✈ Wednesday, 17 April Week 16 of 2019 ● Timed Events 23:05 to 00:15 (18/4) GOA - MUC: LH 1945 Notes: https://it.flightaware.com/live/flight/DLH1945 08 09 10 11 Noon 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ✈ 23:05 GOA - MUC: LH 1945 00 Singapore Standard Time Time Zone Page 1/30 ✈ ✈� Thursday, 18 April Week 16 of 2019 ✈ ... GOA - MUC: LH 1945 ● Timed Events 00 23:05 (17/4) to 00:15 GOA - MUC: LH 1945 Notes: https://it.flightaware.com/live/flight/DLH1945 03:55 to 16:05 MUC - SIN: LH790 01 Notes: https://it.flightaware.com/live/flight/DLH790 16:15 to 17:15 Shuttle T2 -> T4 02 Notes: Arrivo a Terminal 2 -> Free Shuttle Termianal 4 21:05 to 23:40 SIN-DPS: QZ509 URL: 03 Notes: https://it.flightaware.com/live/flight/AWQ509 Gate variabili: G1, G10, G17, ... 04 ✈ 03:55 MUC - SIN: LH790 23:45 to 09:15 (19/4) The Diana Suite Notes: COLAZIONE INCLUSA 2.171.700 RP 05 [email protected] 06 +62 361 4753706 Jalan Puri Gerenceng No 46 B Tuban Kuta Tuban 80361 Kuta 07 Indonesia 08 -8.739890, 115.171847 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.739890,115.171847&n=The%20Diana%20Suite&id=http:// 09 maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=-8.739890,115.171847 10 http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=The%20Diana%20Suite https://www.google.com/maps/search/? 11 api=1&query=-8.739890,115.171847 23:45 to 00:30 (19/4) Uscita Aeroporto Noon Notes: Info Taxi e Trasporti: https://www.onegai-kaeru.jp/ 2016/06/26/how-not-to-be-cheated-by-taxi-at-dps-airport- indonesia/ 13 1.8Km a piedi da aeroporto a Diana Suite COntatti Diana Suite 14 +62 361 4753706 Jalan Puri Gerenceng No 46 B Tuban Kuta Tuban 80361 Kuta 15 Indonesia 16 16:15 Shuttle T2 -> T4 17 18 19 20 21 ✈ 21:05 SIN-DPS: QZ509 22 23 � � 00 23:45 The Diana Suite 23:45 Uscita Aeroporto Singapore Standard Time Time Zone Page 2/30 � Friday, 19 April Week 16 of 2019 � � ... The Diana Suite ... Uscita Aeroporto ● Timed Events 23:45 (18/4) to 09:15 The Diana Suite 00 Notes: COLAZIONE INCLUSA 2.171.700 RP 01 [email protected] +62 361 4753706 Jalan Puri Gerenceng No 46 B Tuban Kuta 02 Tuban 80361 Kuta Indonesia 03 -8.739890, 115.171847 mapswithme://map? 04 v=1&ll=-8.739890,115.171847&n=The%20Diana%20Suite&id=http:// maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=-8.739890,115.171847 05 http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=The%20Diana%20Suite 06 https://www.google.com/maps/search/? api=1&query=-8.739890,115.171847 23:45 (18/4) to 00:30 Uscita Aeroporto 07 Notes: Info Taxi e Trasporti: https://www.onegai-kaeru.jp/ 2016/06/26/how-not-to-be-cheated-by-taxi-at-dps-airport- indonesia/ 08 1.8Km a piedi da aeroporto a Diana Suite COntatti Diana Suite +62 361 4753706 09 Jalan Puri Gerenceng No 46 B Tuban Kuta Tuban 80361 Kuta Indonesia 10 10:15 Registrazione Conferenza 10:15 to 11:15 Registrazione Conferenza Notes: Dalle 10:00 fino alle 17:00 tempo per registrazione. 11 11:15 SIM Telkomsel 1.6km (20min) da Diana Suite Noon 12:15 Soldi -8.739572, 115.161612 13 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.739572,115.161612&n=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20 &%20Villas&id=http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=-8.739572,115.161612 14 14:00 Tanah Lot http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20&%20 Villas 15 https://www.google.com/maps/search/? api=1&query=-8.739572,115.161612 16 11:15 to 12:15 SIM Telkomsel URL: 16:15 Ghost Town Notes: 1) Located at north entrance, ground floor. The seller is not a scammer, that's just how her employer Telkomsel 17 works. When you buy 6GB you actually get 1.5GB of real and 4.5GB of useless "chat data". 17:45 Echo Beach (Tradotto da Google) 18 Situato all'ingresso nord, piano terra. Il venditore non è un trufatore, è solo il modo in cui lavora il suo datore di lavoro Telkomsel. Quando acquisti 6 GB, ottieni efettivamente 1,5 GB di dati di chat efettivi e 4,5 GB di inutili "chat". 19 19:00 Balangan Beach Telkomsel sim card Kuta, Reggenza di Badung, Bali, Indonesia https://goo.gl/maps/n3sZqqFWgKq 20 2) 21 Matrix Cell Sim Card ,internet ,accesories Jl. Dewi Sartika No.17A, Tuban, Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia +62 819-3305-4321 22 � https://goo.gl/maps/ijmPWcDUnN52 22:00 The Diana Suite Singapore Standard Time Time Zone Page 3/30 � Friday, 19 April Week 16 of 2019 12:15 to 13:15 Soldi Notes: https://www.baliholidaysecrets.com/bali-money-guide/money- changers-bali/ https://www.baliholidaysecrets.com/bali-money-guide/bali-atms/ Scegliete gli ATM che erogano banconote dal taglio più grande (100.000: doblone rosso). C’è un adesivo incollato sul fronte dell’ATM che indica il taglio. Se c’è scritto 50.000 e volete prelevare tanto, munitevi di una borsa capiente. Generalmente danno 1.500.000/2.000.000 Rupie e si può prelevare più di una volta. Aggiornamento Luglio 2017: I bancomat “Mybank” (insegna gialla) erogano fino a 3.000.000 Rupie, molto comodo se non volete andare al bancomat troppo spesso. 14:00 to 15:00 Tanah Lot Notes: -8.62117, 115.08686 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.62117,115.08686&n=Tanah%20Lot&id=http:// maps.apple.com/?ll=-8.62117,115.08686&q=-8.62117,115.08686 http://maps.apple.com/?ll=-8.62117,115.08686&q=Tanah%20Lot https://www.google.com/maps/search/? api=1&query=-8.62117,115.08686 CAscate https://bali-home-immo.com/hidden-waterfall-in-bali/ 16:15 to 17:15 Ghost Town Notes: Taman Festival Bali Ghost Town -8.657184, 115.265425 17:45 to 18:45 Echo Beach 19:00 to 20:00 Balangan Beach URL: 22:00 to 07:00 (20/4) The Diana Suite Notes: -8.739890, 115.171847 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.739890,115.171847&n=The%20Diana%20Suite&id=http:// maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=-8.739890,115.171847 http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=The%20Diana%20Suite https://www.google.com/maps/search/? api=1&query=-8.739890,115.171847 Singapore Standard Time Time Zone Page 4/30 � Saturday, 20 April Week 16 of 2019 � ... The Diana Suite ● All-Day Events 20/4 Giulia Mari’s 30th Birthday 07 ● Timed Events 22:00 (19/4) to 07:00 The Diana Suite Notes: -8.739890, 115.171847 08 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.739890,115.171847&n=The%20Diana%20Suite&id=http:// maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=-8.739890,115.171847 09 http://maps.apple.com/? 09:00 Conferenza Bali ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=The%20Diana%20Suite https://www.google.com/maps/search/? api=1&query=-8.739890,115.171847 10 09:00 to 12:00 Conferenza Bali Notes: 1.6km (20min) da Diana Suite -8.739572, 115.161612 11 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.739572,115.161612&n=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20 &%20Villas&id=http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=-8.739572,115.161612 Noon 12:00 Pranzo Conferenza http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20&%20 Villas https://www.google.com/maps/search/? 13 api=1&query=-8.739572,115.161612 12:00 to 13:30 Pranzo Conferenza Notes: 1.6km (20min) da Diana Suite 13:30 Conferenza Bali 14 -8.739572, 115.161612 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.739572,115.161612&n=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20 &%20Villas&id=http://maps.apple.com/? 15 ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=-8.739572,115.161612 http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20&%20 Villas 16 https://www.google.com/maps/search/? api=1&query=-8.739572,115.161612 13:30 to 18:30 Conferenza Bali Notes: 1.6km (20min) da Diana Suite 17 17:15 B2007 Session 4 -8.739572, 115.161612 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.739572,115.161612&n=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20 18 &%20Villas&id=http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=-8.739572,115.161612 18:30 Cena Conferenza http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20&%20 19 Villas https://www.google.com/maps/search/? api=1&query=-8.739572,115.161612 17:15 to 17:30 B2007 Session 4 20 18:30 to 20:30 Cena Conferenza Notes: 1.6km (20min) da Diana Suite -8.739572, 115.161612 21 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.739572,115.161612&n=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20 &%20Villas&id=http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=-8.739572,115.161612 22 � 22:00 The Diana Suite http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739572,115.161612&q=The%20Patra%20Bali%20Resort%20&%20 Villas Singapore Standard Time Time Zone Page 5/30 � Saturday, 20 April Week 16 of 2019 https://www.google.com/maps/search/? api=1&query=-8.739572,115.161612 22:00 to 07:00 (21/4) The Diana Suite Notes: -8.739890, 115.171847 mapswithme://map? v=1&ll=-8.739890,115.171847&n=The%20Diana%20Suite&id=http:// maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=-8.739890,115.171847 http://maps.apple.com/? ll=-8.739890,115.171847&q=The%20Diana%20Suite https://www.google.com/maps/search/? api=1&query=-8.739890,115.171847 Singapore Standard Time Time Zone Page 6/30 �✈ Sunday, 21 April Week 16 of 2019 � ..
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