - Fire Service College future options project RESOLVED – that the communications be noted. 100. REPORTS OF THE CHIEF FIRE OFFICER 100.1 ARMED FORCES COMMUNITY COVENANT The Chair sought clarity from the Legal Adviser / Monitoring Officer (LAMO) in connection with declarations of interest for this matter. The LAMO advised that Members who had previously served with, or had relatives serving with, the armed forces should declare a personal interest. Councillor Briggs, Woodhead, O’Donnell and Ovens declared a personal interest. The CFO provided Members with an outline of the Armed Forces Community Covenant and confirmed this report had been submitted to the Executive Committee meeting on 13 January 2012 for consideration prior to being presented to the Authority. He acknowledged an historical link between the Fire and Rescue Service and the Armed Forces and informed Members that the Authority had been approached by Hartlepool Borough Council to consider signing up to the Covenant. RESOLVED: (i) that the Authority approve the signing of the Armed Forces Community Covenant. 100.2 INFORMATION PACK – FEBRUARY 2012 100.2.1 Fire and Rescue Service Monthly Bulletins 100.2.2 Employers Circulars 100.2.3 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal The CFO reported that the current criteria for emergency services personnel to be eligible to receive a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal was a minimum of 5 years’ service as at 6 February 2012 and they must deal with emergencies as part of their conditions of service. He noted that under this criteria approximately 200 members of staff would not be eligible to receive a medal and proposed that a momento of the royal occasion be presented to those falling into this category, based on an estimated total cost of approximately £700 to the Authority. Councillor Briggs supported this proposal based on recognising the work of ‘all’ members of staff. Councillor Wells agreed, adding it would be disappointing for some people to miss out due to a technicality. 100.2.4 Royal Garden Parties Nomination The CFO informed Members that retained Firefighter Thomas Paterson from Saltburn had been nominated to attend the Royal Garden Party on behalf of the Authority. Firefighter Paterson was considered a worthy candidate as he has worked as a retained Firefighter for 22 years without sickness. 2 CLEVELANDCCggggg FIRE AUTHORITY ORDINARY MEETING 10.02.12 100.2 INFORMATION PACK – FEBRUARY 2012 (cont) RESOLVED: (i) that the report be noted. (ii) that Members agreed that all members of staff not eligible to receive the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal should receive a momento of the royal occasion. Councillor Wells left the meeting 101 JOINT REPORT OF THE CHIEF FIRE OFFICER AND THE TREASURER 101.1 Medium Term Financial Strategy 2012/13 to 2014/15 and 2012/13 Council Tax Level The Treasurer reported that the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Budget for 2012/13 had been particularly challenging due to the impact of the fundamental deterioration in public finances and the Government’s clear course to address this by significant reductions in public spending over the next three years. He reported that for the second year running, the Authority received the second greatest reduction in Grant Settlement across all Fire Authorities (1.7%) further reducing its spending power. The actual grant allocation confirmed for 2012/13 was £19.567m and the projected position for the last two years of the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) period was expected to be £18.2m and £16.8m respectively. The Treasurer detailed the following areas: • Forecast Outturn for 2011/12 • Capital Programme, Prudential Code and Treasury Management Strategy • Revenue Budget 2012/12 and indicative Forecasts for 2012/13 to 2014/15 • 2012/13 Tax Base and Collection Fund • Robustness of Budget Forecasts and Reserves Councillor Payne referred to the Capital Strategy Programme detailing how the Authority’s Asset Management Plan will be funded and noted that some of the stations were in an extremely poor state of repair and sought information about plans to rebuild. The CFO outlined the timescales contained within the Asset Management Plan and reported that the Headland and Middlesbrough were a priority due to their poor working conditions and limited community facilities. He also reported that at present the cost of maintaining Brigade Headquarters in Hartlepool outweighed its value and on that basis this was also a priority to rebuild. Councillor Payne championed Redcar’s Community Fire Station and said he was pleased Headland Fire Station had been earmarked as a priority. Councillor Payne left the meeting The Treasurer outlined the proposed Council Tax increase of 3.95% for 2012/13, as recommended by the Executive Committee at its meeting on 13 January 2012, which equates to 5 pence per week on a Band D property. He reported that the other option considered was to take the Government’s one-year Council Tax Freeze Grant which would be the equivalent of a 3% Council Tax increase (approx. £3.3k) but would have implications on the longer term stability and sustainability of the Authority’s Council Tax income.
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