M Mmuzr?&aBaKm&gmir'Z8i issi ji t rr v y i Kims. Historical Scckty JljWirljiljlnaHiHiRIel1 u--u u umui. YOL. XIII, NO 147. WICHITA KANSAS, THURSDAY MORNING, NOTEMEER 6, 1890. NO. it WHOLE 2024 Seventh district Thomas J. Henderson. assemblymen in this state and cisco by a majority of 3,703 against a Dem- torney general has a majority over Kel- 1.795, Willits 61L For congress: Funston, A Republican. the Republicans fifty-nin- e. Two districts ocratic majority of 3,000 in 1SSS, represent- logg, the Republican candidate. Tho en- Republican, 2.1S2; Chapman. Democrat, Eighth district Charles A. Hill, Re- are still somewhat in doubt, with a prob- ing a gain of over 6,000 votes. tire People's county ticket is elected, ex- 1,311; AUen, Alliance, 742. Tha Republi- publican. ability in favor of the Republicans. To cept Nuzum. for clerk of tho district court, cans elect both representatives by about Ninth district Lewis Payson, Republi- secure a majority on joint ballot, tho Dem- MONTANA. who is beaten by Bayless. Republican, by 200 majority, each. can. t, ocrats require sixty-efgh- and the Repub- Helena, Mont, Nov. 5. The returns fifty majority. In the Twenty-thir- d rep- MIAMI. Tenth district Philip S. Post, Republi- licans sixt3-tw- as the Republicans resentative Forney is elected. In other ELECTION RETURNS FROM THE can. are coming in very slowly, but all combine THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION the Paola, Kan., Nov. 5. Miami country have nineteen senators and the Democrats to show heavy Democratic gains. Secre- IS district Wm. Rice is elected over Gen. will give Humphrey 100 to 125 plurality Eleventh district Benjamin x COUNTRY AT LARGE. T. Cable, thirteeen. It looks, therefore, like a tie on tary Steele of the Democratic central com- Rice by twenty-si- majority. over Willits, and anston, for congress, Democrat. joint de- THE SUNFLOWER STATE. i ballot. A United States senator 0. Twefth district mittee, claims the state for Dixon, by SHAWNEE. 73 to 100 over Allen. Brown, Republican, Scott Wike, Democrat. pends upon the result. elected county attorney. Re- Thirteenth UTICA, TOPEKA, Nov. 5. This city nnd county is Zecher, district William M. Spring- N. Y., Nov. 5. Returns from Helena, Mont , Nov. 5. Both parties publican, is elected superintendent. Tho er, Democrat. Cooperstown are to the effect that Van-hor- elect the entire Republican ticket by a Fourteenth claim the election of congressmen and the small majority one Alliance elects the balance of tho ticket, The Author of the McKinley Tariff district Owen Scott, Demo- Democrat, is elected to congress in state ticket by a majority of from 2,000 to of a few hundred, save including tho two representatives. crat. Twenty-fourt- h The Republican State Organization namely, the district. 5.000. representative to the legislature, Baker, s, LYON. Bill Retired to Private Life Fifteenth district T. Busey, Democrat. New Yore, Nov. 5. New York's delega- Helena, Mont., Nov. 5. With all the fusion candidate and Fifty-secon- Wrecked by the Farmers' is Sixteenth district George W. Fithian, tion in the d congress, should counties heard from save two. allowing who elected over Van OisdaL The state EurORlA. Kan,, Nov. 5. Harrison Kolly, After a Hard Struggle. Democrat. Coombs be defeated, will consist of twenty the Republicans the same majorities they Alliance Upheaval. returns have a decided lean for Willits. Republican, will iosa Lyon county by from Seventeenrh district Edward Lane, Democrats and fourteen Republicans. and tho defeat of three and possibly four TlWtoSOO. prob- had last year, Dixon, .Democrat, is electea Moon- Warner, Republican, is Democrat. This just reverses the position of the two of five Republican congressman. Peo- to congress by 450 over Carter, Republican. light ably elected to the legislature. The Eighteenth district William S. Fore- parties as represented in the Fifty-firs- t The Democrats have elected four senators, beats Broderick in the First district. ple's ticket has carried everything in Lyon man, Republican. congress, where Republicans have Dais defeats Phillips m the Fifth, and Cannon Snowed Under in the State of Illi- the the Republicans two, with two in doubt. county. Kelly ran ahead ot his ticket; but Nineteenth district James R. Williams, twenty and the Democrats fourteen. says re- NcNall is beaten in the Sixth. In the not carry county. The Rep. state committee it will SizOutof Seven Congressman Elected by Seventh Hallowell concedes Simpson will the nois The New York State Legislature Democrat. New Yore, Nov. 5. Francis M. Scott, quire official count to decide the con- that George the is elected by 3,000 majority. The chair- OSBORNE. Twentieth district R, Smith, the defeated candidate for mayor on the though Demo-Allian- ce Doubt ITobraska gressional result, it claims the tha Combinations The man of the People's party claims to have in Doubtful. Republican. fusion ticket, speaking of the election day, 12-- Osborne, Kau., Nov. 5. Returns from state for Carter by The same commit- received returns 160,000 Chicago, Nov.5. Senator Calvin S.Brice attributed his defeat to the tee claims the election of five Republican Return ofIngalls a Matter of Doubt. from voters, which all but two townships in Osborno county telegraphs Chairman Phelps, of the Cen- feeling which, he said, was stronger in senators. would give Willits 1,000 plnrality. The elect the entire People's ticket oy majori- tral Democratic committee: "Congratula- this city than in any other part of the Republican committee claims that ties ranging from 200 to 500. Baker, Peo- tions. Ohio elects fourteen Democratic country. ARKANSAS. on joint ballot in the legislature, cougress, The Republicans Save a Congressman in ple's candidate for carries tho congressmen, a gain of nine. McKinley Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 5. The ballot Ingalls will havo a majority. county by Willits will havo 5ft) rotes Missouri and Claim Two in Arkansaw and Foster both defeated." MASSACHUSETTS. box and returns of Spring Creek township, The Race for Governor Narrowing Down to saline. over Humphrey.i, The Robinson vote was Chicago, n. 5. Nov. The Democrats do Boston, Nov. For the congressional Lee county, have been stolen. This town- Humphrey and Wiilita. With the SALINA, Kan., Nov. 5. Complete re- about 150. The Illinois Legislature in Doubt not concede that the Republicans have districts the certainties at 2:30 a, m. were: ship gave Featherstone, the Republican turns of Saline county on governor givo FRANKLIN. carried the Illinois general assembly on Randall, Republican. With Chances in favor of First candidate for congress, 250 majority. Chances Decideldy in Favor of Humphrey 1,050, Willits 1.620, Robinson Ottawa, Kan., Nov. 5. Total voteoC joint ballot and the result, seems greatly Second Morse, Republican. Nov. 5. Re- Rock, Ark., The Fun-sto- 805. Davis for congress is elected by about county on governor: Humphrey Democrats. doubt. General M. Third Andrew, Democrat. Little the Latter Foghorn n Franklin the in John Palmer, the publican State committee, from facts and 5,000 majority. 1,?j0, Robinson 7JW, Wililts l.SUt. Ou Democratic unty candidate for United States Fourth O'Neill, Democrat. estimates made upon the September vote, Goes it Alone-Co- Salina, Kan., Nov. 5. Complete unof- congressman: Funston 1.1S2, Allen 1,940, senator, telegraphs the Associated Fifth Hoar, Democrat. allowing the same per cent of loss and ficial returns from this county give Willits 710. Press as follows: is Sixth Lodge, Republican. Returns, Chapman The only man eleoted on "My information yet gains as is shown from returns received, a plurality of 003 over Hunipnrey, with the Republican ticket was ono com- too meagre to express an opinion on the Seventh Cogswell, Republican. Langley Sec- Alli-nuc- CAKTOX, O., Nov. 5. At noon today the claim the election of in the Robinson a close third. John Davis, missioner. result ot the election." Eighth Stevens, Democrat. ond district by ieast 350 majority. The of S16. revised figures on fifty-eig- of sixty-fou- r at for congress, has a plurality DBCATUR. Chicago, Nov. n. Later returns from Twelfth Crosby, Democrat. chairman of the Republican Congressional P. H. Dolan, Alliance, for legislature, has precincts In Stark county, and close esti- 5. agent - tho Sixteenth congressional district of Tho districts remaining were the Ninth, committee telegraphs from Helena that Kansas Citt, Nov. The of tha majority of b5, with the eutire Alliance Oberlin, Kan.. Nov.- 5. Returns arc mates on the balance of the county give indicate that the Democratic con- Tenth and Eleventh, and the results were New York Associated Press and the West- nartiaKy in on tho state nnd county tiokot. gain of 2.03S plural- Featherstone has carried the First district. county ticket elected by nearly the same McKinley a net and a gressman, Fithian, has been defeated by in doubt. ern Press, tonight sent the fol- The Republican tickot Is hopelessly ity of 1,306. This makes t le Republican Associated majority. lleeder, the Farmers' Mutual Benefit can- The Ninth district is very close. In the TENNESSEE. lowing dispatch summarizing tho Kansas brown. buried beneath the combined Alliance anil pluralities in Stark and "Wnyne counties didate, by a majority of 230. prob- Tenth Walker, Republican, appears Democratic vote. Out of 1,860 votes cast This is to be Tenn., Nov. 5. Returns on ofucical, re- 2,341. Holmes county has not changed the Dom-ocra- Nashville, election, as follows: Based Hiawatha, Knn., Nov. 5. Complete ably correct, and leaves the delegation, elected. In the Eleventh, Coohdge, t, from yesterday's election are coming In tho Republicans will probably have 450 estimate of 2,010 for Warwick, Mckinley eleven Democrats, eight Republicans and seems to be elected on a very close unofficial and estimated returns, the Re- turns show that all the Republican candi- votes.
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