INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN OF MISSIONARY RESEARCH CUMULATIVEINDEX-VOLUMES~8 January 1981 through October 1984 Vol. 5 is 1981; 6 is 1982; 7 is 1983; 8 is 1984 (Pages 1-48 are in the January issue; pp. 49-96 are in the April issue; pp. 97-144 are in the July issue; pp. 145-192 are in the October issue.) ARTICLES Are Churches Building Mission Consciousness? Education for Mission Evaluated, by Introduction, by William R. Hutchison, 6:50-51. Ward L. Kaiser, 7: 163-164. I. The Germans, by Hans-Werner Gensichen, 6:52-53. Beyond Liberation Theology: Evangelical Missiology in Latin America, by Samuel II. The Americans, by Charles W. Forman, 6:54-56. Escobar, 6: 108-114. III. The Scandinavians, by Torben Christensen, 6:57-59. Bread for the World: Clear Command, Complicated Task, by Arthur Simon, 5:22­ IV. The British, by Andrew F. Walls, 6:60-64. 23. V. Comment, by William R. Hutchison, 6:64-65. The Challenge to Anthropology to Current Missiology, by G. Linwood Barney, Evangelization from the Inside: Reflections from a Prison Cell, by Mortimer Arias, 5: 172-177. 5:98-101. Checklist of Fifty Selected Films for Mission Studies, by Norman A. Horner, 6: 172­ Faith and Pluralism in Global Mission Experience, by Melinda Roper, M.M., 8:2. 176. Fifteen Outstanding Books of 1980 for Mission Studies, 5:35. Checklist of 40 Selected Periodicals in English from Mission Agencies and Institu­ Fifteen Outstanding Books of 1981 for Mission Studies, 6:39. tions, by Gerald H. Anderson, 5:27-28. Fifteen Outstanding Books of 1982 for Mission Studies, 7:35. Chinese National Christian Conference (Nanking, October 6-13, 1980) creates China Fifteen Outstanding Books of 1983 for Mission Studies, 8:36. Christian Council and elects officers, 5:87. Fifteen Theses About China, the Church, and Christian Mission Today, by Donald Chinese Protestant Three-Self Patriotic Movement, National Committee, selects of­ MacInnis, 5:77. ficers in 1980, and reactivates publication of Tianfeng, 5:87. The First Protestant Missionary Effort: Why Did It Fail? by Amy Glassner Gordon, Christian Conversion in Rwanda: The Motivations, by G. Jan van Butselaar, 5: 111­ 8:12-18. 113. Five Statistical Eras of Global Mission: A Thesis and Discussion, by David B. Barrett, Christian Missions--Survival in What Forms? by Ted Ward, 6:2-3. 8: 160-169. Christian Witness in the State of Israel Today, by Ray G. Register, Jr., 7: 16-1 8. The Future of Christian Mission in Lebanon, by Norman A. Horner, 8: 146-149. Christianity and Judaism: Continuity and Discontinuity, by W. S. Campbell, 8:54­ Gowing, Peter G. [Obituary], 7: 154. 58. Hanlon, Sr. Margaret [Obituary], 7:94. Church Growth as a Multidimensional Phenomenon: Some Lessons from Chile, by The Horizontal and the Vertical in Mission: An African Perspective, by Lamin San­ Orlando E. Costas, 5:2-8. neh, 7:165-171. Conversion in Cultural Context, by John A. Gration, 7: 157-162. Hornus, Dr. Jean-Michel [Obituary], 6: 171. Cross-currents in Ecumenical and Evangelical Understandings of Mission, by Lesslie Human Rights and Interreligious Dialogue: The Challenge to Mission in a Pluralistic Newbigin, 6: 146-1 51. World, by David Hollenbach, S.]., 6:98-101. Current Trends in North American Protestant Ministries Overseas, by Samuel Wil­ International Bulletin of Missionary Research announces an international panel of con­ son, 5:74-75. tributing editors, 5:42. de Silva, Dr. Lynn A. [Obituary], 7:94. The International Student Consultation on Frontier Missions, Edinburgh, Scotland The Development of Guidelines on Missionary Involvement in Social-Justice and Hu­ (Oct. 26-Nov.l, 1980), 5:90. man-Rights Issues, by Committee for East Asia and the Pacific, Division of The Involvement of Roman Catholic Women in Mission since 1965, by Mary Motte, Overseas Ministries, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the F.M.M., 8:9-10. U.S.A., 6:9-12. Language Learning Is Communication-Is Ministry! by E. Thomas Brewster and Dialogue and the Politicization of Religions in India, by Stanley J. Samartha, 8:104­ Elizabeth S. Brewster, 6: 160-164. 107. The Legacy of Florence Allshorn, by Eleanor Brown, 8:24-28. Discipleship and Domination: Mission, Power, and the Christian Encounter with The Legacy ofJohan Herman Bavinck, by]. van den Berg, 7:171-175. China, by Richard P. Madsen, 5:55-58. The Legacy of William Owen Carver, by Hugo H. Culpepper, 5:119-122. Eastern Orthodox Mission Theology, by James Stamoolis, 8:59-63. The Legacy ofT.C. Chao, by Winfried Gluer, 6:165-169. Ecclesiastical Tension in Tanzania, by Per Hassing, 5:25-27. The Legacy of Paul David Devanandan, by Creighton Lacy, 5: 18-21. Ecumenical Considerations on Jewish-Christian Dialogue, by Executive Committee, The Legacy of Walter Freytag, by Hans-Werner Gensichen, 5:13-18. World Council of Churches, 7:20-23. [The Legacy of Temple Gairdner] Temple Gairdner's Legacy, by Kenneth Cragg, Ecumenical Sharing of Resources: A Message to the Churches, by Central Committee, 5:164-167. World Council of Churches, 5: 123-124. The Legacy of Karl Hartenstein, by Gerold Schwarz, 8:125-131. Ethical Decision-making and the Missionary Role, by Robert L. Ramseyer, 6: 114­ The Legacy of A. G. Hogg, by Eric J. Sharpe, 6:65-69. 118. The Legacy ofE. Stanley Jones, by Richard W. Taylor, 6:102-107. An Evangelical Comment on the "Guidelines" [on Missionary Involvement in Social­ The Legacy of Frank Charles Laubach, by Peter G. Gowing, 7:58-62. Justice and Human-Rights Issues], by W. Dayton Roberts, 6: 12-13. The Legacy of John R. Mott, by C. Howard Hopkins, 5:70-73. Evangelism: A Disciplinary Approach, by David Lowes Watson, 7:6-9: The Legacy ofD. T. Niles, by Creighton Lacy, 8:174-178. Evangelization and Civilization: Protestant Missionary Motivation in the Imperialist The Legacy of J. H. Oldham, by Kathleen Bliss, 8: 18-24. Era, 6:50-65. The Legacy of William Paton, by Eleanor M . Jackson, 7: 11-1 5. 184 International Bulletin of Missionary Research The Legacy of Arthur Tappan Pier~n, by Dana L. Robert, 8: 120-125. The Protestant Predicament: From Base Ecclesial Community to Established The Legacy of Karl Ludvig Reichelt, by Notto R. TheIle, 5:65-70. Church-A Brazilian Case Study, by Guillermo Cook, 8:98-102. The Legacy ofH. P. S. Schreuder, by Olav Guttorm Myklebust, 8:70-74. Reader's Response [to "Doctoral Dissertations on Mission," July 1983], by Stephen The Legacy of Robert Streit, Johannes Dindinger, and Johannes Rommerskirchen, by L. Peterson, 8:40. Willi Henkel, O.M.I., 6:16-21. Reader's Response [to Ray G. Register, Jr.'s article on "Christian Witness in the State The Legacy of J. Hudson Taylor, by Herbert Kane, 8:74-78. of Israel Today"], by Carl F. H. Henry, 7:180. The Legacy of Max Warren, by F. W. Dillistone, 5: 114-117. Reader's Response [to Ward L. Kaiser's article on "Are Churches Building Mission Library and Archival Resources of the Billy Graham Center, by Robert Shuster, Consciousness?"], by Alice Maclin, 8:86-87. 5: 124-126. Religious Pluralism and the Mission of the Church, by Charles W. Forman, 6:5-9. Many Taiwans and Lordship Evangelism, by Harvie M. Conn, 5:9-12. Reply to Carl F. H. Henry [who responded to his article on "Christian Witness in the Margull, Dr. Hans-Jochen [Obituary], 6: 171. State of Israel Today"], by Ray G. Register, Jr., 7: 180. Maryknoll announces fourth annual (1981-1982) Walsh-Price Fellowship Grants, Reply to Alice Maclin [who responded to his article on "Are Churches Building Mis­ 5:183. sion Consciousness?"], by Ward L. Kaiser, 8:-87. Maryknoll announces Fifth Annual (1982-1983) Walsh-Price Fellowshop Grants, Reply to Paul G. Schrotenboer and C. Peter Wagner [concerning their critique of his 6: 104-105. "Cross-currents in Ecumenical and Evangelical Understandings of Mis­ Maryknoll China History Project, 6: 170-171. sion"], by Lesslie Newbigin, 6:154-155. Mellis, CharlesJ. [Obituary], 6:171. Responses to the Article by Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden, by William R. Burrows Message from Melbourne 1980, by World Council of Churches' Conference on and David M. Howard, 7:156-157. World Mission and Evangelism, 5:29. Responses to Lesslie Newbigin's "Cross-currents in Ecumenical and Evangelical Un­ Ministry to Missionaries on Furlough: The Overseas Ministries Study Center, 1922­ derstandings of Mission," by Paul G. Schrotenboer, 6: 152-153; by C. Pe­ 1983, by Robert T. Coote, 7:53-58. ter Wagner, 6: 153-154. Mission Agencies as Multinationals, by Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden, 7: 152-1 55. The Role of North Americans in the Future of the Missionary Enterprise, by Jorge Mission and Evangelism-An Ecumenical Affirmation, by World Council of Lara-Brand, 7:2-5. Churches, 7:65-71. Roles of Married Women Missionaries: A Case Study, by Joyce M. Bowers, 8:4-7. Mission in a Repressive Society: The Christian Institute of Southern Africa, by Peter Roman Catholic Approaches to Other Religions: Developments and Tensions, by Paul Walshe, 5: 146-152. F. Knitter, 8:50-54. Mission Today and Tomorrow: A Conversation with Emilio Castro, 5: 108-111. A Roman Catholic Comment on the "Guidelines" [on Missionary Involvement in So­ Missionary Repatriation: An Introduction to the Literature, by Clyde N. Austin and cial-Justice and Human-Rights Issues], by Simon E. Smith, S.J., 6: 13-14. John Beyer, 8:68-70. Rufus Anderson and Henry Venn: A Special Relationship? by Wilbert R. Shenk, More Cross-Currents in Mission, by Geevarghese Mar Osthathios, 7: 175-176. 5: 168-172.
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