THE COLOMA COURIER WHOLE NO. 1707 • COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1926 VOL 33 NO g many years to come and in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of Airview of Miami, Devastated by the Hurricane MR. AND MRS. 0. W. the Holy Spirit. LOCAL PEOPLE "Benediction—May tlie blessing of heaven rest upon you and may God pre- WOODWARD CELEBRATE serve and keep you, may tlie Lord mer- cifully with his favor look upon you, and may you so live together in the ZONE ARE BEliEVED TO BE SAFE evening of your life that in the world GOLDEN WEDDING to conir ye may have life everlasting. AMEN." Tlie bride mid groom were attended at tiieir second marriage by their son Many Berrien County People Resided MOBILE, PENSACOLA Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Woodward Were and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis In Citlea and Towns Visited by Re-wed at Their Home September Woodward of Benton Harbor. After HIT BY BIG STORM the ceremony a bountiful two-course Greatest Disaster Tliis Country lias 17th. luncheon was served. Among the out- Seen in Many Years—Hundreds of of-town guests in attendance at the Damage Not So Great—Flor- "Sweeter as the years roll by." This festivities were Mrs. Willis Peacock of Lives Lost—ThousaiMis Were Injured is an expression that very truly can l»c Niles, Mrs. Arch Kelly of Watervllet, ida's Known Dead, 374; Es- pplled to the lives of .Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ida Jenner of Hartford, and Mr. and Miiiions of Dollars Worth of timated Number, 657. Orrin W. Woodward of Coloma, who and Mrs. Clyde Olds and Mr. and Mrs. re united in marriage at tlie homo Louis Woodward of Benton Harbor. Property Destroyed in Many Towns of Aimer and Polly Woodward, parents New Orleans. La.—Pensacola and •f the groom. In North Coloma, on Hun- In Florida. Mobile were completely isolated by the day, September 17, 1870. Through the DEATH Of MRS. EUZA DUNHAM Berrien county luul a largp number of hurricane, which, after leaving a trail intervening half century this most esti- citizens who resided In that section of of death through Florida, continued to mable couple, who are held In the very Florhln which was so suddenly rage through western Alabama and highest esteem of their host of friends, OCCURRED SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 devastated by a hurricane last Satur- eastern Mississippi. have made their home In this vicinity, with the exception of a few years day, Sunday and Monday, and there The big storm spent Its force before I V • : • -V •' • spent in California. has been great anxiety this week for reaching New Orleans. Reports were Former Resident of Coloma Died at >1 .w Orrin VV. Woodward and Minnie A. the safety of those former local resi- that the towns of Seminole and Lil- dents. Other citizens of Berrien coun- Rubei were, born in this vicinity and Home of Her Daughter, Mrs. Fred lian, Ala., had been wrecked and sev- ty had friends In the stricken territory an perhaps recall more of the early for whom they have anxiously awaited eral persons killed. Airplane view of Miami, the wonder city of Florida, which was hardest hit by the hucricane tlmt history of the community than any of Smith, in Benton Harbor. swept across the southern end of the state. tlie other residents hereabouts. Mr. «ome word. Thus far no word has been The death of Mrs. Eliza Dunham, a Birmingham, Ala.—At least nine Woodward is in bis 72nd year and bis received of the death of any Berrien former resident of Coloma, occurred bride Is now in her 07th year and both county people In the wake of the hun- dead, scores injured and damage ex- Saturday, September 18, 11(20, at the are enjoying tlie best of health, despite dred mile gale that wiped out many ceeding 1*2,000,000 was the toll of the home of her daugiiter, Mrs. Fred G. the fact that all the guests who attend- towns In the twinkling of an eye, but hurricane which ravaged south Ala- 15,000 IS BERRIEN'S SHARE Smith, at 015 Broadway, Benton Har- ed their marriage have departed to the ,there are still a number In that terri- bama, reports from Mobile and other M. CUTS COLOMA PEACH SUNDAY IN bor. Tlie deceased came to Coloma U'tter land with the exception of one, tory from whom no word has yet been coast poluts declared. with the Smith family who moved here Of RED CROSS fLORIDA FUND wiio now lives in California. The wed- fed. about twelve years ago, when Fred be- Five were reported killed when the ding ceremony fifty years ago was per- md Mrs. Lowell H. Guy of Colo- came agent' at the Pere Marquette la were much alarmed on Monday tempest struck thcrvillage of Jackson, OFF ITS SCHEDULE BERRIEN COUNTY formed by Rev. Israel Curtis, pastor of railway and resided here until six Ala., near the Florida line, after ham- the Christian church. irhen they received the news of the "Hiat Amount Will be Asked of Citizens years ago, when the family moved to mering Pensacola, swinging Inland and Mr. and Mrs. Woodward are as well liurrlcane lest their daugiiter, Mrs. Benton Harbor. About four months To Relieve the Suffering in the known as any residents of Coloma H. Andrews of Miami, Florida, rushing down on Mobile from the ago Mrs. Dunham was stricken by an Thousands of Bushels Carried Home township, for they have been more or light be one of the storm victims, and northeast. )oes Not Care for Passenger, Mail Storm Stricken Southland. illness which left her In a very serious Jhey scanned closely the incomplete list less before the public all their lives. Two were reported killed near Bay By Motorists. condition until death relieved her. She casualties and kept the telegraph .Mrs. Woodward was born on the farm Mlnette and several crushed by debris or Express Business From This Tills paper lias been advised that was ^irn In Chatham, Ontario, 84 years idres hot until they received u mes- at Paw Paw Lake which was their at Flomaton. Berrien county citizens will be called Berrien county has its Blossom Sun- ago the 20th day of last July, and ige on {Tuesday morning from Gladys home for nearly half a century follow- upon to subscribe the sum of $5,000 as day and there are many other week moved with her husband to Ionia, Mich- ^nnoaDcing that she and her husband Havoc to property and Injuries to Station -No Trains to Ctiicago ing their marriage and which was sold the county's share to l)e raised for the ends on which occurs the peak point igan, from whence they moved to Colo- escaped unharmed. persons were reported from Enter- but a few months ago. It was on this relief of tlie suffering of the people in for the various fruits for which this ma. Her husband passed away eight- the other Coloma people who prise, Hartford, Geneva, Bay Mlnette, place that they first engaged In the Make Stops Here-Poorest Ser- the territory in Florida that lias suf- region is celebrated. een years ago, and her sole surviv- it was thought nllght have been In the Monroevllle, Dothan, Brewton, Troy, business of keeping summer boarders fered during the past week from the Last Sunday may properly have been ors are the daughter, Mrs. Rhea storm-stricken territory are Mr. and Anadlusa, Evergreen and Flomaton. in the year 1885, and in the year 1891 terrible storms. designated "Peach Sunday" and thous- Smith, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Reed Mrs. A. H. Woodward and baby of vice Ever Given by lis Road. they erected the Woodward hotel, one This aAiount seems a small sum for ands of motorists visited Fruitland and of Ionia. Brief funeral services were Pensacola, Florida, and Kenneth Dodd t' the tinest hotel buildings around Miami, Fla.—The known dead In To one who has made a study of the Kerrlen county when It is remembered drove home with their cars laden witii held at the Smith home In Benton Har- and family and Edison Hamilton, who Paw Paw Lake which they sold about Florida's storm area, as a result of new schedule of the Pere Maniuette that Berrien quickly raised $3,500 and the large, yellow delicious peaches, the bor, Monday morning, and the re- reside at Punta Gorda, Florida, but three years ago to the present owner. the recent hurricane, number 874. The railway, which went Into effect last sent It to Japan to relieve tlie suffer- equfl' of which for flavor and color mains were taken to Ionia, where as no loss of life was reported from They retained the Woodward Annex, number of estimated dead was placed Sundi.y, It would seem that that rail- ing in that faroff country following a grow nowhere else in tlie United States other sen-Ices were held on Tuesday tlie latter place these boys are be- great loss of life and property from an —outside the Michigan Fruit Belt. iiowever, until last spring. at 057 and the number of Injured was way might as well close up the local morning, and the remains were laid lieved to have been unharmed. Mr. arthijuake, and with tlie suffering so A motor trip through the fruit dis- station and discharge the agent. Celebrated 50th Anniversary. to rest by the side of the late husband. and Mrs. 0. W. Woodward are anxious- estimated ot over 4,000.
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