i t - :V ■•rr- ... • - v_;1' j ■ - v. ■: !• 4 ■ j 'P All the ,; Local News FOURTEENTH YEAR. NQ. 212. ASBURY PARK, NEW' -JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1900. PRICE ONE CENT FOR SAL® v YOU , WON'T A splendid property Board of Assessors Add 90 Cents THINK . on Asbury Avenue, Over. Last Year. If you investigate the Al- , . second block from lenhurst corner . residence ji [J.!:! Chief Executive of Bradley jleach STATE SCHOOL LITTLE LOWER Swallows Dose of Carbolic Acid ,, oceain.; A decided ' Council Session by BGt? Physicians by Hard-— properly, two, lots, keht- i i,;' Non-Attendance.' Aabury Park’s Increase Ih. Valuation I-chh '. Work Save His Life. :ing for $^50 thatij the ^ bargain for some- , Than 19100,000 — Neptune Township .' body, tall and get About #2C,OOO—Deal .Fights a, liaise. ‘Milan iRoss Agenjrjr; are FORMER FRIENDS'ESTRANGED Lively 13ncounter Betweon Board and SAID TO BE THIRD ATTEMPT offering for sale at iii^OpOi particulars. AaMCHBor of. Brattiey 'Bench. 1 / Councllmon Claim Tlmt Statement* Mado Tho 28 assessor.'t/not a t Freehold yester-^ Arrested on Charge of rcrsiHtcntly Annoy- a bargain, . ' ; ‘ ‘ • ’ by Mayor llogera to Summer Kealtfents day topxamino i>nd pass, upon tho vuluu- ' ing Voung Mnrrio^Voiiinn of Thin City; . ' YOU Misrepresents Their Attitude oi\ Im­ tions of tho different munioipaUtibs’ropre- ' Through' FalKO StorJea He Tries tO In- D ik : COVERT portant. Borough. Matters—Tho Cburt’a so 11 feed arid dotqrmi’no the rate ot—tho, cluee H er to. T.eave Iier llu»buml aml AW M ay 7)e In vok ed . county tax and tho state school taxJ ^ .Home. • •* , ’ a WILL T ho. form er -Was. placed a t $<).0JJ and tho 208 Bond Street, Although there were numerous matters Arthur IlpUlun ol Xoivnrk, self stylud 1 -KNOW latter at tho former being somewhat ^fluHnpion^l)igli=<llvep^of^4h^f=-worhl-rfit— - <>fUmpttPtance49Hhe^nflideratfe!r^£‘tfiet higher than last year, tho latter somewhat Asbury Park, J. Bradioy Bench council last night, ‘tlicro tempted to commit suicide last night In a loss.. 1 .. J IT Wiia no .mooting of that body, for reasons cellk in.Park hall, where lie had been con­ best known to Mayor A* T. Itogors. I’he taxes in qiiestion for the past three fined for disorderly conduct.. - years are as follows : ' Thofcouhcllmon gathered an" usual. nt > Holden; it will bo roiiiembored, gained ' • 3897. lSOaf,’ * ISSHli MX); tho place of .meeting anti waited, in vain County ta x .. f: ^3:87^ tl.lIJ ! o.lU“ considemblonotorloty*.i n^his . city, soine for tho appearance of Muyor Rogers, who S tate school. 2.7U 2.77 .‘.>.70 S.tti tiino ago by reason x of a ru mqred olopo- Trnst AKBURY PARK nna OOBAN GXIOVB lives noxt door to tho council chamber. Tho valuation of Asbury Park remains mont with Mrs. Kdlth Gerner of Seventh • And - At last Councilman Burney dot'ormincd prtiotieajly unchanged, except, of eoursei nYcnuo, and It >vas for annoying Mrs. Cor­ ... 1 HotelBronswlak, to beard tho lion in'his don,. His, effort tho increase for .new buildings and im ner that Holdon was iirfested last night. o m o n < Kaliroad Depot and ■ •*> . '■ ;WM‘ Bangs Avenue., was unsuccessful, however, lie found pryyements, which is loss than Sioojooo. ' For four m onths, it is suid, he has, been, Safe Deposit Company Principal O lflo e .A806 MAIN BTRKKT tho. chief executive complacently writinp. Iii the township tlip increase is about persecuting Mrs. Qerner and Jior mother, Gooda BtormJ At reasonable rates, - In answer to the query as to whether ho $LM,000, making tho valuation! about ]SIi*s. Harris, at tholr homo on Seventh Monmouth Building', A slury Park, It. J . Telephone connection. t\ O, Box 607, - intended to open thomcetlng tho mayor Is *2,3iHMG5. :‘ j ' avenuo and ,at their .store on St. John’s - AflBumr P Ait it reported to have said tliat be didn’t know Tho m ising of tho valuation of. Deiil island, Sunset lake. He Jin’s*begged, im­ CAPITAL,.......$100,000. of any business of importance to coino up provoked quite a light. Tho exact ilg plored and demaiuleir Mrs. Corner to come YOU For otherwise , I: could not ' help and that he was busjr with hisown'privute. ures are not at hand, but tho amount1 was out arid .spealc to hi ni and has oven threat­ SURPLUS,..... ...25,000. your fulling oyealght with. speo- affairs. ^ , placed Ht about $l,rAM),000. ! ened her lifo and^her mother’s, as well as 'taclea or eyefilansea, But the pa­ , Mi:. Burnqy then nccusod him of pur­ The valuation of Brailley Beach was his own. Kzecniea all trusts known to the lsw . ARE tient, helpful nose la barbarously posely preventing tho meeting to servo his ’* Yesterday he was particularly violent. r<oans money on bond and £norfgage; treated, and the French name for lowered until tlio taxable property .thore is ■ Receives deposits subject to check and allows own opds nnd left valued at $ 110,000. Anothor lively en- Ho came up fron* Beliuar, Avhore'ho is interest on daily balances. ' . lasaefi. plnce-nnz (plnoh-npftfl) Arts flfl Tm ate^ Rgglntrar and T was well selected. ‘ While a t one tim e ^Aiuyor Itogors was "countor was 'oxporlcnced by Assossor -Staying,"early in tlio atroriiuoii. He liad Pays coupons. popular, tbuccrtain degree, thocoursoho Iiogors in having tin? #18,000 railroad valu­ been drinking and mado such dcspcrato JUDITH HATHAWAY. Makes demand and time loans on approved TO . Let me show you a new thin* in collateral. , has pursued seems to liavo estranged his ation removed from his duplicate. It threats and created such an tiproar that Miss Judith Ilntlmvny is 11 olmnnliin yomis ndrcsH wlio Is snhl to be a SafedepoaIt vaults. \ HAVE ... EYEGLASSES... friends and there is now a decidedly soemed that his predecessor in olllco valued Mrs. Harris was compelled to summon [coming still'. Shu will play .Tosslea Kalconci- Iu “Tin* Choir Invisible.” strong son tlm entj against him that will, th*o strip of niilway in the borough at Ollicer William Bogors, who took him in A. C. TWINING, Prealdent. G. B. M. HARVBY, Vice President. which was contrived 'for noae undoubtedly • bo folt at the polls next 8*10,000, and on this amount county and custody. Mr. Goriibr, It is_roported, .was A LADY lilt ANI> SliiOl! KAISHD. H. A. TU8TING, Secretary. comfort. When you wear a pair spring. ----- •. ••-.'."1- . school taxes wero paid to tho ox tent of so jncenscd at tho intrusion that had it not ,7^ D. C. CORNB^I/, Treasurer N O ^ F n,y ° ^ eKItt«ae8 your nose will The councilliiqn o^ ttye borough claim about $11-10. The. valuation was ontiroly been for tho quieting in(lUeiico of his wife Strong Force of Boers Bonibarded Town DIRECTORS t IX \JOE j bo oi lucky oa your eyea. that ho has made falso representations to too high nnd the Atlantic Coast Haiiwny ho would havoj takon a desperate rovongo and Then.Kctired, • ----- o. H. Brown, R. A. Tasting, J. H. Buchanon, . Henry Mitchell, M, D, tho summer residents concerning lits stand coinpany refused to pay tax on it, Tho on ilbklon. ■*' 1. Cape Town; •Wednesday.—rltoberts -ro- D. C. Cornell, John P. O’Brien, . 011 certain borough matters and, misrepre­ taxes paid by tho borough were thoroforo Shortly after OiTlcor Itogors had placed W. J. Harrison, Perry R. Smith,> ceived today from Ladybrand, in tho Col. G. B. M. Harvey,' 8. A, Patterson, sented their attitude, 011 im portant ques­ a total loss. Tho railroad Is now valued his prisoner In Park halHi passerby heard Slate of New,York Republicans Orange Free State, ■word saying that the George B. Kroehl A. O. Twining. tions affecting tho welfare of the munici­ at ^ , 000; • ’1 ■ , : •' . groans from tho building, and notifying Bruce 8. Keator, M. D., H . H.iVreelsnd. , CLAUDE J. WISEMAN. Goes Through. Boors who had been besieging tho garrison I O. D. W. Vroom, pality. .' . the w atchm an an investigation Was made. of . 150 m e n ’ for somoYlhyS, were retiring.- Jewelerarid Optician - The Charge is also made .tbnt lasfc night’s THE PUBLIC LIBRARY I t was fouinl th at Holdon.. had attem pted On Monday the 2 ,000.Boors who surround- —645-Cooktiaan Ave.- meeting was proven ted because tho mayor to swallow' tho contents of a four-ounce od t bn tiiwn pt»ppi»n»d awny with'their'nine did not desire the license question brought W ork Delayed So T hat Completion ia Iin~ bottlo of carbolic acid and J)r. J. F, Acker­ guns all day. The bombardment was ro- iilannou, watchos anil jewelry repaired up. He is opposed to tho collection of de­ posaiblo^Bcforo October—State (if man wras summoned. Assisted by anothor sultloss, how'ovcr. On Tuesday morning High-Grade Fishing M F wltli i>romi>tm*<8 und skill. tlio Iinprovementa. .{ lluhtnee of State Ticket Chosen on Ono fiepairing on Bods and Keels, linquent licenses by suit lentil those re­ doctor ho worked over tho prostrate body lliilkit—Candidate for Governor Mukea the Boers* renewed tlio attack w ith small maining unpaid from last year aro col­ Thero has been’considemblo delay in tho for some tlmoA I t was found impoKslble arm fire, but later the lire ceased .and the CIGARS (AND TOBACCO completion of the public library at Clrand Brief Speech of Aceoptance-r-ltooHevelt Imported Key.Weet and Domes tie Cigars and all lected. te^uso a stomach pump, but a poworf ill Arrives In Tfme < t« Make Congrntuhw Boers retired presumably in the face of the' IF YOU HAVE and First avenues.
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