w NEW TRENDS IN SPEAKER. DESIGN The Haydn Masses a diicography www.americanradiohistory.com 1'I fSaAf 97 These are the speakers of the finest yet simplest stereo system you can buy today. All the other components are shown life -size under this fold. -4 www.americanradiohistory.com XP -10 Woofer: 15" free-piston; 19 cps free -air resonance; 2" voice coil with exclusive eddy -current damping; 6 -lb. magnet structure. i Midrange: 8" cone; 1 " voice coil; 51/2-1b. magnet structure. Tweeter: 2" soft -cotton dome type; 51/2 -1b. magnet structure; 14,000 gauss flux density. Crossover: Full 3 -way LC -type network with air -core coils; crossover points at 200 and 2500 cps. Impedance: 8 ohms. Frequency Response: 28 cps to beyond range of audibility. Power Requirement: 10 watts minimum; 60 watts maximum (program material). Cabinet: 301/2" high, 243/s " wide, 143A" deep; Scandinavian walnut. Weight: 80 lbs. CIRCLE 37 ON READER -SERVICE CARD DECEMBER 1964 1 www.americanradiohistory.com (V -15 AME -1 ELLIPTICAL STYLUS) NATURAL SOUND BEGINS WITH PICKERING Whether you own a record changer, automatic turntable, or a professional type manual turntable Pickering has engineered the RIGHT V -15 pickup for you. Each of these applications requires a cartridge with specific characteristics and specifications to produce the maximum in NATURAL SOUND that is possible from the record playing equipment and other components in your system. If it's RECORD CHANGER application, where high output and heavier tracking forces are required try the IIMEW AC -1 Most of you, no doubt are tracking lighter on the late model AUTOMATIC TURNTABLES and will use the Eff AT -1 Or if a professional type MANUAL TURNTABLE is your choice you'll need the even more compliant V -15 AM -1 And if it's unexcelled tracking ability you're seeking, you will demand the ELLIPTICAL STYLUS PICKUP V-15 AME -1 All four of these pickups are radically different from any other cartridge. You can hear the difference. Pick up a V -15. Note its light weight -only 5 grams. Perfect for low mass tone arm systems. Now, see how Pickering's exclusive "Floating Stylus" and patented replace- able V -Guard assembly protects your record and diamond as it plays. FOR THOSE WHO CAN HEAR THE DIFFERENCE PICKERING & CO., INC. PLAINVIEW, N.Y. Pickering THE WORLD'S LARGEST AND MOST EXPERIENCED MANUFACTURER OF MAGNETIC PICKUPS CIRCLE 61 ON READER -SERVICE CARD HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE www.americanradiohistory.com Page 53 t 1 Page 48 high fidelity Music and Musicians 48 From the Landowska Notebooks: excerpts from the late harpsichordist's previously unpublished journals Wanda Landowska 56 Gloria in excelsis Deo: The Haydn Masses H. C. Robbins Landon 63 Let's Play A & R Man Leo Haber 12 Notes from Our Correspondents: Paris, Amsterdam Sound Reproduction 31 High Fidelity Newsfronts: New York High Fidelity Show Norman Eisenberg 47 How To Play Santa Claus: an editorial 53 Stereo Reference Shelf: current audio literature R. D. Darrell 60 Anything But a Box -new trends in speaker designs 67 Equipment Reports McIntosh MA 230 Integrated Amplifier Orthophase Speaker Systems Bell Model 1000 Tuner /Amplifier Ortofon Model SPE /T Magnetic Cartridge Reviews of Recordings Feature Record Reviews 34 Shakespeare: Othello (Sir Laurence Olivier, et al.) 75 Verdi: Rigoletto (Moffo, Merrill, et al., Georg Solti, cond.; Scotto, Fischer -Dieskau, et al., Rafael Kubelik. cond.) 77 Debussy: Images pour orchestre (Pierre Monteux) 78 Other Classical Reviews 103 Reissues 109 The Lighter Side 115 The Sonic Showcase 117 Jazz 121 The Tape Deck 130 General Index, 1964 137 Index of Equipment Reports, 1964 D E C E M B E R 1 9 6 4 V O L U M E 14 N U M B E R 12 Published monthly of Great Barrington, Mass., by The Billboard Publishing Co. Copyright 1964 by The Billboard Publishing Co. The design and contents of High Fidelity Magazine ore protected fully by copyright and must not be reproduced in any manner.. Second -class postage Barrington paid at Great and at additional moiling offices. Authorized os tond -class moil by the Post Office Deportment, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cosh. One -year subscription- Anywhere on Earth $7.00. 3e Indexed in the "Reader's Guide to Periodical literature." Change of address notices and undelivered copies (Form 3579) should be addressed to High Fidelity, Subscription Department, 2160 Patterson Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214. www.americanradiohistory.com rl r\_.'IEI:: 2 1111 Fit IT'S NO USE! I JUST CAN'T WRITE A 1200 FOOT SYMPHONY Cover Photo: by Roy Lindstrom Roland Gelatt Editor in Chief Joan Griffiths Executive Editor Norman Eisenberg Audio Editor Sue Severn Managing Editor Shirley Fleming Assistant Editor H. C. Robbins Landon European Editor Roy Lindstrom Art Director Nathan Broder John M. Conly R. D. Darrell Alfred Frankenstein Robert C. Marsh Contributing Editors Claire N. Eddings Director of Advertising Sales Walter F. Grueninger Circulation Director Warren B. Syer Publisher That's all right, Ludvig, neither could Tchaikovsky, or A D V E R T I S I N G Brahms, or Mozart or Lerner and Loewe or any other com- poser for that matter. You simply can't write music to fit a Main Office Claire N. Eddings, The Publishing House reel of recording tape. It's up to the recorder owner to buy a Great Barrington, Mass. 01230 tape that will fit the music. Only American offers a selection Telephone: 1300 of 45 different recording tapes available in lengths of 150, New York 2.50, 300, .350, 450, 500, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000, 167 West 46th St., New York 10036 Telephone: Plaza 7 -2800 2400, 3000, 3600, and 7200 feet. Be up to date. Insist on S, Resnick, A. Sobel, A. Spanberger recording American, the tape designed to fulfill your every Chicago need. Taylor, Friedman 333 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 314, Chicago 60601 Telephone: 332 -7683 Jerry Taylor, Ed Larson Los Angeles 434 So. San Vicente Blvd. Los Angeles 90048 Telephone: Olympia 2 -2100 Robert J. Friedman, Mrs. Pat Kempler GREENTREE ELECTRONICS 2020 Placentia, Costa Mesa,. California CIRCLE 80 ON READER- SERVICE CARD 4 HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE www.americanradiohistory.com Citadel Record Club 545 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10017 Please enroll me for one year as a member of the Citadel Record Club in accordance with the terms set forth in this advertisement. I understand that I am entitled to all membership privileges without any obligation to buy any- If you want to thing, ever. I am enclosing $3.00 for Record Division membership. I am enclosing $4.00 for Record and Tape Division membership. save?30 to3OO N 'tme Address City_ tit 'ttc Zip a year on long-. H F-124 playing records,mail us$3. For $3 a year. you become a member the event of a delay, partial shipments of the one record club that has every are made and your order completed single advantage and none of the as soon as the record or tape is available. disadvantages of all the others- includ- There is no additional cost to you for ing those advertised in this and similar this service. publications. (If you are also interested Specials! In addition to your regular in 4 -track recorded tapes, membership Citadel Club discounts, you will peri- costs $4.) odically receive lists of hit albums and Here is what the Citadel Record Club tapes in all categories of music, offered gives you for your $3: at super discounts. These are special purchases your Club can make through Discounts! As a member, you are its unusual buying power, and the entitled to unusually large discounts savings are passed along to all members. on the records you want -sometimes as Again, you are under no obligation high as 55 %! Your very first purchase to purchase any of these selections. virtually pays your membership dues in savings. And you can save $300 a year Free Schwann catalog! With your and more if you buy many records membership, Citadel immediately sends and get them all at Citadel discounts. you the standard reference guide to more than 25,000 long- playing records. No obligations! You can buy as few This comprehensive catalog has separate or as many records as you want, when sections for classical, popular, ballet, you want them. You are not obligated opera, musical shows, folk music, jazz, to buy any specific number of records etc., and another section for all new -or tapes. The choice is always yours releases. at top savings. Citadel has no "agree to purchase" requirement of any kind. 100% guarantee! Your records and tapes from Citadel are guaranteed All labels! Your choice is unlimited. factory -fresh and free of defects of any Virtually any record, album or tape by kind. If a damaged or defective record any artist on any label is available at or tape does get through our close a discount to Citadel members. This inspection, we immediately replace it includes opera, classical, jazz, pop, folk, with a perfect copy. spoken word- anything. You receive Citadel's periodic bulletins and catalogs that keep you abreast of the newest re- Satisfaction guaranteed! Try member- cordings. You never get a "preselected" ship in Citadel Record Club for 30 days. list -Citadel does not limit your choice. If at the end of that period you are not satisfied in every respect, your Promptest Service! Orders are usually membership dues will be immediately shipped the same day as received, refunded. No questions asked. rarely later than the next few days. In CITADEL RECORD CLUB CIRCLE 20 ON READER -SERVICE CARD DECEMBER 1964 5 www.americanradiohistory.com Capture the happy (preserve them permanently There will be only one Christmas 1964.
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