24 YEARS # 28 (1163) The Noah’s Ark 24 July 2017 Published Since 1993 Weekly Newspaper H I G H L I G H T S Նոյյան Տապան շաբաթաթերթ (անգլ./ֆրանս.) Davit Tonoyan in Georgia: New Impetus to Bilateral Cooperation For the first time in history of independent Armenia Emergency Situations Minister visits Georgia See p.p. 10-12 Russian-Armenian The Yerevan News Makaravank VivaCell-MTS Investors said to Monastery Customer Support finance first projects Contact Center in Armenia Has Modernized p.6 p.p.13-15 p.16 p.17 10 EXTRAORDINARY NEWS With this, The Highlights starts one more new heading, The Extraordinary News provided by the Press and Information Dept of the Armenian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Avoiding any explanation or detail, we state that for a country like Armenia MES with all its divisions and services – be it Rescue Service, or Fire Fighters, HydroMeteoService and others could be considered vitally important structure. And a serviceman (woman) who responds a phone call on number “911” MUST be ready to answer any kind of question, again, ANY, if even it could seem to many a strange one…For instance, “Would you pls to tell me what movie we can watch today in Nayiri Cinema Theatre?” Very difficult but noble and grateful job… Border Communities the destroyed, ramshackle and burning ested in their working and living condi- Will be Provided With Civil buildings and rendering first medical aid tions, detailed the problems facing the Defense Footholds in the areas of accidents and disasters. Civil Defense divisions. Minister Tonoyan first visited Parava- Highlighting the mission carried out July 17 kar community where civil defense spe- by MES civil defense employees, the cial facilities protection regular foothold Minister stressed the importance of high RA ES Minister partook in the open- permanent deployment territory was put professionalism of the staff, both in ing ceremony of civil defense bases in into exploitation. The Minister toured performing qualified protection, rescue Tavush region the territory and got acquainted with and fire fighting activities in different Within the framework of the working property and technical equipment. Res- emergency situations and providing first visit to Tavush region, the RA Minister idents of the given border communities medical aid to the population if it is nec- of Emergency Situations Davit Tonoyan were employed to serve in civil defense essary. participated in the opening ceremony of bases which also enabled to solve the Having visited several shelters locat- new and up-to-date modernized foot- population employment problem. ed in border communities intended for holds based in the region. Rescue Ser- In the community of Choratan where population safe protection in case of vice Civil Defense Department of the the civil defense regular foothold will be emergencies, the Minister of Emergen- Ministry of Emergency Situations con- built, the Minister of Emergency Situ- cy Situations got acquainted with the tinues the process of technical re-equip- ations was welcomed with salt’n’bread process of construction works in shel- ment, modernization of civil defense and with great enthusiasm. The commu- ters mainly carried out with the support footholds as well as the construction of nity residents thanked the Minister for of philanthropists. new ones. creating new jobs for young people and In the communities of Movses and Ten footholds with two detachments of for keeping the problems of the border Voskevan, the Minister of Emergency special facilities protection have already communities in the spotlight. Situations of the Republic of Armenia been set up at the RA MES RS Civil De- RA ES Minister also talked with the awarded heads of communities, employ- fense Forces Collective Center. community youngsters who would soon ees of Police and Defense Ministries, Civil defense bases have been de- join MES Civil Defense staff. representatives of various organizations ployed and already operating in the The next stops were the border com- and private entrepreneurs as well as the border communities of Azatamut, Chi- munities of Moses, Sarigyugh and RA MES civil defense employees with nari, Nerkin Karmir Aghpyur, Aygepar, Voskevan where Davit Tonoyan cut the RA MES medals and Certificates of Movses, Paravakar, Voskevan, Sarigyu- the red ribbons at the solemn ceremony Honor for close cooperation with the gh, Berdavan and Koti of Tavush region of opening of the fully renovated civil Ministry of Emergency Situations as of Armenia. defense footholds. The construction of well as for great support in the construc- MES Civil Defense footholds were de- buildings and major repair works were tion of footholds of the RA MES. signed for the protection of special fa- completed, the footholds were furnished In the near future it is planned to open cilities of border areas, guard services, with the necessary equipment, modern ten more civil defense footholds in the construction of protective structures means of communication and property. border communities of Tavush and and positions as well as for detecting At each foothold, Minister Davit To- Vayots Dzor regions. and evacuating the affected people from noyan talked with the staff, was inter- 24 July #28 (1163) w 2017 www.nt.am The Noyan Tapan Highlights EXTRAORDINARY NEWS 11 Mountain Tourism and in familiar site and take the lost citizens ordinating the best projects in the public Campaigns are on Rescuers’ to a safe place. relations sphere in Armenia as well as Agenda: RA MES Conducted In the near future, it is also planned worthily appreciate PR specialists, by Overnight Stay Drills to organize a campaign-drills to Mount this promoting the formation and devel- Aragats. opment of PR culture in Armenia. On July 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 and 17-18, The Ministry of Emergency Situations four rescue squads of the Center of the Republic of Armenia of Conducting Special Purpose was recognized as the winner Rescue Operations of the RS in “State Agency of the Year” Rescue Forces Department of the nomination on the basis of ex- RA MES conducted overnight pert research and target audi- campaigns to Mount Ara, on top- ence surveys’ results. ic “Organization and implemen- As Minister of Emergency tation of search and rescue opera- Situations Davit Tonoyan was tions in the mountains”. on an official visit to Georgia, The purpose of the campaigns the Award was handed over was to improve the knowledge Deputy Minister Davit Kara- and practical skills of rescuers in petyan. difficult relief conditions. - This award is both inspiring In the highlands, forty-three and binding, this is the assess- rescuers carried out search and ment of the work of the RA rescue operations, moving across Ministry of Emergency Situa- various mountain landscapes, tions big team - from a rescu- and after making long passes and er to Minister. Of course, this overcoming difficult places in- is also the result of the work cluding river crossings. Through of the MES Information and group support, rock climbing, ris- Public Relations Department, ing and landing with the injured however, no matter how profes- was carried out, overnight stay sional the PR team is, the best by setting up tents and livelihood outcome can only be achieved implementation was organized. if the organization carries out The RA Ministry of Emergen- its main tasks. Therefore, this cy Situations regularly organizes Award is the result of our rescu- similar drill-campaigns, highlighting RA Ministry of Emergency ers, “911” service’s dedicated and care- the preparedness of the rescuers for Situations was Recognized ful work,- noted Davit Karapetyan. any difficult situation and, if necessary, as State Institution of the Year The Deputy Minister also thanked the providing timely assistance to moun- organizers of the event for the appraisal taineers. Often, mountain tourism par- July 18 and the promotion of healthy competi- ticipants lag behind the group or get tion in the professional field. lost and being unable to orientate in an On July 18, “Armenian PR Associa- The role of media in the forming trans- unfamiliar location, they get into panic. tion” scientific-informational NGO or- parent, open and constructive working The drill-campaigns allow the rescu- ganized the 2nd Armenian PR Awards. style of the RA Ministry of Emergen- ers to quickly conduct search operations The Armenian PR Awards aimed at co- cy Situations with society is especially great. RA Ministry of Emergency Situ- ations is also grateful to partner media for trust and cooperation. RA ES Minister’s Official Visit to Georgia: Armenian-Georgian Cooperation Gets New Impetus July 18 RA Minister of Emergency Situations Davit Tonoyan paid a two-day working visit to Georgia. This was the RA ES Minister’s first visit to Georgia, within the framework continued on page 12 The Noyan Tapan Highlights www.nt.am 24 July #28 (1163) w 2017 12 EXTRAORDINARY NEWS technical equipment. The session was chaired by the Chair- from page 11 The Highlights note: It should be man of the Consultative Body, RA Min- of Armenian-Georgian cooperation in stressed one more time that it was ister of Emergency Situations Davit the sphere of emergency situations. RA the very first visit of the Minister of Tonoyan. The Minister presented the ES Deputy Minister Enriko Apriamov Emergency Situations of Armenia to agenda of the session and touched upon and RA MES RS Director, r/s Colonel Georgia since our country’s indepen- what should be done. Mushegh Ghazaryan were in the dele- dence. -Today’s meeting is significant as it of- gation headed by RA Minister of ES. In ficially kicks off the Strategy Governing the frames of the working visit, Minister Risk Assessment and Board’s activities for the management Tonoyan met with Minister of Internal Prevention are Key Priorities and coordination of the process of im- Affairs of Georgia Giorgi Mghebrish- in Disaster Prevention: plementation of the RA Disaster Risk vili.
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