1 E-TENDER for Providing maintenance of EA sets in various Telephone Exchange Buildings under ERNAKULAM BA for a period of 1 year. (2020-21) Tender No. PLG/ENK/EA MNTCE/2020-21/1, Dated at EKM the 28/11/2020 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED ERNAKULAM BA Signature of the Bidder 2 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL GENERAL MANAGER TELECOM ERNAKULAM 682016 TENDER DOCUMENT ANNEXURE A E-TENDER for Providing maintenance of EA sets in various Telephone Exchange Buildings under ERNAKULAM BA for a period of 1 year. (2020-21) Ernakulam BA (Divided into 3 zones Zone I Ernakulum, Zone II Idukki & Zone III Lakshadweep Islands) 1. Tender No. PLG/ENK/EA MNTCE/2020-21/1, Dated at EKM the 28/11/2020 2. Cost of Tender form Zone I Rs.590 (Rs.500/- plus GST 18%) Zone II Rs.590 (Rs.500/- plus GST 18%) Zone III Rs.590 (Rs.500/- plus GST 18%) 3. Availability of Tender Document for download: From 28/11/2020. 4. Last Date & Time of online submission of E-Tender: upto 15:00 Hrs on 10/12/2020. 5. Date & Time of submission of sealed envelope containing Tender Document, EMD and cost of Bid document: up to 14:00 Hrs on 11/12/2020. 6. Date & Time of opening of Technical Bid (online only): At 15:00 Hrs on 11/12/2020. Followed by opening of sealed envelope containing the Tender Documents. 7. Validity of E-Tender : 150days 8. EMD Zone I Rs.46487/- Zone II Rs.26845/- Zone III Rs.6074/- 9. Total value of the tender Zone I Rs.2324360/- Zone II Rs.1342268/- Zone III Rs.303704/- 10. Performance Security Zone I Rs.116218 /- Zone II Rs.67113 /- Zone III Rs.15185 /- 11. Tender help desk Email: [email protected] Asst. General Manager (Planning) O/o the Principal General Manager Telecom, BSNL, Ernakulam 682016 Note: Kindly see all clarifications/corrigendum on website from time to time and read Bid Document Carefully before submission and ensure that all documents are fully authenticated by the Authorized signatory. Signature of the Bidder 3 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL GENERAL MANAGER TELECOM ERNAKULAM - 682016 Sub: E-TENDER for Providing maintenance of EA sets in various Telephone Exchange Buildings under ERNAKULAM BA for a period of 1 years. (2020-21). CONTENTS Sl. No Title Page. No 1 Notice Inviting Tender 4 2 Specification to Bidders for E-Tendering 5 – 6 3 Instruction to Bidders for E-Tendering 07 – 16 4 Tender information 17 – 18 5 Terms & Conditions 19 – 29 6 Price Schedule : Zone I EKM, II Idukki, III Lakshadweep 30-46 7 Scope of work and Specifications 47-66 8 Annexure I– No near relative certificate 67 Annexure-II- Letter of Authorization for attending Bid 68 9 opening 10 Annexure III – Agreement 69-79 Annexure IV –Bank Guarantee Bond Form for Performance 80-81 11 Security. Annexure V – Mandate form for transfer of payment through 82 12 electronic clearance / electronic fund transfer Annexure VI – Certificate (for Bid Document downloaded 83 13 from website 14 Annexure VII – E-Tender (Undertaking) 84 15 Tenderer’s Profile 85 16 Annexure IX, X, XI - List of stations Zone I, II, III 86-93 17 Vendor Master Form 94-95 Signature of the Bidder 4 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Govt of India Enterprise) Office of the Principal General Manager, Telecom, BSNL, ERNAKULAM BA 682016 NOTICE INVITING TENDER E- Tenders in the prescribed form are invited by The Principal General Manager, BSNL, ERNAKULAM BA from reputed and experienced eligible contractors for the work: Providing maintenance of EA sets in various Telephone Exchange Buildings under Ernakulam BA for a period of 1 year (2020-21). ( Ernakulam BA divided into 3 zones Zone I Ernakulam, Zone II Idukki & Zone III Lakshadweep Islands) A bidder can submit bid for all these three zones or any two of these zones or even one zone. Sl.No Details Reference 1. Tender Enquiry No 0484-2378500 Last date for obtaining the tender 2. 15:00 Hrs on 10/12/2020 application Last date for submission of Sealed 3. 14:00 Hrs on 11/12/2020 Tender 4. Bid Validity 150 days 5. Time & Date of Opening Tender 15:00 Hrs on 11/12/2020 6. Venue for Tender Opening AGM (Planning), O/o the PGMT, BSNL, Ernakulam, Kochi-682016. Sd/- Asst. General Manager (Planning) Office of the PGMT, BSNL, ERNAKULAM 682016. Tender document can be obtained/downloaded from the website https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app OR www.kerala.bsnl.co.in The bidders downloading the tender document are required to submit the tender fee amount through DD along with their tender bid failing which the tender bid shall be left archived unopened/ rejected. The DD shall be drawn from any Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank in favour of “AO (Cash), O/o PGMT, BSNL, ERNAKULAM and payable at “ERNAKULAM”. Full details available at our website: https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app OR www.kerala.bsnl.co.in Signature of the Bidder 5 Specification to Bidders for E-Tendering 1. Tender No: PLG/ENK/EA MNTCE/2020-21/1, Dated at EKM the 28/11/2020 2. COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT Zone I Ernakulam Rs.590/- (RS.500/- PLUS GST 18%). Zone II Idukki Rs.590/- (RS.500/- PLUS GST 18%) Zone III Lakshadweep Islands Rs.590/- (RS.500/- PLUS GST 18%) 3. Accessibility of Tender Document: BSNL is inviting E-Tender for the Providing maintenance of EA sets in various Telephone Exchange Buildings under ERNAKULAM BA for a period of 1 year and thus physical/hard copy of E-Tender forms not available for sale. Viewing and bidding of the Tender can be done only on the website: https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app OR www.kerala.bsnl.co.in. The tender document shall not be available for download after its submission online and after closing date. 4. Registration on e-Tender portal: Intending bidders are requested to register themselves with CPPP through https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app for obtaining user-id, Digital Signature etc, by paying vendor registration fee. Tender processing fee payment should be done during requisition of tender online BSNL has decided to use process of e-tendering for inviting this tender and thus the physical copy of the tender would not be sold. 5. Date and Time of online submission of E-Tender: As specified the technical bid, financial bid, tender fee and EMD should be uploaded separately. In case the date of submission/opening of bid is declared to be a holiday, the same will get shifted to next working day at the same scheduled time. Any change in bid opening date due to any other unavoidable reason, the same will be intimated online. 6. Submission of EMD and Cost of bid document: The cost of bid document is Rs.590/- for Zone I, Rs. 590/- for Zone II & Rs. 590/- for Zone III. Cost of Bid document and EMD as noted in Annexure A (Page 2) should be paid in the form of DD, drawn from any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank in favour of AO (Cash), O/o PGMT, BSNL, ERNAKULAM- 682016 payable at ERNAKULAM. DD’s drawn towards tender fee and EMD should be submitted along with the Technical bid failing which the tender bid will be rejected. The MSE units registered with the designated MSME bodies, like National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) etc. shall be given exemption from payment of Bid Security deposit, provided the tendered item is listed in the registration certificate of MSE. The MSE bidder has to submit the UAM number. The bidders who fail to submit the UAM number shall not be able to avail the benefits available to MSEs as contained in Public Procurement Policy for MSEs order 2012 issued by MSME. Proof regarding current registration with the designated MSME bodies, like District Industries Centers or with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) for the tendered items will have to be attached along with the bid. The enlistment certificate issued by bodies registered under MSME like District Industries Signature of the Bidder 6 Centers or National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) should be current and valid on the date of opening of bid. 7. On-line Opening of Technical Bids: The Technical Bids will be opened on 15:00 Hrs on 11/12/2020 8. Process of opening of Technical Bids: BSNL has adopted E-tendering process which offers a unique facility for Public Online “Tender Opening Event” (TOE). Bidders can attend the public online TOE from the comfort of their offices. However, if required, Bidders/authorized representative of bidders (Service Provider) can attend the TOE at the O/o AGM (Planning), BSNL, ERNAKULAM 682016. Tender opening officers would be conducting the public online TOE. 9. Tender bids received after due date & time will not be accepted. 10. Incomplete, ambiguous, Conditional, Unsealed tender bids are liable to be rejected. 11. BSNL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender bids without assigning any reason. 12. BSNL is not bound to accept the lowest tender. 13. E-Tender documents can be downloaded from E-Tender portal from 10.00 hrs on 28/11/2020. 14. The bidder shall furnish a declaration under his digital signature that no addition/deletion/corrections have been made in the downloaded tender document being submitted and it is identical to the tender document uploaded in the E-Tender portal. In case if any correction/addition/deletion are made and found in the later days, the tender bid shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected summarily in addition to forfeiting the security deposit deposited in this connection and legal action will be initiated against the defaulting E- Tenderer for the losses to BSNL if any.
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