The original documents are located in Box 1, folder “First Debate: Press Clippings - General” of the White House Special Files Unit Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 1 of the White House Special Files Unit Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLATFORMS WASHINGTON POST ANALYSIS & COMPARISON Aug. 18,1976 ,I C'....,i ; _1 'i--c:, . i \r;t', "";;/ \:.<? ,/ '--~-'" Republicans Democrats Party Aims "The Democrats' platform repeats "Two Republican administrations tile same thing on every page: more have both misused and mismanaged '.overnment, more spending, more in­ the powers of national government, illation ... This Republican platform obstructing the pursuit of economic QYII:the op}106ite--leas government, and social opportunity, causing need­ lJ]pending, less inflation. In other less hardship and despair among mil· words, we want you to retain more of lions of our fellow citizens ... YO~OWn money, money that repre­ "We do pledge a government that 3e . the worth of your labors." has as its guiding concern the needs : Carter ... is firmly attached to and aspirations of all the people rather a ~'ntract with you tONastly increase than the perquisites and special privi· t~. -~owers of government . __ The leges of the few . We do pledge a pri~!-t)g of five major Democrat plat· government that will be committed to form ''promises could add as much as a fairer~ distribution of wealth, in­ 'l~f6tllion to the annual cost of gOY· come and power." ernment ...The total of all D.emocrat p~s could be as high as $200 bi]· /' liod ';'~: _eould raise your taxes by 50 pel~t.... ~'do care about your basic free­ d~~ manage your own life . We do~ about encouraging permanent anc! 'meaningful jobs ... We do care abdijt your letting paid in sound dol· laft." . .~. 1~_ Watergate t":, ~1l1' elected officials, their ap· "Two Republican administrations ~s. and government workers are have betrayed the people's trust and eXllfQted to perform their pUblic acta have created suspicion and distrust of wi_~nesty, openness, diligence, and government through illegal and un· sp..w intet:rity." constitutional actions." -<••- r ~ Job. and Inflation .. ~ ", '1)eticit' spending" required by ;;During the past 25 years the Amer· Democratic congressional programs is ican economy has suffered five major the' "cause of inflation. and this de· recessions, all under Republican ad· stro}'s jobs. ministrations .. [and] 10 million pel)' .-lWage and price controls ... have pie are unemployed right now." alwa)'s been a dismal failure." "At times direct government in· QPppses attempts ,to take away volvement in wage -and price decisions "il}o.ependenc<:: of the federal reserve may be required" (but not at this time, boatd." Opposes Humphrey·Hawkins at least not a comprehensive system.) fun. employment bill, which will "cost "The Federal' Reserve Board must billions" and provide only "make­ be made a full partner in national eco· wOftt;;,"teptporary stimulUS." nomic decisions and become respon· sive to economic goals of Congress '·,.f and the President . Need for n3.· ,r-: . tional economic planning capability." !' ... j : ... Favors use of tax, spending and c.:! :j;r-. credit policies, "accompanied by a tt; r" broad range ofcarefully targeted em· 1.1 ... ployment programs that will reduce unemployment . low·interest loans i;. ~ . to business and .tate and local gO\'· . / ernments , •. (and) domestic develop· ment bank." (But no specific mention of the Humphrey·Hawkins bill as such; the 1-:. ! above is its substance more or less.) • REPUBLICANS DEMOCRATS l> '. Affirmative Action ta\'ors "equal treatment but not by Supports affirmative action, en· r~"ecting the much discredited forcement of Equal Employment Op· qu~ system." portunity Commission decisions. < - ­ &vt)rs ... balaneed federal budget "Tax reform at all levels ... so that and reduced tax rates." high·income citizens pay a reasonable "'TIIx credits for college tUition, tax on all economic income." ~Ieeondary technical training and Reduce tax shelters [for] oil and child-care expenses incurred by work­ gas, tax·loss farming, real estate and ing-parents," movies." Overhaul federal estate and Aiko "tax credits for 'parents mak· gift taxes, remove incentives for ing 'elementary and secondary school multi· nationals to shift jobs to over· ~ents." seas. ~ accelerated depreciation, re­ ~ lturden on equity financing, end "uftalr double taxation of dividends" when balanced by spending reduc­ tions; - raise personal exemption to $1.,. , ' . Agriculture ~.P " 0 s e s ,overnment.controlled Overhaul federal estate and gift gnim reserves, unrealistic safety and taxes, aid workers in housing, employ· enw~.nmental rules. Favors increase ment, health and education. in estate-tax exemption to $200,000, Collective bargaining and unions vatum~ farmland on current·use basis. for farm workers. LalX>r legisla'tion to help workers but T~ize need to prevent stoppages dW'lnll harvest. ; .>1 _ MiBcellaneoU8 Government SftftJ)orts automatic and mandatory Mandatory sentence for committing mlHiritJm sentences for persons com· felony with gun. mltting federal offenses using danger· Backs ·laws to controI manufacture I OUII '~pons. and distribution of handguns and Sat· Supports "right of citizens to keep urday night specials. but sportsmen r arms . , . oPpOSes federal can possess guns .for hunting and tar· r ·'stration of fire arms," get shooting. pposes federal postcard registra­ Favors federal postcard registration eUOn bill. bill, D,C. voting in COngress, full avors D,C. voting representation home rule. Houe and Senate and full borne ,'1" e Ofer local matter•. ~t. : t . Eda.cation Se&regated sehools are morally "Mandatory transportation of stu­ n~and unconstitutional." But "we dents beyond their neighborhoods for oat forced bUSing to achieve ,racial the purpose of desegregation remains &5" and "favor consideration of a jlidicial tool of the last re80rt for amtndment to the Constitution for­ the purpose of achieving 5ch091 deseg· din) the assignment of children to regation." 001 on the basis of race." Favors "federally financed family avbrli a constitutional amendment centered developmental and educa· !1perfnit local comm~nities ''wishi',lg tional child-care programs." ~. cOQduct non·sectanan prayers ill Calls school programs "underfunded" t""2::1r .h1,' schools' . _. to aoI. so. .. at federal level. "With increased fed­ J'avars chUd-care assistance for eral funds, it is possible to enhance qrking parents. educational opportunity by eliminating ,a\'ors study to find ways to with· spending disparities within ~ate bor­ d$w federal aid to elementary and ders." ~on~ary education, provided ways cCn be found to return to the states efuival~nt revenue (to compensate for ~ lost in present levels of federal f16MImg:) • Republicans Democrats "Tbe Bepub~n .party "Vppoees "We need a comprehensive lmtional compulsory aationel health inSurance health inllUl'ance system with univer­ [which] will h)cItease fedetal ,overn­ sal and mandatory coverage [financed ment spending by mor~ tban $70 bil­ by] employer-4lD1ployee shared payroll lion in its fint run year {and] require taxes and general tax revenues." a personal income tax incl'e8Se of ap­ Lower costs by government rate-set:· proximately 20 per ce.nt." ting. "Rates for institutional care and "We support extension of cata­ physicians' services should be set in advallce..." strophic illness protection to aU 'who cannot bbtain It." Opposes any research on ilive 'fe­ tuses and legislation which sanctions ending I.ili! of the patients. Lower -health care costs 'by encour­ aging healthier life styles. ending wasteful duplication of facilities pre­ ventive care, more out-of-ho~pital service )Jut ~e oppose extessivein­ trusions from Washington In the de­ livery of health care." Civil Right., Discrimination ''There must be vigorous enforce­ "We must insure that all citizens ment of laws to assure equal treat­ are treated equally before the law, ment in job recruitment, hiring, pro­ and given the opportunity regardless of race, color, Sex, religion, age, lan­ motion, pay, credit, mortgage access guage or national origin, to partici­ and housing . • We reaffirm our pate f10llly in the economic and social pledge to work to eliminate discrimi­ and political processes and to vindi­ nation in all areas for reasons of race color, national origin, age, creed 0; c,te their legal and constitutional sex and to enforce vigorously laws rights." guaranteeing women equal rights." "Vie seek ratification of the Equal "The Republican party reaffirms its Rights Amendment." lupport for ratification of the Equal ''We feel. _ • that it is undesirable . Rights Amendment" to the Constitu­ to attempt to amend the U.S. Consti­ tion. .tution to overturn the Supreme Court "The Republican party favors a con­ decision"
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