Spring 2010 Chris Christensen HNR 304 Transposition Ciphers Up to this point, the ciphers that we have used have been substitution ciphers – plaintext letters were replaced by other letters or numbers or symbols. Another type of cipher is the transposition cipher. Transposition ciphers use the letters of the plaintext message, but they permute the order of the letters. It should be easy to spot a transposition cipher because the letter frequencies should mimic the usual frequencies for English – high frequencies for a, e, i, n, o r, s, t. But, cryptanalysis of a transposition cipher might be difficult. The essential technique is anagramming – rearranging the ciphertext letters to “make sense.” The key to the cipher is the pattern of rearrangement. Jumble Another word game that appears in newspapers is Jumble. Each weekday Jumble consists of four words with scrambled letters – two five-letter words and two six-letter words – and a picture which has a clever caption that is determined by unscrambling a subset of the letters of the four words. The game is to unscramble the letters and determine the words and the caption. Jumble is solved by anagramming. Here are the four words from the May 31, 2001, Cincinnati Enquirer Jumble, unscramble them. 1a. LUGAH 1b. YIXTS 1c. SLIZZE 1d. HIMSUL 1 The first word LUGAH has five distinct letters. There are 5!= 120 ways to arrange five distinct letters, and exactly one of them should result in a word. A brute force attack would involve trying possible arrangements of the letters until the word were determined; it would take at most 120 trials. A better scheme is to use patterns in the language to put together pieces of the word and arrange the pieces to form the word. For example, a is a common initial letter; so, we might think of a _ _ _ _ . It is unlikely that u would be the final letter; so, we might have u surrounded by consonants. That does not seem to work. It is unlikely that either a or u are the final letters; so, they might be surrounded by the consonants. Consonant-vowel-consonant- vowel-consonant seems unlikely for these letters. If consonants form a digraph; it seems most likely that those would be gl (probably at the beginning of the word) or gh (probably at the end of the word). In English, gh is much more common than gl. _ _ _ g h. l _ _ g h. If the vowels form a digraph, it seems likely that it would be au. laugh is the word. The third word has repeated letters SLIZZE. There are 6! = 720 ways to arrange 6 letters. But, it is not possible to distinguish between the two zs. There are 2! = 2 ways to arrange 2 letters. If we could tell the two zs apart, there would be 720 ways to arrange the letters, but because we cannot distinguish between them and there are 2 ways to arrange them; the numbers of ways to arrange the 6 letters is 6!/2! = 360. e is likely as a final letter: _ _ _ _ _ e. Rarely used letters are often easier to place than commonly used ones. z combines most frequently with vowels – either vowel –z or z- vowel. z rarely combines with other consonants; if it combines with a consonant, it is likely to combine with another z. nz or zl are next most likely after zz. So, maybe zzl ending with e. _ zzl _ e or _ _ zzle. sizzle works. Permutation of letters Here is the key for a transposition cipher that rearranges blocks of 20 letters: 20 17 13 9 7 16 15 18 11 2 10 12 1 14 5 19 4 6 3 8 The key is a permutation of the numbers 1, 2, …, 20. We will use this key to encrypt the message Markworth attacked by two pursuit planes. First, we add some nulls at the end of the message (we could 2 have inserted them randomly in the plaintext) to make the length a multiple of 20. Markworth attacked by two pursuit planes xnrpd The ciphertext would be: TDAHR EKBTA ATMCW YKORT DNNTU XSRLO PAWER PUSPI There are 20! = 2,452,902,008,176,640,000 ways to permute 20 (distinct) 20! letters. There are 82= 22,915,517,625 ways to permute (2!) ×× 3!( 4!) × 5! the letters in this plaintext messages (including the nulls at the end). We also could have encrypted Markworth attacked by two pursuit planes using the key with 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 removed -- 13 9 7 15 11 2 10 12 1 14 5 4 6 3 8. Here is a ciphertext message encrypted with another transposition that permutes a string of 20 letters: EYAHO ESALB GINEL PRPVI ICRIT CHPEE Anagramming is easier (but still not easy) if we have two (or more) ciphertext messages. Because both messages are transposed with the same permutation, we can double anagram. Here’s a second ciphertext message using the same transposition: RABAN SMLPE EAASO HIOCA PCXCI IEHTR Good luck! Railfence ciphers A very simple form of [transposition cipher] is the rail fence, named for its fencelike appearance, which is the result of aligning rows of letters, then shifting them. The rail fence was a popular method in the early decades of cryptography. It faded with the rise of more complex systems such as 3 nomenclators in the Middle Ages and codebooks in the 15th and 16th centuries. It regained some of its popularity during the American Civil War, when it was used for concealments of military messages as well as by Union and Confederate spies. Code, Ciphers, & Other Cryptic & clandestine Communication, Fred B. Wrixon. Here is a message: thisattackdependedonaweaknessintheprotocol Here is the railfence with two rails: t i a t c d p n e o a e k e s n h p o o o h s t a k e e d d n w a n s i t e r t c l The rails may be taken off in either order for the ciphertext; here we take the first row first: TIATCDPNEOAEKESNHPOOAHSTAKEEDDNWANSITERTCL Breaking into five-letter blocks, we get: TIATC DPNEO AEKES NHPOO AHSTA KEEDD NWANS ITERT CL The key is the number of rails and the order in which they are taken off. Here is another message: thebritishsoldcapturedenigmamachinestoformercolonies Here is the railfence with three rails: t r s l p e i m i t r c n h b i i h o d a t r d n g a a h n s o o m r o o i s e t s c u e m c e f e l e We will take off the rows from top to bottom: TRSLPEIMITRCNHBIIHODATRDNGAGHNSOOMROOISETSCUEMCEFELE Breaking into five-letter blocks, we get: 4 TRSLP EIMIT RCNHB IIHOD ATRDN GAGHN SOOMR OOISE TSCUE MCEFE LE In addition to determining the number of rails and the order in which they are removed, an offset may occur. Here is the last message with three rails and an offset of one: _ b i o a r n a h s o r o s t e r t s s l c p u e e i m m c i e t f r e c l n e h i h d t d g a n o m o i Rails could be taken off in various orders. Columnar transposition Columnar transposition is probably the most commonly studied transposition cipher. We will use that method to encrypt the following "pilot's saying:" The nose is pointing down and the houses are getting bigger. There are 49 letters in the message. We want to place the letters of the message in a rectangular array. In this case, because we would like the rectangular array to have 49 cells, a 77× array may be used. We also need a keyword having its length the same as the number of columns – we will use analyst. ANALYST 1423756 t henose i s poi n t i n gdown andtheh ousesar egett in gb igger 5 The ciphertext is obtained by reading down the columns in the order of the numbered columns (which are alphabetically ordered). TIIAOEGEPGDSEINODTETGHSNNUGBSNWEAIEETNHRNROIOHSTG Our message exactly fit the rectangular array. If the message does not completely fill the array, nulls may be added to fill it (this is the easier cipher to break) or not (this is harder to break because the columns do not all have the same length). In the latter case, the length of the keyword determines the number of columns, and the number of letters in the message determines the number of complete and partial rows. The transposition should be applied several times if the plaintext message were longer than 49 letters. Remember, for encrypting, “in by rows and out by columns.” Decrypting the columnar transposition Here is a message that was encrypted using a rectangular array with keyword analyst. TRLEELIGCIGEHALANTNCTECYENEN Because the keyword has 7 letters, we know that the rectangular array has 7 columns. The message has 28 letters; therefore, the array must be 47× . Each column must have 4 entries. First, we place the letters of the keyword in alphabetical order: aalnsty. Then place the ciphertext letters in columns. AALNSTY t echnt e r l iaten l i g l nce e geacyn 6 Now rearrange the letters of the keyword to form analyst. ANALYST thecent r a l inte l l i genc e a gency The plaintext message is the central intelligence agency.
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