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' •:• w'7 pis ''...' o- ra',, y V6-'!!- 3., . ^ j"` w cFi.:+ 15) Cdd. xMtP •..\mAj Raat44tshM TOWN OF NORFOLK 120th ANNUAL REPORT YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 1990 OUR TOWN SETTLED: 1678 DOG LICENSES: 1870 INCORPORATED: All licenses expire December 31. 7856 POPULATION: A dog must belicensed if over 6 month old. 2238 MCI POPULATION: Fee: Spayed Female & Neutered Male $ 6. 00 AREA: 15 Square Miles Female & Male $ 10. 00 LOCATION: 20 miles south of Boston Penalty for relicensing $ 25. 00 22 miles north of Providence Please show evidence of current rabies innooulation BOUNDED BY: Foxboro, Franklin, Medfield Medway, Millis, Walpole, and Wrentham SCHOOLS: 220 ELEVATION: Freeman, K- 3 VOTERS: 4524 Centennial, 4- 6 TAX RATE: $ 10. 14 per $ 1, 000 King Philip Regional Jr High, 7- 8 VALUATION: $ 602, 174, 559 King Philip Regional Sr High, 9- 12 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS: 2382 Tri County Vocational Regional Technical School 9- 12 MOTOR VEHICLES REGISTERED: 7833 Norfolk County Agrioultrural School, 9- 12 FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Board of Selectmen, Open Town Meeting RECREATION: PAVED ROAD MILES 75 Sponsors various preschool, youth and adult programs. Aerobics, Volleyball, BUDGET: Basketball, Swimming lessons, Arts and Crafts, General Government $ 830, 341. 00 . 09 Community Day, Senior Citizens Barbeque. Public Safety 1, 425, 666. 00 . 15 Health and Sanitation 160, 760. 00 . 017 TRANSPORTATION: Highways 873, 009. 00 . 10 Train service daily to Boston, Cemetery 11, 969. 00 . 0012 One taxi cab company Veteran' s Services 7, 961. 00 . 0008 Schools: 4, 714, 919. 00 . 50 SENATORS IN CONGRESS Norfolk Elementary Edward M. Kennedy Tel:( 617) 565- 3170 2, 903, 873. 00 JFK Building, Room 409, Boston 02203 King Philip Regional 1, 719, 659. 00 John F. Kerry Tel:( 617) 565- 8519 Tri County Regional Transportation Bldg - Rm 3220 Vocational Technical 10 Park Plaza, Boston 02116 Sohool: $ 91, 387. 00 Council on Aging 41, 266. 00 . 004 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Library 181, 685. 00 . 019 Joseph D. Early Tel:( 508) 752- 6718 Recreation 23, 532. 00 . 002 3rd Congressional District Debts and Interest 361, 963. 00 . 038 34 Mechanic St, Rm 203 Worcester, MA 01608 Unclassified 213, 918. 00 . 023 Employee Benefits 574, 000. 00 . 06 STATE SENATOR Tel:( 617) 722- 1515 David H. Locke - Wellesley, 9, 420, 989. 00 Norfolk, Bristol, Middlesex State House - Rm 6 Boston, MA 02133 Water Dept. Expenses* 406, 447. 00 Transferred from Water STATE REPRESENTATIVE Tel:( 617 722- 2227 Revenue/ other Sources Francis H. Woodward - Walpole 9th Norfolk Debt & Interest 84, 772. 00 State House - Rm 478, Boston, MA 02133 Sub Total 491, 219. 00 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Tel: ( 617) 461- 6105 James J. Collins 9, 912, 208. 00 TOTAL Mary P... Collins Bruce D. Olsen SHERRIFF NORFOLK COUNTY Tel: ( 617) 329- 6730 PUBLIC SAFETY Clifford H. Marshall Full Time Police Department 528- 3232 Call Fire Department 528- 3232 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Tel: ( 24- Hour Ambulance 528- 3232 617) 329- 5440 William D. Delahunt Full Time Highway Department 528- 4990 QUALIFICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION AREA HOSPITALS: AS VOTERS: Must be 18 years of age, Southwood Community Hospital, Norfolk Norwood Hospital, Norwood American born or fully naturalized. Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Attleboro Registration: Monday through Friday Milford- Whitinsville Regional Hospital, Milford 8: 00 am to 3: 00 pm; Wednesday 7: 00 pm to 8: 00 pm, at Town Clerk' s office: CHURCHES: Special evening sessions for regis- The Federated Church of Norfolk - tration of voters held by Registrars preceding elections. Interdenominational St. Jude'* Catholic TAX BILLS: Tax Bills are paid semi- Emmanuel Baptist annually. First payment is due on LIBRARY: Main Street, 528- 3380 November first, or thirty days from mailing of bill, whichever is latest. ABSENTEE VOTING: All Elections If unpaid by due date, interest will be added according to law from October first. The second payment is due on May 1. If unpaid on May 1, interest will be added according to law from April 1. Motor vehicle excise bills and water bills are due thirty days from date of issue . CONTENTS WN OFFICERS 1 HUMAN RESOURCES Board of Health 79 NERAL GOVERNMENT Council on Aging 79 rd of Selectmen 7 Housing Authority 80 rn Clerk 9 Norfolk Mental Health Association 80 rn Meetings 11 Self Help, Inc. 81 e Primary Elections 38 e Elections 46 NATURAL RESOURCES AND RECREATION riputer Systems Committee 48 Conservation Commission 82 zens Action Committee 48 Recreation Commission 82 rn Counsel 48 rd of Registrars 49 FINANCES Assessor 83 2 3LIC SAFETY Treasurer 86 ce Department 59 Town Accountant 88 Department 51 Advisory Board 103 Police Communications 53 Tax Collector 104 ding Department 53 Warden 54 REVALUATION OF PROPERTIES 1990 105 hway Department 54 mal Control Officer 54 WARRANT FOR 1991 TOWN MEETING 139 JCATION, LIBRARY, ARTS INFORMATION borical Commission 55 Town Government 149 nary Trustees 55 Town Meeting Procedure 149 Index 151 ary 55 folk Public Schools 57 Town Statistics Inside Front Cover CoPhilip Regional Schools 64 Town Departments Outside Back Cover unty Regional Vocational Technical School 70 - Sanitary Landfill Hours Outside Back Cover 3rd. Fire Alarm Boxes Outside Back Cover NNING AND DEVELOPMENT ening Board 73 fir Review Board 74 1 h y, g Board of Appeals 74 ung Bylaw Study Committee 75 a Committee 75 nanent Building Committee 76 1 i Or Department 77 ss F N kN I I i i I; il er, Cook's Farm District School on Diamond Street American Felt Mill at City Mills rh Acquisitionf ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS 4ICERS TERM EXPIRES OFFICERS TERM EXPIRES IDERATOR RECREATION COMMISSION Frank J. Gross 1991 Thomas F. Terpstra 1993 Ann S. Willever 1991 kRD OF SELECTMEN Michael W.Hurley 1992 Fred L. Pfischner 1991 Patricia B. Small 1992 Frank A. Gaynor, III 1992 E. Kurt Czarnowski 1993 Maureen McPike 1993 NORFOLK SCHOOL COMMITTEE ATN CLERK Jane P. Morris 1991 Alice S. Boschen 1993 Martha J. Donovan 1993 Rosemarie B. McQuillan 1993 COLLECTOR Adeline M. Bee 1991 Marlene Craig 1992 James C. Lehan 1992 iASURER TRI-COUNTY VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL Thomas P Crane 1992 SCHOOL COMMITTEE Melvin C. Long 1995 RD OF ASSESORS i M. Maureen Morrison 1993 KING PHILIP REGIONAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE John G. Robbins 1991 Marilyn S. Eden 1991 l Donna L. Putt 1992 James E. McCormack 1993 A, James C. Lehan 1991 Oio ARD OF HEALTH f', Albert G. Andersen 1993 HOUSING AUTHORITY Thomas R. Gilbert 1991 Russell M. Arnold 1991 kili 4 1993 Laurence M. Magner 1992 Bruce A. Simpson dd Melvin C. Long 1993 Iar. tARY TRUSTEES James M. Phelan 1992 Frances M. Holman 1991 *** Walter Zagieboylo 1993 Thomas P. Gorman 1992 P Harvey R. Boulay 1993 TREE WARDEN 1 Kenneth E. Tripp 1991 E' ER COMMISSIONERS l'' J'. Donna L. Putt 1993 CONSTABLES George J. Murray 1991 Nelson R. Hill 1992 lames F Leary,Jr. 1992 Robert L. Smith 1992 I f i' NNLNG BOARD Susan Caplan 1992 Daniel B. Winslow 1991 II' Robert E. Nicodemus 1993 Alexander J. Vispoli 1992 Michael S. Barad 1993 1 ' i Governor' s Appointee F. 1 k En APPOINTED TOWN OFFICERS t OFFICERS TERM EXPJR OFFICERS TERM EXPIRES TOWN CLERK APPOINTMENT MODERATOR APPOINTMENTS ADVISORY BOARD ASSISTANT TOWN CLERK 1992 Leo F. Fliger Mary Jane Masty l'' 1991 Robert D. Kelleher ASSESSORS' APPOINTMENT 1991 Marjorie H. Cavanaugh Franklin D. Lukowicz 1991 ASSISTANT ASSESSOR Harish A. Patel 1992 1992 1 Warren A. Pezold Karen J. Granito Walter Costello 1993 1991 John J. Czyzewski LIBRARY TRUSTEES APPOINTMENTS Patricia Brewer 1992 Yaffa M. Dratrnan 1993 1993 LIBRARY DIRECTOR Girard L. St.Amand Interim Director- Francena M. Johnson PERSONNEL BOARD TECHNICAL SERVICES Steven A. Clem 1993 Marion T. Graham Suzanne B. Feingold 1991 CHILDREN' S LIBRARIAN Elinor H. Pearson 1993 Merrilee A.
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