VOLUME 32, NO. 26. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 18, 1899. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. HAPPY HOQSIERS. THE INDIANA STATE LEAGUE WILL THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE SHOWS BE A SOLID FACT, SIGNS OF LIFE. A Preliminary Organization Effected by A Meeting at Mobile Demonstrates That Representatives ol Four Good Ball Four Clubs Will Surely Begin the Towns An Eight-Club Circuit For Season and That an Eight-Glut) the League More Than Likely. Circuit is Still Possible. A temporary organization of the long The new Southern League was formally talked of Indiana League was effected organized at a meeting held in Mobile, March 12. On that date representatives Ala., on the Stl) inst. The club delegates from Wabash, Marion, Klhvood and An- were: Thomas E. Smith and Jack Hus- derson met at An©derson and organized. Ap ton, Mobile; Ted Sullivan, Montgomery; plications for membership were also re S. Cahii, Shroveport; Abner Powell, NJW ceived from Kokomo. Muucie, Richmond, Orleans; President Powers, by proxy, Dal Logansport, Huntingdon and Terre Haute. las, Tex. Messrs J. E. Poor, of Wabash, and A. L. THE CIRCUIT Gcble, of Marion, were appointed a Com finally decided upon was a four-club af mittee to investigate the financial con fair, comprising clubs in New Orleans, dition of the applicants, the same to report Mobile, Montgomery and Shreveport, each at another meeting to be held at Ande# of these clubs putting up $oOO for a guar son. March 26. antee fund. The applications of Birming On that date permanent organization will ham and Dallas were laid over for further be effected and officers elected., It was de consideration at a meeting held in New, cided at this first meeting to begin the Orleans March 19. At this meeting in championship season May 10 and end it all probability these two cities will be ad September 15, each club playing 80 games. mitted, and it is among the possibilities A salary limit of $600 will be strictly ad that Houston and Galveston will be added hered to, and a forfeit of $200 per club should they be able to make a satisfactory deposited as a guarantee to finish the sea financial showing. son. The prospects for sucess are bright, as OTHER BUSINESS. all of the clubs can play Sunday ball. At It was decided to have a four-and-a-half Anderson. a great ball town, a new park months© championship season, beginning for Sunday games with seating capacity of April 13, and a Schedule Committee, com 4000 will be built at once. posed of Powell and Sullivan, was ap pointed. It was also decided that a regular YOUNGSTOWN BRIEFS. umpire corps should be maintained, but that in the absence of a regular umpire local umpires should officiate. President Magnates Meet and Discuss Plans Powers announced also that protection un For the Coining Season. der the National Agreement had been se Youngstown, O., March 12. Editor "Sportjng cured. The meeting adjourned subject ta Life; A meeting of stockholders representing the call of the chair. the newly organized base ball company was held last week. Club affairs were discussed gener ally, and the plans presented by tbe Park and TORREYSON©S TEAM. Falls street railway company for the new ball park were acted on and accepted. Tbe projec The Grand Rapids Roster of Players tors of the proposed new park have promised Charles L.Dooley, the manager and first baseman of the champion Montreal Club of the to have everything in ship shape when the Eastern League, was born at Pate.rson. N. J., on Aug. 3, 1868. He became an adept at base Made up. gong sounds for the opening game. ball while a "student at Hamilton College. His experience as a professional began in 1887 with Grand Rapids, Midi., March 13. Editor MANAGER TRUBY the Bradford Club of the Pennsylvania League. He played that winter with the Los Angeles "Sporting Life:" Manager Torreyson, of the is to be given entire charge of tho team on Cal., Club. His subsequent record was, Galveston, Tex., 1898; Oakland. Cal., champions, ©89; local Inter-State Club, has announced that his and off the field, and is to meet with no ham New York and Jersey City, the Giants© reserve team, which he managed in 1890; champion men will assemble on April 7 in this city and pering action on the part of tbe directors or San Jose Cal., teams of 1891 and ©92; Augusta Southern League champions of 1893; Nashville will play exhibition games until the opening of stockholders.© and the success or failure of our until its disbandment and then Detroit in 1894; retired in 1895; Rochester in 1896; Rochester the season, six of these being with Detroit, next team will devolve solely on the manager©s and Montreal in 1897; Montreal in 1898. Every team which he has managed has played good three at Detroit, commencing April 20, and shoulders. Tbe Board of Strategy which fig ball and made money. Mr. Dooley has batted .325 or better every season except in 1897 and another three following here immediately. The ured so conspicuously in ©98 is to become a 1898 and has ranked high as a first baseman. He batted .317 last year. team this year will start out as follows: Tor- thing of tho past as regards club affairs for revson, first bag; Healey. second; Harkins, the coming season, which, of itself, is looked on third; Valdois, short: Crane, left; Hemphill, as the personification of wisdom on the part A. A. U. DROPS BASE BALD. ILTON©S CLUB centre; Bradley, right; Cote and Sealts, catch of the magnates and augurs well for the suc ers, and the following pitchers: Campbell, Eyler, cess of the ©99 team. Relinquishment of Control of the Now Has a Manager and is Looking Harper, Lindsley, Kennedy and Wolfe,. The new APPARENTLY men in the field arc Harkins and Crane. Sealts, all that Is wanting now is a few good pitch Amateur Sport Announced. For Spring Dates. who will be seer, behind the bat, comes froffl Lima, O. He caught for Piqua last year. Eyler ers, and Manager Truby will have a crowd ready Base ball has been dropped -from the list Ilion, N. Y., March 12. Editor "Sporting to do battle with the best of them. The de Life:" The Ilicn Base Ball Association have played with Philadelphia three years, later with cision of the National Board in the Knepper of sports over which the Amateur Athletic Kansas City, and then with Burlington. Lindsley Union has jurisdiction. This departure is of secured the services of a first-class player-man comes from Wapakoneta, O. He pitched two case has thro.wn a damper on local interest, ficially announced in the handbook of the or ager, and the members of the team are nearly especially as pitcher Smith is claimed by Mans all selected and signed. Negotiations are in pro innings here last season and was hurt. Ken field and fear is entertained that in case of an ganization just published. In giving the list nedy is an amateur from Duquesne, Pa., and of sports claimed by the union, base ball is gress with several players of note to fill the Wolfe comes from Allensport, Pa. appeal by Mansfield to the Board the decision omitted and three others inserted instead. vacancies now existing, and when the roster is will go awry to the interest ctf the local man Jurisdiction over billiards, boxing and tug- complete the management feel confident that its agement. In that event our© pitching depart of-war will hereafter be claimed. Foot-ball is supporters will be satisfied with the selections DEWEY©S DOINGS. ment would become more demoralized and ne not mentioned, and it is likely that in the fu made. r cessitate the looking around for other material. ture tbe Union will steer clear of this sport. It is the intention to open the playing season The San Antonio Hustler Has His THE MANY/LOCAL Its fight against the colleges last year almost about May 15, and clubs contemplating trips mon Estei;quest, our gentlenjanly broke up the organization, and they are not along the New York Central Railroad will find it Team Nearly Completed. which sails year,© will be pleased to learn likely soon to repeat the experiment. to their advantage to correspond with John Har- San Antonio, Tex., March 9. Editor "Sporting tbe fastest , b/e©rth in the Western Asso- It has been known for some time that the rington, secretary, for dates. Ljfe: " With the players thus far secured tho will get a Igood guardian for any short A. A. U. was bent on letting go of base ball. Parties who have written Lock Box 366 Ilion, Bronchos for 1899 will line up as follows: Ke;i voyage Iwith us fully demonstrated It was supposed that it kept track of the N. Y., and have not as yet received replies Weckbecker, captain and catcher; Volz, Hodge, nig catnpaigr i a worthy acquisition to any college players, but the methods employed were may consider their services as not needed, as pitchers; Clark, second base; Reynolds, short- sonvjlle ,by ^" streak in hitting is liable distasteful to the colleges and collisions were it has been impossible to give each and every stop; Stephens, third base; Kohnle (possibly), tbe gang was at times, but this point frequemt, and finally the colleges refused to rec one personal attention. left field; Kleinow, centrefield; Ilopkins, right ness, and wo©.s tently used as sufficient ognize the rulings of the A. &JX- field. All that is lacking to complete the t«am son.
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