University of Southern Maine USM Digital Commons Yearbooks University Archives 1935 Green and White 1935 Gorham Normal School Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/archives_yearbook Part of the History Commons Recommended Citation Gorham Normal School, "Green and White 1935" (1935). Yearbooks. 10. https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/archives_yearbook/10 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at USM Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of USM Digital Commons. For more information, please contact jessica.c.hovey@maine.edu. BAXTER MEMORIAL LIBRARY I GORHA~ ~~ . S . Seni0r Class Entered ... ..n .c.t .A... .l.l .,. ....19 .;~5 ............. CLASS BOOK VOLUME 'I,?b . I C 1 . 13 •) '7 _ WITH DRAWL Charter Member green and CWhite 1935 vheme: Pathways VOLUME XXVII I 1 '-/ '-{ 3 Published by THE SENIOR CLASS GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL GORHAM, MAINE · . TO LOIS ELEANOR PIKE who with gentleness and gracious­ ness, sets the feet of little children on the pathway leading to good citi­ zenship; who directs older students in ways of teaching with inspira­ tion; and who. by her charming womanhood, lights up the paths of all who meet her: we, the Editorial Board of 1935, wholly conscious of our privilege. do dedicate this volume of the GREEN AND WHITE LOIS ELEANOR PIKE GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, HARVARD SUMMER SCHOOL, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL Critic Teacher, Junior Primary Primary Arithmetic, Primary Reading ..... .~ «C.Jl~Jl~JIEN .. ~ ,wnmrnn1rnc .. ~ '~v... ,, i;:>~,, ~ ~'\v - _ -~"'-"'- _1t,..J1.L... _v, __ \I,~'- / tit-"'- -',.V~--_,,,,. - ._:».\/, - -\1/-~I- _,\1..-,... ~\\t FOREWORD cA.rransement We, the Editorial Board of 1935, take pleasure in dedicating this uolume of the vheme GREEN AND WHITE to Miss Lois Eleanor Pike. CJ)edication Miss Pike has endeared herself not only to the little ones in the Junior Primary, but to Campus Scenes the students in her classes in the Normal Department. We haue chosen "Pathways" Faculty' as our theme and art motif this year, and we belieue that the pathways of all connected Seniors with the Gorham Normal School are made pleasanter and easier because of Miss Pike's Juniors leadership. CTraininll3 School Few changes haue been made in the plan of our book, but we sincerely hope that 'it will be cA.fhletics of ualue to euery student, both as a source of information about life at Gorham Normal CJ)irectory School, and as a book of pleasant memories in years to come. Calendar- Entrance to Corthell Hall Russell Hall Robie Hall and East Hall Corthell Hall from Russell Lawn Campus Trees. Principal's Residence rn the Background Junior High School Academy Hall View f rom East Hall tclrt«CU]t V PATHWAYS 1' 1 ere's a pathwa y,. leading. upward, 1 a. estic ti ees, Shaded by me J d vith beauty, -11 crowne ' To a.h h1 topglad voices. fill the breeze, \\' ere . · founded \\'here an institution l hi oh l th firm anc t-> On ideals )0 f . and serv:ce I road O JOY . I Points t 1e. l helpers ever n1g i. \\Tith friends am . I the c . ouc ls <·111d sunsh111e, • 1 rere. am. .cl . I and 11) oo1 nino·,.., flo,\·e1 s. Sing111g J1r< s;orking, playing, Busy studen~s, hf I hat)J)Y hours. I h · )'OU t ll , Spene t eu . follows, es w111te1 /\ utumn pass , h . sweet recess; ~[.,~. has spent e1 Spring. ·ushes on to June time, Summe1Oueen tof seasons, last to bless. - leaclino- outward, There's a pathway, f Corthell Hall, I the doors o Through 1hi'ls•de . g1 . een with grasses, Down t e ·. d maples tall. Past the p111esl at~ hanoing traffic, Throtwh a work o c < h ~s. b t and succe , Disappointmen<l< bravely flying, ·d stan<lar s l t Outwa1 , I 1cls her )es . h Norma se1 Gor am . Kuiqht '37. Virg1111a • ' TO OUR FACULTY No inexperienced traveler would dare attempt an ascent in the Alps without the aid of a trained guide; no trek into the jungle unless accompanied by the native leader; and even a well blazed and much traveled road is made more enjoyable when there is one who is familiar with its points of interest to g1ve advice and help along the way. The students at Gorham Normal School are fortunate in hav­ ing not only one but a whole gr:oup of well trained guides who with patience and unde.r­ standing give the unselfish service which char­ acterizes a teacher. Most of the students here are desirous of some day becoming teachers themselves and each one must sincerely hope that he or she will be able to cultivate those qualities of dignity, sincerity and helpfulness which they so admire in the members of the faculty at Gorham. To the Class of 1935: Some two thousand years ago John sent two of his dis­ ciples to the Great T eacher to inquire: "Art thou he that should come or do we look for another?" The Great Teacher kept them with him for a time, then said, " go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleaned, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them." You notice in that list which item is given. the emphasis of position. Down through the ages many have been called good teachers because of their success in teaching the three R 's, but only to those who, in addition to this lesser service, have added the service of stimulating faith, of quickening hope, and of idealising love in spirits that otherwise would have been poor in vision, is due the title a great teacher. W alter Earle Russell. WALTER EARLE Rl:SSELL, A. B., D. ED. WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, RHODE lSLAKD COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Principles of Teaching - _,,. «CJl~Jl~JIEN .. ~ \Wlffil[lllllfll~ "' .. '-.;1,, '~I(, /. ,, /,1 ,e--::-- , 1 ~"fi"'- ~ _ -.J'"-"' -- _ It, .u.L _,, _ ~ ,1, ;..,--- - / .1 v,.L Vt_ ~V-1//- --~,.,,. _ ~,,4 __ , ,/-"'- _,v.......... ~'" WALTER EARLE RUSSELL, A. B., D. ED. 'iVESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE OF JESSIE LOUISE KEENE, PH. B. EDUCATION 'i\TESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Principles of Teaching. Industrial Arts, Bird Study, Science. GERTRUDE LINCOLN STONE, B. S., A. M. GEORGE ALBION BROWN FARMINGTON NORMAL SCHOOL, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Psychology, Rural Sociology, History of Education. Woodworking, Machine Shop, Theory of Electrical Application. LAWRENCE NELSON CILLEY LOUIS BURTON WOODWARD, A. B., A. M. GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, OSWEGO NORMAL SCHOOL, BATES COLLEGE, HARVARD UNIVERSITY STOUT INSTITUTE Science, Ethics, School Law. Woodworking, Forging, Drafting, Trade and Job Analysis, Supervisor of Practice Teachers in Drafting, Grades Seven and Eight. page twenty page twenty-one :\I:\RY LOCISE H .\STIXGS 11IIRL-\:.I EC~ICE AXDREWS, B. S. CASTLETOX ~OR::IIAL SCHOOL, COLU::IIBIA CNIVERSITY CoLv:IIBIA Cxn·ERSITY, XE\\' ExcLAKD CoxsF.R\'ATORY St:)L\!ER SCHOOL. COLORADO STATE TEACHERS' OF :Vks1c, Ju1LLARD ScuooL OF Music CoLLEGE Sc:.tllIER ScHooL Director of Student Teaching, Directed Observation :\Iusic .. and Discussion. MABEL FRANCES RYAN, B. S. CLIFFORD 0. T. WIEDEN, B. S., Eo. 11. , \CADIA GNIVERSITY, BATES COLLEGE BOSTON UNIVERSITY Geography, Science. Education, Social Science, Athletics. ~ELLIE \\'OODBURY JORDAN, B. S. BOSTON UNIVERSITY. HARVARD SUMMER SCHOOL, E\.ERETT SHERMA~ PACKARD, D.S. CoLU::IIBIA CK1VERSITY, PALMER SCHOOL oF GORHAM XORMAL SCHOOL, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PENMANSIIIP Printing, Sheetmetal, Athletics. History, Penmanship. page twenty-two page twe11ty-tlrrce l ~ \WIHlH1ff _;. «CJl~Jl~)l~N .. ll~ ": ·· .. ~,"" ....~\/, ,._ _,J,f,, _ v, _ 11, .llL_. _ \,I __ '\Ir /'';;r-'~_.-- ' - / 'I ~ 11,L ,J, _ ~V-1//--- -\V - ~,,/,., - _,,, _ _,11_ -"/,.,. -"-'-'" HELENE CATHERINE WIHRY, B. S. ETHELYN FOSTER UPTON, B. S., A. M. MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL OF ART GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, COLUMBIA U NIVERSITY Art. Mathematics. ESTHER ELIZABETH WOOD, A. B., A. M. BESS LEWIS, A. B., M. S. COLBY COLLEGE, RADCLIFFE COLLEGE HIRAM COLLEGE, OHIO; STATE COLLEGE, OREGON History. Literature. EVELYN LITTLEFIELD, A. M. LYDIA MAY JENCKS, B. S., A. M. DEFIANCE COLLEGE RHODE ISLAND STATE COLLEGE, BROWN UNIVERSITY Household Arts, Grammar, Science. Librarian, Library Science. page tweiity-four page twenty-five DOROTHY FLI~T. B. A., M. S. El\lD'!A FRANCES HARRIS, B. S. r-:s Eo. (ERTIFICATE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HYGIENE AND \VHEELOCK KINDERGARTEN TRAINING SCHOOL, PnYsrcAL EDucATioN, vVELLEsLEY CoLLEGE BOSTON l.°' NIVERSITY Health Education and Physical Education. Supervisor of Kindergarten, Kindergarten Theory. HAYDE1' L. V. A~DERSON, B. S. IN Eo. CHESTER H. SLOAT, A. B., A. M. GoRHA:\-1 NORMAL SCHOOL, nosTON l.°'NIVERSITY ;1JIDDLEBURY COLLEGE, VERMONT Principal, English, Junior High School Administra­ English, Journalism, Junior High Latin. tion. LOIS ELEANOR PIKE HARRIETTE GA Y);ELL TRASK GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, HARVARD SUMMER SCHOOL, EASTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, COLUMBIA UNI­ CoLU)IBIA UNIVERSITY SuMMER SCHOOL VERSITY SuM:MER SCHOOL, HYANNIS :-JoRMAL Primary Arithmetic, Primary Reading, Junior Pri­ SUMMER SCHOOL mary. Social Studies in Junior High School. page tweaty-si."I:' page twcut3•-seven -·"- 4CJl~]l~)IEN .. •\Wllmrnrnrn~ ": ..,. '-.;t, '~\(, /,,,..,..-:.:.:,...----'I ~""' ,._ - _..J.,,, - "' -- - I,, ..11.L_. - ,/, - - \11 ---\, - I 1 t VI~ J, - ~V_/// --:\I/_~,\/,,, - -\' _ .\\t _ _ ,\,,,.,.. ~\\1 ETHELIND !ZORA SCOTT, B. S. IN Eo. L. ALICE WETHERELL BOSTON UNIVERSITY GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL Mathematics and General Science in Junior High School. Supervisor of Grades One and Two. CELIA NASH GROSS MARY L. PEDERSON GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL GoRHAl\f NoRMAL Sc:nooL, CASTINE NORMAL ScuooL Supervisor of Grades Five and Six. Supervisor of Modern Rural School, \i\lest Gorham. RUTH LOUISE MILLER HELEN FRANCES LOUD GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL ·WHEELOCK KINDERGARTEN TRAINING Sc:naoL.
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