UOaUOUTH CO. HfSIOSUSW ASi-.. fs e s a o u t s*J* * This We e k COVERING TOWNSHXP8 OF DOLHDEL, MADISON One Section MABLBOBO, MATAWAN AND 16 P AGES MATAWAN BOROUGH Member *. Member 00th YEAR — 10th WEEK National Editorial Aaaodatloft MATAWAN, NT. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1958 New Jertey Preee AuodtUoo Single Copy Ten Cents Presentation Made To Vacation Reading Club Members | Cafeteria Luncli jcc Advanced Judges Select Miss Cliffwood Beach. At Morganville ol This Term t _ - v - — — r sgtnK p w a ....................... Holland Warns Program Must Remain MarlboroSelf-Sustaining Township BoardOr Be qf Abolishedday. Ke pointed out the study Education last night voted- to program to be offered was a increase tha price of lunches strong one lu thnt It offorcd a at Uie Morganville School five-hour, 10-mlnuto day fo r from 25 to 30 cent? this new the lower grades and a seven- school term, Michael hour day for Uio upper grades Ryniewicz, chairman of the at Central School. This In­ cafeteria committee,' stated cludes one hour for lunch. He the price lmd not beein chang­ noted that Marlboro Township ed In eight years despite the Schools were offering two ses­ rising price trend. He acknow­ sions of 50 minutes each dntly ledged the cafeteria was in ln Ihe language arts, one-lialf - an uncertain position financial­ Ui reading nnd one-half ln ly /H e reported tlmt whereaB grnmnmr-spelllng. There also | It-formerly lmd cost $20. to arc 50minute periods lu math serve.200 lunches, It now costs aud social studies and ln sci­ * $50 lo serve , He noted ence hr the seventh and eighth I this came to 200exactly the prlco grades. .‘paid,“ 25 'cents per ‘lunch, and There are minor courses In left nothing for overhead or art, muslo, heulUi, physical contingencies. education nnd penmanship. A Mi*. Ryniewicz also asked great deal of club work Is of­ reappointment of the staff. forcd, in Spanish, F r e n c h, 'Mrs, Carolyn Tlxom, the direc­ sewing, glee olub and muslo tor, at $240 per month; her and debate and publio speak­ assistant, Mrs. Marie Frol,, at ing. .Mr. Sena stressed, this per month, and throe was-n very progressive pro­ ' Miss J. Mabel Brown, president Df tbe Matawan Free Fubllo pleted hcr«booklet with 30 blue stars. ------ - ' , i s part-time$120 .workers at tlie. Cen­ gram for a grammar school. Library is shown above, (right), making' the presentation of Participants in the program were: First row, (In the usual tral School, Mra, Muriel On recommendation of Dew­ a diploma to Sharon Wyckoff, as part of the Vacation Reading order), Samuel Bell, Craig Jackson, Gary Herman, Wagie Crocker, Mrs. Dorothy Spur­ ey H o 1 ill s, buildings and Club graduation ceremonies, held Tuesday. The vacation Jackson, Karol Klonmvski, James DenBlcykcr, Michael: To- gat and Mrs. J. Blarskl at $1 0 reading program was sponsored by the library, . masello; second row, Ellen Miller, Nancy Ratcliffe, .Darwnc grounds ohatrman, the board , In order to qualify for a diploma, club members were re- Glblock, "Debra Dell, Penny ' WUklns, Antoinette Tofrlasello, per hour, Mr, Ryniewicz ques­ voted to expend $700 for a qulred to read 10 books and make a written evaluation for each, Betty Hathaway, Sharon Wyckoff, Miss BroWnj third row, Mrs. tioned If Mrs. Thom’s salary now condlltonor for the. water plus written comments about each author. Each time a re­ E. II. Dominick, librarian; Donna Shea, Mrs. Robert llard.fe, should be Increased. ’ treatment milt at Morganvllle port was accepted a blue star was placed In the member’s Sonja Oslansky, and Judith DiU'dnato and Anna JurgclowlCXi .-William L. Morrlsi a mem­ School, Mr. Holmes related It booklet, and on the club chart, shown in the background. Sharon who are shown holding the club chart. ber, objected. He said a raise would cost from $4500 to. $0000 won the honor of being the first club member to receive the Not present when the picture was ta k e n were Theresa should go to ljer assistant and to rebuild tho water supply gold star awarded after 10 bluo stais were won. She also com­ Walling, Michael Strano, Gladys Blanchard and Patrlola jYaJifls, rccallod Mrs, Thom h,a d system, Mr. Morris did . not Ilaruudctte Hughes, (right), an attractive blonde, was se­ agreed lo hold tlm line If a* de bcllevo tho oondltloner could lected "Miss Cllffwond lloucli" Monday at n bouuly vuntcst al ficlt threatened: M r/ Mowls do tlie Job and voted a’ Iona tlio Cllffwood llooeli Pool and Cabana Olub. Keeonit Prise win* ■-Matawan District Game At Keyport Rule Suicide In - Free Delivery^!?- believed the cafeteria....... plcturd "ho" on tlie motlonrTcrlniy^lt iiiir Yviis Ulla HciifloUl, (leftK Miss Oiirel-Jliimnumil, Miss ‘ The annual Thanksgiving Although thero may be was not being presented prop* from Uio N. J. Water Condi Matawnn Township,” teenier), presented tho trophies to the Day football game between some warm days a h e ajL erly. HarveyJfYHolland, board Honing Co., Plainfield, winners, Fifteen girls competed far the title, . Enrollment 2557 Matawan aud Keyport will S e c r e ta r y D e a th that’s still no reason to ek« president, agreed -the b o a rd Criticises Black Topping be played this year on the pect a 70-pound cake of )0e could not pledge its’ funds to Mr. Holmes criticised the Keyport gridiron. The game, to, bq delivered to y o u’r underwrite a cafeteria deficit. blaok lop. Job dono around Suit. Filed To Bar Slironk Tells O f Advances 149 Over a traditional tilt for h_n t fi Shortage Indicated home,~right through tho roW He suggested that Mrs,.Thom Coiitral School by Hcss Pids,, —'57 First Day Figures schools, originally was sche­ ond kitchen ceiling. Madison submit reports monthly and If Ino,, and the board approvod . First day enrollment ln duled for the Matawan field .. KeansburgIn School Police Fund and the' Township Police report such lt appeared tho cafeteria was Ids recommendation a letter Extracts Plant School Bus Plans M a t a w a n-Cllffwood district on a home and home basis Monmouth County Prosecut­ a delivery arrived at th e running -behind, the board be addressed to John MuoWtl- schools totaled 2557, Russell a. this year. or’s office yesterday ruled sui­ home of Dominick Baclgalu* coiild take steps to put It on Ilam, Metuchen, Uio arclilteetr G. Stetler, superintendent, re­ The Keyport Board of Ed­ cide In the Tuesday night po, 330 Greystono Rd., Old a self-molntalnlng basis or end demanding somothlng be dono —Marlboro Variance Madison Budget Cut- ported at the close of school ucation Tuesday night ap­ death of 33-year-old Mrs. Dor-; Bridge, Tuesday night.' ■ " ’ It. A motion then passed to about 11. Mr. Holmes also Procodurs Attacked Limit* Pupil Rldors ' - yesterday. This Is an Increase proved a request by the othy Behn who was secretary Police reported the family approve the price raise for blasled tho -failure ot Uie ar­ Qranllng.of a varlahoe hy The Madison Townshlh • Of 141 over the 2408 reported w as watching television lunches and to rehtro the staff chitect to uot on the ward­ the Marlboro Township Coin, Board Jot lDdugatlm) InteniU- In at the end- of the first'day ot Matawan Township. Board ol of the Keansburg Board' of Ed­ as Mr. Ryniewicz recommend­ robes which were found te he intttvo to Edward II. MaoKon- ooiillnue its long-standing pol­ . schoof - In 1857, In 1950 It was Education to chango the. lo­ ucation. Mrs. Behn was found when tbe Ice oamo_cra8bJng ed. ~ faulty. 7.to for tlio 400-fool rtecllon of Icy of providing transportntKh cale Of the game. Township shot in the chest with- a .22 d ow n . A bod, Richard* -/ire-, Anticipates 692 Pupils T h e J)oavd hired Oeorge his farm along tho Mavlhovo- tn and from school tu those V .2225, so that district school school authorities reported caliber “short” slug at her ported lie heard an* Airplane Robert S<wa, principal, ro- Roe, Neptune, to fill Uio last Edlnburg Rd. lhat Ilea ontolrfc (ililldreri for whom the stale, enrollment has Increased 15 the Matawan field-would not home, 73 Lincoln Ct:, Keans­ - pass over the liouse prior Id 'porle'd lie ' ytaa expeaUnsr v*oa.noy oii (Via taculty atr tpe Jruluslrlnl r-ono Aug. IS of <*f*\K\r*rr9r,:-;wm'»«i»>Jr tl ,1 perr-dent-in two years. - be suitable for play,. burg, at 5:20 p.m. by police/ tho unexpected delivery' .o t pupils to ropprt'for school 802to­ (continued oil page fix) nanoial-ald for (CsnsiioTfatfoii, . Luther A. Foster, Matawan In addition, Keyport grant­ Monmouth Couqty Physlclap . th e Ice. JPotioe p ro m p tly U r ­ waa attacked ln the oo nrti It was ' nnnouncod' hy -ffiuifone •* Julius A ; Toren .r c porte d ged the evidence and staB li- this iviibk. Tlilx vurluhco clear­ High Bchool principal, report­ ed the Matawan nigh School death was caused by an Inter­ cd It away. Jn a deep freeze.' ed Uni oirstnclo fur tho sale W, Biirouk,' HuiioiItUpikIoiiI of ed a total enrollment ot 637 team use of tho Keyport nal hemorrhage which was the The Ice made a threc-foot Second Jurist In K a r k u s , W e in s te in ot tlie MnoKonalu 100-a o re Mndlson 1’ o w na h I p flahoolx In that school against 591 last field for home games on Sat­ result of the gunshot wound.
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