Postmaster: Please S( Don Gable Editor ·. .: n\E The Record of ~E Indianapolis 5, Indiana. P 0 Box 1856 Evanston Ill Exch 8/50 Phyllis Mason, left, and Peg Stahl, right, both members of Tau, are majorettes for the Marching Hundred Band of Indiana University. Dick Weaver is the drum major. S U M M E R • I 9 5 8 -- Alpha Delta won the trophy for the women's division of "Carnicus" at TENNESSEE with their stunt "Don't Come Near the Waves." Sigma chapter members smile at their prize winning booth at the "Manada Carnival" at SOUTHERN METH· ODIST. For the fourth time in the last five years Eta chapter was awarded first place in the annual Greek Sing competition at ILLINOIS WESLEY AN. Gamma Thetas sang their way to first annual Spring Sing at LONG OLUME 52 Summer 1958 WMBER 2 Sigma _}(appa :Jriangfe Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, November, 1874 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Editor·- in· Chief, FRANCES ~ WARREN BAKER (Mrs. James Stannard Baker, 433 ~oodlawn ave., Glencoe, III.) College Editor--Martha Jewett Abbe! (Mrs. Wallace W. Abliey), 2212 Ash lane, Northbrook, III. Alumnre Editor--Beatrice Strait Lines (Mrs. Harold B. Lines), 234 Salt Springs rd., Syracuse 3, N.Y. SigmLa~:s, ~j~~ice Reporter (representing the Armed Service), Lt. Dorothy Maraspin, W.O.Q.U.S.N.T.C., Great Business Manager-Margaret ·Hazlett Taggart (Mrs. E. D. Taggart), 3433 Washington blvd., Indianapolis, Ind• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Conlenl:J FRONT COVER: Martha Dromgoole, <I>, cuts the cake at the Seebee's Birthday Ball at the University of Rhode Island. 3 Celebrate Ground-Breaking for New House at Kansas 4 Florida Chooses a Mighty Peppy Mother of the Year 5 Opal Poole-First Lady of Safety 7 Margot Sherman Is 1958 Advertising Woman of the Year 9 Pretty-Talented-Vivacious Sue Howe 11 Eta Enthuses Over New Addition to Accommodate Expanding Chapter 12 Betty McNabb Is Eighth Woman To Fly Faster than Sound 13 Mary Bird Welcomes Newcomers to California 14 Joan Welch Rates in Popular Professor's Poll 15 Quick Quiz on Sigma Kappa 16 Won't YOU Help Rush? 22 College Chapters Report 44 Speaking of Sigmas 50 New Wearers of the Triangle 53 Pledges 55 Milestones, Deaths 60 Directory SIG!.!A KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in .Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, , by the <;>e~rge B.a nta Company, Inc., official publishers for Sigma Kappa Soronty at 450 Ahn01p st., Menasha, Wis. Subscnpt10n pnce $2 a year; Single copies 50¢; life subscription $15. Send change of address, subscriptions, and correspondence of a business nature to Mrs. E. D. Taggart, 450 Ahnaip st., Menasha, Wis., or 34'33 Washington blvd., Indianapolis 5, Ind. Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to Mrs. ]. S. Baker, 433 Woodlawn ave., Glencoe, Ill. Chapters, college and alumnre must send manuscript in time to reach their respective editors before the fifteenth of October, January, April, and August. Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fra· ternity Magazines Associated, 1618 Orrington ave. , Evanston, Ill. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 3, 187 9 ; accepted for mailing at special rate of postage under the provisions of Sec. 34-40 Par. (D) provided for m the act of October 3. 1917. Printed in U.S.A. Sigma Kappa's New National Council Elected at the 1958 Biloxi national conven­ tion were (left to right) Katherine Dunn Lathrop, National Vice President in charge of Alumnre; Margaret Hazlett Taggart, National Secretary-Treasurer; Ruth Dick­ ey Lingle, National Vice President in charge of Membership and Extension; Elizabeth Green Douglas, National Coun­ selor; and Ruth Rysdon Miller, National President. A full report of convention will be carried in the Fall TRIANGLE. Betty Whitney Alderson, ;E;, Lawrence, Kan., chairman of Building Committee; Helen Joan Hargiss, Z, Kansas City, Xi's corporation president; Fred Ellsworth, University of Kansas Alumni Secretary, and Raymond Coolidge, architect, with scale model of new Sigma Kappa chapter house under con­ struction on the. University of Kansas campus at 1325 W. Campus Rd., Lawrence, Kan. Cefetrafe (}round-Breaking /or new .... JJoude af J(andad By RETTA LOU JONES HARNAR, 'E.-Kansas A Over 75 Sigma Kappas, alumnre and Betty Whitney Alderson, 'E, and Mrs. Mahieu friends attended ground-breaking cere­ poured. monies in Lawrence, Kan., March 29, for the Mrs. Hamar of Lawrence was in charge new Xi chapter house now under construc­ of the coffee and ground-breaking arrange­ tion at 1325 W. Campus rd. Construction ments. Members of her committee were Mrs. .by B. A. Green Construction Company of L. A. Brien, Mrs. Robert Hazlett, Mrs. Eu­ Lawrence is expected to be completed by fall. gene Puckett and Mary Fran Poe. Raymond Coolidge of Topeka is the architect. " The ceremonies were conducted by George Baxter Smith, Dean of the University of Kansas. The Rev. Andrew Berry, chaplain at the University of Kansas for the Episcopal Church, gave the invocation. Helen Joan Hargiss, 'E., of Kansas City, president of Sigma Kappa corporation, introduced the speakers. On the program were Mary Jones Mahieu ' of Lawrence, province president; Fred Ells­ worth, Kansas University Alumni secretary; and Raymond Coolidge, Topeka architect. Coffee was served after the ceremony in the present chapter house. White and gilt fruit pyramided on a milk glass stand formed the centerpiece on a table covered with a wedgewood blue cloth. Tall white tapers in Betty Whitney Alderson, Z, chairman of Build­ ing Committee, pours at coffee held following milk glass holders flanked the centerpiece. ground breaking ceremony for new Xi chapter Mrs. W. J. Stelmach, E, Kansas City, and house. SUMMER 1958 5-forida C!toojej a might" Perr'J mother o/ the Year By MARTHA TURNER DENHAM, n -Florida State .A Emily Jo Vance, Bt. honor initiate, is Florida's Mother of the Year. By no means a replica of Whistler's Moth.er, Emily Jo's broad interests, energy and abtilty have carried her into the presidency or other office of a host of organizations. The unanimous choice of Florida's five­ member state committee, Mrs. Vance went to New York May 5 to take part in the Annual Mothers' Conference and to attend cere­ monies for the presentation of awards, in­ cluding that of the American Mother. Emily Jo was chosen because of her qualt­ ties as a "successful mother and homemaker, active church worker and civic and commu­ nity leader." She was nominated for the honor by Yulee chapter, UDC. State and National Mothers are chosen each year as symbols of ideal motherhood "to emphasize the importance of their role of the mother in the home, the community, the nation and the world." The person chosen must be a successful mother, first as evidenced by the character and achievements of her children ; she must be an active member of a religious body; she must embody traits highly re­ Emily Jo Vance, Bll honor initiate, receives from garded in mothers . courage, cheerfulness, pa­ Gov. LeRoy Collins a citation as Florida'• tience, affection, kindness, understanding and must Mother of the Year. Gov. Collins' sister is Sue have a homemaking ability. Collins Evans, fl-Fiorida State. She must exemplify in her life and conduct the precepts of the Golden Rule. She must have Miami-Yulee UDC and president of the a sense of responsibility in civic affairs and be Miami Sigma Kappa alumna: chapter ~nd active in service for public benefit. president of the Sigma Kappa corporatiOn Emily's husband is Herbert 0 . Vance, board for the University of Miami chapter. president o ~1 a Fort Pierce citrus and tomato She is also president of the Poinciana Fes­ firm . There are three grown Vance daugh­ tival; a member of the Daughters of the ters: Mrs. A ~ · H. Massey Jr. (Jo) , Orange, American Revolution, of the Woman's Aux· C.oqn.; Mary" Herbert Vance, bacteriologist at iliary of St. Philip's Episcopal church, the .;'the Univers .~ty of. Miami, and Mrs. B. J. Coral Gables Garden club, Chapter E of :... Wilder (Eve.), Fort Ord, Calif., mother of P.E.O., and serves on the board of the UM '~'r Emily's only·. grandchild. Mary Ruth Murray, Symphony club. t .'0:-Florida State, is Emily's sister. Daughter Jo There seems to be no end to Emily's in· ~ Vance M(assey is' At--Tennessee. terests and activities. How in keeping with Emily's''inain activities now are the United the day and age for vivacious, energetic Daughters of the Confederacy and Sigma Emily Vance to get the "nod" as Florida's Kappa. She's Registrar and secretary of Mother of the Year. FLASH-Patricia Eaves, At.-Tennessee, won the Miss Tennessee title over 36 other Tennessee beauties. ll4A SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLB Opal Poofe­ :J.ir,sl ofaJy a/ Sa/ely By DOROTHY ALLISON SIEWERS, r.t.-Thiel A How does one come to be invited by Safety Council which has served as the model President Eisenhower's Committee · For for many other such clinics throughout the Traffic Safety to participate in a panel on country, and which has branched out into safety at the Western Regional Citizen Lead­ Family Drivers' Clinics all over the state of ership Conference held recently in San Fran­ Washington. cisco-one of four women in a 24-state region As one of the original trustees of Seattle's to be so honored? Certainly a summons of Council on Aging, Opal has served in Sigma this importance is sent only to a woman with Kappa's philanthropic field of gerontology a remarkable background in the field of while applying safety principles to problems safety.
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