INDEX Names mentioned more than once on a page are indexed only once. Names of places are printed in italics. ABBOTS BROMLEY, 73, 85 Bridge, Ed., 112, 115; Thos., 97; Acton forge, 99, 122 Wm., 112, 115 Aldam, Heaton, 178 pedigree, 86 Alien, G., 46 Brock forge, 83, 106-7 Alsopp, R., 83-4 Brock, Rich., 82-3; Wm., 83 Angus-Butterworth, L. M., "Dutton Brock lev Hill, 44 Hall", 67-70 Bromlev forge, 87-8, 99, 109 "Anniversaries, 1957", 185-95 Bronowski, J., 193, 195 Antoninus Pius, 45 BroA-ne, A. C, 47, 52, 59; John, 82 Appletree Turret, 37, 39, 41 Burgh forge, 103, 105, 122 Appley Bridge, 47-61 Burnley, 125 Arcanus, 27, 35 Butterworth, Alex., 67, 70; Ed., 67 Ashton-in-Makerfield, 101 Atkinson's Lorries Ltd., 46 Attercliffe forge, 72, 84, 106 CAERLEON, 37, 38, 41,43 Attianus, 27, 35 Camden, Wm., 125 Awty, B. G., "Charcoal Ironmasters Campbell, Colen, 149, 154-6 of Cheshire and Lancashire", Cannock, 72-3, 85, 88, 99, 109, 113-4, 71-124 117-8 Carlisle, 38 n Can Mill furnace, 101-2, 107, 109, BACHE, Wm., 100 112, 115, 118, 122 pedigree, 96 Carter, G. A., "The Bicentenary of Backbarrow, 105, 117-8, 122 Warrington Academy", 193-5 Bagley, J. J., 185 Casurius, 33, 35 Bagshaw, Sam., 89; Wm., 89 Catalini, Mme., 192 Balmitildy, 37, 38-9, 41, 43 Chadwick, Ed., 105; John, 103, 105; Bancks, John, 83 Rev. J., 103; Thos., 103-4, 105 Bank furnace, 82 Chandler, G., 185-6 Barnby forge, 82, 84, 95 Charcoal ironmasters of Cheshire and Bateman, Jas., 90 Lanes., 71-124 Belfield, 67 Charnock Richard, 103, 105 Betley, 73 Chartlev, 88, 109 Bidston, 107-8 Check lev Brook, 73, 81, 91 Birdoswald Turret, 37, 43 Cheshire iron works, 84, 87-9, 92^, Birkacre forge, 103, 105 95, 97, 99, 109, 113, 123 Bispham, 62-4 Chester, 88, 93, 115, 120 Blakeney furnace, 91 , Blue coat school, 145 Blome, Rich., 125, 127 , Heronbridge, 44 Blundell, Bryan, 145, 149; Nich., 154 Chetwind, Walter, 73, 79, 87 , ledger of, 144, 151, 158 Chirk castle, 83 Bodfari church, 102 Cholmondeley, marquess of, 149; forge, 88, 93-4, 97, 108, 112, 115, Thos., 73, 76 122-3 Chowbent, 89, 93, 102, 124 Bolton, Jas., 14, 46; Wm., 7, 14 Church Lawton, 73-4, 76-7, 81, 85, Booth, Ann, 97; Lawrence, 97 87-8, 89, 91, 93-4, 100, 102, pedigree, 96 112-3, 118, 122-3 Bottlingwood furnace, 104-5 Cinnamus, 31, 35 Botus, 33 Clay, Charles, 90-1 Bradshaigh, Roger, 83; Sir R., 106 Cleator furnace, 88 Bretton furnace, 100, 102, 118 Clitheroe, 198 210 INDEX 211 Collvhwst forge, 90 Douglas, river, 47 Co/abridge forge, 82, 84, 90-1, 95, 99- Dovey furnace, 113, 115, 117 101, 102, 120, 124 Drury Lane theatre, 191 , sales of rod iron from, 121 Duddonfurnace,7\,93, 101, 108, 111-3 Commodus, 3 Dudley, 159-61 Company of the north, 84 Dutton Hall, 67-70 Congleton, 75, 81, 93 Dykes, G., 118 Consall forge, 79, 88, 109 Conway furnace, 112-3, 115, 117-8 Copley, L., 83-4 EGERTON, John, 92; Sir P., 91-2 Corbridge, 38 n Elswick, 65-6 Corfield, Thos., 92 Erotus, 33 Cotton, Anna, 94-5, 100; Anne, 97-8 Dan., 92-3, 94-5, 97, 99-100 102; Mary, 97; Sir Robt., ! FARREN, Elir., 190 Thos. of Doddlespool and Faustina the elder, 45 Eardley, 99-100, 101, 103, 109, Fenwick, J. R., 189 111-2; Thos. brother of Dan., Fiennes, Celia, 127 102; Wm. r, 82-3; Wm. n, 84- Finch, Ed., 180; Eliz., 161; John, 159- 9, 92, 94-5, 97; W. E. C, 119; 184 passim, John n, 162-3 Wm. Westby, 95, 97, 100, 111 Fleetwood-Hesketh, P., 144 pedigree, 96 Fletcher, Paul, 76; Thos., 74-8; Wm., Covent Garden theatre, 191-2 76, 78 Cradley ironworks, 98, 106, 111, 114 Foley, John, 79; Major, 79; Philip, Craleckin furnace (Coalfield), 71, 112-3 88, 95; Priscilla, 79; Rich., 79, 115, 117 87; Thos., 81 Cranage forge, 76, 78-9, 81, 84-5, 87, MSS, 71, 77, 85, 92, 94, 118, 123 92-3, 94, 97, 99, 100, 106, 108, Fownes, Eleanor, 82; Eliz., 82; 112, 122-3 Gilbert, 82-3; Wm. i, 74, 82; Crewe, John, 79, 84, 100 Wm. n, 82 Crompton, John, 75-6; Robt., 75 pedigree, 96 Cromwell, Oliver, 1 France, R. S., 119, 125, "Wm. Yates, Croxteth Hall, 153-4 cartographer", 200-2 Cunsey furnace, 98-9, 101, 112, 117-8, Frodsham, 87, 114 122 Fulwood forest, 198 Furness, 76-8, 87, 98, 102, 104, 113, 117 DALRYMPLE, Sir T., 47 Fylde, 3; traditional houses in, 61-66 Darby, Abraham, 98-9 Danven, river, 4-5, 7, 17, 19-21, 24-5 Davies, R. T., "Church of St. Nicholas, GARSTANG, 66 Liverpool", 187-8 Gerard, Sir Wm., 101 Dean, forest of, 74, 91, 95, 98, 122 Germanus, 25, 37 Decmitius, 45 Gibbs, Jas., 145, 149, 155 Delamere forest, 76, 114 Gillam, J. P., 38 n Delves, Sir T., 73, 78-9, 81, 92 Glover, Hy., 79 Denbighshire ironworks, 83-4, 88 Goatfield furnace see Craleckin Derby, countess of, 190; earl of, 125, Great Sankey, 106 152 Green, Bryan, 187 Dewhurst, Jennetta, 67 Dicconson, Roger, 103-4 Dickin, Mary, 90; Sarah, 90; Thos., HADRIAN, 45 82, 84, 87, 89, 90, 92, 94-5 Haigh (Wigan), 83, 106-7, 120 Disley furnace, 89, 118 (Yorks.), 100 Divixtus, 31, 35 Hall, Ed., 85, 92-5, 97-9, 100-3, 108- Docton, K. H., "Lancaster 1684", 9, 111; Eliz., 97; Maurice, 101; 125-142 Michael, 85; Rich., 85; Rich. Doddington furnace, 73, 78, 81, 92, Ed., Ill; Thos. i, 85-9, 92-3, 99-100, 113-4, 116, 118, 122 94-5, 97, 99, 102, 108; Thos. n, Doddlespool, 100 102, 111-2; Thos. of Cranage, Doeccus, 33, 35 108; Thos. B., Ill; Wm., 102 Donnaucus, 29, 33, 37 pedigree, 86 212 INDEX Hardwick, C., report of, 1, 3, 7, 13-4, LALLANS, 44 17,24 Lancaster, 3, 45, 76, 125-142 passim Harmony Hall, 177-9, 180 -, Alphabetical list of inhabitants Harris, J. R., 118; S. A., "The Old and property in 1684, 134- Blue Coat Hospital", 143-158 142 Hartley, B. R., "Samian Pottery", , Directory 1684, 129-134 25-37, 46; K. F., "Moritarium , duke Hy. of, 197 Stamps", 44-5, 46 Lane, Nath., 95; Obadiah, 95, 97 Heivhlev furnace, 73, 91-2 Latham, Harold, 17, 20-1, 46; Wm., Heyford, Dennis, 84-5, 89, 92; MR., 91 71, 111-4 High House Milecastle, 37, 39, 41 Law, John, 104-5 High House Turret, 37 Lawson, John, 127; Robt., 127 Hodgkinson House, 65-6 Lawton see Church Lawton Hodgson, John, 127 Lea (Cheshire), 73, 78, 81, 92, 109. Hoghton, Sir C. de, 5, 46 113, 116, 122 Holme Chapel (Lanes.), 90-1, 118 Lee, Edmund, 106-7 Holmes Chapel (Cheshire), 76, 102 Legas, Ed., 94; James, 94; John, 94 Holyoake, G., 171 Leicester, Geo., 73; Thos. 73 /; Hopkins, Priscilla, 190; Sam., 11 [-4; Leicester, 37, 38, 41, 43-4 Thos., 113 Lezoux, 21, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35 Hopkinson, G. G., 118 Libertus, 27, 37 Houghton Hall, 149, 156, 158 Liverpool, 88, 93-4, 103, 105, 108, Houses, old in Lanes., 47-70 115, 194 Howarth and Airey, Ltd., 46 , Albion, 170 Hulsberg, H., 148, 151, 154-6 , Bee, 163 Hulton Park, 101 , Blue Coat Hospital, 143-158 Hunt, Leigh, 191 , Bold St., 173, 200 Husain, B. M. C., "The royal forest , Castle St., 164 of Lancaster", 196-9 , charter, 185-6 , Clarence dock, 162 , Cooperative society, 159, 163, IANUARIS, 31, 37 167 Irvin and Sons, Liverpool, 161-2 , Dock Labourers' society, 164-7, Ivy Cottage, Bispham, 62-4 168 , Dockers' Union, 159 , Drury Lane theatre, 190 JOHNSON, B. L. C, 118; Sir Thos.. , Hall of Science, 174-7 149-151, 155-6 , James St., 163 Jones, H. A., "John Philip Kemble". , Low Hill, 200-2 190-3 , Kaleidoscope, 164 , Mercury, 165, 167, 171-2 , Millenium, 170, 172 KEELING, Francis, 78-9; Wm., 78-9 , Old Custom House, 144, 146-9, Kemberton furnace, 95 156 Kemble, John P., 190-3; Priscilla, 190 , Poor Law union, 172 Kendall, Ed., 95, 97-8, 99-100, 111, , Queen's theatre, 174 114, 116-7; Geo., 117; H. B., , St. George's church, 146, 149 116;Hy., 112, 117; Jonathan i, , St. Nicholas's church, 187-8 98; Jonathan n, 111-117; , St. Peter's church, 149 Mary, 100 , St. Thomas's church, 202 and Co., 71 , Sir Thomas's buildings, 162 pedigree, 110 , Tarlton St., 173^ Kent, Ralph, 97, 99 , Temperance society, 164, 172 pedigree, 86 , Toxteth chapel, 171 Kilnhurst forge, 100, 102, 108 , park, 159, 162, 172 Kimberworth, 72 , Unitarian chapel, 162, 171, 174 Kirkham, 3 , Windsor foundry, 180-3 Kirkstall, 82, 84, 90-1, 95 Livesey, Rich., 3; Jos., 167-8 Knowslev Hall, 152-3 Lizard forge (Salop), 72, 74-5 Knutsford, 94 Lodge, Sir T., 72, 73 n Knutton forge 72 Lomax, MR., 21 Kuerden, Dr., 3 n Longridge, 67 INDEX 213 Lord, F. K., 46 Piel, 87 Lovett, Wm., 163 Pierpoint, Wm., 89 Low Moor Iron Company, 162 Platt, Robt., 67 Lowe, Jos., 89 Plot, Dr., 77 Lytham, 60-1 Poitou, Roger de, 196 Pont-y-blew forge, 85, 88 Pottery, samian, 25-37; coarse, 37^5 MACCLESFIELD, 81, 94 Prescot, 190 Madelev furnace, 73, 79, 91, 99-100, Preston, 1, 3, 105, 125, 129, 153, 162, 113-4, 116-7 167, 173, 194, 197 Manchester, 3, 89-90, 94, 103, 124, 194 , battle of, 151 , Chetham's hospital, 145 n , historical society, 5 Market Dravton, 73 Preston, Sir T., 76 Markland, Ed., 152, 154; Matt., 82 Primanus, 35 Matson, Anne, 104; Wm., 104-5 Pudding Pie Nook, 63-4 Mearheath furnace, 77, 79, 88, 113-4 Middlewich, 93, 97 Mitton, 67, 90 QVERNMORE, 198 Mollineux, Joshua, 151-6 Quintilianus, 31, 37 Moorcroft, Sylvester, 147 Morland, Thos., 104 RATHBONE Bros., 165; Wm., 170 Morris, Hy., 107; Jas., 107; John, 107 Rawlinson, Wm., 98 Mostyn, 88 Rea, Wm., 98-9 Myddleton, Rich., 83; Sir T., 85 Revell, R., 74-5 Myers, A.
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