THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 69 THURSDAY, JANUARY 19,2006 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Energy costs rise for off-catnpus residents NDtv to Local students pay more money to warm their go back homes as national natural gas prices jump whore heating eosts are fac­ on the air By KATIE PERRY tored into room and board A<Sistant N~ws Editor eharges. But for tho remaining fifth, paying monthly heating 12-hour broadcasts The nationwidn deernasn in bills has beeonw an unexpected natural gas production has and frustrating struggle. will include many Senior Karnn Daniels and her rausPd lwnw lu~ating prkns to skyrol'kt~t this winter - a frigid four roommates paid approxi­ student programs n~ality for off-campus studtmts mately $300 for the heating sys­ who arn forcml to dig dnnp into tmn in l.hnir East Angela Blvd. l.lwir poeknt hooks just to knep home last month - nnarly dou­ By MARCELA BERRIOS warm in tlw cold South Bend bln tho monthly estimates given NewsWrircr dimalP. to thnm by their landlord last ThP Offin• of Hnsidnnce I.il'n year. Studonts who eannot find Daninls said the house has and llousing nstimatns morn Observer File Photo anything to watdr during tlw than SO JWI'CIHlt of Notrn Damn Students renting apartments, like those at the Lafayette days that soparato naeh O.C. undorgraduattiS livl' on campus, see ENERGY/page 6 complex shown above, are paying more for heat this winter. episode may discover a new altnrnative starting Jan. 31 on Channel 70 for eabln usPrs. Nl>tv, tlw studPnt-run tl'levi­ sion nntwork that prnm in rod two ynars ago, will bo bark on ND students aid Katrina clean up the air, and this timP it will have full aeeess to tlw ehannPI and will broadeast 12 hours Eight volunteers took a break from their winter breaks to assist hurricane relief efforts every day - a vast improve­ ment from the single hour it enjoyed in its beginnings. "Being from the area, I Viewers who tuno in fortu­ By MAUREEN MULLEN wanted to do something to News Writer help out," Jones said. "I itously are likely to enjoy reJJP­ titions of "Tho Mikn Pntorson thought it would be great to Show," Notrn Damn's own latn While many Notre Dame get Notre Dame students night eomody show. students spnnt the last wnok involved and actually seo the llost and FTT student Mikn of winter break enjoying stal.~l of the city for tlwm­ l'etorson is already an nasily their final days of relaxation selves." recognizabln eelobrity on thP before taekling semester Sophomore Mike McKenna, Saint Mary's eampus, whnrn number two and January in a friend of Jones and a par­ cablP is inst.allod in ovory rnsi­ South Bond, Zahm hall soph­ ticipant in the project, dnnen hall. omore Baker Jones, with a explained their group of stu­ N IHv HxtH: u tivo I> i rne lor group a group of eight other dents was gathered mainly Adam Fairholm said lw is eonli­ students. traveled to New by word of mouth. dent that once eablo tnlovision Orleans and spent Jan. I 0 to "Initially, we thought to boeonws avai labltl in all 27 13 helping those affected by make it a Zahm llall service I> llurrieane Katrina. projoet," McKenna said. N otrn am o resid 11ncn hails next fall SI111Wster, morn stu­ Jones, a New Orleans In tlw end, word spread dents will also makn Mikn native, organized the servicP. and several Notre Dame mon l'nlnrson and Jon Laltal housn­ projeet. The trip was made and women from different h old n am ns and ht~ 1:o m P possible with grants from the dorms were involved, acquainted with tho rost or tlw Center for Social Concerns McKenna said. NDtv linnup. and Campus Ministry as well Those students stayed with Lattal, a juflior, will lwadline AP as much support from the Jones and his family while in Children return to school In New Orleans Tuesday. A group of Notre Notre Dame Alumni Club of Dame students visited the area for a service project during break. New Orleans, he said. see SERVICE/page 6 see NDTV/page 6 Campus gyms see new year influx 1,300 admitted early Motivated exercisers flock to the Rock, Rolfs at spring semester's outset display high standards By BRIDGET KEATING Admissions Daniel Saraeino By MARY KATE MALONE Nt•wsWrircr said it is morn dil'lkult. to bn Assistant News Editor accnptnd through early action, and this year the admissions New Yoar's resolution-mak­ Fewer than 1,300 high sehool oflict~ was particularly selnl'.tivn. NS and thn fitness faithful seniors reeeived early aceept­ Seven hundred and eighty havo llooded l'.ampus gyms - anc~n letters f'rom Notrn Damn applicants worn denied and 590 including Holt's Sports this December, sdedod from a applications were dnl'nrrnd to Hoernation Cnntnr and the highly eompetitive pool of morn the rngular admission pool. Hol'ktHl Memorial Building - than 2,600 applicants - a pool "If thorn was any doubt in my since llwir arrival on eampus. slightly smaller than last year's mind, WP dnfnrrf'd tlwm," "ThP first six to <'ighl wenks but just as decoratnd. Saracino said. "We dPf'Prred or tlw spring snrnnstnr is tlw Twenty-two of tho applicants studPnts who, hast~d on our husinst time of tlw year," said had perl'eet SAT seorns. Each lwst evaluation. wn felt wn Sally l>nrPngoski. direetor or accPpted student, on avt~ragn, couldn't dnl'.idP right away ... HPrS•n·vil'ns and fitrwss. was in thn top 3.7 pnrcnnt of his It's not an art. It's not a science. SophomorP and Holt's rngu­ or hnr dass. Their averagn SAT It's making <~ducatnd guessPs." lar Stew Man•ndk said whiln scorn was 1420, and tlwir ACT Early action is typically usml his workout sdwdull~ was not MATTHEW SMEDBERGfThe Observer avnrage was :~2. admission olli­ by rncruitnd athleto,s and stu- Two freshman students lift weights at the Rockne Memorial dals said. see GYM/page 4 weight room Wednesday. Assistant Provost in see EARLY/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, January 19, 2006 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION? My fortune telling career Working the dish line at South Dining Hall is usually a monoto­ nous, airty job. On Wednesday nights, I eat my dinner and then Thien-An Diana Harintho Elias Moo Terrail Tony Schweiss Zach Einterz reluctantly make my way to the Nguyen-Vu Lambert kitchen, where I sophomore freshman junior sophomore junior sophomore suit up in an Kaitlynn Riely Knott Sorin Morrissey apron and Morrissey McGlinn Morrissey gloves and take .. Wire Editor my place to pull "Not to "To get a 4.0." "Stop using "/ don't have ""Watch the plates, bowls or "To actually cups from the trays. For two hours, h ave a lifiz e .... ?" procrastinate profanity. " one. Colts win the all I usually see is an endless pro­ as much." Super Bowl! cession of the remains of the din­ But... " ing hall's offerings. But last night, my fellow dish line workers and I read dozens of for­ tunes discarded by those who ate the fortune cookies available at dinner. To pass the time, we start­ ed to assign fortunes to ourselves, other dining hall workers, and - as the fortunes kept coming - any­ one else we could think of. IN BRIEF I think it was sometime after I pulled the 400th cup off a tray that The film "The Breakfast Club" I was inspired .to stop wasting my will be shown tonight at 11:55 time on dish line when I could be p.m. as part of the Brew and writing fortunes to be used in View ·at Legends. Free breakfast cookies at SOI-l. After reading prac­ will be served. tically every fortune placed in the cookies, I decided that South The Notre Dame Student Film Dining Hall could do better than Festival begins Friday at 7 p.m. the ordinary predictions about in the DeBartolo Center for the future love interests or financial Performing Arts. The Festival success. will feature 12 short mms made My fortunes will not be the as class projects during the past generic type you can pull out of year and will include dark come­ any cookie in America. Rather, dies and documentaries. each prediction will be Notre Dame-related. Bill O'Connell's Chicago Now, instead of just reading The Skyliners, a swing band, will per­ Observer at lunch, students can form Friday at 10 p.m. at crack open their fortune cookie Legends. and discover that they will get an A on their next paper, or that they The Saint Mary's swim team will win the lottery for away game will compete against Kalamazoo tickets. Congratulations to the per­ College in it<> final home meet of son who discovers that, just this the season Friday at 6:30 p.m. in one time, the nice person at the· FRANCESA SETA/The Observer Rolfs Aquatic Center. dining hall exit will let him take Vurianna Kim, left, Jean Nguyen, middle, and Huyen Nguyen, right, sing karokee at not one, but two bananas. It does an Asian American Association meeting Wednesday in Coleman-Morse. The Saint Mary's first year not matter if the prediction comes board is sponsoring Battle of the true or not; for a brief moment I Bands 2006 Satqrday at 6:30 gave some student a glimmer of p.m.
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