THIS WEEK COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF 14 Puges HOLMDEL. MADISON MARLBORO, MATAWAN AND One Section MATAWAN BOROUGH MMIIIW Memrier Ut4 YEAR — 36d> WEEK Nttlonil Editorial AIKXMIUOH MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1962 New Jersey Prco Allocution Single Copy TenrCenU Complete Course At County Police School Budget Heating Tonight In Twp. Highest Scouting Award Presented Cliffwood Boy Tuesday In Boro, TimeFoi Query Budget time Is here again,' the About $20,009 of this increase is public hearing on. the Matawan no affair of the governing body Township budget being tonight and whatsoever as its source is an in- on the Matawan Borough budget crease in reserve for uncollectcd Tuesday. The 1.982 budgets of these lives Ihis year from $131,033.07 i» municipalities present special inter- 1961 to $154,771.51. As this is an in- est as they are drawn by new crease in the face of rise in the administrations in public office, percentage of collections on which who gained their victories at the ihe reserve is computed, from Rl polls last November, largely on the per cent in l!)C0 up to S3 per cent basis of taxation issues raised in last year, K is obvious some arti- the campaigns.last fall. ficial factor is at work. The source is quite pointedly the deferred If memory serves rightly, there school taxes figure of $2l5,22(j.3.<) were few, if any critics at the pub- h is .in the budgL-t withoul being lic hearings on the ljHil budgets of obligation of the governing the municipal governing bodies vot- y, ed out of control last year. Without taking sides in political issues,: it o Increase lii Appropriations would seem just a bit unfair to 'hat is there lo question /then men who hold public office and nit the 540,000 for which the gov- present a municipal budget to have ing body is answerable? The nobody question their budgets 'it jvnship committee will be quick the appointed official time for do- Itrtrnce it to S20.330.-16 in senior ing so and then to have these men j| (continued 011 page twelve) denounced in political campaigns and voted out of office because of taxpayer discontents. ^gilson To Run It would appear that the men in office now have a right to know this week if taxpayers disapprove of Ellison what they have done in financing the municipal government, rather arlson Declines than to be made the same kind of marks their predecessors were in a OP New Term Bid sudden fury over taxes in the pol- Lawrence J. Bucco, Mnlawan T*» mimktn el tfct Matawa* rrtf Depart- County Polka Chiefs Association and the prosecutor's itical campaigns to be waged next John O'Shca, son of Mr. and Mrs. William O'Shea, It in IKt and since has been awarded Ibe F.agla fall. Borough Republican leader, an- _ja*. FatrafcBM lrvto« Nmitwiw mat Caa*. Robert •Hie* ara Riven at the County Court House. The nounccd last might Howard I. V/il- Cliffwood Beach, is presented Ihe Eagle Silver Palm, Bronze Palm and the Eagle Gold Palm. tMtmsv (Ml M ><*». nest** MMNlubUlMM caurw provide* IN-hours al Intensive Instnictloa Political Changeover son, former school board president, the highest scouting award, on Tuesday evening by Me displayed his leadership ability early in Scout- km tSn tminHm\mtr Vtnw J. Ryia white aver lour Ova-day weeks. Courses are taught by Because there was a political had been chosen lo run on thy Herbert Smith, Neighborhood Commissioner. In Ihe ing as a patrol leader, senior patrol leader and later Majat Ma V. Afftsgata iMki •«. CMnc* tl the aaeclallsla. changeover between the dates of GOP council ticket after incum- center is George Hart, advisor to Explorer Post II, as assistant junior scoutmaster. As an explorer ha Cumtr Mea Academy < to N M the 1961 and 1962 budgets, the bud- bent Councilman Everett E. Carl- Cliffwnud Beach. served as past president and after reaching ID, waa get of this new year picks up added son declined to seek a new term. Juhn came frum Cub Scouting into Buy -Scout appointed associate advisor. John is a member of interest in whatever revelations it troop It in 1933. His sincere interest and effort won Order of Ihe Arrow and his record shows more Ihaaj N*w LwHt Sections makes as to how those new in him regular promotions and in November 1959, liefive years of perfect attendance. Kane, Christinat Industrial Rates office do things differently in fi- became an Eagle Scout, He joined Explorer Post The Matawaa Township Plan- nance from whut their predeces- akag Board last night granted sors in office did. Democrat Choices tawHtliaal approval le live mi- Set In Township dklaaal sectCis at Uvltt aad A first look at the township bud- Ix-SdiMl Beard Mtn Soat'a Stralbmew-at-Matawaa da- Prepare Way For get to be heard tonight would make Area Ravaged Again By Floods velepnieiit. Approval la centln" it appear something of a drastic Run For Councilman goat opoo flaal aapraval al the American-Whtaton order had occurred as the tax for tatlre IKt-homa subdivision by municipal purposes Is H22,5.1». 10 as Leo R. WauMteln, borough Dem- the board. Industrial rates for building per- against only JH3.131.il last year. But this is a misnomer for a As Northeast Storm, Tides Hit •crall* latdtr. thii morning an- The portloa of the development mits were established in an ordin- glance through the budget will un- One of the most severe winter Cliffwnod Reach, was inundated damage when Matawan Creek aounctd that put* had completed appravaal last alfht, known aa ance Introduced by the Matawan cover an amount being raised IU cmacllMMk afita. Two former Ivy Illl Park, la aelleved f a* Township Committee Monday northeast storms on record, bring- along with sections of Cliffwood flooded over its banks and surged of $215,226.39 which Is a deferred ing with it snow, sleet and hail, Beach and the Keyport-Amlioy Rd. into the boat yard operated by MMRhtra ol tte Mat.win Board tao am to the laat aectlea to night. The new schedule of rates, charge due to a changeover made •I Mucalloa am belnn Hied lor be submitted far prellmlury ap- coupled with high tides, caused Al one point, police said, the Duy-Roy Matthews. The wind driven scheduled for a public hearing by the financing of schools to an widespread damage in the bay- view Presbyterian Church was tides knocked boats in dry dock: 0W Barty'a • primary nomination. proval, before the entire subdlvl- annual basis. A compensatory ftarv* John P. Kane and Leon akM will be aakjort te flaal ap- Mar. 19, was brought on by the shore area Tuesday and yesterday. threatened by the waters. off their cradles and swept them amount of tax is being cut from Tides, buffetted by gale-force into the road. proval. coming of the American-Whea'.on the township's share of the school Matthews' Fishing Station, Old The flva aaetlam of Ivy Hill winds over a 36-hour period, drove Amboy Rd., again suffered heavy Matawan Police reported fallen, Mr. Kane reildei at IS Miriam Glasa Co. plant. budget, so that the true amount people from low lying sections of •ad ia a graduate of St. Park laetade 171 Ma oa »1 of taxes for municipal purposes be- limbs and a number of areas with- acraa, baoaded by UM M, The firm, a subsidiary of Amer- Ihe Imyshore area from their homes out power because of snapped 'HUkKbael, South Amboy. comes U22.539.1O minus $215,22(r.3» on four separate occasions. KSaployadbyWeaterrdbWti i Uoyd Rd. aad VaaBraekla M.' ican Caa Co., New York, plans to or $207,312.81 against $143,131.11- power lines. In addition, the flood _^to Co. tot S yean and U a The tract lachidaa approximately construct a plant, estimated at This is $64,181.70 Increase. Most severe damage occurred In Use Of Separate waters inundated sections of Aber- fcaabtr at Iba American Electro- 11 actw ott aaMt'lar "public $5,000,000, on Cliffwood Ave., be- Keansburg and Union Beach where deen Rd. MM" lachMHaa ptaygJiaad aad tidal floods Inundated more, than •Jatan locUr He waa «lactod to tween the New York and Long VERNON A. ELLISON Schools throughout the buyshore EaMauwaa towaahip Board of park areas aad a die for the 50 per cent of the communities Levy Questioned area were ordered closed when Qucattoa la UN. Ma membership coaatrvctkw of m water aland- Branch Railroad right-of-way and Call On County Mr. Carlson, at this time presi- Tuesday night when tides and the storm's fury began to build up ajnlrlu wfcta the echool dlatrict pipe. th* Garden State Parkway. It will dent of the council, declared him- winds reached their peak velocity, Personal Property in the section Tuesday morning. efaaagei to tto regional farm July manufacture glasi containers. self out of the 1962 political race recorded at over lia-miles-an-hour Tax In Madison Hit Schools closed all day were those I. Ha la k WWoni Mattwaa area To Cut Tax Ratio yesterday. Mr. Carlson was ap- in gusts. Damage in the bayshore in Keansburg, Union Beach, Mata- mMeat. We father, the late Thorn- Under the terms of the ordin- pointed to the council in 1SI57 Ijy area was likened to Hurricane Don- wan, Matawan Township, Marllioro Primary Fight ance, building permit fees will be na when the vulnerable section of Need for tho continuance of the Township, Madison Township and aa Kaae.
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