Public Document Pack NHS TAMESIDE AND GLOSSOP CCG GOVERNING BODY MEETING Day: Wednesday Date: 9 June 2021 Time: 4.30 pm Place: Webcast Item AGENDA Page No. No PART A 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES – DR ASAD ALI 2. CCG ANNUAL SUBMISSION - DAVID SWIFT *REPORTS TO FOLLOW * 1 - 4 a) STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE TO AUDITORS b) CCG ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2020-21 SIGN OFF c) CCG ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21 d) CCG ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 5 - 6 4. CONSIDERATION OF ANY ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS – DR ASAD ALI 5. DRAFT MINUTES OF THE GOVERNING BODY MEETING HELD IN PUBLIC 7 - 10 ON 26 MAY 2021 – DR ASAD ALI 6. ACTIONS ARISING – DR ASAD ALI 11 - 14 7. ANY ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2021 AT 1PM From: Tameside and Glossop CCG – any further information may be obtained from the reporting officer or from Jayne Somerville 0161 342 5609, to whom any apologies for absence should be notified. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2 Draft minutes of the Extra-ordinary Governing Body meeting held on 26 May 2021 Microsoft Teams Video Conference meeting Part A Present Dr Asad Ali Co-Chair / GP Member **Chaired meeting ** Dr Christine Ahmed GP Member – Starting Well Dr Kate Hebden GP Member – Primary Care Dr Tim Hendra Secondary Care Consultant Ms Karen Huntley Lay Member for Public and Patient Involvement Dr Vinny Khunger GP Member – Mental Health Mr Steven Pleasant Accountable Officer, NHS Tameside and Glossop CCG and Chief Executive, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Ms Carole Prowse Lay Member for Commissioning Dr Ashwin Ramachandra Co-Chair / GP Member – Living Well Mrs Kathy Roe Director of Finance Mr David Swift Lay Member for Governance In attendance Mrs Gill Gibson Director of Quality and Safeguarding Mrs Joanne Keast Executive Support Manager Mrs Jayne Somerville Executive Support - Note taker Mrs Julie Speakman Head of Executive Support Mrs Jessica Williams Director of Commissioning Councillor Becki Woods Representing Derbyshire County Council Apologies Dr Jeanelle DeGruchy Director of Public Health Ms Clare Todd Governing Body Nurse 1 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES A Ali welcomed the members to the extra-ordinary meeting of the Governing Body, which was taking place virtually, and which had been arranged to formally receive correspondence from Derby and Derbyshire CCG and to agree Tameside and Glossop’s response. A Ali advised members that given it was a public meeting, the meeting was being webcast. Apologies were noted from C Todd and J DeGruchy. 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Governing Body received the Register of Interests as at 30 April 2021. The Chair invited colleagues to advise of any amendments to the Register of Interest over and above those already formally notified to the CCG. 1 Page 1 Name Position Held Declared Interest Type of Interest Nature of the Interest Action to Mitigate Risk None raised 3 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE GOVERNING BODY MEETING HELD ON 19 MAY 2021 A Ali invited the Governing Body members to comment upon the accuracy of the draft minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2021. The minutes of the Governing Body meeting held on 19 May 2021 were agreed as a correct record. 4 ACTIONS ARISING Action 07: LeDeR Annual Report to be referenced within the Terms of Reference for the CCG’s Quality Performance and Assurance Group G Gibson confirmed that the terms of reference will be ratified at the next Quality Performance and Assurance Group. Action 08: Need to discuss how the CCG is addressing support to vulnerable patients awaiting treatment Meeting to be scheduled between J Williams and G Gibson to take this forward. 5 DERBYSHHIRE INTEGRATED CARE SYSTEM (ICS) BOUNDARIES The Governing Body received a paper to aid discussion in agreeing Tameside and Glossop’s response to correspondence received from Dr Chris Clayton, Accountable Office and Chief Executive, Derby and Derbyshire CCG. The letter from Dr Clayton dated 17 May 2021 invites NHS Tameside and Glossop CCG to share its views on the alignment of geographical local authority boundaries in relation to the development of the Derbyshire Integrated Care System. A response is required by 1 June 2021. S Pleasant made reference to The White Paper: “Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all” - published in February 2021 which sets out legislative proposals for changes to the health care system. He highlighted the main change being the introduction of a statutory Integrated Care System (ICS), an NHS body which is suggested as being coterminous with Local Authority boundaries. S Pleasant highlighted that Glossop currently sits within Greater Manchester ICS; however there has been a request for it to be considered to move to Derbyshire ICS. The CCG will therefore need to consider Glossop’s boundary position and whether or not it is in the best interest of the patient that Glossop remains within NHS Tameside and Glossop CCG, or if it should move to NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG. It was the general consensus of the Governing Body that if it is required to make such a significant decision which could impact on the public and patients of Glossop, then there needs to be a clear process of engagement and consultation with the public and stakeholders, and with more time allowed in which to do this. 2 Page 2 J Williams confirmed that engagement letters have already been issued to stakeholders in this respect. She advised of the need to fully consider what the implications are in relation to the proposed change. She emphasised the need for any changes to be clearly understood with residents being assured that if Glossop were to be included in a Derbyshire Integrated Care System (ICS), they could continue to access healthcare from Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust and that healthcare outcomes would not be negatively affected. J Williams reminded the Governing Body of the need to take into consideration dentists, pharmacists and optometrists. The Governing Body reflected on the successful Covid Vaccination Programme and it recognised that this could not have been as successful without collaboration and that Glossop has been included in every step. Councillor Woods informed the Governing Body that the general feedback from Glossop residents is that they do not wish to move into a Derbyshire ICS and that they consider this to be a financial decision. She offered her assistance to Tameside and Glossop with its consultation process. K Huntley highlighted the need for any engagement process to be inclusive; recognising the voice of those not digitally able. She also asked colleagues to be mindful of how an engagement process will be conducted during Covid times. The Governing Body: - accepted the recommendations; and - agreed the following response to be sent to from the CCG’s Accountable Officer to Derby and Derbyshire CCG: “Due to the need for a greater understanding of the impacts of any boundary change on the residents of Glossop in particular but also on those remaining in Tameside, much wider engagement is required. Advantages and disadvantages for moving to the Derbyshire ICS should be considered and should a boundary change be recommended, suitable mitigations can then be designed and implemented to counter any challenges. The work arounds to ensure broad consistent health service provision for Tameside and for Glossop residents have taken years to develop and finesse. These may not be perfect and all recognise the benefits of improving working arrangements between health, social care and wider determinants for health. But these working arrangements need clarity of vision, clear benefits realisation and appropriate planning and without these, our desire is to take more time to consider these aspects, engage more widely and agree a fuller, more considered process”. 6 GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS FOR FUTURE CCG MEETINGS The Governing Body received a report which set out proposals on how the CCG intends to manage its meetings for the remainder of the financial year. The Governing Body was advised of the change in legislation for all Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels to revert back to face to face meetings with the easing of lockdown. However, the Governing Body was asked to consider the recommendations within the report which proposes for CCG meetings to continue to be held in a virtual setting. 3 Page 3 S Pleasant confirmed that the recommendations had received the support of Full Council at its recent meeting and as a partner to the Strategic Commissioning Board. The Governing Body supported the following recommendations: - to hold all future Governing Body meetings in a virtual setting - to continue live webcasting of the Governing Body meetings in public - to hold all future Primary Care Committee meetings in a virtual setting - to continue live webcasting of the Primary Care Committee meetings in public - to continue all future CCG Committee, Board, Group meetings in a virtual setting - to hold the Strategic Commissioning Board virtually until further notice, and for any formal decisions arising from the published agenda be delegated to the Chair of the Strategic Commissioning Board, taking into account the prevailing view of the virtual meeting. 7 ANY ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS There were no additional items of urgent business. 8 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting in public of the Governing Body is scheduled for Wednesday 9 June 2021. It was noted that this meeting is to be a single item agenda to approve the CCG’s Annual Accounts, Annual
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