L i#,m*m.$s+o 'ffiIffiffiffiffiIffi&ffiIffirffiffirffiffi''ffi#'ffi$'ffi$'ffi'ffi$'ffi$ffiffi$ffi*fffifffifffi* Celebrating ASUFI MASTER A Collectionof Works on the Occasionof the First InternationalSymposium on Shah Nematollah Vali Sponsoredby: SanJose State University October-2002 Celebrating A SUFIMASTER Celebrating A Sufi Master A Collection of Works on the Occasionof the First International Symposium on ShahNematollah Vali Sponsoredby: San ]ose StateUniversity SanJose, California October 2002 Contents INTRODUCTION: GeneralConsiderations............. ............5 OpeningStatement .....................7 Dr. l,JourAliTabandeh (Majzoob 'Ali Shah) Richard N. Frye Cultural Transformationsof ContemporarySufism........ ...............22 CarlW. Ernst ShahNematollah Vali and the Expansionof Sufismin India ..........37 Heshmatollah Riazi;Translation by RoyaRiazi The Grand Sufi Master Shah NematollahVali ...46 Mohammad Rezakhani Civilization:AGlobalJourney ..49 Majid Tehranian ShahNematollah Vali Kermani as a Mystical Poet: Three Trends of IslamicMysticism and ThreeBases of His Poetry......... .....................,......58 lanisEsots ShahNematollah Vali's PoeticCommentary on a Ghazalof Mowlana Jalalod-din al-Balkhi-Rumi ...76 Translation,transliteration, and commentaryby lbrAhim Camard A Comparative Study of Doctrinal Views of ShahNematollah Vali and Jami....... .................86 Dr. BehjatosadatHejazi and Dr. Ali Chazanfari Mogaddam The Teachingsof Shah Nematollah Vali (1330-1429CE): A, Quotation-BasedPreliminary Research ......134 Dr. A. C. Ravin FarhAdi A Comparisonof the Poetry of ShahNematollah Vali and Hafez 148 Dr. Hanna Stemerding Archaeologyand the Meaningsof Persepolis ....................158 Dr. Donald Whitcomb The Shrine of Shah Nematollffh:An Architectural Review ............164 Mehrdad Qayyoomi Bidhendi Dr. SeyedMostafa Azmayesh INTRODUCTION: GeneralConsiderations Hazrat SeyedNourod-din Shah NematollahVali is consideredthe great- est Sufi masterand one of the most eloquentIranian poets of the fourteenthand fifteenthcenturies A.D. In Sufismhe belongedto the Ma'rufi Orderand was a discipleof SheikhAbdullah Yafei, who died in Meccain 768A.H. (1362A.D.). The Ma'rufi Order is tracedback through Sheikh Ma'ruf Karkhi to Imam Reza,the eighthShi'ite Imam, and from the latterto Imam Ali (peacebe with him). The Sufi instructionsand teachingsof ShahNematollah Vali were wel- comedat a time whensome people called themselves Sufis without knowing the truth about Sufisrn.Therefore, with the advent of Shah NematollahVali, the Ma'rufi Order camc to be widely recognizedand acceptedin Iran and many Islamic countriesof thosedays. and many becamehis disciples.That is why thereafterthe Ma'rufi Order becameknown as 'oNematollahi." In addition to having reachedthe highestlevels on the Sufi path, Shah NematollahVali is amongthe greatest scholars and poets of Iran.From thepoint of view of the quantity of his publishedwritings, he is rare amongthe mastersof Sufism.The numberof his articlesand papers, most of which areon Sufism,has beenestimated to be aboutfive hundred.His collectionof poetryconsists of 12,000 versesin which mystic conceptshave been written in a symbolicform. In the lateryears of his life, ShahNematollah Vali establisheda largeKhaneqah in Mahan,near Kerman, in the Southof lran,in which he instructedand enlightened the seekersof knowledge.He diedin the sameplace in the 834A.H. The Khaneqah was expandedby his followers during the centuriesthat followed and today it is regardedas one of themost beautiful and magnificent historical mausoleums of lran. After ShahNematollah's death, his son,Shah Khalilollah who was his suc- cessor,moved to Dakan in India where the Order thrived for more than three centuries,when the current master, Rida 'Ali ShahDakani sent two of his autho- rizedsheikhs to Iran.after which the Ordercontinued there. During the periodof Hajj Mulla SultanMohammad Gonabadi known as"Sul- tan 'Ali Shah" (born in Gonabad,Khorasan 1251 A.H./1835A.D.), the Nematollahi order regainedits prominenceand today is referredto as the NematollahiGonabadi or Sultan'Ali Shahi, it is thelargest and most popular of the Sufi ordersand schoolsof thought in Iran. In spiteof HazratShah Nematollah Vali's extensivereputation and popular- ity in Iran and India, Westemnations know very little abouthim and his teach- The First International Sumnosiumon ShahNemstollah Voli ings.For this reasona numberof his dedicatedfollowers createda foundationin the United Statesin2002 in orderto fully introducethis greatmystic masterand his works and teachingsto the Americanpublic. One of the first actionsof the foundationwas the decisionto organizea num- ber of symposiaon ShahNematollah Vali, the first of which was initiatedby Dr. SeyedMostafaAzmayesh in cooperationwith SanJose University, and was held from I I to 72 October2002. The symposiumwas attendedby interestedscholars and thinkersfrom various countriesof the world. Unforfunately,however, because of entry visa problemssev- eral Iranianscholars were unableto participate. In additionto lecturesand workshops,the symposium'sprogram included a performanceofmusic, a slideshow and a film entitled"From Mahanto Gonabad" that hadbeen specifically prepared for this gathering.The meetingbegan with an inauguraladdress sent by the presentMaster of the NematollahiGonabadi order, Dr. Nour 'Ali Tabandeh,known as "Majzoob 'Ali Shah," and was concluded after two days of activity. This book consistsof a collectionof selectedarticles, papers and lectures presentedat the symposium.It is appropriateat this point to expressour grati- tude to all the speakerswho addressedthe symposium.We arealso greatly thankful to the headof SanJose University group and ProfessorChris Jochim. Simorgh Sufi Society New York. Mav 2003 In the Name rl'Allah, the Compassionate,the Merci/ul Opening Statement Dr. NourAliTabandeh (Maizoob'Ali Shah) I am very delighted Ihat a group of scholarsare assembledin this spiritual and academicgathering to honor one of Iran's greatestmen of literature, Irfan (Sufrsm)and islam. For my part, I appreciateand admirethe effortsof all, especiallyDr. Azmayesh,the founder and organizerof this gathering. Whereverour great men are honoredand accordinglya gatheringis orga- nized, we are obliged to take part as oneswho have views on the matter.Thus, whenI foundout aboutthe good intentionof the Symposiumon ShahNematollah Vali, I approvedit andviewed the requestfor a paperfavorably. I herebyrespect- fully offer a greenleaf from the ever-livingtree of walayat.l HazratShah Nematollah Vali was oneof the greatestSufis. His nameis men- tionedin thepages of Iranianhistory for variousreasons. In fact,history's pages areadorned by the existenceof suchmen. The works andopinions of this great Sufi canbe analyzedand researchedfrom many differentangles. From the liter- ary point of view he has producedmultiple articlesin prose,in which he has arguedmystical issues along with pure Islamicbeliefs, and has explained these very clearly. Of course,I don't intend to enter into details here, for I am in- formed-praise and thanks be to Allah-that the very knowledgeablepartici- pants have written articleson the occasionof this Symposiumor will give speeches,such that the abovesubjects will be exploredin detail.I only mention how the subjectmatter of his work ranksamong the intricaciesand positive as- pectsof the history of Iranian spiritual development. Also in terms of poetry he has an abundanceof poemsin which insteadof devisingpanegyrics, again he hasput his effortsin explainingthe spiritualityof Islam and its mysticalpoints. Of course,in Iran's history of literaturethere have beenmany greatpoets like Manuchehri,Asjudi and Anwari and the likes, who wrotepanegyrics. From a literarypoint of view they areall highly valuedand hold a distinguishedposition, and we shouldn'tforget them. But the enorrnousrank of ShahNematollah Vali is ashigh asthat of Ferdowsi,Sa'di, Mowlavi (Rumi),and Hafez.There will definitelybe articlesabout his poetry andthe importantpoints will be mentioned. 8 The First International Symposittmon Shahlrlemrttollah Vali However,the most important aspect ofhis life, which is alsowhat he is renowned for, is the mystical aspect,and the fact that during a period of time, he hasbeen the Qutb of Suftsmand the dervishes,so that his followers afterhim becamefamous as the "NematollahiOrdeC'. Regardingthe issueof silsileh (order)2and the understandingof the meaning of it within the domainof Sufism,we shouldreturn to the beginningof Islam. During the time of the Messengerhimself, [may Allah's blessingsand greetings be upon him and his familyl, theremay havebeen differences in regardto style, tasteand opinions among Muslims, but they neverbecame cause for majordis- agreement,because the final decisiveword, regardingevery single subject,was what the nobleProphet himself would say,or what was divulgedin the form of revelation.Howevet, immediately after his deatha disputearose; in that a group of Muslimsand great [men of God] suchas Salman Farsi, AbuZar, and'Ammar who hadheard the holy words of the Messengerdirectly, from his own tongue,or indirectly,knew that 'Ali, peacebe uponhim, hadbeen assigned by theMessen- gerto succeedhim. Regardingthe issueof risalat (beingthe Messengerof God), everyonebe- lievedthat the Messengerwas the lastProphet of God-the "Sealof the Proph- s1s"-nnd after him therewould be no other messenger.Therefore, the issueof successionof 'Ali was regardedas one within the internaldomain of Islam.A verseof theNoble Quran
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