Queen Named as Annual 4-H Fair Opens SEE STORY BELOW Fog, Drizzle Mostly cloudy, patchy ,fog, THEDAHY HOME with rain or drizzle today, high in upper 60s. Clearing tonight, low- near 69. Eair tomor- row, high around 80. i FINAL I8e« Details Pago J) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 2 RED BANK, N. X, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1960 Reports No Criminal Control Evidence;Asks Probe of Court Jury Hits City Officials Rapport Lack -.___„ By WILLIAM J, ZAOBSKI mouth County community." among Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr., Business Administrator business administrator, preferring to make administrative FREEHOLD — A lack of rapport among three Long the special panel spoke critically-of "Long; Branch Mayor Frank Vanore, and Chief Pesano. —and major poliey-decisions himself - , ; Branch city officials is seen by-a Monmouth County Grand Paul Nastasio Jr. for interfering with the routing operations "It appears to be the result of a personality clash, "As a consequence," it continued, "these department Jury as the main reason why the Long Branch police depart- of the police department and the business administrator's jealousies, lack of mutual consideration and respect, lack heads are, either unable or unwilling to make day-to-day ment is impaired in controliing crime and promoting public office. of cooperation, a desire to show who is 'boss,' confusion as decisions which are proper and necessary in the daily con- safety. It also blamed Police Chief Thomas M. Pesano for a to who is responsible to whom, too much irresponsible loose duct of the affair's of the city." The 18-page presentment by the extended grand jury significant share of the inefficient operation of the police talk, threats and counter-threats, passing-the-buck, etc. The report states there is an almost complete breakdown Investigating charges of interference with the Long Branch department. CHAIN OF COMMAND in communication and cooperation among these three city Police Department, made public today, also called for a "Grand jury conducted an extensive Investigation with "There is little inclination to follow any chain of com- officials, with effects on the morale of the rank and file of full-scale investigation of the city's Municipal Court. respect to the complaint of Chief Pesano," it said, "and after mand in handling police affairs. Patrolmen by-pass the the police department. In the third phase of its probe, that of alleged control exploring this issue, the jury concluded that no more 'pres- chief and take their troubles to the mayor; the chief by- "It has resulted in a lack of incentive to do a good of the city by organized crime, the jury said: sure' was exerted on the chief'than most public employes passes intermediate supervisors to deal directly with selected job," said the jury. "No credible evidence was obtained of any criminal ele- encountered in dealing with the elected officials under whom policemen." The presentment referred back to a I860 report prepared ments exercising any control over the officials or Police they serve. The presentment charged that Mayor Nastasio has failed by a consulting firm for the charter commission of the city, Department of the City of Long Branch, or any other Mon- . "Testimony revealed there' exists a lack of rapport to delegate adequate authority to the police chief and the which stated: (See CITY PROBE REPORT, Pg. 2, Col. 1) No One Was 'Reprobated' FREEHOLD — In releasing in the administration with this trying to do their best to in-opportunity to review the origi- been 'reprobated' unless the impounded presentment element." crease the police department's nal presentment and to testify somebody puts a different con- this morning by the extend- Judge Simmill said the re-morale and to make it more before him. As a result, he said, notation on the term 'reprobat- ed grand jury this morning, vised presentment indicates efficient but, because of thehe struck parts of the docu- ed' than I do," he said. Superior Court Judge Elvin R. that the morale of the Long dichotomy which exists be- ment. Earlier this month, a public Simmill said no one was "rep-Branch police department "is tween them, their efforts have The revised document, he report stated that four Long robated" in the 18-page docu- not high." not borne fruit. said, embodies the sense of Branch city officials were noti- ment. He also said, "There Is a The Grand Jury makes cer- the original presentment but fied by the judge that they "There has been much lack of communication between tain recommendations and ar-made clearer - cut issues. were "reprobated" in the pre- smoke about organized crime," the mayor, the business admin- rives at certain conclusions, Judge Simmill ordered the sentment and that each was he said, referring to the jury's istrator and the chief of police he continued, which if followed original presentment and (the entitled to a hearing before the probe into activities in Long which affected the morale of should redound to the best in- revisions of the document1 im- judge. Branch,- "but the jury has been the police department." terests of Long Branch. pounded and released the 18- As the assignment judge, unable to find any fire and has The judge added that he had The judge said he had given page report. Judge Simmill could either de- been unable to link anybody no doubts that the three were each of the affected persons an "I don't think anybody has lete portions of the impounded document or let them stand. Fluoridation Is Protested LBJ Court , MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - recent studies have confirmed h,er family. "It's costly, but I Mr. Zukerman added that a Action Foes Ominous clouds of protest have the dangers of continued fluo- won't drink our "water any- call at the time for the public THE WINNER — Kathleen Fredericks, sealed center, last night was crowned coun- begun to gather over Strath- ride consumption. "I have arti- more," Mrs-_Pacheco said. to come to an authority session Get Support ty 4-H queen. She is surrounded by, left to right, Lynn Mueller, outgoing queen; to air their views went unheed- more since the introduction of cles that substantiate the Replying to the charge that Patricia Vierling, first runner-up; Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin; Freehold theory that fluoride makes no ed, and not one person ap- WASHINGTON (AP) - Op- fliioride into its water supply the move was secret, Mr. Zuk- ponents of President Johnson's Councilman Alfred) E. Sanders, masfer of ceremonies; Frieda DeSiorgio, second by the Municipal Utilities Au- difference in protection after a erman said the project has- peared, pro or con. child reaches 10 years of age. naming a new chief justice are runner-up, and Karen Basista, third runner-up. •: (Register Staff Photo) thority May 23. been talked about publicly for He continued that later, when claiming increasing support in The opposition, informally "Fluorine is a toxic and two years. the plans were drawn and both parties and the offensive headed by Mrs. Robert Pache- causes other physical prob- "In the fall of 1966, when we okayed, another public an- seems to have taken the Senate co, 33 Imperial Place, con- lems like defective tooth struc- announced plans would be nouncement was made, and Democratic leadership by sur- tends the move was made se- ture," Mrs. Paeheco added. drawn for a new water sys- still no response. prise. cretly, without adequate public Monmouth's 4-H Queen She claimed that since the tem, we mentioned the possi- "When, in March of 1967, our The opposition, centered so notice and constitutes manda- fluoride addition she has been bility of introducing fluoride in- water system equipment was far largely on a petition being tory consumption of medicine. force to buy spring water for to the water," he said. (RESIDENTS, Pg. 2, Col. 4) circulated by Senate Republi- The announcement was made cans, is "a little more empha- yesterday by the authority. tic than I anticipated it would Is Kathleen Fredericks Reaction to the criticism has be," Democratic Leader Mike been swift, with Authority Mansfield said last night. By JIM KENNEY county Board of Freeholders, Sanders, master of ceremonies. Chairman Karl D. Zukerman Matawan, Keyport Youngsters 'I don't know what these FREEHOLD - Gray skies Joseph C. Irwin. He stunned the audience and members Jerome R. Kaye people can do," commented and a persistent drizzle failed The new queen is the daugh- with his colonial outfit of ca- and Richard' Vermilyea back- Sen. James O. Eastland, D- to keep a happy crowd of sev- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William nary yellow knee breeches and ing the move. Miss., chairman of the Senate eral hundred people from see- Fredericks. She is a junior at waistcoat, and a coat of tra-"" But a split within the ranks Want to Help Father of Nine Judiciary Committee which will ing Miss Kathleen Fredericks AUentown High School and ditional colonial cut, but so col- president of the Busy Bees 4- orful as to rival the hippy also seems apparent. They ad- upon the fair. The rest gave consider Johnson's appoint- of Freehold Township crowned 1 By NANCY KUBINSKI While Mrs. DeVizia spends Monmouth County 4-H Queen H Club. Active in 4-H seven posters decorating the stage. mitted the project had not re- KEYPORT - The love of alternate days at the hospi- support and soon the Gross ments of Abe Fortas as chief ceived the endorsement of au- justice of the Supreme Court last night. years, Miss Fredericks has Winners in the contest were 21 area children taught a tal, Mrs.
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