January 29, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 2515 NAYS—1 porting these programs is essential above the law. I urge my colleagues to Barton (TX) given the surge in outdoor recreation.’’ cosponsor this important legislation. NOT VOTING—26 Our school kids are hurt, too, be- f cause this program has not been reau- Bachus Grijalva Shays CHANGE POLICY IN IRAQ Brady (PA) Gutierrez Simpson thorized yet. At the Bend-LaPine Brown, Corrine Hastert Souder School District, administrators face (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked Culberson Latham Tanner the task of bigger class sizes or fewer and was given permission to address Davis, Jo Ann McCaul (TX) Terry the House for 1 minute and to revise Diaz-Balart, L. McDermott teachers as they struggle to meet State Towns and Federal mandates. School Super- and extend her remarks.) Edwards Neal (MA) Wamp English (PA) Norwood Young (FL) intendent Doug Nelson says, ‘‘These Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Graves Ros-Lehtinen funds help us ensure programs which Speaker, I think it is important that b 1916 don’t leave kids behind.’’ all of us want what is best for the men Mr. Speaker, Congress must keep the and women on the front lines in Iraq. So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Federal Government’s word to timber Certainly it is disturbing when we find tive) the rules were suspended and the communities. Pass H.R. 17. Time is that there is a confusion in the report- resolution, as amended, was agreed to. running out. ing of the incident that saw the loss of The result of the vote was announced f life of approximately four or five of our as above recorded. soldiers. First, it was represented that A motion to reconsider was laid on REAUTHORIZE SECURE RURAL they died in a battle fighting against the table. SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY the insurgents and others; later to be Stated for: SELF-DETERMINATION ACT determined that they had been kid- Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given napped and shot in the head execution- on rollcall No. 60, I was unable to vote due to permission to address the House for 1 style. weather and traffic delays. Had I been minute and to revise and extend his re- This, of course, speaks to the failed present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ marks.) policy of this administration that our f Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I too rise soldiers can declare victory and be re- PERSONAL EXPLANATION on the issue of the Secure Rural turned home, but more importantly it Schools and Community Self-Deter- certainly is a shame when we cannot Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, on January 29, mination Act. As my colleague from tell parents and loved ones and others 2007, I was returning from the World Eco- Oregon just stated, this is a crisis. This how their loved ones fell in battle. nomic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and, is an economic, social and public safety Certainly it is a shame that we find therefore, missed three recorded votes. crisis if these funds are not reauthor- that our young men and women on the I take my voting responsibility very seriously ized. They are now preparing layoff no- front lines may be subject to capture and would like the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD to tices for teachers in rural school dis- and execution, like being shot in the reflect that, had I been present, I would have tricts, for deputy sheriffs in search and streets in a most disgraceful manner. voted ‘‘yea’’ on recorded vote number 58, rescue, for people who maintain our We must fix the broken policies of ‘‘yea’’ on recorded vote 59 and ‘‘yea’’ on re- critical road and highway infrastruc- Iraq. Redeploy our troops, engage our corded vote 60. ture in the western and other States allies in the region, begin a political f across the country. diplomatic solution, and stop falsifying This Congress must act, and soon, to reports to the American people, not PERSONAL EXPLANATION keep faith with the counties and the knowing how their loved ones are being Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- school districts where the Federal Gov- executed in the streets of Iraq. I ask avoidably absent from this Chamber today. I ernment owns a preponderance of the for a new policy in Iraq. would like the RECORD to show that, had I land and has changed forest policies f been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on and has dropped their revenues dra- PROTESTING IS ACT OF rollcall votes 58, 59, and 60. matically. PATRIOTISM f f (Mr. COHEN asked and was given per- REAUTHORIZE SECURE RURAL MEMBERS NOT ABOVE THE LAW mission to address the House for 1 SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY (Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- minute and to revise and extend his re- SELF-DETERMINATION ACT ida asked and was given permission to marks.) (Mr. WALDEN of Oregon asked and address the House for 1 minute and to Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, this week- was given permission to address the revise and extend her remarks.) end tens or hundreds of thousands of House for 1 minute and to revise and Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- Americans came to Washington to pro- extend his remarks.) ida. Mr. Speaker, Americans are fed up test the war. It was reminiscent of Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Mr. Speak- with elected officials acting like they Vietnam, as so much of this war is er, the failure of Congress to reauthor- are better than everyone else. We have reminiscent of Vietnam. ize the Secure Rural Schools and Com- seen scandal after scandal on a bipar- What these people did was an act of munity Self-Determination Act is a tisan basis, and people are sick of it. patriotism and courage, exercising breach of faith to more than 600 for- Just last year, in the face of several their first amendment rights and ex- ested counties and 4,400 school districts inappropriate acts from Members of pressing their opinion that the policy across America. this Congress, some of our leaders de- of this administration and this country Mr. Speaker, 78 percent of the land in cided that we were above the law. I is wrong. As they protested, and Deschutes County, Oregon, is con- cannot disagree more. When a local throughout the weekend, American sol- trolled by the Federal Government. It business fails to file its taxes, we inves- diers lost their lives. It is unfortunate is a recreational and outdoor paradise. tigate. When a parent abuses a child, that it seems that the calls of the peo- Funds from this program have sup- we investigate. If a Member of Con- ple are not being heeded. ported public safety, emergency med- gress abuses his or her position, law en- It is particularly distressing, Mr. ical, search and rescue operations, and forcement officers must have the au- Speaker, to hear one of the Cabinet much more to protect the more than 2 thority to follow the evidence regard- members suggest that people who dis- million people who come to central Or- less of where it may lead. agree with the administration are lend- egon to recreate every year. Listen up America. Last week I in- ing aid and solace to the enemy. That County Sheriff Les Stiles says, troduced H. Res. 88 that declares to our is wrong. The first amendment is about ‘‘Search and rescue is a matter of life constituents that we agree with them: free speech. The demonstrations, the and death in central Oregon, and sup- Members of Congress should not be protests that happened this week were VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:16 Jun 06, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 2\LOC FILES\BR29JA07.DAT BR29JA07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 2516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 January 29, 2007 correct. Samuel Johnson said: ‘‘The A five-term member of the House of Rep- As a member of the House Judiciary Com- last refuge to which a scoundrel clings resentatives, Father Drinan was one of its mittee, Father Drinan gained a national pro- is patriotism.’’ I think we saw people most liberal members. His strong anti-ad- file in the summer of 1974 when the commit- try to find patriotism to be the refuge ministration stands earned him a place on tee’s hearings considering Nixon’s impeach- the Nixon ‘‘enemies list.’’ His upset victory ment were televised. The hearings would rather than response to protests and over U.S. Representative Philip J. Philbin, a have taken place a year earlier, had Father analytical discussions of the policies in 14-term incumbent who was vice chairman of Drinan had his way. On July 31, 1973, he in- Iraq. the House Armed Services Committee, in the troduced the first resolution to impeach the f 1970 Democratic primary in Massachusetts president—though not for any high crimes Third Congressional District was a high- and misdemeanors relating to the Watergate FATHER ROBERT DRINAN water mark in the New Politics, which scandal, but rather over the administration’s (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was brought the antiwar movement to the ballot secret bombing campaign in Cambodia. given permission to address the House box. Father Drinan prided himself on having for 1 minute and to revise and extend Father Drinan’s election was also a land- filed that resolution. But its timing dis- mark in U.S. church-state relations. his remarks. mayed the House Democratic leadership, A Catholic priest, the Rev.
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