Complete News, Pictures A Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest ••M nd Impartially Each - leakr Full Local Coverage VOL. XLVII-NO, 16 Rntered as Heconrt Olaiw MittUr HI tlig Pom O(Hc«, Wnwlbrldgo. N, J WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 9; 1955 PRICE EIOBT CENT8 Sweetness Salk Polio Vaccinations Begin, Tots Put up with Them 114 M iL fYlfl and At left, little Jeffrey Rockwell looks quite dubiously at Dr. Frederick Kfssler, Just before Light hf rirplvrd an anti-polio shot Child Drowns at ('olnnln School 18, Monday pv CHAKLRS E. GREGORY innrnine. Shown holding the yniiiiRstei- Is School Nurse, Miss; unk it. is morally weak, Mar*arrt Dunn. At right, Janet nil legal differences to Mansfield is trying to make up In Fords Poo solvrd by comproirtise her mind whether or not to 1 Hum through estab-j burst into tears, Just after be- -iit of principle, yet ing riven the Salk vaccine by ..; im increasingly dan- Dr. Kessler. A substantial start Air Raid Test Mother Turnj , trend of our times. in completing the Inoculations of all first- and second-grade Fails to Stir Back, and T< mi not opposed to com- pupils in the Township was ki,,,11;,rs where only judg- made during the week, with Local Public Falls in Watel L>niL; iini d opinions off iin booster vaccinations scheduled a!s are involved, be- later. Only about 50 per cent of — Yesterday's t ,r ihere often are middle FORDS — A busy mother turn- lU the youngsters who originally nil raid iilert, proved but one ed her head for a few minutes, is which can be reach- U'.iiu- Unit Woodbridge Town- and 6 pretty little, dark-haired. iv t He reasonable ap- were registered for vaccinations, received Inoculations. ship residents are not aware of 14-month-old baby „ drowned in li (if reasonable minds. Hu1 serious Inknt behind the air a next-door neighbor's fish pond. In rr are'firm standards raid tests. It happened just that fast on Li rsi a Wished in law and Main Street, Fords, yesterday Your reporter stood in front morning, (inty which cannot be of the town hall yesterday as an ,M,rr';sed without sacri- Cop's Courage Saves Lives Optimism Keynote of Talk observer and saw all sorts of As Patrolman William Reid ii i liaracter, self-respect, Iselin Girl Gets maneuvers on the part of local pieced the story together. Mrs. inner to honor. When folks to avoid stopping as the James Gyorft, 880 Main Street. Of Avenel Mother, Daughter By Speaker for Graduates was playing about her in the yard, „. standards are Involved, 1st N.J. Polio Shot sirens sounded. Strangely > (Picture on Page I) enough, it was the out-of-town yard shortly before 11 o'clock and |hni com promise should be WOODBRIDGE--Police Chief John R. Egan today commended her little daughter, Bernadetle Patrolman Wentiel Doll, a resident of Colonia. for his quick action WOODBR1DOE — Lorraine WOODBMDGE-Woodbridse High School Stadium was filled to people who stopped their cars ,t;i!h unacceptable for they capacity lust night for the 69tli annual commencement exercises of Immediately and sought shelter. was playing »bout heri in the yard, which resulted in saving the lives of two Avenel pedestrians last Ahern, T/2 years old, 46 Grand MI t Hi strengthened rather Woodbrkl'.',e High School. Two hundred and seventy seniors were pre- Mrs. Qyorfl told the officer it .Sunday morning. i , Avenue, Iselin, was the first iii the When the sirens blew and Im- haii .lissipated. Township and the first in the State sented with diplomas by Andrew Anroe, president of the Board of mediately thereafter, IOCHI mo- was "only a matter of seconds" Education. * » • Chief Egp.n said he received letters and several telephone calls of New Jersey to receive the Salk torists ducked • up side streets when she discovered the child lauding Officer Doll, who at the risk of his own life, pushed Mrs. anti-polio vaccine. Lorraine,' a Robert S. Jennings, gave the welcome address, -and said, in part, where they thought that police was missing. She called and look- My concern at the mo- Arthur Peterson and her daugh- student at St. Cecelia's Parochial as follows: "It has often been said that the future of America lies In officers Would not be stationed, ed in the vicinity, but could nat fcu ill i> over the possibility ofter, Joan, 13, 427 Avenel Street, School, received the injection 8:30 the strength of its youth. We can but they were fooled. Radio cars find the little girl. Neighbors be- readily pee how true this can be liiiui.t of the question out of the path of an on-coming Friday morning. South River also Shirt on Revaluation followed them. gan to help in the search and •h has arisen between truck at the intersection of Aven- Saves 2 from Tragedy started Injections Friday but when we look at the results of the Women, waltlnR at bus stops, Mrs. Anthony Mastrovitch decided el Street and Route k started at 10 A. M. exploitations of youth in the de- This Year Seen by Mayor Just stood there as If the air raid to look on the property of Ray- idbndpe ^ownship and velopment of the totalitarian gov- ... Kunson Corporation. I The Petersons were on their Both Superintendent of Schools warning whistles did not concern mond Wllck, 814 Main Street, ernments throughout history. The WOODBRIDGE—Mayor Hugh them and It took an officer to a next door neighbor of the Gyor- i;,nt oven the suggestion of way to church shortly before Victor C. Nicklas and Health Offi- young people in these countries are eight o'clock Sunday morning cer Harold J. Bailey estimated that B. Quigley said today that there make them understand that the fls. ,,: lenient, because I think well-trained, of course, but they will be "a revaluation •program In when vlsablllty was very poor due approximately 50 per cent of those 1 bus would not be along and that There, in a fish pond, Mrs. [hit in this case a serious were trained to hate democracy. the making before the year is up. ' they had'to seek shelter. to the heavy fog. They were cross- who signed up originally have re- We. wjjo are graduating tonight, Mastrovitch discovered the. child's of public welfare- is ceived the Salk shots. He indicated that a reliable, out- Youngsters on bicycles were feet protruding from the water. Ing the highway on a green lifrht, represent the youth of America. of-town firm will be hired, but Involved and that every when suddenly a large tractor At a meeting of the Board of We have also been well-trained; among the worst offenders and (Continued on Page 6) Health Tuesday night, Mr. Bailey added "that this committee will sorrte paid no attention to air ni'iiiis in our reach must be trailer appeared, going through but we have been taught to love not be forced into anything." the -red light. Patrolman Doll's reported that "the situation is get- freedom and to love our own way- raid wardens. [w\\v(\ to protect It. Settle- ting more favorable as we go "We have to wait for the de- ..1 -Ml in this case will be a quick thinking undoubtedly saved of life. Without the right kind of cision- on ouv appeal of the coun- Finally, an officer in uniform, the lives of the mother and along. The recent publicity is giv- School Pay Raises Ji;i\{en surrender of the peo- training through high school, there ty's equalization program before made them park their Wheels daughter, witnesses said. ing parents trfe assurance they is no telling what might become of and go into the town hall. 1 needed" the State Division of Tax Ap- best interests, and only our country and of the things that Hide and Sfek. One of the letters received by Mr. Bailey Indicated that the peals," Mayor Quigley said. Stir Wide Claims ;e of little responsibility Chief Egan was from the Peter- we all love. The hearings before the com- As soon as the radio car would ild grace it even with a second vaccinations will be given sons' neighbor, Mrs. James Kralz-' when school reopens In September. "America is a land of opportu- mittee have been completed and a pass, one could see heads duck- WOODBRIDGE - A salary ] nity. We who are leaving high bussing; thought. ler, 435 Avenel Street, who wrote! Mrs. Irene Shay, secretary to Mr. September decision is expected. ing out of stores and then duck- schedule for Township employes, as follows: "If it were not for the (•••» schsolare entering, a world of ing back in as the radio car with yearly Increments to pro- NlcMas, reported that cm Monday, greater opportunity than ever alertness and courage of Police- inoculations were given at Avenel turned around. vide "ail iftc'elitlve to employes." The people of Woodbridge man Doll, a neighbor and her known to anyone before us. There Sgt. Joseph Sipos, In charge has been advocated by department School, Hopelawn School, Colony Is a greater chance than ever be- Alleged Arsonist I'mvnship sold to the Ronson daughter would surely be dead. Schools 2 and 16, Fords 7 and 14 of training police reserves, said heads to the Town Committee,' a tract of land 1 witnessed what must be a mir- fore us. There la a greater chance that in his opinion the test show- it was learned today. iind Sewaren School.
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